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Meter Test Procedures for Today and the Future

By DEng Detlef Ebel - MTE Meter Test Equipment AG, Switzerland and
BEng Gerald Schneider - EMH Energie-Messtechnik GmbH, Germany

0 Introduction
Political, economic and ecological grounds assure, in practically all the regions of the world, that
the accuracy of the measurement of electrical energy is given constant, increasing, importance.
For a long time now, not only pure active electrical energy is measured, but also the active
power and other energy and power modes. More and more meter manufacturers are becoming
able to provide corresponding measurement equipment.
Together with the increased requirements for the meters, there are also, quite naturally, further
demands for rational test procedures for the meters. In the first case, the simple meter must be
calibrated in an ever shorter time span, with higher accuracy, yet with a lower human error from
the calibration personnel. Then, the modern, multi-functional meter must be overall tested in a
wider range of functions. For this, the accuracy in the various connection modes is of even
greater importance.
It was the case in the past, and is partly so today, that the quality of meter testing is heavily
dependant on the quality of the voltage in the power supply network. Classical meter test instal-
lations using transformers are especially sensible to voltage variations.
This document is intended to show the state that the Meter Test Technology has reached today
in order to provide solutions to these problems, solutions which, a few years ago, were incon-

1 Electronic Power Supply Systems

The principal components of a Meter Test installation are power supply units, which create the
voltage and the current furnished to the meter, and the reference standard meter. These both
govern, essentially, the quality and the effectiveness of the testing.

1.1 Why an Electronic Power Supply Unit?

Conventional, transformerised power supply units have several disadvantages. There exists a
direct link between the power values which are supplied to the measurement circuits and that of
the public power supply, both in their amplitude and phase displacement. Variation in the mains
supply must be compensated by corresponding adjustments in the measurement circuits. In a
three phase test system, this constant adjustment can become a real game of patience, as can
surely be confirmed by everyone who has ever had to adjust and calibrate a three phase meter
at diverse power factors under varying supply conditions.
The provision of a voltage stabilisation unit can reduce these varying effects, but in a worst
case can also contribute to adversely influence the voltage symmetry.
It should also be underlined that the distortion factor in the measurement circuit is directly de-
pendant on that of the public supply network. This distortion is worsened rather than bettered
by the transformers of the test station, this may introduce non-linearity, and consequent, addi-
tional, harmonic signals.
When using a transformerised Meter Test Station, it is not possible to decouple the frequency
of the measurement circuit from that of the supply network. This means that meters may be
tested only with the frequency of the mains power supply. In networks with strong frequency
variation there is therefore a further influence on the results of the meter testing, since some
types of meter have a very high degree of frequency dependency.

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A true improvement of the test conditions can be made by the introduction of a Motor-
Generator. In this case, the influence of the voltage and frequency of the public supply network
is practically eliminated. It is even possible with such a system, for example, to test customer’s
60 Hz meters, when the system has been designed to test meters of 50 Hz nominal frequency.
However, the introduction of a Motor-Generator also means additional - and onerous - require-
ments. For one, the operating and the servicing costs are not inexpensive. For a second, it is
also necessary to provide a synchronous generator having a very low distortion factor in order
to meet the requirements of the meter standards. Such generators are no longer available on
the market today.
The demands of the IEC, for example, in relation to set-up of the voltage to a value of ± 0.5 to
1 %, the voltage and current symmetry to ± 0.5 to 2 %, the frequency from ± 0.5 to 1 % and the
distortion factor 2 to 3 %, cannot be fulfilled with such equipment. The requirements may only
be met with constant supervision of the stabilisation, constant servicing of the transformers and
switching devices, constant verification of the set-up values by the operational personnel, etc.
The only true solution is the use of a static power supply unit. The properties of such units and
the state of the technology which has been achieved today, is described in the following para-

1.2 Analogue Amplifier Technology

The first and simplest way to introduce a static power supply unit is to use one with classical
analogue amplifiers. Such amplifiers have been long used in the field of audio technology. For
meter testing, however, there exists several limitations. On one hand, the frequency range is
usually limited to between 45 and 65 Hz, whilst on the other, a very high output power is re-
quired: this can be up into the kilowatt range. On the contrary to the one used in audio amplifi-
cation, those used in meter testing do not have a constant output impedance to count on, since
the resistance of the voltage circuit and also the current circuit, may be varied by the effects of
heating, possible contact unsurety, and even by the diverse types of meter being tested.
A static power supply unit is comprised essentially of the generators for creation of the sine
waves for the voltage and current circuits and, as a rule, six power amplifiers, three of which
are used for the voltage and three for the current (figure 1).
The basic technology used in the analogue amplifier has been known a long time, it is used
successfully, as already described. Analogue amplifiers have several advantageous features.
Also they are easily adjustable with conventional regulators, because of their little signal shift-
ing. These features provide
◊ high stability of the output values,
◊ high linearity of the signal transmission and
◊ low distortion factor of the output values.
However, analogue amplifiers have also several disadvantages, which may be resumed as fol-
◊ a poor power efficiency, this results in high temperature losses
◊ this means, especially in tropical countries, a need to eliminate excess heat
◊ The amplifiers are of especially large dimensions, since space is required for heat elimina-
tion. Often it is required to install the units in a separate room.
◊ Constant cooling is required, to remove and take away the excessive heat. This results in
background noise, which leads to loss of concentration on the part of the operational per-
sonnel and possible errors in carrying out the meter test procedures.
The characteristics as described allow useful, large output power values of several kVA to be

