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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 38 (2017) 75–80

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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia

Original contribution

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cisatracurium in patients

undergoing surgery with two hemodilution methods
Jianrong Guo a,⁎, Xiaohong Yuan b, Xiaofang Zhou a, Xiaoju Jin c
Department of Anesthesiology, Gongli Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200135, China
Department of Anesthesiology, Zhejiang Tumor Hospital, Hangzhou 310022, China
Department of Anesthesiology, Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu 241001, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: To investigate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cisatracurium in patients undergoing
Received 18 May 2016 surgery under acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) and acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH).
Received in revised form 3 January 2017 Methods: Ninety patients with orthopedic surgery were divided into ANH, AHH and control groups, which re-
Accepted 9 January 2017 ceived hemodilution by hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 transfusion, Voluven transfusion and regular transfusion
Available online xxxx
and infusion during surgery, respectively. Each group was divided into 3 sub-groups, administrated with
cisatracurium at dosage of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg/kg respectively. The changes in plasma protein, pH and electrolytes
from the hemodilution beginning to surgery finish were monitored. Before and after cisatracurium administra-
Cisatracurium tion, the phamocodynamic indicators of muscle relaxant were observed, and the plasma drug concentration
Pharmacokinetics was measured.
Pharmacodynamics Results: After hemodilution or regular transfusion, all three groups experienced a distinct drop in total plasma
protein, albumin and pH. Compared with control group, the plasma concentrations of both K+ and Ca2+ in
ANH and AHH groups significantly dropped (P b 0.05), and those in each group after administration of
cisatracurium also dropped, compared with before (P b 0.05). After administration with cisatracurium, the
onset time of muscle relaxation in AHH group was extended notably, compared with AHH and control groups
(P b 0.05), with no distinct difference of residual pharmacodynamics parameters (P N 0.05). In the same hemo-
dilution or regular infusion, with increase of drug dosage, the onset time of muscle relaxation was shortened,
and the period of no response to train-of-four stimulation, muscle relaxation blockade duration and action
time of muscle relaxation blockade in body were extended (P b 0.05).
Conclusion: When using cisatracurium under AHH, the dosage should be increased appropriately, while it need
not be adjusted under ANH.
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction time, low in cost, and favorable in reducing the chance of blood pollu-
tion, thus boasting more advantages [4,5]. Hemodilution can incur the
Due to the shortage of blood source, rising awareness of people in changes to the hemodynamics, electrolytes and activity of some en-
blood transfusion risk and religious belief, the blood protection has be- zymes in the plasma, and affect the plasma protein binding rate, distri-
come an important part with the development of surgery [1]. Hemodi- bution, elimination and discharge of various muscle relaxants, thereby
lution, including acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) and acute influencing their muscle relaxing effect. Different methods of hemodilu-
hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH), is an important measure of blood tion may have different impacts on the muscle relaxant. It is reported
protection, which can not only reduce or even avoid the heterologous that ANH can extend the elimination half-time of vecuronium bromide
blood transfusion, but also avoid the infection and spreading of blood- [6], and AHH can shorten the muscle relaxation onset time of
borne diseases and other transfusion-related complications [2,3]. Com- vecuronium bromide in general anesthesia patients and speed up the
pared with ANH, AHH is easy to operate, economic in manpower and recovery of muscle relaxation [7]. The same method of hemodilution
may bring about different action effects on different muscle relaxants.
For example, ANH can enhance the sensitiveness of patients to
vecuronium bromide [8], rocuronium bromide [9] and atracurium
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Anesthesiology, Gongli Hospital, The Second
Military Medical University, Pudong New Area, No. 219 Miaopu Road, Pudong New Area,
[10], extend the action duration [11], yet weaken the muscle relaxation
Shanghai 200135, China. effect of pancuronium bromide and obviously shorten the onset time
E-mail address: (J. Guo). and action time of pipecuronium bromide [12].
0952-8180/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
76 J. Guo et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 38 (2017) 75–80

