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BSBA-MM / A2018



What is the relevance of Labor Law to:

1. You as a student
2. To employees or working class
3. To employers
4. To government

1. As a student

As a student, the study on Labor Laws familiarizes us on the correct actions and standards
that are to be taken of. It is the ultimate manual and it serves as the instruction book of our
future profession. As a student, we should be aware of the laws concerning our profession
in the future so that we will know our rights when working inside the company. We must
determine that our actions in managing the working affairs are just and fair not only in
regards of the law, but also in accordance with the ways of man.

2. To employees or working class

The Labor Code is a legal code that determines all employment practices and labor
relations in the Philippines. This is to help protect employees and while ensuring that
they are not subject to unfair treatment or exploitation. The relevance is, labor law
serves as the protection for employees and against unjust actions inside the company
and the system.

3. To employers
Labor code determines all employment practices and labor relations. The labor code
helps protect both the employees and employers to ensure that they are not subject to
unfair treatment or exploitation. It serves as the protection against unjust actions inside
the company and the system itself.

4. To Government

Labor Laws were created to provide guidelines and regulations for employers and
employees and to offer protections and structure for both. The government is responsible
for the formulation and implementation of laws.
Their importance cannot be overstated. Labor laws provide the foundation for
our economic system. Over the years, they have grown to reflect the values
we hold as a society and in our ideal of the equality of all people. When a
business violates a law, there can be devastating consequences through
governmental fines and legal actions, so it is crucial that businesses include
best practices to ensure the well-being of the company and its employees.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is the primary policy-making,

programming, coordinating and administrative entity in the field of labor and
employment. It has primary responsibility for the promotion of gainful employment
opportunities, the advancement of workers’ welfare and promoting harmonious, equitable
and stable employment relations.

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