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Digital Image Processing(ET8643EL)/

Image Processing(CS 874) /

Image Processing (CSE1816PE31)

Image Restoration and


Degraded images

• Camera: translation, shake, out-of-

• What caused the image to focus …
blur? • Environment: scattered and reflected
• Device noise: CCD/CMOS sensor and
• Can we improve the image, circuitry
or “undo” the effects? • Quantization noise
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• Image enhancement: “improve” an image subjectively.

• Image restoration: remove distortion from image in order
to go back to the “original” objective process.

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Image restoration

► started from the 1950s

► application domains
▪ Scientific explorations
▪ Legal investigations
▪ Film making and archival
▪ Image and video (de-)coding
▪ …
▪ Consumer photography

► related problem: image reconstruction in radio

astronomy, radar imaging and tomography
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Image restoration

► Restoration is an objective process that attempts

to recover an image that has been degraded
▪ A priori knowledge of the degradation phenomenon
▪ Restoration techniques generally oriented toward
modeling the degradation
▪ Application of the inverse process to “recover” the
original image
▪ Involves formulating some criterion (criteria) of
“goodness” that is used to measure the desired result

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Image restoration

► Removal of blur by a deblurring function is an

example restoration technique
► We will consider the problem only from where a
degraded digital image is given
▪ Degradation source will not be considered here
► Restoration techniques may be formulated in the
▪ Frequency domain
▪ Spatial domain

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A Model of Image Degradation/Restoration
► Given g(x,y), some knowledge about H, and some
knowledge about the noise term, the objective is to
produce an estimate of the original image.
▪ The more that is known about H and the noise term the closer the
estimate can be
► Various types of restoration filters are used to accomplish
this. Degraded
Input Image Image

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Image degradation/restoration process

► If H is a linear, position invariant process, then the

degraded image can be described as the convolution of h
and f with an added noise term:

► h(x, y) is the spatial domain representation of the

degradation function.
► In the frequency domain, the representation is:

► Each term in this expression is the Fourier transform of the

of the corresponding terms in the equation above.

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Noise Models

► Noise is a random variation of brightness in an image.

► The principal sources of noise in digital images arise during
image acquisition and/or transmission

✓ Image acquisition
e.g., light levels, sensor temperature, etc.

✓ Transmission
e.g., lightning or other atmospheric disturbance in wireless
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Noise Models (1)

► White noise
▪ The Fourier spectrum of noise is constant

► With the exception of spatially periodic noise, we assume

▪ Noise is independent of spatial coordinates
▪ Noise is uncorrelated with respect to the image itself

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Noise Models (2)

➢ Gaussian noise
Electronic circuit noise, sensor noise due to poor illumination and/or
high temperature

➢ Rayleigh noise
Range imaging

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Range Imaging (1)

➢ Short for High Dynamic Range Imaging. HDRI is an imaging

technique that allows for a greater dynamic range of exposure
than would be obtained through any normal imaging process.

➢ It is now popularly used to refer to the process of tone

mapping* together with bracketed** exposures of normal
digital images, giving the end result a high, often exaggerated
dynamic range

* Tone mapping is a technique used in image processing and computer graphics to

map a set of colours to another; often to approximate the appearance of HDRI in media
with a more limited dynamic range
** bracketing is the general technique of taking several shots of the same subject using
different or the same camera settings
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Range Imaging (2)

➢ The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide

range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from
direct sunlight to shadows

➢ HDRI, also called HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a feature

commonly found in high-end graphics and imaging software

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Range Imaging: Examples (1)

Tower Bridge in

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Sydney Harbour
Bridge HDRi
Range Imaging: Examples (2) produces greater
detail and fewer shadows

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6/22/2021 Old Saint Paul’s Wellinton, New Zealand 16

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Noise Models (3)

➢ Erlang (gamma) noise: Laser imaging

➢ Exponential noise: Laser imaging

➢ Uniform noise: Least descriptive; Basis for numerous random

number generators

➢ Impulse noise: quick transients,

such as faulty switching

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Gaussian Noise (1)

The PDF of Gaussian random variable, z, is given by

1 − ( z − z ) 2 /2 2
p( z ) = e

where, z represents intensity

z is the mean (average) value of z
 is the standard deviation

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Gaussian Noise (2)