Cisatracurium Besylate is a cis-enantiomer of atracurium, which can 2.3. Hemodilution method

form a competitive binding with the cholinergic receptor of motor end
plate. It has a muscle relaxing effect similar with atracurium but about Patients did not administrate medicine before the surgery and re-
three times of atracurium in intensity of muscle relaxation [13]. ceived a regular monitoring. The radial artery was catheterized under
Cisatracurium does not bring about a notable change to the hemody- local anesthesia to monitor the blood pressure while right internal jug-
namics and histamine releasing, which is the greatest advantage that ular vein was catheterized. Before anesthesia induction, the hemospasia
differs from atracurium [14]. It also has advantages such as quick of ANH group was 200–300 ml/10 min, while 6% hydroxyethyl starch
onset time, strong action, quick recovery and no accumulation, which 130/0.4 with medium molecular weight (Voluven, batch number:
make it a fairly ideal muscle relaxant currently [15]. At present, the im- 732,702, Fresenius Company, Berlin, Germany) was injected via periph-
pact of hemodilution on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of eral vein. The formula for hemospasia [16] was as follows: V = EBV
cisatracurium still lacks a systematic research. (H0 − Ht) / H (EBV: estimated blood volume of whole body, 70 ml/kg
This study systematically investigated the changes of blood pH, elec- for male, 60 ml/kg for female; H0: initial Hct; Ht (constant value): medi-
trolytes and plasma protein under ANH and AHH and the impacts of um dilution, 28%–30%; H: mean of H0 and Ht). If the main hemospasia
these changes on the pharmacodynamics of cisatracurium during peri- surgery was terminated or when necessary, the autologous blood was
operative period. The objective was to provide a reference frame for rea- transfused within 6 h. In AHH group, 15–20 ml/kg Voluven was trans-
sonable use of the new muscle relaxant in hemodilution. fused at a speed of 30 ml/min to make Hct to drop to medium. Nitroglyc-
erin (Shanghai Soho-Yiming Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China)
was infused with pump to avoid the overload of acute circulation. Dur-
2. Patients and methods
ing the surgery, Voluven and Ringer's solution (Jiangsu Haosen Pharma-
ceutical Co., Ltd., Lianyungang, China) were continued to inject to
2.1. Patients
ensure a high-circulating blood volume status and the diuresis was in-
duced after the surgery. In control group, the regular transfusion and in-
This study was done in Gongli Hospital, Clinical Medicine of the Sec-
fusion were conducted.
ond Military Medical University (Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China)
from January 2012 to January 2013. 90 patients with lower limbs ortho-
2.4. General anesthesia and monitoring
pedic surgery were selected, with ASA grade I-II, ages between 35 and
60, hemoglobin before surgery ≥ 110 g/L, hematocrit (Hct) ≥ 35%, quan-
After the status in control group was stable or the hemodilution in
tity of platelets ≥ 100 × 109 /L, and no abnormality spotted in thrombin,
hemodilution groups met the standard, the neuromuscular conduction
heart, lung, liver or kidney functions. The design and implementation of
function of upper limb ulnar nerve and adductor pollicis were moni-
the experiment was in accordance with Helsinki Declaration. This study
tored (Orgallon muscle relaxation monitor, Holland) in the mode of
was approved by the Ethical Committee of Gongli Hospital, Clinical
train-of-four (TOF) stimulation. The intravenous injection of 0.03–
Medicine of the Second Military Medical University.
0.05 mg/kg midazolam, 1–1.5 mg/kg propofol and 1–2 μg/kg
remifentanil was taken for anesthesia induction within 5 s, and the in-
2.2. Grouping travenous injection of corresponding dosage of cisatracurium was
taken at a single time. After tracheal intubation, the mechanical ventila-
Patients were divided into 3 groups in accordance with the random tion was applied. 4–12 mg·kg−1·h−1 propofol and 0.05–0.5 μg·kg−1·-
number table (n = 30) as follows: ANH group received the ANH, AHH min−1 remifentanil were pumped to maintain the depth of anesthesia.
group received the ANH, and control group received the regular transfu- During the surgery, the hemodynamics was maintained steady, with
sion and infusion. Each group was divided into 3 sub-groups (ANH1, bispectral index value at 45–60 and PETCO2 at 30–35 mm Hg.
ANH2, ANH3; AHH1, AHH2, AHH3; Control1, Control2, Control3; n =
10), administrated with cisatracurium (batch number: 20,060,869, 2.5. Monitoring of hemodynamics, blood routine and pharmacodynamics
Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., Lianyungang, China) at a dosage of
0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg/kg, respectively. Double blind was used in the exper- Changes of the body temperature, amount of bleeding, amount of
iment. The participant would be ruled out of the experiment when the urine, plasma protein and pH and electrolytes were monitored on 6
operation time was b 1 h or the participant was accompanied with any measurement time points, namely, before hemodilution or regular
kind of serious complications such as wakening delay and drug allergy. transfusion and infusion (T1) and immediately after hemodilution or
The flow diagram was shown in Fig. 1. regular transfusion and infusion (T2), completing muscle relaxant injec-
tion (T3), beginning of the surgery (T4), 1 h after surgery beginning (T5)
and completing the surgery (T6). The onset time of muscle relaxation
blockade (time from end of injection to T1 falling to 0), period of no re-
sponse to TOF stimulation (time during which T1 was kept at 0), block-
ade duration (the time from end of injection to T1 restoring to 5%),
muscle relaxation recovery index (the time in which T1 restored from
25% to 75%), action time of muscle relaxation blockade in body (the
time from muscle relaxant injection finished to T1 restored to 95%),
time of TOF to 70% (the time from muscle relaxant injection finished
until TOF ratio was 70%) and time of TOF to 90% (the time muscle relax-
ant injection finished until TOF ratio was 90%).

