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World Link 2 Review, Units 1 - 3

I. Select the correct answer.

B1. Jerry and I no longer go out. We’re ……………………

a. acquaintances b. attended c. just friends d. went out
E2. I know many people, but I only have one…………
a. best friends b. close friend c. acquaintances d. girlfriend
G3. I know him but not very well. He’s ……….
a. an acquaintance b. a close friend c. just friends d. students
R4. If you go to the same school as someone, you….the same school.
a. go together b. classmates c. attended d. went out
5. Although he doesn’t studymuch, he ….in all his classes
a. is falling b. pass c. fails d. gets good grades
6. I take guitar …..twice a week for 2 hours.
a. practice b. lessons c. prepare d. play
7. We ….soccer practice after school
a. have b. take c. do d. making
8. The group …..on sundays at 10 a. m.
a. meets b. have practice c. taking a class d. take lessons
9. One reason why people can’t drink seawater is because it’s…..
a. sweet b. spicy c. salty d. sour
10. Lemons are…..
a. sweet b. spicy c. bitter d. sour
11. Aloe….terrible.
a. taste b. tastes c. tasty d. tastes like
12. this meat….beef
a. taste b. tastes c. taste like d. tastes like
13. Chicken is a big part of the Dominican……….
a. diet b. lifestyle c. habits d. plenty
14. …………..can be good or bad.
a. benefits b. habits c. cut back on d. eliminate
15. People need to drink…………. of water
a. plenty b. increase c. diet d. habits
16. Coffee is…….. unless you add sugar to it.
a. sour b. sweet c. bitter d. salty
17. He suffers from obesity. His doctor ordered him to…...fried food
a. reduce b. cut back on c. eliminate d. increase
World Link 2 Review, Units 1 - 3

18. Another word for cut back on is…….

a. reduce b. increase c. eliminate d. plenty
19. A synonym for a lot of is ………
a. reduce b. increase c. eliminate d. plenty
20. The way you live including the food you eat, weather you excersice
or not, and the work you do, are examples of your……
a. lifestyle b. habits c. diet d. benefits
21. There was a big accident on Las Americas last night, but ……, there
were only minor injuries.
a. unfortunately b. by accident c. luckily d. unlucky
22. I saw them kissing each other passionately. They …..siblings.
a. maybe b. could be c. couldn’t be d. can’t be
21. They look exactly alike, they are the same age, they talk the same
way, and they live in the same house. I……..they are twins.
a. bet b. maybe c. probably d. doubt
22. My family…… apartment in Miami.
a. owns b. is owning c. is having d. have
23. I’m in the English Immersion Program, so I…… more and more
English every day
a. know b. am knowing c. knowing d. knew
24. Mexican food is too ….. for my taste.
a. spicy b. spicier c. spiciest d. more spicy
25. The …….student in the class is Natasha.
a. most bright b. more intelligent c. boringest d.smartest
26. Eating rice is……..than eating spaghetti in our society.
a. popular b. most popular c. more unusually c. more
27. Today is the ……. day of my life. I am so sad.
a. bad b. worst c. worse d. most bad
28. Why …to the movies tonight?
a. don’t we go b. we don’t go c. go d. we not go
29. How about we…….. some ice cream?’
a. have b. to have c. having d. has
30. They … the book fair twice last year.
a. went b. want c. going d. did go
31. We …….any homework yesterday.
a. don’t had b. don’t have c. didn’t have d. didn’t had
World Link 2 Review, Units 1 - 3

32. My sister is a ….person. She is always winning prizes.

a. fortunately b. good lucky c. lucky d. took a chance
33. The opposite of reunite is…..
a. ended badly b. separate c. miss my chance d. good luck
34. A: You broke my cellphone on purpose.
B: No, I didn’t. I am so sorry. Really, it happened…….
a. bad luck b. by accident c. ended badly d. coincidence
35. ……………………. and………………are opposites.
a. good luck...lucky b. ended badly...worked out c. ended
badly...missed my chance d. by accident...accident
36. My conversation with my mother …….now we aren’t talking.
a. worked out b. took a chance c. separated d. ended badly
37. What really happened on 9/11 is a big… most people.
a. mystery b. mysterious c. theory d. figure out
38. There are different …..about the beginning of life.
a. prove b. theories c. explanation d. solve
39. He is very good at math. He can …any mathematical problem.
a. prove b. figure out c. explains d. make sense
40. You can say something is illogical, or it doesn’t…….
a. solve b. figure out c. explain d. make sense
41. The police are…..a crime that happened 2 nights ago.
a. investigating b. explanation c. figure out d. make sense
42. ……...she has a problem. She has never been absent before.
a. maybe b, may be c. might be d. could be
43. A: Do you think this practice will help the students with their exam?.
B: …………………
a. perhaps b. may be c. could be d. could be

II. Fill in the blanks. Use the words in the box as needed.
tutor healthy colleagues pass delicious spicy fail sweet

1. Mangoes are _________________ and healthy.

2. A private teacher is often called a _____________.
3. Another word for tasty is ____________________.
4. Pizza, sandwiches and sweets are examples of __________ food.
World Link 2 Review, Units 1 - 3

5. We are ___________________. We work for the same company.

6. When someone takes an exam, two things can happen; She can
_______________ or ________________
7. If you want to have a lot of energy, you should eat ____________
8. My mouth is on fire. Please get me some water. this meat is really

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