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Bic OCUS KG A Publication of Dias, ea sh ee bo ast Wessel AV ee a ce Lael ra FOCUS | Vol. 9 (3), July, 2021 FOR CHRISTIAN UNDERSTANDING AND SOLIDARITY MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE FOCUS Vol. 9 (3), CUS July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE — About FOCUS: FOCUS (an acronym ‘For Christian Understanding and Solidarity’) isa lay movement formed in the late Nineties in England for the laity of the Mar Thoma Church living around the world It is now an independent ecumenical movement of the worldwide Cristian Diaspora laity. FOCUS aims to encourage Christian faith formation by preserving the timeless truth while adapting to the cultural shifts and times by transmitting the unconditional love of God, Christian understanding, solidarity and religious tolerance through its online quarterly magazine. Diaspora FOCUS, which publishes FOCUS online journal is a non-profit organization registered in Texas, United States; and as such FOCUS is not an official publication of any denominations. It is an ecumenical journal fo focus attention more sharply on issues to help churches and other faith communities to examine their own commitment to loving their neighbours and God, and stand for justice and peace. ‘rial Board Members: Dr. Zac Varghese, London Lal Varghese, Esq., Dallas Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph, Kottayam. Revd Dr. Abraham Philip, Kottayam. Dr. Titus Mathews, Canada Revd Dr. Valson Thampu, Trivandrum Dr Jesudas Athyal, Thiruvalla Georgekutty. V., Karunagappally Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in any article or Statements are of the individuals and are not to be deemed as an endorsement of the view expressed therein by Diaspora FOCUS or by its editorial board members. Online Links for FOCUS: hup:/ hitp:// Facebook: E-Mail: Published by Lal Varghese, Esq., Dallas for and on behalf of Diaspora FOCUS Photo courtesy back inside cover: Naithik Mathew Eapen, Kozhencherry, Lijo Johnson John, Kozhencherry. Not for sale or distribution and intended only for private circulation. Design & Layout: Vettathu Digital Printers, MTC Building, $.C.S. Junction, ‘Thiruvalla, Kerala - 689101 ‘Mobile: 9495905475, Phone: 9446912720 E-Mail: MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE FOCUS MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE Remembrances: ant: A Message af Condolence: MOST REND ERT. HON. JUSTIN WELBY, Archbishop of Canterbury -— Mar Chrysostom - Revered Prelate of Humanism: MOST REVO DR. THEDOSIUS MAR THOMA METROPOLITAN-— Appreciation & Remembrance: a REVD DR. EUYAKIM MAR CODRILOS - Eulogy Preached at the Funeral Servic RL RAD JOSEPH MAR BARNABAS -: i Chrysostom - A Glittering Jewel - shined in beaut RT. REVD DR. ISAAC MAR PHILUXENDS --— Editor Revd Dr. Abraham Philip Articles: MY UNCLE THE BISHOP - FAMILY REMINISCENCE: Or. Sara Bhattacharje —~ METROPOLITAN COMPLETING NINETY-NINE YEAI dustice KT. Thomas~~ CHRYSOSTOM THIRUMENI - REMINISCENCES & REFLECTIONS: Dr. Pd. Alexander -—~ MAR CHRYSOSTOM - A SHEPHERD WHO FOCUSED HIS LIFE ON THE PERIPHE! Revd Dr, Sunny George FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 EOC IS | wer cravsosrom a teceno sevonn mensure Gun CHRYSOSTOM - AN OPEN BOOK OF REVELATIONS: Revd Dr. Joseph Daniel -—-- CHRYSOSTOM VALIYA METROPOLITAN - AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE: Revd SajuC. Pappachen ~~ WAR CHRYSOSTOM: JABEZ OF OLD IN THE MALANKARA CHUR Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph--~ THE BIBLICAL VISION OF MAR CHRYSOST Reve Dr. Abraham Philip ATRIBUTE VALIVA METROPOLITAN... THE ICON OF UNITY: Revd Dr. Jameson KP. A FAMILY TRIBUTE TO CHRYSOSTOM VALIYA METROPOLITAN Mr. Koshy Samuel Wr Abraham Samuel, and Mr. Cherian Samuel ~~ THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF A BISHOP WITH A GOLDEN TONGUE: Lal Varghese, Esa. ~ WAR CHRYSOSTOM - THE COMMON MAN'S PHILOSOPHER. Revd. Dr. Valson Thamgu A BISHOP WITH CHRIST'S COMPASSION Revd. Dr KV. Simon ~~ MAR CHRYSOSTOM - RECONCILIATION PRECEDES UNITY: Prof. Chacko Koshy —-~ MEMORIES THAT NEVER FADE Dr. Jacob Beorge--~ ATESTAMENT TO GOD'S GRACE: Dr. Mathew T. Thomas ~~ POEM - A LOVING TRIBUTE: Mr. Jacob Joseph=-~ TRIBUTES TO CHRYSOSTOM THIRUNEN: Mr. Thomas Koshy TRIBUTES TO CHRYSOSTOM THIRUMEN - END OF AN ERA: Mr. Jacob Jaseph--~ JOURNEYING WITH VALIVA METROPOLITAN MAR CHRYSOSTOM: Wrs. Nirmala Abraham-~ CHRYSOSTOM THIRUMENI - A LEGEND OF HUMANITY: Very Revd Dr. Cherian Thomas CHRYSOSTOM VALIVA METROPOLITAN ~ A TRIBUTE TO A VISIONARY: Prof. PlamootiV. Cherian --~ \ MAR CHRYSOSTOM - A CHILD OF GOD WHO FLOURISHED IN INNOCENCE: \ dr ta Varahse FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 32 35 a7 33 40 42 45 4g 54 55 58 60 62 63 65 67 10 1 14 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE FOCUS The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury A Message of Condolence Thirumeni, dear brother in Christ, I was saddened to hear of the death of Valiya Met- ropolitan, the Most Reverend Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom earlier today. The Metropolitan played a significant role in the life of the church in India and around the world, His ministry as a Christian leader and teacher has touched the lives of many, as has his commitment to the poor and those on the margins. I rejoice in the relationship of communion that exists between the Mar Thoma Chureh and the Anglican Communion and am grateful for all that he did to build up that relationship. Please be assured of my prayers for the Mar Thoma Church in India and around the world as you mourn the death of a spiritual father. I commend him to the merciful embrace of God. I pray also for the nation of India during the present pandemic and for you, Thirumeni, in your ministry. Yours in the peace of Christ, FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 ma 6 IFFOCUS | Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan Mar Chrysostom: Revered Prelate of Humanism Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan Thirumeni represents a century’s wisdom and experience. His Grace’s life is illustrated as a phenomenon par excellence. Thirumeni could view the whole world as a united entity and communicate to the world the diverse layers of the Kingdom of God experience exemplified with his own life. Thirumeni is considered as Malayali’s common treasure. The world acknowledged the pure love of God through Thirumeni’s words, life, and mission, People could place Thirumeni close to their heart. His Grace ‘matured as a global human being and a citizen of the world, while being a Christian Prelate No other epithets werenecessary fora Malayali to recognize Mar Chrysostom when one heard of the title Valiya Thirumeni, That was because Thirumeni could relate to everyone without any barrier or distinction based on denomination, community, positions, or faith traditions, The world cannot easily forget Thirumeni’s words, vision, and involvements since the wavelength of that charisma spread all over the world. The world viewed Valiya Pk Bhushan Most Revd Dr. Philipose IMAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE Mar Thoma Metropolitan Thirumeni not just as the Prelate of the Mar Thoma Church, but as the great priest of the society at large. Thirumeni can be portrayed as the treasure that God gifted to our era. Thirumeni passed across the curtain of eternity after making exceptional interventions in Church and society in various capacities as lay person, evangelist, clergy, and bishop. Let us praise God and be joyful for our existence in an epoch in which Thirumeni lived. Thirumeni lived as a mark of delight, a blessing to the global Christian Chureh, a pride to India and of its the sages— a supreme guru to the secular society. Since 1944 His Grace served the Church in various capacities: such as evangelist, deacon, presbyter, Ramban, Episcopa, Suffragan Metropolitan, Officiating Metropolitan, Metropolitan, and Valiya Metropolitan. Thirumeni believed that God’s call reflects one’s stances towards the challenges in life. Thirumeni viewed every space, may it be any position of responsibility or harsh life experiences, as opportunities of God’s call when one takes up full responsibility with willful submission acknowledging that as FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE one’s mission, Thirumeni taught that there are dimensions of God’s call not only in clergy or celibate orders but in all spaces of activity and workplaces, As and when one identifies one’s own call and mission, Thirumeni thought that it is the responsibility of a true disciple of Christ to enhance the ministry of others as well. His Grace became more active in society after delegating administrative responsibilities of the Church to his successor. Mar Chrysostom was unmatched as a great shepherd with charisma, sense of humour, profound thoughts, articulation, rhetoric, _oratorical skills, extensive vision, accomplished leadership, power of observation, and empathy towards fellow beings. The late Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan elevated the three of us (Mar Athanasius, Mar Theodosius, and Mar Coorilos) as Episcopas on December 9%, 1989. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom was Suffragan Metropolitan then, When I began my service as an Episcopa at Malabar in Kerala and South Indian States, Chrysostom Thirumeni was very attentive to give nurture and instructions that I needed. Thirumeni strengthened us, the younger generation, by encouraging and creating opportunities. After becoming the Metropolitan, Thirumeni delivered opportunities and gave encouragement by sharing responsibilities at the Sabha Council and other committees. Thirumeni empowered the fellow bishops by stepping down from the chair and delegating responsibilities like chairing sessions. Thirumeni always found time for collective discussion on the complex subjects related to Church and society. It is not an exaggeration to call Thirumeni as the ‘prophet of divine love.” Chrysostom Thirumeni had the heart of Christ. Thirumeni saw everyone as siblings without any segregation and hence could embrace them all. This great shepherd discovered mission frontiers among the poor, beggars, headload- workers, nomads and labourers. Valiya Thirumeni was standing beside Christ and with those who were likely to stumble amidst Struggles in life. FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 The unique style and witty speech helped to facilitate the uninterrupted communication of the Gospel. Thirumeni never used wit and humour to inflict pain upon or belittle the other. Often shared jokes by placing himself at the receiving end, This was a reminder to society, which included himself, that there is Gill space and opportunities for re-evaluation and reformation. This was to teach us the great message that self-criticism and reformation must begin within oneself, Through laughter, Thirumeni communicated that joke is not something to be laughed at, but requires a search for meaning through reflection, Thirumeni had an inner sense of himself being an ordinary person. His Grace was never after honour or fame, After receiving the news of being awarded Padma Bhushan, Thirumeni responded: “This is an honour for an ordinary person.” Thirumeni taught at various Stages that the wise are not those who presume to know everything but those who know that their knowledge is imperfect. For most of the time during Chrysostom Thirumeni’s tenure as Metropolitan I was serving at the Thiruvanathapuram-Kollam Diocese. I could then sense how deep-rooted was Thirumeni’s leadership in that Diocese as a predecessor. Everyone fondly called him Appachen (father). Thirumeni formed an organization named STARD aimed at the rural development of South Travancore. The formation of Thiruyananthapuram Hospital Guidance Centre is a fulfilment of Thirumeni’s vision, Within the jurisdiction of the Diocese, when Thirumeni reached out to two children affected with AIDS and spent time with them, it helped alleviate fear and social stigma associated with the disease during those times. Thirumeni exhorted to maintain a biotic relationship with the society outside the periphery of the Chureh. Thirumeni viewed kitchen-gardening, nature conservation, bird and animal nurture as part of spirituality and implemented them in his backyard. Lived a life of indebtedness to all and everything. We must preach God’s love to neighbours through our actions. All people must become ‘truly human beings. Try to fulfil the needs of others as if they are our own needs. Thirumeni urges us not to lament over the social evils, but find out our share in those and offer correctives. One of the main themes of Thirumeni’s sermons was the integrity of God’s creation. His Grace repeatedly affirmed that disasters are not part of God’s agenda and that God expects no one to perish. That the world would become a better place when we fulfil our duties without forgetting our obligations ‘towards nature, fellow beings, and the cosmos can be viewed as the foundation of his Eco Theology. At the Maramon Convention held in 2018, Thirumeni addressed the meeting organized to combat social evils: “The ministry of the Church becomes meaningful when others are nurtured like us. Skin-deep ointments cannot solve deep-rooted decay. Church and the faithful must find the root cause and confront them.” His Grace Mar Chrysostom Thirumeni’s valuable directives were indeed helpful during the period of my Episcopal ministry in the Dioceses of Thiruvananthapuram- Kollam, Chennai-Bangalore, and Malaysia- Singapore. Thirumeni tried out new methods of doing mission and encouraged us to do so. Thirumeni celebrated communion in Kannada language and reached even to the remote villages in Kamataka and interacted with one and all. Thirumeni encouraged arranging worship services in the vernacular for the native believers. Thirumeni could step aside from positions and power and become a co- traveller with the common folk. Thirumeni believed that true incarnation is to become a commoner among the common people. This indicates the broad-heartedness of Thirumeni. Through his actions Thirumeni illustrated that no one should ever be neglected. Thirumeni thought