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d- write data ‘referred to as registers. The 8051 has 22 special function, part of 128 bytes of RAM. ‘They occupy memory space from sters are used for their intended purpose. byte memory can be expanded by an additional 60 kb Kk byte program memory. The data memory can also be exte of internal RAM provide a general rea: can also be operated with common memory. In this case, 8051 0 h af total external memory. In this configurations, 8051 can input a block of its serial communications port, load that data in memory, and data as a program. This is called down loaded program. It is a \ e used to change the program operating in a remote microp An introduction to Microcontrollers The microcontroller is a complete microprocessor system: microprocessor and limited amounts of RAM, ROM and I/O. a single integrated circuit. Building a complete microprocessor chip substantially reduces the cost of building simple pi microprocessor’s power to implement their functions. Microcontroller is in fact a micro computer, but it is called | used to perform control functions. The microcontroller designer id functions needed to make up a simple microprocessor system ar possible in a single IC. For example, the micro controller must full implementation of a standard microprocessor, ROM, F timers and a clock. Also it is common to include serial po more complex than microprocessor, because it bers a Fig. 8.2: 8051 memory - map.

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