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Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Completing Complex Sentences Worksheet

A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent

clause. An independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand on its
own. A dependent clause is not a complete sentence for it cannot stand on
its own.
Dependent clauses start with subordinating conjunctions such as (so,
because, since, before, even though, after, although, wherever, while etc..)

Directions: Complete each complex sentence given below by adding a dependent

or independent clause.

Example A: For the first time,____________________________.

Answer: For the first time, I successfully passed all my classes.

1. In the morning, ___________________________________________________.

2. For the last time, __________________________________________________.

3. ________________________, we could not take our seats on time.

4. In the afternoon, __________________________________________________.

5. Because she is happy, ______________________________________________.

6. Although he was late, ______________________________________________.

7. ________________________, they were not satisfied with the championship.

8. ________________________, it is the right place to be.

9. After the incident, ________________________________________________.

10. Unless you are here, _____________________________________________.

11. Until you arrive, _________________________________________________.


1. In the morning, we walked to the park.

2. For the last time, I will play the game.

3. Because we were late, we could not take our seats on time.

4. In the afternoon, I will go to the park.

5. Because she is happy, we all received candy.

6. Although he was late, he still played an excellent game.

7. Even though they won, they were not satisfied with the championship.

8. Wherever you are, it is the right place to be.

9. After the incident, we all walked home.

10. Unless you are here, you should not comment on the situation.

11. Until you arrive, we will be waiting.


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