Nurses Scheduling

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Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or

Deborah L. Kellogg, Steven Walczak,

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Deborah L. Kellogg, Steven Walczak, (2007) Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?. Interfaces

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Vol. 37, No. 4, July–August 2007, pp. 355–369 doi 10.1287/inte.1070.0291

issn 0092-2102  eissn 1526-551X  07  3704  0355 © 2007 INFORMS

Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to

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Implementation or Not?

Deborah L. Kellogg, Steven Walczak

School of Business, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Science Center, PO Box 173364, Campus Box 165,
Denver, Colorado 80217-3364 {,}

The scheduling of nursing staff is a long-standing problem with myriads of research models published by
academia. The exploratory research that we discuss examines the models that academia has produced and the
models that hospitals have actually used. We use data from many sources, including research articles, e-mail and
telephone surveys, an industry database, and a software source catalog. Only 30 percent of systems that research
articles discuss are implemented, and there is very little academic involvement in systems that third-party
vendors offer. We examine causes for the research-application gap and discuss directions for future academic
research to make it more applicable.
Key words: OR/MS implementation; personnel; manpower planning; hospitals.
History: This paper was refereed.

N urse scheduling or rostering is the assignment

of nurses to days and shifts over a specific
scheduling period. Objectives of the scheduling task
The nursing shortage further complicates the nurse-
scheduling problem. According to estimates by the
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
include minimizing staff to avoid wasted effort, while Organizations (2005), there were 126,000 unfilled
also ensuring sufficient staffing to provide adequate nursing positions in the United States in 2005; in
patient care and ensure service continuity. Any pro- addition, there will be 400,000 fewer nurses than
posed scheduling schema must also satisfy organiza- are needed in 2020. The nurse-shortage problem is
tional, legislative, and union policies (Sitompul and a global problem (World Health Organization 2000,
Randhawa 1990). In addition to these goals and con- Pan American Health Organization 2002). This global
straints, effective nurse scheduling is critical to staff shortage of nursing staff adds another constraint
morale and directly impacts both patient care and to the development of nurse-scheduling systems. In
nurse retention (Silvestro and Silvestro 2000). addition to the optimization goals and constraints we
Nurse scheduling is part of the larger capacity-plan- described in the first paragraph, an efficient and effi-
ning problem, which involves staffing (how many cacious nurse-scheduling system must satisfy the fol-
nurses are needed, when, and where) and schedul- lowing conditions: (1) schedules should not require
ing (which determines when and where each nurse excess hours, (2) scheduling time required by nurse
works). These are part of an interrelated, hierarchical managers must be minimized, and (3) schedules must
problem. The staffing problem is generally solved first be acceptable to nurses such that they enhance reten-
and involves forecast of demands, acuity of care fore- tion of this already scarce resource.
casting, and integration with nursing availability and Management science, operations research, and com-
skills. Once a staffing plan is finalized, a schedule is puter science have offered many solutions to the
constructed that informs individual nurses and nurse employee-scheduling problem. For over 40 years,
managers of who is assigned when and where. This academic literature has addressed nurse scheduling
research considers only the scheduling aspect of the specifically. There are several excellent review arti-
larger problem. cles that summarize this literature (Choi et al. 1991,
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
356 Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS

Siferd and Benton 1992, Hung 1995, Cheang et al. Current Academic Nurse-Scheduling
2003, Burke et al. 2004b). The research articles pro- Research
vide a wide variety of solutions, incorporating almost
As we mentioned above, academic research into the
every conceivable work environment and constraint,
Downloaded from by [] on 03 December 2014, at 00:13 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