that there is something to lea from everyone. Everyone felt that they too have become celebrities with Thirumeni’s presence and conversations when he would raise questions, extend greetings, listen to the answers, and crack jokes both with the little ones and the great ones of society. It was always joyful and encouraging to spend time with Thirumeni. MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE The ecumenical vision of Thirumeni gives new dimensions, opportunities and challenges to churches and societies. The eminent shepherd, Mar Chrysostom, taught us that reaching beyond certain bare frameworks, a broad vision could be evolved not solely in terms of words, but through praxis. Thirumeni had a clear vision about the Word of God and the method of approach towards it. It was on this basis that ‘Conventions’ were viewed and evaluated. Thirumeni taught that the human beings must enter into a deep relationship with God and sharing of God’s Word must be helpful to build up a community deeply rooted in the Word of God. What is required is not mere readers and hearers of the Word of God, Thirumeni wished and insisted to create practitioners of the Word who could seriously learn the Scriptures and thereby themselves get reformed and readily incorporate the contemporary challenges of the Scripture. Word of God tums out to be meaningful and dynamic beyond the puzzles of time and place when one knows, experience, obey, and boldly proclaim God’s loving message. Thirumeni’s presence and conversations instilled positive energy upon others. The visitors felt Thirumeni’s presence like how a cooling tree shade, which provides comfort to a road traveller who approaches it with burning experiences ofa very hot summer. Thirumeni’s words comforted and strengthened those who came with travails and concerns, Thirumeni ed an unmatched life. Thirumeni, a religious Prelate, lived as a secular leader. When one refers to the world as created by God and that itis when God’s life entered the form moulded from the dust that it became a human being, we are reminded of the image of God that gets illuminated in the world and human beings. Basic human needs must reach all. The call not to hurt the humanhood of the other human beings can be viewed as the definition Thirumeni gives to new humanity that has to be realized today. We cannot see God when we are unable to see God in others. Thirumeni repeatedly prompted his listeners to envision the needs of others as their own, FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE Thirumeni believed and taught that a human being is one who converts hell into heaven and human life attains fullness when one leads society towards transformation, His Grace believed that the ‘Kingdom of God’ gets established in the world when God’s will and human will turn out to be one and Thirumeni urged people to do so. Thirumeni taught that the ministry of the Church turns significant when others are taken care of as fellow travellers with an ‘all ofus nit together’ attitude, As aresult, the Church could construct 2500 houses for the homeless, irrespective of caste or creed, on his 90th birthday. This specific venture can be viewed as the practical dimension of the definition that Thirumeni could impart to the notion of new humanity. Thirumeni expressed concern towards all of God’s creation, Thus, Thirumeni’s thoughts always expressed a wider humanity as the locus. Therefore, everyone got enriched with fresh reflective thoughts, Thirumeni departed the world very calmly and peacefully. Thirumeni maintained clear and sure conviction about etemal life. Thirumeni told many a times through his sermons regarding what his parents in heaven would talk about him. On May Sth, on his journey from the Believer’s Church Hospital to the Kumbanad Fellowship Hospital, His Grace greeted everyone who served him with a pleasant face as he reached the ambulance in wheelchair. Upon reaching the Fellowship Hospital, Thirumeni gladly ate the food with fish fry prepared at the residence of the Hospital Administrator Rev. Thomas John. Talked happily with Dr. Raju P. George, the medical staff, Rev. Binu Varghese, Santhosh, Avarachan, and other care-givers. Thirumeni again took food when Rt. Revd Thomas Mar Timotheos Thirumeni visited in the evening. Shortness of breath was felt after 10 pm that night, FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 Abbey who served as the driver was a middle- aged person. Once Thirumeni who already passed 100 years of age asked him: “Who will look after me after you are gone?” When I visited Thirumeni on a fine morning at 7.30 am, Thirumeni appeared to be dressed up as if he had to travel somewhere. I was asked to sit down. After a short while a minister of the Kerala State along with family came to visit Thirumeni, They came to meet Thirumeni and receive blessings, While talking to them Thirumeni said: “Now I do not have any thoughts about anything to be acquired or accomplished. If God appears this moming and say: “Be prepared, I desire to take you today,” then, even though I cannot refute that, I will tell God: “Let it be not today, but sometime tomorrow.” “This is what every human think . . .” Thirumeni’s words were thought-provoking to all who sat there. Thirumeni talked such thoughtful words laced with humour. Himself as an early bird, Thirumeni was willing to meet everyone and converse with them from morning till 10 pm at night. The doors remained open. At Maramon, the place where Thirumeni lived, he chose to enjoy life alongside soil, plants, and all that are living and immovable, and delighted in growing plants and grooming birds and animals, It was a regular sight at the courtyard to see him watch with a meditative mood the river Pampa flowing close by. Just as the waters of the river flows downstream, Thirumeni’s life flowed from this world and departed to the other shore, The revered Prelate of humanism passed away. ‘The virtues of the Gospel filled that lengthy life with fragrance. As Christ belongs to everyone, so too was Chrysostom Thirumeni, a great shepherd to a world with no boundaries. For everyone, Thirumeni was a father as well as a friend. May that great accomplished legacy which blessed us with his life, presence, and blessings make us more dynamic, and let that be our prayer. — 10 IFFOCUS | Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Cooritos Episcopa Diosesan Bishop of Kottarakara - Punalur Oorsalem Aramana, Kottarakara Appreciation & Remembrance Paying appropriate tribute to a person, who was admired by the whole world, is not an easy task, It is even more difficult to define the life of a versatile genius, Therefore, it is a difficult task to pay befitting homage to Valiya Metropolitan. He may not have authored many books, but scholars and common people all over the world have read his life well through his words and actions, People were eager to give their ears to his messages which are written in their hearts and the effect of which have been written about, He did not build high-rise structures but created bridges between different religions and cultures. He redefined the boundaries