2.6. Measurement of plasma drug concentration

Blood sample (2 ml) was taken from the vein at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15,
30, 60, 90 and 120 min after the intravenous injection of cisatracurium,
and then was put into anti-coagulant tube, followed by centrifugation at
a speed of 6000 r/min for 5 min to separate plasma. 40 μl sulfuric acid
Fig. 1. Flow chart of patient selection. (pH 3.0, Sigma-Aldrich Corp., MO, USA) was added, and the mixture
J. Guo et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 38 (2017) 75–80 77

was stored at −20 °C. 1 ml of plasma was put into the EP tube, added ANH group, the lowest amount of albumin was 36.6 ± 5.5 g/L at T4,
with 1 ml of acetonitrile, mixed evenly for 1 min, and then centrifuged and that in AHH group was 36.2 ± 5.4 g/L at T5.
at 12000 r/min for 15 min. 100 μl of supernatant was taken, which pH and electrolyte were basically maintained normal in three
was infused into high performance liquid chromatography for analysis. groups. Compared with T1, pH in two hemodilution groups witnessed
The measurement was repeated for 5 times and it was rationed with the a notable drop at T2–T6 (P b 0.05). In ANH group, the lowest pH was
internal standard method [17]. 7.35 ± 0.05 at T6, while that in AHH group was 7.35 ± 0.05 at T4. Com-
Under the chromatographic conditions in the experiment, pared with control group, pH at each time point in two hemodilution
cisatracurium was totally separated from other foreign matters, with groups dropped notably (P b 0.05), but no statistical difference between
nice peak and the retention time of 4.8 ± 0.5 min as well as the reten- them (P N 0.05).
tion time of internal standard peak of 8.0 ± 0.7 min. A total of 6 samples Compared with T1, the concentration of K+ and Ca2+ in two hemo-
of 1 ml blank plasma were taken and the reference substances were dilution groups at T2-T6 dropped significantly (P b 0.05). In ANH group,
added to prepare 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 ng/ml standard plas- the lowest K+ concentration was 3.10 ± 0.33 mM at T4, while in AHH
ma samples, 5 samples for each concentration. According to the pre- group, the lowest value was 3.30 ± 0.26 mM at T5. The concentrations
treatment method of the samples, the chromatograms were recorded of Ca2 + in two hemodilution groups reached the lowest level at T3,
and a linear regression was made with peak area on the plasma concen- which were 1.08 ± 0.06 mM and 1.11 ± 0.04 mM, respectively. The
tration of cisatracurium to get a regression formula: Y = 0.0007×, r = Na+ concentration in each hemodilution group had no distinct change
0.9995, which indicated that the linear relation was good within the before and after hemodilution (P N 0.05). pH and electrolytes in control
concentration range of 25–2000 ng/ml, with the lowest detection line group had no obvious change among different time points (P N 0.05)
being 25 ng/ml. The measurement of plasma sample precision and (Table 2).
recycling rate indicated that the precision of the instrument was good
and the experimental method was reliable. 3.3. Pharmacodynamics indicators

