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July 2, 2021

T he H e ral d
No. 7

Sunday, July 25
Ute Shelter in Deming Park
beginning at 10:45 a.m.

Please bring chairs/blankets. Weather permitting, we will

set up on the lawn. In case of rain, worship will be under the

Elders have also elected to have an outdoor service on the

last Sunday of the month of August at the park.

Inside this issue:

Pastor writes/ 2
McKee scholarship/
Bible study

Cheryl’s retirement 3

Session notes 4

Nursery workers 5
needed SAVE THE DATE!!
Birthdays 6
Our PYOCA annual family retreat has been scheduled for October 1,
Calendar 7
2, and 3. Please save the date and make plans to bring your family to
this fun weekend. More details coming soon.
Church Happenings 8
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T he He ral d

Note from Pastor Mike Riggins

At its June meeting the session voted to have a yard sign placed along the 7th St. side of our build-
ing. Our Mission Committee has placed it. The sign shows the Presbyterian Church (USA) logo in
the rainbow colors of the LGTBQ+ community.

The decision to erect this sign is meant to express our congregation's openness to all persons, and
our desire to include all people regardless of race, national origin or sexuality. It does not constitute
an endorsement of the agenda or policies of any particular advocacy group.

In their discussion the elders noted this action fits well with our having become a Matthew 25
church. When Jesus in that chapter teaches that his followers must minister to "the least of these",
surely his thought would have included those who have lived in fear and shame because of their
sexual identity.

I recognize that not all members and friends of Central Presbyterian will agree with this ac-
tion. Whatever your thoughts and feelings may be please know that I am always willing to listen to
them. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you feel the need.

Bible Study and Brew opens new se-

ries--join us!

Attention High School seniors and college students Scott Racop will lead a study on the
Gospel of Luke. Try out this fun
Applications for the 2021/22 Nancy and Dale McKee
group. We learn a lot and have a
Family Scholarship for the benefit of a member of
good time. By Zoom for the time be-
the Central Presbyterian Church will be available
ing. Please contact Mike Riggins for
the link to the meeting.
from July 1 - August 27, 2021 at 2 PM. This scholar-
ship requires that you are a member (or regular at-
tendee) of Central Presbyterian Church. The scholar-
ship is available to all traditional and non-traditional
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T he He ral d

Dear Church Family,

I write this with a heart overflowing with thankfulness for the
retirement celebration. I'm still smiling as I remember it all. It
was everything that exemplifies CPC love and life. I can't possi-
bly name individuals to thank because I don't even know who
did what, especially with the change of location. So many of
you worked to bring together everyone near and dear to me in
a beautiful way. Thank you to all that attended, sent cards and
gifts, gave hugs (wasn't that the best?!) and shared kind agape
messages. Thank you for the generous monetary gift that will help Jim & I travel to visit fam-
ily. The music of the beautiful windchime will remind us of our church family along with the
special blessing sign and scented balm. Everything is appreciated beyond words.

Together we celebrate the continuation of our church life and mission. I'm excited for the
great things that are ahead of us in ministry!

May the Lord bless and keep you today and always.

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T he He ral d

Session Notes from June for the July Herald

Session met over Zoom in June but plans to return to in-person meetings in July. Here is a summary of the June

Discussion of the future of a video ministry

Bruce McLaren noted that the current system of live-streamed and recorded-for-YouTube worship services has been
in place for one year, and he anticipates it will continue in its present form through the end of summer. Discussion
began on the future of this service that was developed to reach the congregation during the pandemic. Elders offered
initial responses to the fundamental questions of target audience, priority, brand, and resources. The discussion will

Reopening Task Force Recommendations

Session reviewed the five points of the reopening task force’s May 20 recommendations. After discussion, session
approved the relaxation of the mask mandate for those who are fully vaccinated, the full liturgy (but individual ele-
ments) for communion, passing the offering plate during worship, and in-person Sunday School this fall. Noting the
importance of vaccinations, session approved an additional motion to offer paid time off to existing and any new
employees to complete their vaccinations.

Treasurer’s Report: Bruce McLaren presented the report and noted that May was a good month.

Operating Fund Sum-

Month of May Balance Sheet Summary 5/31/2021
Beginning of Month $50,926.14 Current Assets $706,505
Income $41,030.13 Fixed Assets $2,980,000
Expenses $25,199.30 Short Term Liabilities $3490
End of Month $66,756.97 Long Term Liabilities $202,506
Net Worth (Fund Balance) $3,480,508

Christian Educator’s Report: This is Cheryl’s last meeting as Christian Educator. She will be following Alan Harder’s
lead, limiting involvement and contact with the church family over the next year.

As part of her report, Cheryl explained to session that she and Ellie Templeton had been approached by several from
our congregation to begin a conversation about how the church might be perceived as more welcoming to members
of the LGBTQ+ community. Andrew Conner noted that this openness seems to be a rational extension of our MA 25
initiative to welcome the stranger. There are several PCUSA agencies/programs with resources and there is a rain-
bow version of the PCUSA seal.
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Reports and Action Items from Committees and Commissions:

Christian Nurture: Valeri Kershaw reiterated that Cheryl has been the commission’s rock and they have loved
working with her.

Church Life: Publicity has been shared for Cheryl’s retirement celebration and reservations are coming in.

Facilities: Tom Bogigian expressed thanks to those who participated in the work day. The commission will work
with the Finance commission on our insurance coverage.

Mission: The SAWS ramp build project is getting back on track and hopes to have a project this summer. There
will be an outdoor work project (“weed wrangle”) at the Wabashiki wetlands on June 19. The committee ex-
pects to work on a community donation drive for feminine hygiene products.

New Business: Discussion about being more welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community continued. Session ap-
proved using the rainbow PCUSA symbol now and asks the Mission committee to thoughtfully consider all the
associated issues and bring a report back to session.

We are seeking great people to work

in our church nursery!
Do you know someone who is responsible,
caring and enjoys working with young chil-
dren? We would love for them to apply.
Must be 18 or older.

Contact Ellie for an application.

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T he He ral d

July Birthdays

3– Travis Rubey, Katie Salmeron, Michael Shaw

4—Jack Darke
5—Cheryl Moles
8—Carol Cook, Megan Rader
9—Steve Templeton
13—Susan Hoffman
14—Andrew Green
15—Carla Bailey
17—Enzo Woodruff, Mia Woodruff
18—Suzanne Downs, Nathaniel Taken
20—Mary Horneker, Connor Scanlon
24—Kirsten Ford, Steve Mead
25—Kathy Hogan, Leanne Holder
27—Mimi Templeton, Harrison Whitaker
29—Niles Newton
31—Ethan Kershaw
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T he He ral d

July 2021
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Women’s 2 3
Book Club

4 Worship 5 Church 6 7 8 9 10
closed for

11 Worship 12 13 Bible 14 Deacons 15 16 17

study and 5:00
beer 7:30

18 Worship 19 20 Tuesday 21 Staff 22 23 24

meeting 11:15
night Bible study
and beer
Youth Design
Team 4:00

25 Worship 26 27 28 Bible 29 30 31
in park study and
beer 7:30
Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049 Rev. Mike Riggins, Pastor

Fax: 812-232-5040 Ellie Templeton, Christian Educator
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary


Church Happenings

Women’s Book Club

The Women’s Book Club will
Next Herald be meeting on August 5 at
2:00 in the church fellowship
Deadline — hall. The book, The Nickle
Boys by Colson Whitehead
July 27, 2021 will be discussed.

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