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Experiment No.

(4) Coherent Receiver

Experiment No. (4): Coherent Receiver

 Object:

To be familiar with the operation of a homodyne and super heterodyne

coherent receivers.

 Apparatus:


 Theory:

In coherent detection or synchronous demodulation, both the phase and

frequency of carrier must be known at the detector. The carrier recovery circuit at
the receiver recovers carrier. Amplitude of carrier is not important since it
influences only the demodulated signal level which may be changed by a simple
amplifier. Key element of coherent detector is an analog multiplier.

Noise performance of a coherent detector is always better than that of non-

coherent detector.

Analog Communication Lab. 29

Experiment No. (4) Coherent Receiver

Techniques for providing the carrier signal:

1. Carrier is transmitted.

2. A pilot signal is transmitted outside the pass-band of modulated signal

spectrum of an AM signal.

3. Carrier is recovered from the received signal using phase looked loop

A direct-conversion receiver (DCR), also known as homodyne, or zero-IF

receiver, is a radio receiver design that demodulates the incoming radio signal
using synchronous detection driven by a local oscillator whose frequency is
identical to, or very close to the carrier frequency of the intended signal. This is
in contrast to the standard super heterodyne receiver where this is accomplished
only after an initial conversion to an intermediate frequency.

The simplification of performing only a single frequency conversion

reduces the basic circuit complexity but other issues arise, for instance, regarding
dynamic range. In its original form, it was unsuited to receiving AM and FM
signals without implementing an elaborate phase locked loop. Although these and
other technical challenges made this technique rather impractical around the time
of its invention (1930's), current technology and software radio in particular have
revived its use in certain areas including some consumer products.

The direct-conversion receiver feeds the radio frequency signal into

a frequency mixer, just as in a super heterodyne receiver. However, unlike the
super heterodyne, the frequency of the local oscillator is not offset from but right
at the received signal's frequency. The result is a demodulated output just as you
would obtain from a super heterodyne receiver using synchronous detection
(a product detector) following an intermediate frequency (IF) stage. In other
words, the conversion to baseband is done in a single frequency conversion. This
Analog Communication Lab. 30
Experiment No. (4) Coherent Receiver

avoids the complexity of the super-heterodyne's two (or more) frequency

conversions, IF stage(s), and image rejection issues.

In electronics, a super heterodyne receiver (often shortened to superhet),

uses frequency mixing to convert a received signal to a fixed intermediate
frequency (IF), which can be more conveniently processed than the
original radio carrier frequency. Virtually all modern radio receivers use the
super heterodyne principle. At the cost of an extra frequency converter stage, the
super heterodyne receiver provides superior selectivity and sensitivity compared
with simpler designs.

 Procedure:

Homodyne Receiver (Using MATLAB SIMULINK)

1. Connect the circuit shown in figure (2) using MATLAB SIMULINK.

2. Use sine wave generator for message signal with the following information:
Am = 1, fm = 2*pi*3000 rad/sec and zero for other parameters.

3. Use sine wave generator for carrier signal with the following information:
Ac = 1, fc = 2*pi*40000 rad/sec and zero for other parameters.

4. Use sine wave generator for synchronous carrier with the following
information: AS=1, fS = 2*pi*40000 rad/sec and zero for other parameters.

5. Set the filter extracted message signal parameters as:

Order = 2, passband edge frequency = 2*pi*3000 rad/sec.

Analog Communication Lab. 31

Experiment No. (4) Coherent Receiver

6. Set the simulation parameters as (N=2048, Max step size =0.003/N, stop
simulation time=0.003)

7. Draw the message, and received signals.

 Discussion:

1. Explain why there is a difference between message and received signal of


2. With the aid of equations, Explain the effect of phase shift (ΔΦ) of the local
oscillator at homodyne receiver for DSC-SC demodulation.

3. What are the differences between homodyne and super heterodyne


4. Explain the benefit of using IF stage in super heterodyne receivers.

5. Derive the equation to get the message from DSB-SC signal using
homodyne receiver.

6. What is the relation between carrier frequency of received signal and the
intermediate frequency of super-heterodyne receiver.

Analog Communication Lab. 32

Experiment No. (4) Coherent Receiver

Figure (1) DSB-SC Demodulation System.

message Scope4

1 Scope7
carrier synch. carrier Filter Design

Figure (2) Homodyne Receiver (MATLAB SIMULINK)

Analog Communication Lab. 33

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