2.7. Statistical analysis With the same dosage of cisatracurium, the onset time of muscle re-
laxation in AHH group extended notably (low dosage, 7.2 ± 1.0 min;
All statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 17.0 software (SPSS medium dosage, 3.9 ± 0.5 min, high dosage, 2.81 ± 0.6 min) compared
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The measurement data of normal distribution with AHH and control groups (P b 0.05), with no remarkable difference
were expressed as mean ± SD. Intra-group comparison was performed of residual pharmacodynamics indicators (P N 0.05). In the condition of
using paired-sample t-test, and comparison among groups used one- the same hemodilution or regular infusion, with the increase of drug
way analysis of variance. The enumeration data was analyzed used χ2 dosage, the onset time of muscle relaxation was shortened, the period
test. P b 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. of no response to TOF stimulation, muscle relaxation blockade duration
and action time of muscle relaxation blockade in body were extended
3. Results (P b 0.05), while the recovery index and muscle relaxation residual re-
lated time had no distinct change (P N 0.05) (Fig. 2).
3.1. General conditions
3.4. Plasma concentration of cisatracurium
In three groups, every participant completed the experiment and
was involved in statistical analysis. No obvious adverse event or side ef- After administration of medicine, the plasma concentration of
fect was observed. There was no notable difference among three groups cisatracurium of all patients gradually dropped with the extension of
in general conditions including gender, age, body mass index, American time (P b 0.05). After administration of the same dosage of
society of anesthesiologists (ASA) grade and perioperative bleeding cisatracurium, compared with control group, the plasma concentration
amount (P N 0.05). Compared with control group (526 ± 211 ml), the of ANH and AHH groups both dropped, and AHH group dropped more
perioperative urine amount in AHH group (1126 ± 368 ml) and ANH notably (P b 0.05). In the condition of the same hemodilution, the
group (634 ± 168 ml) witnessed a notable increase (P b 0.05), and drop of plasma concentration was related with the dosage of
that in AHH group was significantly higher than ANH group (P b 0.05) cisatracurium (P b 0.05) (Fig. 3).
(Table 1).
4. Discussion
3.2. Plasma protein, pH and electrolytes
Hemodilution, the most important measure of blood protection, can
After hemodilution or regular transfusion, all patients experienced a not only reduce blood loss in surgery, but also improve the supply to
distinct drop in their total plasma protein and albumin (P b 0.05). In the tissue microcirculation, with a definite action of organ protection
ANH group, the lowest amount of protein was 45.1 ± 6.9 g/L at T4, [18]. Hydroxyethyl starch of medium molecules has been extensively
while in AHH group, the lowest amount was 45.5 ± 7.2 g/L at T4. In used in the fields of clinical blood transfusion alternative and volume
therapy. Compared with the old generation of plasma substitute products
Table 1 such as alums and dextran of low molecules, it is favored for the steady
General conditions of patient in three groups. expansion effect and good clinical safety [19]. Compared with HAES-steril,
Index ANH AHH Control the substitution level of Voluven drops from 0.5 to 0.4, and the substitu-
Total (n) 30 30 30
tion mode increases from 5:1 to 9:1, which is closer to “the ideal colloidal
Gender (n, female/male) 10/20 12/18 11/19 solution” [20]. The half-time in the blood vessels is 3 h, the expansion ef-
Age (years) 46 ± 10 47 ± 9 45 ± 11 fect can sustain for around 4 h, up to 6 h at maximum [21]. The dosage and
BMI (kg·m−2) 22.3 ± 2.6 24 ± 1.6 23 ± 3.7 speed adopted in the research has been proved safe and effective.
ASA grade (n, I/II) 17/13 16/14 12/18
In this study, the Hct dropped to 0.28–0.30, which was medium he-
Perioperative bleeding (ml) 681 ± 86.4 702 ± 79.1 678 ± 90.2
Perioperative urine (ml) 634 ± 168⁎ 1126 ± 368⁎,# 526 ± 211 modilution, with steady hemodynamics [22,23]. Hemodilution can
make the concentration of visible components in the plasma to drop.
⁎ P b 0.05 compared with control group.
P b 0.05 compared with ANH group. BMI, body mass index; ASA, American society of
Free concentration of muscle relaxant with a high protein binding
anesthesiologists; ANH, acute normovolemic hemodilution; AHH, acute hypervolemic ratio is more sensitive to the change of plasma protein, such as plasma
hemodilution. protein binding ratio for rocuronium bromide, vecuronium bromide
78 J. Guo et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 38 (2017) 75–80

Table 2
Plasma protein, pH and electrolytes in three groups at different time points.

