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Installing Oracle API Gateway

There are three installation pieces that will be described in the upcoming

 Oracle API Gateway Core Server

 Oracle API Gateway Analytics
 Database schema creation for OAG analytics

Now, follow these steps:

1. Go to the machine where OAG will be installed, and create a directory like
This will be the OAG_HOME instance.

2. Locate where the installation package was downloaded and execute: .

The following screenshot will appear:
3. Hit the Forward button and the following screenshot will appear. Choose
the path
where OAG will be installed. This will be OAG_HOME. Hit the Forward button
selecting the path.
4. After hitting the Forward button, the following screenshot will appear:
5. Select the following options:
 Core Server
 Analytics
 Policy Studio
 Explorer
 Configuration Studio

6. After selecting the different components, click on the Forward button.

The following
screenshot will appear:

7. When asked, Is the first system in a new Domain, choose Yes as this will
be a

single instance installation. Should there be a need to install OAG in a cluster


for the second node installation, choose No. Click on the Forward button to
go to the

next step. The following screen will be displayed:

8. Use the SSL/HTTPS scheme for connection. This means that connections
will use
HTTPS and SSL. Also, select the hostname or IP address where the node
will be receiving requests. Finally, choose a value for the listener port which

9. Hit the Forward button and the following screenshot will appear. To start
installation, select the Yes option and hit the Forward button.
10. The next screen (see the preceding screenshot) prompts the user for the

API Gateway Name: This is the name that we will use for our API

API Gateway Group: The Gateway Group name.

Oracle API Gateway Implementation Overview, is an instance that belongs to


SSL/HTTPS: This specifies whether we want our gateway to listen on

or not

Local Management Port: This is the management port for this specific

External Traffic Port: This is the port where this gateway will be receiving
the external traffic
11. Hit the Forward button and the following screenshot will appear:

12. The preceding prompt asks if the install process should start the Node
Manager and
API Gateway instance after the installation. Select Yes and hit the Forward

13. The next step is to install API Gateway Analytics. This requires an
Oracle database to
be already in place. For details on installing a database, follow the Oracle
documentation at

14. Hit the Forward button and go to the next step.

15. Oracle API Gateway is now ready to be installed. Just click on the
Forward button and a progress bar will appear.

Once the installation is complete, the following screenshot will appear:

It is possible to open up OAG Policy Studio and open a browser to connect to
the Admin Node Manager. After clicking on the Finish button, the installer
will close.

To start the Node Manager manually, create and start an instance, following
the given

1. Start node manager using this command:
cd /u01/app/oracle/product/OAG_11gR2/apigateway/posix/bin
nohup ./nodemanager > . logs/start_nodemanager.log 2>
../logs/start_nodemanager.err./ &

2. Create an instance:
/u01/app/oracle/product/OAG_11gR2/apigateway/posix/bin/managedomain -c
-n "WBCV_OAG1" -g "WBCVTest --instance_host -s 8080 -m 8085

3. Start an instance:
cd /u01/app/oracle/product/OAG_11gR2/apigateway/posix/bin/
nohup ./startinstance -g "WBCVTest" -n "WBCV_OAG1" >
../logs/start_OAG1.log 2> ../logs/start_OAG1.err &

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