of different religions and brought out the goodness in each. His words were eye opening and his actions were always filled with compassion. He always asked questions but never gave answers, thus prompted people to find out new avenues and answers Thirumeni was a man who rowed across many different streams of faith but never embarked on any except his strong faith in Christ Jesus While advancing through his journey into new IMAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE horizons, he challenged parochialism and encouraged people to respect other faiths without sacrificing their own. Through that he created a new awareness for searching for the truth, He Started the last phase of his career at the age of ninety after relinquishing his official responsibilities as the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church. Thirumeni travelled far and wide and addressed different segments of people of society ranging from the lower class to the elite class. Thirumeni used humour to communicate the truth just like Jesus used parables and miracles to explain his messages. He never hurt anyone with his humour but attracted everyone to his world, He interacted with people of all walks of life without any inhibition and became the Valiya Thirumeni of all. The nation honoured him by awarding him the Padma Bhushan and the Kerala Government has honoured him by instituting the 'Mar Chrysostom Chair’ at the Mahatma Gandhi University. The chair will definitely help to propagate the ideologies of inter religious harmony and the meaning of coexistence of human beings in the midst of fast spreading religious fanaticism. FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE I remember how I was astonished by Thirumeni's noble approach to extending charity. When I was the President of the Yuvajana Sakhyam, the Sakhyam decided to conduct sixty marriages for poor girls and the fund for it had been sent to different dioceses. Wherever it was planned. it had been done in its own tum except in the diocese of Valiya Thirumeni, When I approached Thirumeni to ask him about this, he asked me why we were conducting the marriages: whether they were to help the poor families or for the publicity of the Yuvajana Sakhyam. He then told me that we should not use our charitable acts for the poor and helpless for our publicity and fame. He corrected my misconception about giving to charity. He taught me that charity is the expression of God's grace and that we are only instruments to channelize God's grace to our fellow beings. Thirumeni had opened the doors of the 'Aramana’ for a group of youngsters who had nowhere to go. These youngsters were from the Punalur Boys' Home. It is the rule of the home that boys who have completed eighteen years of age should find their own food and shelter. At this juncture, Thirumeni asked them to come and Slay with him till they got jobs. He silently communicated to the community around him that everybody should be taken care of and their dignity should be honoured. He used to celebrate Christmas with people who were ing on the streets. FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 The Diocese of North America and Europe honoured Thirumeni on his 90* Birthday by providing ninety houses to the fisher folk community in Mexico, When handing over the keys to the people, Thirumeni said, that day was the happiest day in his life. He found joy in serving the people with Christ's love and compassion. Valiya Thirumeni became the bishop of our church when I was a child and in time, God gave me an opportunity to become his colleague. I have experienced his comforting presence in my sorrows and his encouragement in my failures.‘Collegiality’ the buzzword for successful team accomplishment. As a colleague of Thirumeni, in the episcopacy of the Mar Thoma Church, I have experienced Thirumeni's support and encouragement wherever and whenever it was necessary. His leadership style could be defined as one with absolute inclusive collegiality and team work. When we analyse the word ‘gif’, we understand that i's a thing ora service given to someone without expecting anything in return and it also defines as a natural ability. We can definitely conclude that Valiya Thirumeni was truly a gift from God to our church and the community around us, He had a natural ability to give to others without expecting anything in return. He offered his services to edify others thus glorifying the God he served. We believe that now he is enjoying his gift from God: Eternal Rest. a 12 IFFOCUS | Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa Diosesan Bishop of Thiruvananthapuram - Kollam, A Eulogy preached at the Funeral Service of Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan In one way or other we were looking forward to this day — to sce the departure of 103-year- old Metropolitan Thirumeni — when and how would it be? These days I had been thinking, how Chrysostom Thirumeni’s departure will be—we all would have thought about it. What ‘would be the reason for us to think, like this? Every Sunday the celebrant Achen prays the mids of Holy Qurbana service, “Lord make us all worthy of the blessed end that is for the children of peace. That is what has been fulfilled in Valiya Thirumeni’s Life. This Blessed end is the fruit of 75 years of priesily service, which Started in 1945. A Blessed end will helps us to distinguish blessed people. We have received this virtuous life, without asking, Our Parents, our family, when-where-what time to be born, language, faith, all these things God created for us, like a computer program everything is meticulously arranged. Our only duty is to live well and be grateful to God, About 25 years ago, together with Coorilos Thirumeni, we went to Kurishumala Ashram, We retumed via Bharananganam. We desired IMAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE to visit the convent of Sister Alphonsa. There we met Sister Salamma, She was 93 at that time, She was a teacher, a Marthomite from Kozhencherry. Sister Salamma said, “sight is poor; hearing has halved; I am 93 years old; I do ask God, why am I not dead, why am T not dying? I might be lacking something not to go to heaven, That may be the reason for this extended life”. During the 90* and 100% birthday celebrations, Chrysostom Thirumeni also said the same thing. “Why am I not dying? God must be having some intent. ‘There might be some shortcoming to correct.” Once I asked Thirumeni, “Are you afraid to die? Thirumeni replied, “hey, me afraid? Never! But the thought, ‘should I die?’ does reign.” Those who loved death for the Lord’s sake are called martyrs. Like winged termites coming out before a rain shower searching for light and then falling dead, the church always remembers those who loved death for Christ. At the age 33, when Jesus was dying on the cross, He said to His Father, “It is finished.” The mission I was sent for has been completed, After one week we will be celebrating the feast of Ascension, It is the day that a mission FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE was accomplished, the day when the job was completed. All our