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Standard analogue amplifier

Analogue Amplifier


sine wave Regulation Output value
(Gain >>100) -Ub

Range select


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Figure 1

Analogue amplifiers have been widely successful and are largely used, thanks to their inherent
advantages. The disadvantages were of sufficient importance that solutions had to be sought to
eliminate them.

1.3 Pulse-width modulated Amplifier Technology

On the contrary to the analogue amplifiers, pulse-width modulated amplifiers are less well
known and are not, as yet, used world-wide, the principal reasons being that the switching con-
cept used has only been developed in comparatively recent times and also that the necessary
components - namely rapid and highly efficient, low loss electronic switches - were, until now,
very expensive and difficult to purchase. As well as this, they have, because of their basic char-
acteristics and until recently, several disadvantages which made their utilisation difficult (figure
◊ The most important advantage of pulse-width modulated amplifiers lies in their very high
efficiency range, which is of not less than 85 %. An analogue amplifier has, dependant on
the operational principle, an efficiency of 50 % at the maximum.
◊ Consequently, pulse-width modulated amplifiers are especially recommended for use in
tropical countries because of the reduced need for cooling, which is an important factor cost-
◊ This reduced need for elimination of large quantities of surplus heat means that voluminous
cooling elements, powerful ventilation units, and special air evacuation construction are no
longer required. This leads to a compact unit, of greatly reduced dimensions and this in turn
means it is possible to use meter test systems with higher performance output in the test
area. The space requirements are dominated, practically, by the size of the meter test
bench, and not that of the power supply unit.
◊ It is not required to run the cooling systems continually. This eliminates the permanent back-
ground noise, which is typical for systems with analogue amplifiers.

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Pulse width modulated amplifier
with analogue regulation

Pulse width
modulated amplifier

Reference Voltage
sine wave controlled
(Gain<30) value

for RMS

for phase

Range select

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Figure 2

◊ Because of the enormous increase in the availability of electronic components in the field of
Motor control and Mains Power Supply technology, the corresponding building block ele-
ments for high performance are also available for use in the area of Meter Test technology.
◊ Very high output power of up to 5 kVA and more can be generated without high additional
design costs, since practically only the output stage of the amplifier needs modification.
These important advantages, are, however, accompanied by several drawbacks, which did
make difficult the utilisation of this type of amplifier.
◊ The operation principle of the amplifier, as well as the breakdown of the sine wave into a
series of short "impulses", means that it is necessary to provide filter circuitry for the output
values in order to ensure the output signals themselves are of pure sine wave form.
◊ Because of system conditional signal delays, the amplifiers are difficult to adjust using con-
ventional regulators.
◊ This means that a low distortion factor at the level of the output values - of less than 0.8 % -
is only possible by increasing costs.
◊ Further, these amplifiers have a lower stability at the output value level when compared to
those of analogue amplifiers.
The advantages of the pulse-width modulated amplifiers which have been described may only
be meaningfully assessed when a solution has been sought and found, to overcome these de-
scribed disadvantages. Only then can an optimal, universal and serviceable power source unit
be constructed.

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2 New trends in the field of electronic power supply units
There have been substantial advances on the component’s market in recent years. The com-
ponents necessary for use in an improved pulse-width modulated amplifier are now available
with reasonable pricing. This is especially so in the case of
◊ rapid and powerful signal processors and
◊ rapid and precise analogue-digital and digital-analogue converters.
Use of these elements makes possible the realisation of a digital adjustment system using the
Fourier transformation in real-time (figure 3).

Pulse width modulated amplifier

with digital regulation

+Ub Pulse width

modulated amplifier

Digital to Signal Output

16 bit analogue regulation
converter (Gain<30) value
with fourier transformation

Signal processor system
Microcontroller System

aided digital regulation

interface multiple

Analogue to precision
digital measure
16 bit converter transfer

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Figure 3

The advantages of such digital adjustment systems are

◊ very precise measurement and adjustment of the effective values and the phase displace-
ment, which are established by calculation and therefore include reduction of the very small
errors to be found in the analogue-digital converters. No analogue multiplication is required.
◊ Use of the Fourier transformation means that a very precise and exact adjustment of all
harmonics may be made over a very wide frequency spectrum. This results in a very low dis-
tortion factor. On the other hand, an exact reproduction of a composed wave form can be
generated as an output signal, when it is necessary to overlay harmonics on either - or both -
of the current and voltage base signals, when this is desired for special meter test opera-
◊ By the realisation of complicated adjustment algorithms at various moments, it is possible to
attain stable signals, even with amplifiers which have signal delays. This is a distinct advan-
tage in the case of the pulse-width modulated amplifiers.