nurse-scheduling and rostering problem has a long

including the nuances of adjusting a roster when a
and well-summarized history. It is not our intent to
scheduled nurse fails to appear. Solutions range from
duplicate that effort. Instead, our research investigates
simple algorithms to complex artificial intelligence
the extent to which academic research that is specif-
and decision-support systems. What is unclear is if
ically related to nurse scheduling is transferred to
and how these solutions are used in practice.
There is great potential for improving the use
For the purposes of this research, we defined aca-
of these solutions. In 2003, the International Coun-
demic research as research that has been published in
cil of Nurses (2002–2003) estimated that there were
an academic journal. While not all hospitals use com-
12 million nurses worldwide, and in 2005, the
American College of Healthcare Executives (2005) esti- puters for their scheduling task, almost all of the
mated that 2.3 million were in the United States. Sim- academic solutions do. We limited the search for pub-
ulating a pencil-and-paper scheduling solution (Hung lished academic research to the period from 1985 to
1991), we estimate that even a 10 percent time-savings 2005. We chose 1985 as the initial date because inex-
improvement in the scheduling task in the United pensive yet sufficiently powerful PCs were available.
States could save 130,000 nurse-manager hours per It would be unreasonable to expect that a computer-
year. This represents about 90 full-time-equivalent ized solution would be feasible in practice unless the
(FTE) nurse managers. This estimate includes only technology was readily and inexpensively available.
time savings and does not consider other benefits To locate the academic articles, we used standard,
that would accrue from using a management science academic-library search engines. We used the key
approach to the scheduling problem. Admittedly, words, nurse scheduling and nurse rostering, in the
there are many commercial vendors of computer- Academic Search Premier, OneTrack (Expanded Aca-
ized scheduling techniques that could or do reduce demic), Medline, and IEEE Explore search engines
scheduling time. That market is huge. We estimate and limited publication dates to 1985 through 2005 to
projected costs to hospitals in the United States for represent 20 years of academic research. We did not
nurse-scheduling software in 2005 at $156 million. include Ph.D. dissertations or published papers from
This does not include associated training and main- symposia. We also did not include anecdotal, referen-
tenance costs. Part of our research will explore the tial, tutorial, or case studies. It was important that the
extent to which these software firms utilize academic research we included not only present a model but
solutions. also perform a rigorous analysis of the optimality or
One might expect that there would be some gap in utility of the technique. In general, we included pro-
the application of academic solutions to practice. This ceedings articles and used the bibliographies of the
gap has been evident in production-scheduling tech- aforementioned review articles to validate the library
niques (King 1976) and requirements-modeling meth- database searches.
ods for systems development (Maiden et al. 2005). To analyze the data, we required access to the full
Our exploratory research investigates how academic articles or proceedings papers. If we could not obtain
research of the nurse-scheduling and rostering prob- such access after performing an extensive online
lem is used in practice. search and enlisting the help of a reference librarian
In the first section of this paper, we discuss how with interlibrary-loan capabilities, we excluded that
academic research is used in practice. We then discuss work. We excluded several white papers because they
the implementation of nurse-scheduling solutions in focused on demonstrating the abilities of an optimiza-
the United States and follow with a discussion of the tion language, not on solving the nurse-scheduling
research-application gap in nurse scheduling and an problem. We also excluded articles that modeled the
exploration of future research directions. staffing decision (i.e., the number of nurses required).
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS 357

There are many excellent academic articles on gen- Number Implementation

eral labor-scheduling techniques that are applicable to Country Number implemented (percentage)
a nursing environment. However, we excluded these
because our intent was to look at implementation Australia 1 0 0
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Belgium 1 1 100
issues with work that was specifically directed toward
Brazil 1 1 100
nurse scheduling. This is not to imply that general Canada 5 0 0
scheduling models are not applicable to a nursing France 2 2 100
environment. However, the effort to move from a gen- Germany 1 1 100
Greece 1 0 0
eral solution to a specific environment is more diffi- Hong Kong 3 1 33
cult than moving from a model created for a specific Italy 1 1 100
environment to that same environment. In looking Japan 8 1 12.5
Morocco 1 0 0
ahead to the data in which we were interested, we The Netherlands 1 1 100
decided that the extra implementation hurdles faced New Zealand 1 0 0
by general scheduling models (e.g., nursing shortage, Poland 1 0 0
Portugal 1 0 0
regulatory compliance, and improvement in patient-
Saudi Arabia 1 1 100
care quality) would complicate the analysis. Taiwan 3 1 33
Seventy-two research articles met our criteria. Some United Kingdom 3 1 33
of these described different aspects of the same United States 14 3 21

scheduling technique or enhancements to a previ- Table 1: We show nurse-scheduling model development by geographic
ously published technique; some discussed the same location. While researchers in the United States provided the most publi-
technique for different audiences. The unit of analysis cations (28 percent), there was wide representation from many countries.
was not an individual research article, but a nurse-
scheduling model or application. Combining articles
where we deemed it appropriate resulted in 50 nurse-
Problem type Count Percentage
scheduling models. Initially, we gathered data about
the techniques from the research articles.
Artificial intelligence 4 8
We first examined the articles considering descrip- Constraint programming 5 10
tive information such as geographic location, type of Decision support 5 10
platform, and problem type (Table 1). Goal programming 1 2
Heuristic 16 32
A personal computer was used in 34 cases (68 per- Optimization 8 16
cent). In two cases, these were Apple/Mac machines; Other algorithms (e.g., tabu search) 11 22
in two cases, workstations; and in two cases, larger
minicomputer or mainframe computers. One case Table 2: We categorized the problem using the descriptive language in the
research article, e.g., the author(s) referred to the problem as an opti-
presents a pencil-and-paper system. Nine cases give mization problem or as a constraint-programming problem.
no indication of the type of computer used.
We categorized how the scheduling problem was
conceptualized and solved in two ways (Tables 2
and 3). Problem type Count Percentage
We assessed the research articles based on the
degree to which the researchers utilized data in the Artificial intelligence 4 8
Decision support 5 10
development and/or testing of the scheduling tech-
Heuristic 27 54
nique. In two cases (4 percent), it was clear that Mathematical programming 14 28
they did not use data in developing their model. In
40 cases (80 percent), it was clear that they did use Table 3: We also provided an alternative categorization using the cate-
gories that Cheang et al. (2003) defined (mathematical programming,
actual data. In two cases (four percent), it was evi- heuristic, and artificial intelligence). We added the decision support cat-
dent that the researcher consulted with persons at a egory to Cheang’s categorization because we could not categorize the use
hospital; however, it was not clear if or how actual of these systems using the definitions provided.
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
358 Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS

Model-testing types Count Percentage tested in real time were implemented. To augment
the implementation data we gathered from the arti-
Not tested in real time 5 10 cles, we tried to verify implementation by using an
Shared development results, but not tested 3 6 e-mail survey (Appendix 1). We received responses
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Tested in real time 19 38

Cannot be determined 23 46 from 11 researchers (a response rate of 22 percent).
In 11 cases, we did not have e-mail contacts. In other
Table 4: We show the frequency of model-testing methods. cases, we had invalid e-mail addresses. Our study
shows a bias toward recent research because e-mail
addresses prior to 1995 were less valid. We were able
data were used. Six cases (12 percent) did not provide
to locate only one researcher who published before
enough information to categorize.
While using actual data in model development is
important, real-time testing is a more critical step in Fifteen of the 50 models (30 percent) had been
the transfer of technology. We classified the mod- implemented. Table 5 shows summary results. We ref-
els into categories as Table 4 shows. Two researchers erence the models by the last name of the primary
reported survey results from nurses about their per- researcher. (Appendix 2 shows full citation informa-
ceptions of the model-generated schedule. tion.)
We also assessed research articles for implemen- Existing models primarily were implemented on
tation information. However, it was far more diffi- PCs and utilized heuristic approaches. However,
cult to assess actual implementation by examining the there does not seem to be any relationship between
research articles because the focus of many research problem modeling and subsequent implementa-
articles and academic journals does not extend to tion. The implemented models used both stan-
a discussion of implementation issues. It would be dard mathematical-programming techniques and the
faulty logic to conclude that the model in ques- newer heuristic approaches. This contradicts the pre-
tion had not been implemented merely because a diction of Jelinek and Kavois (1992) that artificial
research article did not discuss its implementation. It intelligence and decision-support systems would be
is also not logical to assume that all models that were more applicable in the future than other techniques.

Implementation- Implementation Product name if

Model knowledge source Still in use Model type∗ Location site and number commercialized

Azaiez Article Unknown MP Saudi Arabia 1 hospital

Bellanti Article Unknown H Italy 1 ward/unit
Liao Article Unknown H Taiwan 1 hospital
Weil Article Unknown H France Commercial product Gymnaste
Darmoni E-mail verification No MP France 1 hospital HOROPLAN
Dowsland E-mail verification No H United Kingdom 1 hospital
Meyer auf’m Hofe E-mail verification Yes MP Germany 150 hospitals ORBIS Dienstplan
Bard E-mail verification Yes H United States Commercial product Care Systems Inc.
Burke E-mail verification Yes H Belgium 40+ hospitals, beginning PLANE
implementation in UK
Cheng E-mail verification Unknown MP Hong Kong 1 ward/unit
Diaz E-mail verification Yes H Brazil 1 hospital
Isken E-mail verification Partially H United States 1 hospital
Kawanaka E-mail verification Yes H Japan Some hospitals
Kostreva E-mail verification Yes H United States 1 hospital
Van Wezel E-mail verification Yes DS The Netherlands Multiple hospitals ZKR-nurse-scheduling
support system

Table 5: We summarize the implemented models.

H = heuristic; MP = mathematical program; DS = decision support.
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS 359

contractual agreement, it would not be published.

Finally, we may see a researcher working without col-
laboration with a publication-only result. We searched
Nurse scheduler Publication only
for the collaboration types and publication and imple-
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In collaboration mentation patterns in the research articles.

No collaboration We see evidence of researcher and nurse-scheduler
collaboration in the United States, Canadian, Japanese,
and Taiwanese-based research. By definition, all are
Academic Publication and
published. Not all are implemented. There is evi-
In collaboration implementation dence of attrition. Not all models that are proposed
are tested and even fewer are implemented. The
US-based research accounted for 14 models (28 per-
cent). Of those, one did not use actual scheduling
data; presumably, implementation was not a pri-
Implementation only
mary objective. In three cases, the research articles
did not supply enough information about the use of
actual scheduling data. Of those 14, only six indi-
Figure 1: We show possible collaboration paths among researchers, nurse cated that real-time testing was done. Only three were
schedulers, and vendors in the development of nurse-scheduling models.
implemented and one of those is probably not used
Only one successful implementation was classified as The researcher and nurse-scheduler collaboration is
a decision-support system. also evident in Europe (Burke et al. 2001, 2003, 2004a;
Implemented models differed greatly in the extent Meyer auf’m Hofe 1998, 2001; Van Wezel and Jorna
of their utilization. Two were small efforts that were 1996; Weil et al. 1995, 1998) with two significant dif-
used in a single ward or nursing unit. About half ferences: there is very little attrition and these models
were implemented in only one hospital. Four are moved to commercialization. While fewer European
used in many hospitals and two were developed as models result in published research, most achieve suc-
commercial packages. Of the 15 models reported as cessful implementation in multiple sites and move
having been implemented, six are currently available to commercially available systems. Of the six models
commercially. that have resulted in a commercially available prod-
We conceived of several collaboration paths as Fig- uct, five were developed in Europe and one in the
ure 1 illustrates. United States.
First, a researcher might work in collaboration with There is little evidence of the research-vendor path
a nurse scheduler. The results of this collaboration in published research. Only one the US model (Bard)
could be academic publication only, publication and and one European model (Darmoni) demonstrated
implementation, or implementation only. In this sce- this route.
nario, implementation with or without publication Not all implemented solutions are still in use. In
could then lead to commercialization through a ven- two cases, the researchers indicated that their mod-
dor. Alternatively, researchers might align themselves els were no longer used. The Isken model has not
with or create a third-party vendor to commercial- been maintained and its author is uncertain of how
ize a nurse-scheduling project. This path could result it is used. However, he has updated the model and
in publication and implementation or implementation expects that it will be used more extensively in the
only. We anticipate that we would see no evidence of near future. The contact person (J. Lee) for the Cheng
publication only and little publication and implemen- model was uncertain if the model is currently in use.
tation with third-party vendor collaboration because This is probably common over the 20-year span of
much of this work would be proprietary; thus, by covered research.
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
360 Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS

An examination of the research literature can only Number of health-care

partially address the issues of implementation. As we Algorithm/vendor facilities reporting Percentage
indicated in Figure 1, there are circumstances in which
an academic researcher may be involved in creating None 393 2918
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Self-developed 26 193
a nurse-scheduling model without publication. The
Not disclosed 26 193
next section outlines how we addressed these cases. Per se technologies 474 3519
Meditech 62 460
Res-Q Healthcare Systems 53 393
Nonpublished Commercial Siemens 42 312
Nurse-Scheduling Models Healthcare Management Systems
As we discussed above, published academic research Quadramed 27 200
in nurse-scheduling solutions typically involve sophis- Other (less than 12) 175 13
Total 1347
ticated, complex optimization and heuristic models.
Interestingly, the most successful adoption of nurse- Table 6: We show the responses to our IHDS+ database survey by nurse-
scheduling research appears to be in the European scheduling vendor.
Union (Belgium, Germany, France, and The Nether-
lands). With one exception (the Bard model), none of Development Group 2001), which serves as a resource
the US models was implemented in more than one for health-care CIOs who are soliciting requests for
hospital. Clearly, there are many more hospitals than proposals to satisfy health-care information systems
nurse-scheduling models. This raises the question of needs. These data sources address primarily US expe-
what hospitals are utilizing for scheduling nurses. rience, although many vendors do serve countries
It could be that individual hospitals or third-party outside of the United States. We conducted a tele-
vendors have developed sophisticated and complex phone survey with providers who were listed in one
systems with or without academic input and without of the sources. When a specific provider requested
publication in the research literature. Alternatively, an e-mail version of the survey, we transmitted it.
simpler manual systems might be the norm in hos- Additionally, we also sent e-mail surveys to hospitals
pitals. For example, Drouin and Potter (2005), Hung that indicated they had developed their own schedul-
(2002), and Robb et al. (2003) acclaim self-scheduling ing system to learn how they developed their nurse-
and flexible scheduling, where nurses participate in scheduling software algorithm.
the determination of their schedules, as a solution Table 6 shows the number of hospitals that re-
to employee satisfaction. Self-scheduling is frequently sponded to the IHDS+ database survey with respect to
performed manually—members of the nursing staff software vendors. We included only responses for an
fill in a blank schedule with their desired times. algorithm vendor that at least 12 health-care facilities
A nurse manager may then transfer the filled-in sheet used. The IHDS+ database included 1,347 hospitals
to a spreadsheet or other application; however, the or health-care facilities and 34 nurse-scheduling appli-
self-scheduling process is largely manual (Burke et al. cation vendors. We assumed that if a vendor prod-
2004b). Still, nursing managers encourage the use of uct was cited, scheduling functions in that product
technology to facilitate the scheduling process (Robb were being utilized. Almost 30 percent of the respon-
et al. 2003). dents report that they do not use a nurse-scheduling,
We used two primary resources to identify software-system application. There is one dominant
nonpublished nurse-scheduling software-application vendor; the other 33 vendors comprise a market seg-
providers for hospitals and other health-care orga- ment that is approximately equivalent to the single
nizations. The first is the Dorenfest Complete Inte- largest vendor with 34 percent of the market.
grated Healthcare Delivery System (IHDS+) database, We conducted a telephone survey of the top 10
which a grant from Sheldon I. Dorenfest & Associates IHDS+ corporations, as well as all corporations listed
made available; the second is the Healthcare Soft- in the Healthcare Software Sourcebook (Aspen Health
ware Sourcebook (Aspen Health and Administration and Administration Development Group 2001) that
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS 361

manufacture nurse-scheduling software products. The that some vendors who had left the nurse-scheduling
combined list contained 22 companies, which is software-application market noted.
54 percent of the possible 41 companies. The goal of Over 93 percent of the current nurse-scheduling
the survey was to answer these questions: algorithms and methods are developed in-house.
Downloaded from by [] on 03 December 2014, at 00:13 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