fathers, the Metropolitans, departed similarly from this world, joyfully bidding farewell. Alexander Mar Thoma Thirumeni relinquished his charges, consecrated his successor, handed over his responsibilities, settled financial matters, accepted unction, prepared and started his joumey. When Thirumeni was about to die, ‘when he could not speak, he raised 2 fingers of his right hand. Many have doubts about what he was trying to say — win 2 people for Christ was the message. Thirumeni was a missionary from the beginning to the end, faithful unto death — wining people for Christ. Joseph Mar Thoma Thirumeni on 2 Oct, at the last synod meeting under Thirumeni’s leadership did the opening and closing messages. In the concluding message, when we were at his bedside he told us bishops, “After Maramon Convention in Feb 2020 I had a burden in my heart, how should we celebrate the 103" birthday of Valiya Thirumeni on April 27? When it was March and covid -19 spread all over the world, and in our native place also, I thought, how can we protect Valiya Thirumeni from covid. Later in the following month, I realised that the 103-year-old will send off the 90-year-old.” Then Thirumeni said to all of us, “Now I am ready to be with my Lord,” Itwas Thirumeni’s faith proclamation - this dependence on the Lord and a desire to join Him. Chrysostom Thirumeni also received the same providence from God, In Genesis 5:21, it talks about Enoch of the 7 generation of Adam, 365 years old. But 300 years of this he was with the Lord. It is said that they both usually went for walks together. One day God said to Enoch, “Today you need not go back. We can live together.” Chrysostom Thirumeni’s end was also similar. Relinquished his charges at 90 and for 13 years shaped and led an active life of service, walking in a new path instructed by God. The day he was discharged from Believers Hospital and returned to Fellowship Hospital Kumbanad, God said, “Come here.” Thus, this great God helped Thirumeni with a blessed Slate and experience FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 Chrysostom Thirumeni__was someone who imparted vitality. Thirumeni was an amazement to this land. Thirumeni is a pride of the nation, Only one who has fire inside can blaze. That is the Strength of the Holy Spirit. Thirumeni was a fountain of fire and living water, a source which encourages many to live, This is the time of death. When we read Jeremiah 16, we might think it was written for times such as these. The Blue Whale game inspired youngsters and kids to commit suicide. Chrysostom Thirumeni’s life was a gift which sheds light in the dark times. Dan 12:3 says ~ And they that be wise shall shine as brightness in the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the Sars forever and ever. Live forever — become immortal beings. This isa time of ungratefulness, a time of ungraciousness, a time when ‘thanks? is not said. Whenever we go back after visiting, Thirumeni in his deep voice will say, “Thank you very much.” Those words will follow us. These words are sufficient to encourage us for a week. Joy and peace was embedded in that ‘thank you.’ Two days ago God gave me the good fortune to visit Thirumeni. As usual, when I visited Thirumeni in the hospital, I took a Cadbury chocolate for him. I broke a piece and put it in his mouth, I also gave a little soft drink which liked to drink. Itis a treat that makes Thirumeni happy. Even though it was difficult to utter words Thirumeni raised his hands and blessed me. I accept it as a great blessing and a sign of ‘thank you’, Mother Teresa say “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”. Righteousness is the nature of God. There is righteousness of God and righteousness of man, That is why the Lord taught ‘your righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees’. Righteousness is ‘doing good without expecting anything in return.’ Thirumeni was always burdened about those who did not have houses to shelter, For Thirumeni’s 90 birthday the church built over 1000 houses at a cost of Rs 60000/- each. His life was always shared for the well being of others. Thirumeni is a man of scripture, who understood the word of God and the spirit of the Scripture. His meditation started at 4 am, everyday. The whole family of Kalamannil was like that, It is because the way of Christ deeply touched his life that Thirumeni was able to reach out, without any borders, to everyone. His ability to see man above religion was his great goodness. When we show our respect and love to Thirumeni by kissing his hands, those at Malliyoor Mana kiss his feet to honour the divine grace in this man. Thirumeni had great certainty about eternal life. Only those who are prepared to die can live well. Yes, only those who are sure about eternity can progress in spiritual life. Once the Atheist, Walter, said, “Ihave a chair in heaven; I-can give to whoever wants it.” A Christian advocate who heard it said, “Only thieves sell what does not belong to them.” That is when Walter understood his foolishness. Jesus said, “Iam the resurrection. Lam the life. He that believeth, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” The Lord who rose and who is able to resurrect is our hope, He prepared us a world without death; an unimaginable heaven — only a Christian can teach about a world without death, Priests are called to preach this truth and Strengthen the Chureh. Psalms 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” I remember the eulogy given by Rt. Revd T. B. Benchamin, the then Bishop of the North Kerala Diocese at the funeral service of Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan, In his message, he shared the story of a football player, Jim. Jim always comes with his father to play football matches. His father was enjoying the game from the gallery. One day Jim lost his father and unfortunately he had a match on the same day. Everyone thought that Jim will not play the match as he lost his dear father. MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE But everyone amazed watching the arrival of Jim to play his match and he played well. All started asking why did you come to play today? Jim told my father was a blind man; he ‘was not able to witness my match through his sight. But today, as he departs from this earth, the faith that he is watching my match for the first time from heaven strengthens me to come today and play. In the Indian Nithisara it says, “When the sun hides each day, know that it is going away with a part of your life.” Therefore, with contrition do good and live. The length of our days is a handbreadth. It is a gift of God. Discem that, do good and live. Chrysostom Thirumeni taught us and requests us to do that. A world with no death, The secret of Christ’s Church is that God Himself became a man to unite him in the bond of love, this world that endures into eternity. To make progress in this, God has appointed Church fathers, clergy, evangelists. Christ is risen; therefore, I live. It is the Holy Church and the Holy Scriptures that give us the assurance that though we are dead, yet we will live. Our Dear father