Variable Time T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

Total protein (g/L) ANH 65.3 ± 6.7 48.5 ± 5.2⁎,+ 46.8 ± 5.5⁎,+ 45.1 ± 6.9⁎,+ 52.6 ± 7.2⁎ 52 ± 6.8⁎,+
AHH 67.3 ± 3.7 47.8 ± 5.6⁎,+ 46.2 ± 6.6⁎,+ 45.5 ± 7.2⁎,+ 46.3 ± 5.6⁎,+ 49.3 ± 5.6⁎
Control 66.1 ± 5.1 55.1 ± 5.3⁎ 54.5 ± 6.8⁎ 53.1 ± 8.1⁎ 50.6 ± 6.1⁎ 47.7 ± 5.5⁎
Albumin (g/L) ANH 47.1 ± 5.2 39.6 ± 4.3⁎,+ 37.9 ± 5.2⁎,+ 36.6 ± 5.5⁎,+ 38.8 ± 5.4⁎ 42.8 ± 5.7⁎,+
AHH 48.5 ± 3.2 42.7 ± 3.6⁎ 40.3 ± 5.3⁎ 40.1 ± 3.6⁎ 36.2 ± 5.4⁎ 39.8 ± 5.9⁎
Control 47.9 ± 3.4 43.5 ± 3.5⁎ 41.2 ± 4.4⁎ 39.7 ± 3.6⁎ 36.5 ± 4.9⁎ 35.9 ± 5.4⁎
pH ANH 7.41 ± 0.04 7.37 ± 0.05⁎,+ 7.36 ± 0.03⁎,+ 7.37 ± 0.05⁎,+ 7.36 ± 0.04⁎,+ 7.35 ± 0.05⁎,+
AHH 7.40 ± 0.03 7.36 ± 0.04⁎,+ 7.36 ± 0.03⁎,+ 7.35 ± 0.05⁎,+ 7.36 ± 0.03⁎,+ 7.36 ± 0.04⁎,+
Control 7.41 ± 0.05 7.40 ± 0.04 7.40 ± 0.03 7.39 ± 0.04 7.42 ± 0.03 7.41 ± 0.05
K+-plasma (mM) ANH 3.60 ± 0.29 3.20 ± 0.32⁎,+ 3.30 ± 0.28⁎,+ 3.10 ± 0.33⁎,+ 3.20 ± 0.34⁎,+ 3.32 ± 0.35⁎,+
AHH 3.70 ± 0.33 3.40 ± 0.29⁎,+ 3.40 ± 0.27⁎,+ 3.50 ± 0.33⁎,+ 3.30 ± 0.26⁎,+ 3.40 ± 0.31⁎,+
Control 3.70 ± 0.26 3.60 ± 0.31 3.70 ± 0.29 3.60 ± 0.33 3.51 ± 0.35 3.60 ± 0.37
Na+-plasma (mM) ANH 138 ± 2 136 ± 3 136 ± 3 137 ± 2 137 ± 2 136 ± 3
AHH 137 ± 2 138 ± 2 137 ± 3 136 ± 2 136 ± 3 137 ± 2
Control 137 ± 3 138 ± 2 136 ± 3 137 ± 3 137 ± 2 136 ± 3
Ca2+-plasma (mM) ANH 1.24 ± 0.06 1.11 ± 0.04⁎,+ 1.08 ± 0.06⁎,+ 1.13 ± 0.04⁎,+ 1.09 ± 0.04⁎,+ 1.14 ± 0.06⁎,+
AHH 1.29 ± 0.05 1.18 ± 0.05⁎,+ 1.11 ± 0.04⁎,+ 1.13 ± 0.05⁎,+ 1.15 ± 0.07⁎,+ 1.13 ± 0.05⁎,+
Control 1.22 ± 0.04 1.24 ± 0.04 1.20 ± 0.06 1.27 ± 0.05 1.25 ± 0.06 1.20 ± 0.04
⁎ P b 0.05 compared with T1.
P b 0.05 compared with control group. ANH, acute normovolemic hemodilution; AHH, acute hypervolemic hemodilution.

