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1 READING & LISTENING a (62) How do yousay these date: isten and check. ‘Sed May 2th August 2012 31st December 22/6 5/2 2th Juy 1998 b Ben and Lily are old friends from university. Read their Facebook messages and number them in order. Lily Varnelt J |] Great. 'm going to book my tickets tomorrow, and then | can let you know my light times. fen West 10x, wiry dont you phone me nearer the time, at the end of April? Then we can fix day and ame to meet kno 9 great restaurant. Lily Varnell [1] Hi Bent No news from you forages. How are things? Are you stil working at Budapest University? | have a conferonce there next month and | thought perhaps we could ‘meet. Id love to see you again’ Lily, Ben West [depends on the day, going to Vienna ‘one day that week, but it's not very far ~ ‘fm coming back the same day. 'm sure ‘we can Find a time that’s good for both of Lily Varnell It's from 3rd to 7th May, but | don't know my travel afrangemients yet, What are you doing that week? Are you free any time? my cen West ] Lil Great to hear from you. Yes, lestll atthe university here and it's going very Se ret eennene \ Urcntentaaeue! Lily Varnell Fantastic. | can't wait! € Read the messages again in the right order. Why does Lily getin touch swith Ben? What are chey planning todo? 4. Match che highlighted words and phrases to their meaning foralongtime definite plans forthe future continue tobe maybe thewwo todecide sth (eg.aday | dare) {© 4621) Lily phones Ben and leaves hinn a message, Listen and complete her Flight decails, irs 1u for booking with easyJet YOUR RESERVATION NUMBER IS: ISCS2L Going out: Flight EZY4S87 Date: Depart London Gatwick at 11.10. Arrive Budapest at Going back: Flight EZ¥4588 Date: Depart Budepest at ‘Anive London Gatwick at 1810. Hotel reservations: Six nights at Hotel 2 GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) a Inpuirs, underline five present continuous verbs in the Facebook messages. Which two are about now? What time period do the cother three refer to? b 163!) Look at three extracts from the message Lily leaves Ben, Can you remember the missing verbs? Listem and check, Tn From Gatwick with Bayyiet at Budapest airport at 14.40. 31m avalovely old hotel, ¢ > p.130 Grammar Bank 3B. Learn more bout the present continuous for future arrangements and practise it 4 965)) Lily phones Ben when shearrivesat the hotel. Listen to the conversation, What day do they arrange ro meet? ¢€ Listen again. Complete Ben’ diary forthe week ‘seoing Pau! Teostay nmr F Coverthe diary. Work with a partier and test your memory What's Ben doing) / He's seeing Peul. what's onsundey? ) \, hada onion? 8 66)) Listen, What happens when Ben and Lily meet® 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sounding friendly 167) Listen to another dialogue. Then listen again and repeatit sentence by sentence. Try 1o copy the speakers’ intonation. ‘A Would you like to go aut for dinner? B floveto. Ak Are you Freeon Thursday? B Sony, going to the cinema ‘A What about friday? What are youdong ther? B Nothing, Friday’ fine. A OK-Lets go to thenew italianplece B Great. b Practise the dialogue witha partner. Try to sound friendly © Complete your diary with different activities for three evenings Nontay Wedoesiag Figs Sundey Tuesiay Tuncay er 4. Talktoother students. Try to find days when you are both Free ‘and suggest doing something. Write it in your diary. Try to make an arrangement with a different person for every night. ‘Are youfree on ridy evening?) (Yes, lam a - Would youthetogo tothe cinema? ") (Yen dloveto, 4 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions a Lookat things Lily and Ben say. Whatare the missing prepositions? 1 Tedepends __theday 2 Vmarriving Budapest at 14.40. 3 Paulinvited me dinnerages apo. b> p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 2 (Verbs+ prepositions) € Complete the questions with a preposition. Them ask and answer swith a partner. 1 What ds souusually sk ifyou go to cafe with fiends? 2 Who do you think should pay ___che mealon a first date? 3. Who do you normally speak __when you'reworried __ something? 4 Do youspeni more money clothes or __ gadgets? 5 Do youthink i's possible ro fill___love___ somebody without ‘meeting them face-to-face? 5 WRITING

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