who taught us to be good people, go in peace. Our respected father who tuned many into the path of righteousness, go in peace. The Good shepherd who imparted fire, warmth and light to us, who were dark chunks of coal and showed us the path of righteousness, go in peace, Nithyatha Thannil Njan Ethum ‘Ninte Sthuthya padangal Njan Muthum Bhakthiyil Anandha Kannuneer Veechthum Njan Ennum Sthuthikkum En Parane Thirumana Sudhane Anandha Janangal Padi Pukazhthi Njan enum Sthuthikkum (Kristheeya Keerthanangal — 107) FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE ‘A life lived in fullness sharing the joy of salvation’, this is true with the Most beloved, the late lamented, Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan. Itis with sadness we learnt on the 5" of May, 2021, that our Valiya Metropolitan Thirumeni, the long-lived bishop in Asia, received home call to be with the Lord. We could very well say that it was a well-prepared journey = a mission accomplished. To breathe his last at his native village was a divine plan which Thirumeni longed for. As he often reminded, in everything there is a divine will which everyone should understand. Bom in a devoted Christian family, brought up with church discipline imbibing basic biblical values, associated with wide range of people with different faith as well as cultural orientations, he was moulded to assume a special role in keeping both spiritual maturity and harmonious living, Before he was born, his parents dedicated the child for the service of the Lord, which resembles with the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah saying, “before you were born, I consecrated you.” At his birth, parents named him ‘Dharmishtan’, meaning one who loves Dharmum, doing the duty that is right in the eyes of God. FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 FOCUS Rt. Revd Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos Diosesan Bishop of North America - Europe Mar Chrysostom — a glittering Jewel — shined in beauty Rt. Revd Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos The church gave him the name ‘Philipose Mar Chrysostom’, while he was consecrated as a bishop of the church, which well suited to his life and witness. Philipose (Philip), the disciple, who interpreted the word of God in everyday parlance by journeying together with the Ethiopian eunuch and later with many thousands of people in Greece, Syria, and Phrygia led them to a commitment in Christ; Chrysostom, the early church father, also did the same. Chrysostom Thirumeni’s clarity of thought, skills as an orator resembled the third century Eastern church father Archbishop John Chrysostom. Thirumeni was well known as an eloquent speaker with wit and humor which earned him the qualification ‘bishop with a golden tongue’. ‘As a church leader Thirumeni was well respected and revered not only by the members of the Mar Thoma church, but the wider society irrespective of religious and ideological backgrounds. He achieved his greatness through his exemplary life, actions, relationships and reflections. Love that barriers: transcended borders and The commendable contributions of Thirumeni and his special quality of sharing love to people of all walks of life is well known, He — SS) |-Oo€e US MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE was amazingly brilliant in making everyone happy through his words and actions. One could experience the overflowing love and care, which surely will come only from a spirit-filled heart and through the ‘fruit of the spirit’. Personally speaking, the fatherly love that I could experience for the last twenty- eight years, as a bishop in the church, was unimaginable. As the senior Metropolitan, he hada say in everything and all listened to him, it was a leaming experience. He was very much concemed in keeping the collegiality of bishops and could respect every person irrespective of his/her age or status. He was particular to make himself available to discuss matters of concem and give good advices. His words of encouragement, necessary corrections — sometimes cautions, all these were shared with good intentions — with much love and kindness, That was why in whatever he said, no one felt disappointed or hurt. It always helped everyone to think loudly and act wisely. This affectionate and loving nature added the array of admirers, cutting across all human barriers. The words of Abraham Lincoln come to our mind “I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.” Yes, Thirumeni had a heart to love everyone and the kindness to value the dignity of the other person. Ecumenical vision with inclusive nature: The ecumenical vision practiced by Thirumeni is broad-based that exhibited respect to the other human beings. It reflects the inclusive approach of Christ to culture and community, and in locating the place of the individual within the society. Chrysostom Thirumeni used to say, “Ecumenism should not be seen as the pruning of our differences but as the pooling together of our resources. Ecumenism is not agreeing on the minimum on which all of us can come together, but everybody sharing the riches of the heritage of ail people.” He often argued that disunity is the main obstacle of Christian witness today. His contribution as president of the Kerala Council of Churches and National Council of Churches will ever be remembered in bringing reconciliation and unity among churches. As a member of the Central Committee of World Council of Churches Thirumeni’s contribution was well appreciated. His presence in the Second Vatican council and Lambeth Conference were occasions for wider acceptance of the Mar Thoma Church in the global ecumenical circle, He had a say in every burning issue people faced and gave practical suggestions for keeping peace and harmony among the communities. ‘Towards embracing a common humanity: The oneness of all in Christ and the pursuit of happiness in embracing a common humanity become more relevant whenever we associate with Chrysostom Thirumeni. His approach to humanity is well explained through his discourses. To find the real humanness in every person is essential for keeping the right relationship. The true humanity that we find in Jesus Christ will help every individual to keep the image of God as we live in the world created by God. It was Thirumeni’s opennes that attracted everyone who came in contact irrespective of differences in age. His whole life was committed to building communities and the nation, breaking down barriers and narrow religious and domestic walls. His life drew great love and respect from across communities. In 2018, the republic of India bestowed Mar Chrysostom the Padma Bhushan, a distinguished civilian award, for his exemplary service to humanity and the nation. His unique way of dealings was his own, which no one could imitate. He left a legacy among us, a legacy of addressing human issues with clear understanding, a legacy of sharing the love of God to all people who came in contact with him, a legacy of crossing the borders of separation and strive for an inclusive society. The good memories and personal experiences