and atracurium are all above 70%. Hemodilution can make the free med- Cisatracurium and atracurium are a bit different in metabolic path-
icine concentration to rise. Previous research deems that the plasma way. 60% of the atracurium is hydrolyzed through plasma pseudo-cho-
protein binding ratio of Cisatracurium is only 38% [24]. After the hemo- linesterase. Hemodilution can make the activity of plasma pseudo-
dilution, the free medicine concentration experiences no remarkable cholinesterase to drop [28], which may be one of the reasons why
change. The above theory can partially explain why the effect of muscle ANH makes the muscle relaxation time of atracurium to extend. The
relaxation has not changed remarkably under ANH in the research. Hofmann elimination of cisatracurium takes up about 80%, esterlysis
Some reports also hold that hemodilution can reduce the plasma pro- only takes up a small fraction and the remaining of about 15% is excret-
tein binding ratio of the medicine [25,26], but currently no clear conclu- ed in prototype via the kidneys [31], showing very complicated
sion is available. influencing factors. Hofmann degradation of cisatracurium within the
Previous research indicates that after ANH and AHH, the concentra- body is the key step and mainly affected by the body temperature and
tion of K+, Ca2+ drops notably. The possible reasons are as follows: the pH value. Under the acid environment and low temperature, the elimi-
quick injection of Voluven which does not contain the two ions leads to nation slows down and the muscle relaxation time and the recovery
dilution hypokalemia and hypocalcium [27]; the stress reaction and time are extended [13,32]. In the experiment, monitoring the body tem-
light respiratory alkalosis in hemodilution boost the transfer of K+ perature of the patients has revealed no obvious fluctuation, and there-
into the cells; the expansion effect of colloid increases the amount of fore the impact of body temperature change can be excluded. For
urine and the excretion of K+ and Ca2 + via kidneys [28,29]. The two Voluven pH 4.0– 5.5, the pH drops after hemodilution [27]. The research
ions play an important role in the neuro-muscular transmission. The indicates that under AHH, the onset time of muscle relaxation is extend-
rapid change in concentration notably influences the response of the ed, which might be a bit related to the drop of pH. We hold that ANH
body to the muscle relaxant [7,8,30]. and AHH are a kind of special physiological status. Under the same

Fig. 2. Pharmacodynamics indicators in three groups. ⁎P b 0.05 compared with control group; + P b 0.05 compared with low dosage (ANH1, AHH1, Control1); △P b 0.05 compared with
medium dosage (ANH2, AHH2, Control2). TOF, train-of-four.
J. Guo et al. / Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 38 (2017) 75–80 79

Fig. 3. Changes of cisatracurium plasma concentration after administration. ⁎P b 0.05 compared with control group; △P b 0.05 compared with medium dosage (ANH2, AHH2, Control2).

physiological status and within the dosage of the research (0.1– However, how the change of the distribution and elimination of
0.3 mg/kg), along with the increase of the dosage of cisatracurium, the cisatracurium, and what is the relationship between the pharmacology
onset time of muscle relaxation are all shortened among the patients, and metabolism after hemodilution remain problems needed for fur-
and the period of no response to TOF, duration of muscle relaxation ther research.
blockade and the body time are extended. The drop of plasma concen- In conclusion, the AHH makes the muscle relaxation onset time of
tration is related with the dosage. It keeps consistent with the change cisatracurium to extend while ANH has not notably changed the efficacy
of cisatracurium in the two-compartment model under the normal of cisatracurium. Both methods make the plasma concentration of
physiological status. cisatracurium to drop. When the patients in general anesthesia under
In this study, the drop of plasma concentration of cisatracurium after the AHH status are administrated with cisatracurium and to reach an
hemodilution is related to the dosage, while it's more notable in the case ideal effect of muscle relaxation and shorten the onset time, the dosage
of AHH. It's because after hemodilution the blood viscosity drops, the ef- should be increased appropriately. In the case of ANH, the dosage need
ficiency of microcirculation is enhanced [33], the cardiac output in- not be adjusted.
creases, which can speed up the blood flow and increase the blood
flow volume in the organs and tissues with rich blood supply [2]. Mean-
Conflict of interest
while the osmotic pressure of plasma colloid drops and the liquid is
transferred out of the blood vessels, so that the distribution volume is
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
increased notably, which leads to the extension of onset time. The accel-
eration of blood flow speed and the increase of blood flow volume in the
tissues enable more muscle relaxant to redistribute to neuro-muscular References
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