• How many software units have been sold? Only one company indicated that the development
• Was there any academic involvement in the de- of its current system involved the use of an aca-
velopment of the scheduling algorithm (full time, part demic researcher. A hospital recruited this company,
time, consulting, or as a contract or grant)? which is a small entrepreneurial firm headquartered
• What type of general class of algorithm is used for outside of the United States, to develop its sys-
performing scheduling (to compare with academic- tem. Additionally, one other company that has a
research models)? current product that was developed in-house indi-
We obtained 17 responses from the 22 companies we cated that an academic developed its original algo-
contacted by telephone and e-mail, yielding a response rithm. However, market pressure had caused the
rate of almost 78 percent. Of the 22 companies, two company to migrate from the academic-based sys-
(9 percent) were out of business and three (over tem to the current in-house developed systems
13 percent) no longer carried a nurse-scheduling prod- that used self-scheduling as one of its components.
uct. We included the three companies that no longer One nurse-scheduling system manufacturer indicated
carried a nurse-scheduling product with the valid that while the scheduling-algorithm development
responses because all were able to provide details
occurred in-house without academic involvement, it
concerning their nurse-scheduling algorithm’s devel-
did recruit students from a local university to assist
opment. When asked why it no longer participated in
in developing the system’s user interface. Finally, the
the nurse-scheduling marketplace, one company indi-
Bard Care Systems product is a new entrant into the
cated that another software vendor had acquired the
nurse-scheduling market (Bard is an academic with
product; another indicated that it no longer perceived
published research on his model); as such, it does not
the nurse-scheduling software to be profitable.
have an adoption track record yet.
All companies we contacted that were still in
Two companies indicated that they had purchased
business regardless of current product type were
their algorithm from another company and one other
willing to answer the first two questions above; how-
company indicated that it had sold its product to
ever, only 53 percent of the responding corporations
answered the third question. All companies had head- another company. Because these systems were all
quarters offices in Canada or the United States. acquired from other vendors, we count them as
Thirty percent of the companies responding to the nonacademic. One of the purchased nurse-scheduling
survey reported total sales of less than 100 systems, products was developed in-house and the other com-
which included systems in nursing homes, other pany is out of business; therefore, we could not obtain
types of health-care facilities, and hospitals. Thirty any information about them.
percent of the remaining companies (i.e., 21 percent) Hence, although the development of scheduling
reported sales between 100 and 250 units, while the algorithms has used academic research for quite some
remainder all claimed sales of over 1,000 systems. time, the direct involvement of academics in the
The average of all nurse-scheduling system vendors design and development of implemented scheduling
is 571 current systems, with sales beyond Septem- solutions in the United States appears to be minimal
ber 2005 unaccounted. The breakout of the survey to nonexistent.
sales figures confirms the IDHS+ database results—a Although only 53 percent of the industry providers
few dominant vendors control a majority of the mar- we surveyed answered the “type of algorithm imple-
ket. However, there are numerous smaller players and mented” question, we compared their responses to
thus competition. The marketplace dominance by a the problem type or solution methodology that aca-
few vendors that control a relatively large share of the demic researchers reported (Tables 2 and 3). Table 7
market may explain the perceived lack of profitability shows a comparison of the specified algorithms.
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
362 Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS

Researcher Researcher Industry Industry tions to the nurse-scheduling problem. Even devel-
Problem/solution type count percentage count percentage opers of commercial products rarely consult aca-
demics. The data indicate that there may be several
Artificial intelligence 4 8 1 11 explanations for this: (1) the geographic location of
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Constraint programming 5 10 2 22
the researcher(s); (2) the objective(s) of the research;
Decision support 5 10 0 0
Goal programming 1 2 1 11 (3) the narrow scheduling-problem focus that some
Heuristic 16 32 1 11 researchers take; (4) the lack of customer support that
Optimization 8 16 0 0 academics offer; (5) the proprietary nature of commer-
Other algorithms 11 22 0 0
(e.g., tabu search) cially available software, leading companies to either
Multiple methods, not N/A N/A 2 22 not publish or advertise that their products use pub-
specified lished research; (6) the lack of acceptance by nurses
Self-scheduling N/A N/A 7 78
because of their lack of trust of the computerized
Table 7: We compared researcher-specified problem types and industry- models and the time required to learn and use new
provided solution methods. software—taking them away from patient care; and (7)
little focus on the reality of self-scheduling that is cur-
We suggest that the reader use some caution in rently predominate in nurse scheduling.
interpreting Table 7 because the response rate was
lower than we desired. While we attempted to inter- Geographic Location
view system developers, in some cases we had to con- Only 30 percent of published nurse-scheduling mod-
duct the interview with a sales representative who els are ever implemented and used in a hospital
may not have known the specifics of the algorithms or other health-care facility (Table 5). The major-
used. Percentages exceed 100 percent because 56 per- ity of such systems are implemented outside of the
cent of the respondents identified multiple methods. United States. European-based research bridges the
This was especially true with those identifying self- research-application gap more successfully. However,
scheduling, where 43 percent of these vendors also all research articles describe the nurse-scheduling
identified a formal algorithm. problem almost identically, despite geographic loca-
A majority of the industry-developed scheduling tion. Many articles acknowledge a nursing shortage
programs that hospitals are using employs some form and the need for a schedule that satisfies not only
of self-scheduling and frequently utilizes Web-based organizational objectives but also individual nurse
services for assisting with scheduling. There does preference. Nursing is a 24/7 service that profes-
not appear to be any correlation between industry- sional, licensed practitioners practice in much the
applied methods and academic research with respect same way around the world. If the problem is the
to artificial intelligence methods, constraint program- same and the proposed solution(s) are similar, it may
ming, and goal-oriented programming. However, the be that cultural factors account for the difference.
overwhelming reliance on self-scheduling method- Table 1 shows the overall implementation percent-
ologies in commercial applications may be seen as age for published research models with respect to
another indicator that a mismatch exists between country of origin. European researchers may face
practical applications and the type of research that fewer barriers in moving from theory to applica-
academia performs. Decision support and artifi- tion. The United States, which has the largest num-
cial intelligence methodologies can augment self- ber of published nurse-scheduling research models,
scheduling and this may indicate a need for more has only 21 percent of the models that bridge the
research in these areas. research-application gap. Japan and Canada, the next
two largest producers of published nurse-scheduling
Discussion models, have 12.5 percent and zero percent imple-
It is hard to avoid the conclusion that, in the United mentation percentages, respectively. Over 50 percent
States at least, practitioners do not accept academically of the European scheduling models are implemented.
produced management and computer science solu- Moreover, the non-European applications are limited
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS 363