on Thirumeni will reverberate our hearts and minds. To many he was a glittering jewel, always shining with smile and glowing with beauty and newness. Along with the Psalmist he could pray: “Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes” (Ps 119135). The very purpose of life to be with the divine and to reflect the divine in order to transform the human life was clearly depicted in the life of Thirumeni. Making the face shine with the divine glory and radiating the grace that is received transforms a life with a difference in giving glory to God. At every time in the life journey of Thirumeni, with absolute confidence he could say, “the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.” To make this Lord known to the fellow humanity is the mission that God has given him. Till the end, he was faithful in fulfilling this divine plan through his committed actions. Let the beauty of his life be emulated in sharing the goodness in the world. FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHAYSOSTOM A LeGeND Bevonn mersure | =O (WG Editorial Mar Chrysostom: A Legend Beyond Measure The late, lamented, Padma Bhushan Dr, Philipose Mar Chrysostom (1918-2021) was the 20" Mar Thoma Metropolitan (1999- 2008) of the Mar Thoma Church with its headquarters at Kerala, South India, The Mar ‘Thoma Church has at present a membership of over a million people spread all over the world, Half a century ago, this Church did not have a single parish in the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe or Africa except for small congregations in a few cities. There were a few parishes in Malaysia, Singapore and some countries in the Arabian Gulf region. In those days, there was only one bishop who was in charge of all parishes outside Kerala including all overseas parishes and congregations. My earliest memories go back to when I first saw and remembered Chrysostom Thirumeni as the Bahya (Outside) Kerala Bishop of our Church A brief biographical sketch: His parents were Vicar General, Very Revd K. E. Oommen (1881-1984), and Smt. Sosamma Kochamma. K. E, Oommen achen was a towering figure in the Mar Thoma Church and I remember him conducting my interview at the Vaidecka Selection Committee, where I was selected for theological Studies in December 1975. Thomas Mar Athanasius Suffragan Metropolitan was the president of the Vaideeka Selection Committee. Dharmishtan Achen (who became Mar Chrysostom later on) had two brothers and two sisters: Eapen Abraham, Dr Jacob Oommen, Mary John and Susy Jacob. The following story about Thirumeni’s birth is very significant. At the Maramon Convention, when Sadhu Sundar Singh gave a call to the listeners to commit themselves for missionary work in North India, one of the listeners was Thirumeni’s pregnant mother, she was carrying Thirumeni in her womb. She dedicated the child within her and prayed: If the child is a boy, she would give him for the Lord’s ministry. Then a boy was born to them on the 27% April, 1918 — just before the close of the First World War and the parents named their son as Dharmishtan (officially Philip Oommen) FOCUS, Vol. (3), July, 2021 | “ x el Afier his high school education, Philip ‘Oommen graduated from the Union Christian College, Aluva, in 1937; then he wanted to become a member of ‘Servants of India’, a Society under Gopala Krishna Gokhale, as it was the time of the Indian Independence Struggle. However, his father wanted him to be a missionary first. Hence Dharmishtan left for Ankola in North Karnataka and began his ministry along with Very Revd P. J. Thomas (1904-1990) and others. He became involved with the fisher folk in Karwar coast and also with porters at Jolarpet Railway Station. His interest was to work for the welfare of the Adivasis, Dalits and the marginalized sections of society. After this he joined the United Theological College, Bangalore — and after his ordination as a priest, he was appointed as the vicar of the Mar Thoma parish at Bangalore. He then served in parishes at Kottarakkara (Pattamala, Mylom and Kalayapuram), Manganam in Kottayam, and Trivandrum. In 1953 he was consecrated as an episcopa (bishop) of the Mar Thoma Church along with two others: Alexander Mar Theophilus (1913 -2000) who became the Metropolitan from 1976-1999 and Thomas Mar Athanasius (1913-84) who became Suffragan Metropolitan, Mar Chrysostom was a participant at the WCC General Assemblies at Evanston (1954) and Uppsala (1968) and the Second Vatican (1962). He holds the record of being the longest serving bishop in the history of the Indian churches, being a bishop for 68 years. Revd Dr. Sunny George has thrown light into his biographical — SS) |-Oo€e US MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE details in his recent book, ‘Life World of Mar Chrysostom’ (Tiruvalla: CSS, 2021). As this memorial issue of the FOCUS has numerous articles written by a wide spectrum of eminent people from across the world dealing with a variety of personal experiences with Mar Chrysostom, I do not want to touch any of them as they have their own vitality and splendour nor my own personal experiences here, though my marriage with Dr. Desy was solemnized and the baptism of our daughter Ramya was conducted by him at Trivandrum, T have vivid memories of the various jokes and statements by him on those occasions in the presence of Vicar General Very Rev A. A. Pylee (1918-1991), Revd Jolly Thomas, Revd Oommen V. Varkey and others. However, [ would just like to point out only two important characteristics of his outstanding personality. First of all, he had the ability to identify with anybody in any situation. He could transcend all barriers of racial, caste, class and religious differences in his life and identify with anyone. This ability could also be called adaptability (1 Corinthian 9:19-27). With the board of directors of Calcutta Hindustan Motors, the builders of Ambassador Cars, he had the ability to speak of theology by taking the different parts of a car as examples. Similarly, I have heard him speaking to hundreds of convicted prisoners at Trivandrum Poojappura Central Jail by totally identifying with them. It was nothing but the message of incarnation. Jesus Christ, who became human two millenniums back, could identify with the sinners, tax collectors, women and the socially ostracized. Inthe same way, Mar Chrysostom would never stand aloof from the suffering and ostracized; he wanted always to be one among them and work with and for them. He challenged the church to take seriously the small, the minority, those struggling to have a voice, and those on the margins of society. He believed that Jesus Christ was to be identified in the market place and not in temples, synagogues or churches. Thirumeni reminded the church to remain ever open and up-to-date with the intellectual, social and cultural advancement of the time for preaching the gospel. He ‘thought that theology between close doors of the church will be no more relevant for the 21® century. Chrysostom Thirumeni became younger in mind than the youths to whom he was communicating with and he could also speak easily and joyfully to