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◊ By use of adaptive adjustment algorithms, it is practically possible to eliminate load depend-
ant instability.
◊ By use of these means, all of the disadvantages of the pulse-width modulated amplifier
technology may be completely overcome.
◊ Even without the frequently used system of feedback of the output values to the external
measurement device - the reference standard - these output signals may be generated with
comparable high precision. There is therefore a separation of the reference standard and the
power source unit, an increase in the redundancy, and therefore also in the measurement
The pairing of the pulse-width modulated amplifier and digital adjustment technology makes
available an almost perfect power source unit for meter testing. It is consequently to be ex-
pected that future power supply units of this type will supersede those using analogue technol-
ogy. MTE has now, as the principal manufacturer of Meter Test Systems, taken this new direc-
tion in order to be able to offer the technology for the twenty first century. A complete three-
phase supply unit for a meter test station with an output power of up to 2000 VA for voltage and
current is shown on figure 4.

Figure 4 Supply unit for a meter test bench based on pulse width modulated amplifiers

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3 Precision Reference Standard Meters
Next to the power source unit, the reference standard meter plays an equally deciding part in
this field of meter testing. Today, practically only wide-range standards with a precision of -
usually - 0.05 % are used. They are used to measure in the frequency range of from 45 to
65 Hz.
The main advantages lie principally with the digital reference standard, since this can measure,
practically simultaneously, all the different values. After transformation of the analogue voltage
and current input signals to digital form, these are used to calculate the desired values using a
digital signal processor working virtually in real time.
When the digital reference standard is incorporated into a Meter Test System, this needs no
further measurement instruments, since all the values, such as the voltages, currents, power in
each of the phases, frequency, power factor, and others, are available for transmission over the
interface of the reference standard, and can therefore be displayed on the screen, or even used
for further data processing operations.
Universal reference standards are available with a standard accuracy of 0.05 and 0.02 %. The
measurement range of the voltage circuits encompasses, typically, values from a few volts to
480 V between the phase and neutral and in the current circuits from a few milliamperes to
120 A. Such a reference meter does not need any external current nor voltage transformers. It
may also be installed in any existing meter test station, without any additional outlay for other
The reference standard possesses a serial line interface for its operation by software. An error
measurement can be carried out on a meter by simple connection of a scanning head to the
impulse input socket. An impulse output socket makes available a power proportional fre-
quency, and this can also be used for verification of the reference standard meter in a Metro-
logical Institute.
For especially high precision requirements, there exists, today, the so called wide range com-
parator. This has similar characteristics as the reference standards described above, but is not
deliverable as a functional part of a Meter Test System, but rather as single independent in-
strument. The frequency range of these comparators lies between D.C. and up to 2000 Hz. The
current entry circuits of the comparator are equipped with shunts rather that the conventional
transformers. This feature means that the unit can also measure direct currents. The accuracy
of the comparator lies close to 0.01 %, this being related to the apparent power (figure 5).

Figure 5 Three phase comparator KOM 200.3 with an accuracy of 0.01 %

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4 Control Software
To test the modern, especially electronic, meters, the latest test methods are obligatory. To
ensure the quality of the meter testing according to the ISO 9002, the Meter Test Systems
themselves must also be verifiable by direct methods. A traceability to the National standard is
to be guaranteed.
Administration of the rapidly increasing test data situation is essential. In addition, the verifica-
tion of the measurement results in the data bank must be prepared in the recommended man-
In order to guarantee the quality of the tests, independent of the qualifications, the knowledge
and the level of the personnel operational in the test area, a far reaching automaticised test
procedure is necessary.
For all these reasons, a modern meter test installation has a corresponding user friendly and
universal control software, which make possible widely automaticised testing and calibration of
all types of meters. The measurements are carried out in parallel for all of the connected me-
ters via a set of scanning heads. This is valid for both Ferraris and electronic type meters. In
general, such a Meter Test System would be provided with ten, twenty, forty, sixty or eighty
meter positions. The control software is responsible for carrying out the individual load point
measurements in a desired order, switching the meters under test to carry out the tests auto-
matically. At the end of the test run, the results in the form of a test report, are printed out.

5 Summary
The above information makes it apparent that, for some time already, a generation change from
classical meter test systems to modern electronic ones, has been taking place. The new sys-
tems mean that, according to the defined configuration, all types of meters may be tested, both
rationally and precisely.
The latest trends in development indicate a direction whereby the characteristics of the elec-
tronic systems, by use of the latest component elements, are being inexorably improved. So
the modular built-up systems may be commissioned in all regions of the world, and the quality,
the costs, the service requirements, can be optimised.
Today, many manufacturers are claiming that they can deliver power supply units with pulse-
width modulated amplifiers. These are all too often, simple analogue amplifiers units with pulse-
width modulated mains supply components, or with digital generators for the creation of the
sine waves. It is imperative to critically examine such claims, when important decisions are to
be made in this direction.

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