in scope and frequently applied only in one hospital, is to satisfy the academic paradigm of “publish or
while the European models are implemented in many perish.” Research undertaken simply for publication
hospitals. This is not to say that European researchers may never be intended for anything beyond meet-
are more applied, but that others have barriers that ing this academic goal. When we asked the intent
Downloaded from by [] on 03 December 2014, at 00:13 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

could include the health-care environment, the aca- of their research, 14 percent of published academics
demic environment, or the interaction between these indicated that they never intended their model to be
environments. implemented or used in a health-care setting. All of
While many US universities have medical schools these academic models are from researchers outside
and hospitals, many do not. Often, there is not a
of the United States. Interestingly, one of these models
close tie between the health-care environment and
that the researchers never intended for implementa-
the university system that would facilitate the trans-
tion was actually implemented. This may be due to
fer of technologies such as nurse-scheduling mod-
interest that publication generated for the model.
els. There are also many nongovernmental, for-profit
hospital systems in the United States, in particular. However, 86 percent of the academics publishing
Such systems are often not willing to experiment their nurse-scheduling systems stated an intention
with untried technologies. The nationalized health- that their model be implemented and utilized at a
care systems that are common in many countries health-care facility. Most sought consultation with the
may aid in facilitating the implementation of nurse- scheduler and many tested their models. Why did
scheduling models. these models not bridge the research-application gap?
Table 8 reformats the information that we provided
in Table 1 to view implemented research on a more Narrow Focus
regional basis and continues to support the suggested The scope of models that academics create is rel-
finding that differences exist between research pub- atively small. While some commercialized models
lished in Europe and in other parts of the world. incorporate many features, most focus on the single
An additional implication from Table 8 is the rela- task of scheduling nurses. A former CIO of a large
tive paucity of nurse-scheduling research being pub-
health-care system in the United States indicated that
lished in Africa, the Middle East, and South America.
when deciding on a scheduling product, it makes
This may indicate a need for further investigation into
sense (from an accounting perspective) to purchase a
nursing practices in these areas and may provide an
system that will satisfy the needs of multiple areas
opportunity for international collaboration for nurse-
scheduling research in these areas of the world. within the health-care facility.
The IHDS+ database queried CIOs on their future
Research Objectives information technology plans. Each of the firms that
Academic researchers may have several goals when answered this query indicated that they had plans
conducting nurse-scheduling research. One of these to implement enterprise resource-planning systems.
Clearly, their intent was to add larger systems that
Number Implementation provide integrated solutions. Small scheduling sys-
Region Number implemented percentage tems that often do not even communicate with other
systems do not meet current needs.
Africa 1 0 0†
Asia and Pacific Rim 16 3 19
Europe 12 7 58 Customer Support Needs
Middle East 1 1 100†
Nonscheduling aspects, such as the perception of
North America 19 3 16
South America 1 1 100† reliable customer support (Messerschmitt 2004), are
equally important in the implementation and pur-
Table 8: We show nurse-scheduling model development based on region. chase decision of any information system. Due to

The number of reported models within this region is too small
to draw a significant conclusion based on the percentage of imple- tenure issues and other factors affecting movement
mented systems. of faculty among universities and to industry, there
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
364 Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS

is a perception of a lack of a long-term, system- minimize costs or some other objective function that
maintenance relationship with academics. Most aca- includes nothing relative to the “caring” that is of
demics are not equipped to provide the necessary primary concern to nurses, often miss. Additionally,
support that implemented systems require. members of the nursing staff at a local nonteaching
Downloaded from by [] on 03 December 2014, at 00:13 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