children at Sunday school even in his nineties. Thave seen him communicating with people from all Strata of society, Stations of life or castes while walking through the streets of Bombay and Trivandrum, He could casily be in dialogue with eminent Malayalam film stars like Mammootty or Mohanlal, or any religious persons like Mata Amrtananda Mayi, Bhagavathahamsom Malliyur Sankaran Namboothiri or with Abdussamath Samadani. Blessy, the well-known Malayalam film director, has covered a hundred distinguished persons conversing with Mar Chrysostom in his 72-hour long documentary. Secondly, when I remember Chrysostom Thirumeni, the sublime Hindu concept of Niskamakarma comes to mind. What is ‘Niskamakarama? It is found in the Bhagavath Gita as the advice of Sri Krishna to Arjuna in the battle field of Kurukshetra. Kauravas and Pandavas were there in the field to confront each other. The Kauravas had a great army; Kauravas’ army had Dronacharya, their guru (teacher), all relatives like Bheeshmacharya, Karan, several other elders and relatives. But Lord Krishna was with the Pandavas and he was leading the chariot of Arjuna. When they reached the battle field, Arjuna fainted on the chariot after seeing the great army of the Kauravas before him consisting of all his gurus, elders and cousins on the opposite side. At this juncture, Krishna gave this great teaching of Niskamakarma. He said: Everyone has to perform one’s own duty. One shouid not be bothered about the results or consequences. Selfless or desireless action is the action performed without expectation of fruits or results. It is a central tenet for achieving liberation or moksha. A Kshatriya’s (warrior’s) duty is to fight wars. Arjuna need not be worried as to whom he is fighting against, His duty is to be given the priority. In Chrysostom Thirumeni I have seen this great quality, Niskamakarma, being practiced. He did not have any over-attachment to anything or even any person, which prevented him from doing his duty. Money was never a hindrance to him. He had a lot of personal staff over the years as secretary/chaplain, clerk, cook, driver, gardener and so on, Many of them would serve for short or long periods because by then Thirumeni would find some FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 MAR CHRYSOSTOM A LEGEND BEYOND MEASURE -o€e Uu S better posvemployment for them either in government or private sector in some school or college or some other institution, He did not have too much affinity to any of them, but he cared for the well-being of all of them. No one could prevent him from doing his duty or what he considered to be the right action before the Lord. Therefore, he would visit any religious person and also receive Saravana payasam from Sabarimala. Moreover, he was able to treat everyone as a fellow human being irrespective of their status, wealth, position, education, caste, colour, race, gender, etc. He could also engage with programmes’ appointments even six or seven a day, big or small and numbers did not matter to him. When. T invited him for a convention at Kottayam, when he was at Ranni, he wrote to me that he would not go for programmes outside his diocese. He gave great priority to programmes. in his diocese and in the vicinity where he lived, After becoming Valiya Metropolitan he was very much engaged in the needs of people in his own Panchayath (County) and in the nearby two Panchayaths (Counties). He also undertook the work among the autorickshaw drivers at Nedumprayar Junction near his residence at Maramon, Niskamakarma refers to the welfare and well-being of the entire world which comprises of humans, animals and the environment. Serving the whole inhabited earth (Oikumene) for him was akin to serving God. Conclusion: When [ heard about his demise on the early moming of the 5* May, the words that came to my mind were the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru at the death of Mahatma Gandhi: “A Glory has departed.’ Iremembered the last occasions when I visited him at Maramon and also at Kumbanad Fellowship Hospital. I visited him at Maramon to give him one of my books which had been dedicated to him—the second one (An Introduction to the New Testament—Tiruvalla: CSS, 2017). After words of appreciation, he told me that I should not give any copy of the book free of cost to anyone, Charge at least a very small cost and then only give; otherwise, the person who receives it will not realize its value. [ also have a nice memory of being a scribe for him to write a message for a fesischrift volume. The last visit to him was made when he was at the Kumbanad Fellowship Hospital before the breaking of COVID-19 pandemic. Whenever I used to meet him, he used to enquire about my FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), July, 2021 wife, brother and father-in-law as they were all known and dear to him, He had a sharp ‘memory till his last breath, I gather that he had a very clear knowledge that his last days were near. I could listen to his last speech personally at the demise of our earlier Metropolitan (late and lamented) Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma a few months back. Chrysostom Thirumeni gave a touching eulogy and pointed out that his own end was not very far and that without waiting for long the Church will have to conduct his own funeral eventually. From the words: spoken by the present Sabha Secretary, Rev K. G, Joseph, I understand that Chrysostom Thirumeni had even asked his cook, Mr. Abraham, to tell our present Metropolitan Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma that the funeral arrangements for him should commence on the 5% May 2021. The Church and the State gave him a befitting funeral and the name of God was glorified through the solemn service ‘on the 6" May 2021 Let me conclude this summarizing by stating that Mar Chrysostom was a humanitarian, an orator par excellence and Thirumeni applied his rhetorical skills in his homilies to present what is often dense and complex theology in remarkably simple ways. He was indeed a man for all seasons of life and a legend beyond measure. It is very heartening to see that the contributors to this issue have considered it as a wide canvas and used their memory and skills by using beautiful colours to paint various contours, shapes and shades for depicting various outstanding and memorable portraits of this humble servant of God. I sincerely thank all the contributors to this memorial issue of the FOCUS. On behalf of the editorial board, may I express our deepest condolences to The Most Revd Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Metropolitan, the Episcopal Synod, our clergy, the members of the world-wide Mar Thoma Church and all others who are grieving at the loss of Mar Chrysostom Thirumeni. The title of this memorial issue, ‘A Legend Beyond Measure’, speaks volumes about this towering personality. May God’s blessing be with everyone to keep afresh the memory of this blessed servant of God. Revd Dr. Abraham Philip Parolil, ‘Manganam, Kottayam, For the Editorial Board o——

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