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Techniques To Reach Greater Age

Regression Success
As hypnotists, our goal is to get the best results for our clients. Which
means we need to be prepared and well equipped in all techniques so
that we get the most out of each session with our clients and constantly
produce results. Age regression is one of the greatest tools we have in
our hypnosis tool-belts. When you're doing a technique like age
regression that is super powerful, you want to be able to do it really,
really well. You want to be able to do it at an expert level because that
is how you will produce the best results for your client.

In this video, Cal and I share essential language tips to utilize while
using age regression that will help you maximize results. We talk
through and provide examples of key language to use, discuss how to
avoid common pitfalls that negatively affect your age regression
sessions, share how you can prep your clients for their age regression
sessions, and explain how to avoid conscious mind interference, and
much, much more.

Age Regression: Tricks of the Trade

Setting the Stage

When doing age regression, you are going to have your client bring up a
feeling or memory that has everything to do with why they're coming to
see you. You're going to ask them to follow up back to a previous time
that they felt that exact same way. When we say “be there” we want our
client to be revivified. The first thing that we want to do when we say
“be there” is called the gestalt, which is all about setting the stage. In
most cases, it’s not likely that when you say “be there” your client will
automatically come to a vivid image.

So in order to get them to that point, you need to set the stage. You do
this by beginning with asking general questions such as, “is it daytime
or night time?” or “are you indoors or outdoors?” and so on. You start
with general questions, then progress to more specific questions.

The First Impression

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