hospital, when interviewed about the possibility of

Proprietary Concerns a new scheduling system, indicated that they were
It could be that researchers who see commercial value already satisfied with their current self-scheduling
in their work are not willing to make techniques pub- protocol and were concerned about the time it would
lic in research articles. One does see some evidence take to learn a new system—time that might detract
of this in some of the US research prior to 1985. In a from caring for patients.
single article, Warner (1976) published a model that
then became proprietary (the ANSOS system). Widely Self-Scheduling
implemented, it is a shining example of an academ- As we previously mentioned, nurse scheduling uses
ically developed model bridging the application gap self-scheduling widely. Self-scheduling requires a
successfully. Some of its success seems to be linked paradigm that probably includes more than optimiza-
to its ability to evolve and solve more than just the tion techniques. Only 18 percent of academic mod-
scheduling problem. els utilized decision support or artificial intelligence
The work of Jelinek and Kavois (1992) resulted in methods, which are methods more appropriate for
a commercial product that was only written about in self-scheduling (Jelinek and Kavois 1992). While we
general terms. Academic researchers may be leaving found research that incorporated nurse preferences
academia to form their own companies or join exist- (Bard and Purnomo 2005a, b, c; Bell et al. 1986; Chen
ing industry providers. The vendors may be accu- and Yeung 1992, 1993; Ozkarahan 1989, 1991a, b;
rately reporting “no academic involvement” because Ozkarahan and Bailey 1988), none could be consid-
they hired the expertise and did not partner with an ered to be a true self-scheduling technique. Our litera-
academic associated with a university. The pattern ture review certainly identified many self-scheduling
that Burke and Bard set, where academics create com- articles; however, none was rigorous enough to meet
mercially available products and publish them widely our criteria for inclusion in the data set. Most were
in academic venues, is unusual. written by nurses and were published in nursing-
Academic solutions may have little value to either management journals. They tended to be anecdotal
the health-care organization or a third-party vendor. in nature and covered topics such as nurse satisfac-
Thelwall (2004) states that there is very little bene- tion with self-scheduling, retention, or implementa-
fit to organizations for recognizing academic involve- tion issues or they were tutorials (Hung 2002).
ment other than to establish the credentials of the In summary, although the scheduling models that
organization. In fact, utilizing published research may academics developed solve the problem, they may
even be harmful by providing competitors with use- fall short of meeting the complex needs of health-
ful information. care organizations, third-party vendors, nurses, and
Nursing Acceptance
Hung (1991) reports that nurses have little confi-
dence in computer-generated solutions to the schedul-
The Future of Academic Involvement
ing problem. Academic solutions are often not only in Nurse-Scheduling Models
computer dependent, but also involve very complex, Academics certainly have much to offer in the arena
cutting edge, mathematical-solution techniques. The of nurse scheduling. They are at the cutting edge
nurse sees only a schedule to which he or she has had of solution techniques and technological advances.
very little input. This stakeholder group sees a com- They may have broader perspectives than those in
puterized scheduling system as adding little value. health care and may see opportunities for transferring
Nurses are caregivers. They see nuances in sched- knowledge between industries (e.g., airline schedul-
ules that academics, with mathematical programs that ing to nurse scheduling). While academics have time
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS 365

constraints, they often have the luxury to sit and think as desirable, while providing cost and time savings
about a problem and its solution. However, at least in related to the scheduling task.
the United States, something must be done differently. Academics should also consider with whom and
We offer the following ideas. where they are publishing their work. Publishing with
Downloaded from by [] on 03 December 2014, at 00:13 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Academics should think carefully about why they nurses as co-authors may aid in bridging the research-
want to address the nurse-scheduling problem. Basic application gap. As we indicated previously, a nurse’s
research is important; however, it can and should time is at a premium. That nurse is typically not moti-
be published without the pretense of solving a real- vated to write articles for publication unless he or she
world problem. When the objective is to solve a nurse- is working in a university-related hospital (Schilling
scheduling problem, contact with the nurse scheduler 2005) and requires publication for promotion. How-
and nurses early in model development is critical. ever, publication of novel nurse-scheduling models
Models should be rich enough to capture the care- developed in conjunction with nurses and published
giving environment. Nurse X is not the same as in nurse-management journals may be the best way
Nurse Y; a scheduling model that considers them to share knowledge about best practices, potential
as interchangeable may not be solving the correct time and cost savings, improved care, and new meth-
problem. ods (Smith 2004). Publication of applied empirical
The nuances of the nurse-scheduling problem may results for new nurse-scheduling methods that can
be too complex for mathematical programming alone. be integrated seamlessly into the current schedule of
activities provides both organizational and communal
Currently, self-scheduling is the de facto standard
in most US hospitals. Nurses use complex decision-
Novel academically developed approaches to nurse
making skills when selecting their personal sched-
scheduling may provide benefits to the nursing com-
ules. This goes far beyond wanting certain days off
munity. However, this research must move away from
to maximize leisure-time activities. For example, a
the more traditional automatic scheduling systems of
nurse might have excellent patient-teaching skills and
management science to include nurse self-choice as
may intuitively select days and shifts when the need
well as improvement in quality of care. An example
for teaching is greater. Nurses may work better with
of a novel approach is the utilization of an online auc-
some individuals than others and may select days
tion format that allows nurses to bid for the shifts on
and shifts purposely to form high-performing work
which they desire to work (Grow and Sager 2003).
teams. Nurses may not even be able to articulate these It appears that the more theoretically based research
tacit preferences (Polanyi 1966); from years of experi- popular in the United States and some other coun-
ence, they just know. Any academic model that does tries does not apply well to existing nurse-scheduling
not include some opportunity for self-scheduling will best practices that typically utilize some form of
probably not be implemented—at least in the United self-scheduling. Nurse scheduling specifically must
States. Academic research should explore ways to account for the empowerment and perceived job sat-
support or improve upon the self-scheduling method- isfaction that self-scheduling practices enable.
ology that nurses and nurse managers currently favor. Academics may also benefit by forming alliances
Nurses have busy schedules and do not want to with third-party vendors. However, they must re-
use patient-care time to create a schedule. Academic member that vendors are moving to supplying full
solutions may be best when they are designed to min- systems, e.g., enterprise resource planning systems
imize the scheduling effort. Agent-based systems that where scheduling is only a minor part. There will be a
utilize learning methods to analyze ongoing schedul- need to see the scheduling problem in a much broader
ing automatically to determine nurse preferences, as context. It could be that academic solutions are more
well as to guarantee the appropriate level of patient appropriate for the staffing rather than the scheduling
care, are another route for future research. The use problem.
of intelligent agent-based systems may be able to Those academics who have found success in imple-
automatically produce schedules that nurses perceive mentation should be telling their stories. While
Kellogg and Walczak: Nurse Scheduling: From Academia to Implementation or Not?
366 Interfaces 37(4), pp. 355–369, © 2007 INFORMS

