What The Mayan Elders Said About Crystal Skulls and Raising Human Consciousness

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What the Mayan Elders Said About Crystal Skulls and

Raising Human Consciousness

In 2012, the Mayan Council of Elders were invited to speak at the United Nations. This was in
relation to the end of the Mayan calendar—December 12, 2012—that many thought would be
the end of the world. They talked about the importance of raising human consciousness that is
needed to bring peace to the world for a new beginning. They emphasized the role that crystal
skulls play in making this happen. Grandfather Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj addressed
concerns people have about the macabre symbolism of skulls. He argues that the crystal skull
meaning is not death—it symbolizes how some things do not change even when everything
around it does. In the same way the crystal skulls’ physical appearance was preserved through
the years, so does the knowledge handed down from generation to generation. He speaks of the
need to protect that what we inherited from the past and use it to better our future.Don Pedro
Pablo Chuc Pech talked about the importance of finding inner peace. Only by attaining peace
within can we even begin to think about creating harmony outside ourselves. This can be done
with crystal skull meditation that helps us reach a deeper level of insight, that in turn leads to
profound peace.Hunbatz Men, Mayan Day Keeper, suggests that it would do the world good if
every person had their own crystal skull that they could connect with on a daily basis. This will
wake up their memories and store new ones, allowing them to learn from past mistakes. Crystal
skulls are a metaphor that reality is a consciousness hologram through which we experience
virtually. Many of the s=crystal skulls are tools that awaken human consciousness, referenced by
the human brain design of the crystal and the metaphoric eyes. A crystal skull is a model of a
human skull generally made out of quartz crystal, but not always, as in the case of Chinese jade
skulls. Crystal skulls vary in size from a few inches to the size of a human head, or bigger. The
age of a skull can be equated not so much to the year it was carved, or the place of origin, but to
the age of the crystal from which it was created, some crystals being thousands of years old,
while others are more contemporary. Crystal skulls are most often associated with ancient
Mesoamerican cultures, especially the Maya. Humanity has always been on an esoteric journey
to solve the mysteries of its creation linked to people and objects that allegedly contain higher
powers, or can enhance those of the questor. Technology and the Internet help move
consciousness to that place, with great precession, as if it was all part of a cosmic plan. We can
sense the truth, soon to be revealed, about who we are and why we are here. The enigmatic
crystal skulls have become another tool of divination to that end, crystals sometimes been
thought of as having magical powers, as well as transmitters and receivers of energy. Many
crystal skulls are designed at specific angles representing a union of sacred geometry and the
nature of the quartz crystal used. In metaphysics, crystal skulls are used for ceremonial work,
healing, energy work, and enhancing one's psychic abilities. Used for healing, we go to themes
of self awareness and creating balance to opening psychic abilities to be able to understand the
nature of human creation and evolution. Holding an object to exchange energies and/or receive
messages with it, is called psychometry. To find messages while look at the inclusions within a
quartz crystal, or crystal skull, is a form of divination called Scrying. There are countless
hypotheses that the crystal skulls are the legacy of some higher intelligence or ancient astronauts
who seeded the human race.

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