describing their models may be more intellectually Appendix 2 (continued)

stimulating, the research community needs to know
Model reference Citation(s)
more about bridging the research-application gap,
both in general terms and as it applies to nurse- Darmoni Darmoni et al. (1995)
Downloaded from by [] on 03 December 2014, at 00:13 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Diaz Diaz et al. (2003)

scheduling systems specifically. Dowsland Aickelin and Dowsland (2000, 2004),
Aickelin and White (2004),
Dowsland (1998), Dowsland and
Appendix 1 Thompson (2000)
Easton Easton et al. (1992)
E-mail survey: Could you please respond to this Ferland Ferland et al. (2001)
e-mail by simply indicating your choices? Franz Franz et al. (1989)
1. Part of the original intent of this research was: Gray Gray et al. (1993)
Harmeier Harmeier (1991)
—To develop a useable scheduling tool with the Huang Huang et al. (2001)
intention that it be applied in a health-care setting. Huarng Huarng (1999)
—To demonstrate applications for a mathemati- Hung Hung (1991)
cal/decision-support technique using actual schedul- Ikegami Ikegami and Niwa (2003)
Inoue Inoue et al. (1999, 2000, 2003)
ing data, however, with no intention of actually Isken Isken and Hancock (1990),
implementing the technique. Isken (2004)
—To demonstrate an application for a mathe- Jan Jan et al. (2000)
matical decision-support technique using the nurs- Jaszkiewicz Jaszkiewicz (1997)
Jaumard Jaumard et al. (1998)
ing problem, but without actual data or intention for Kawanaka Kawanaka et al. (2001, 2003)
implementation. Kostreva Kostreva and Jennings (1991)
2. Was your research ever implemented for an Li Li et al. (2003)
actual medical facility? Liao Liao and Kao (1997)
Lukman Lukman et al. (1990)
, Yes, at what facility: Meyer auf’m Hofe Meyer auf’m Hofe (1998, 2001)
, No Millar Millar and Kiragu (1998)
, I don’t know. Miwa Miwa et al. (2002)
3. If your model was implemented, is it still in use? Moz Moz and Vaz Pato (2003, 2004)
Nonobe Nonobe and Ibaraki (1998)
, Yes Okada Okada (1992)
, No Ozkarahan Ozkarahan (1989, 1991a, 1991b),
, I don’t know. Ozkarahan and Bailey (1988)
4. May we contact you again for additional infor- Randhawa Randhawa and Sitompul (1993)
Rosenbloom Rosenbloom and Goertzen (1987)
mation? Scott Scott and Simpson (1998)
Thornton Thornton and Sattar (1996, 1997)
Appendix 2 Valouxis Valouxis and Housos (2000)
Model reference Citation(s) Van Wezel Van Wezel and Jorna (1996)
Venkataraman Venkataraman and Brusco (1996)
Anzia Anzia and Miura (1987) Weil Weil et al. (1995, 1998)
Azaiez Azaiez and Al Sharif (2005) Wong Wong and Chun (2004)
Bailey Bailey et al. (1997)
Bard Bard and Purnomo (2005a, b, c)
Bell Bell et al. (1986)
Bellanti Bellanti et al. (2004)
Berrada Berrada et al. (1996) Aickelin, U., K. Dowsland. 2000. Exploiting problem structure in
a genetic algorithm approach to a nurse rostering problem.
Burke Burke et al. (2001, 2003, 2004a) J. Scheduling 3(3) 139–153.
Chen Chen and Yeung (1992, 1993) Aickelin, U., K. Dowsland. 2004. An indirect genetic alogrithm for
Cheng Cheng et al. (1997, 1999) a nurse-scheduling problem. Comput. Oper. Res. 31(5) 761–778.
Cowling Cowling et al. (2002) Aickelin, U., P. White. 2004. Building better nurse scheduling algo-
rithms. Ann. Oper. Res. 128(1) 159–177.
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