The PDF of Gaussian random variable, z, is given by

1 − ( z − z ) 2 /2 2
p( z ) = e

▪ 70% of its values will be in the range

(  −  ), ( +  )
▪ 95% of its values will be in the range

(  − 2 ), (  + 2 )
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Rayleigh Noise

The PDF of Rayleigh noise is given by

2 − ( z − a )2 / b
 ( z − a )e for z  a
p( z ) =  b
 0 for z  a

The mean and variance of this density are given by

z = a + b / 4
b(4 −  )
 =

The basic shape of this PDF is skewed to the right
– Can be useful in approximating skewed histograms 21
Erlang (Gamma) Noise

The PDF of Erlang noise is given by

 a b z b −1 − az
 e for z  0
p( z ) =  (b − 1)!
0 for z  a

The mean and variance of this density are given by

z =b/a
 2 = b / a2

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Exponential Noise

The PDF of exponential noise is given by

 ae − az for z  0
p( z ) = 
0 for z  a
The mean and variance of this density are given by
z = 1/ a
 2 = 1/ a 2

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Uniform Noise

The PDF of uniform noise is given by

 1
 for a  z  b
p( z ) =  b − a
 0 otherwise

The mean and variance of this density are given by

z = ( a + b) / 2
 2 = (b − a) 2 /12

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Impulse (Salt-and-Pepper) Noise

The PDF of (bipolar) impulse noise is given by

 Pa for z = a

p( z ) =  Pb for z = b
 otherwise

if b  a, gray-level b will appear as a light dot,

while level a will appear like a dark dot.

If either Pa or Pb is zero, the impulse noise is called


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Examples of Noise: Original Image

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Examples of Noise: Noisy Images(1)

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Examples of Noise: Noisy Images(2)

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Periodic Noise

► Periodic noise in an image arises typically from electrical or

electromechanical interference during image acquisition.

► It is a type of spatially dependent noise

► Periodic noise can be reduced significantly via frequency

domain filtering

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An Example of Periodic Noise

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Estimation of Noise Parameters

► By inspection
▪ Histogram in spatial domain
▪ Fourier spectrum (e.g. frequency spikes for periodic noise)

► By calibration
▪ If access to the sensor: collect data for a flat environment
▪ If only images: Estimate PDF from small, near-constant image

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Estimation of Noise Parameters

► Noise parameters can often be estimated by

observing the Fourier spectrum of the image
▪ Periodic noise tends to produce frequency spikes
► Parameters of noise PDFs may be known
(partially) from sensor specification
▪ Can still estimate them for a particular imaging setup
▪ One method
► Capture a set of “flat” images from a known setup (i.e. a uniform gray
surface under uniform illumination)
► Study characteristics of resulting image(s) to develop an indicator of
system noise

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Estimation of Noise Parameters

► If only a set of images already generated by a sensor are

available, estimate the PDF function of the noise from
small strips of reasonably constant background intensity.

Consider a subimage denoted by S , and let ps ( zi ), i = 0, 1, ..., L -1,

denote the probability estimates of the intensities of the pixels in S .
The mean and variance of the pixels in S :
L −1
z =  zi ps ( zi )
i =0
L −1
and  2 =  ( zi − z ) 2 ps ( zi )
i =0

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Estimation of Noise Parameters

► The shape of the noise histogram identifies the

closest PDF match
▪ If the shape is Gaussian, then the mean and variance
are all that is needed to construct a model for the noise
(i.e. the mean and the variance completely define the
Gaussian PDF)
▪ If the shape is Rayleigh, then the Rayleigh shape
parameters (a and b) can be calculated using the mean
and variance
▪ If the noise is impulse, then a constant (with the
exception of the noise) area of the image is needed to
calculate Pa and Pb probabilities for the impulse PDF 35
Estimation of Noise Parameters
The shape of the histogram identifies the closest PDF match

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Restoration in the Presence of Noise Only
̶ Spatial Filtering

Noise model without degradation

g ( x, y ) = f ( x , y ) +  ( x, y )
G (u , v ) = F ( u , v ) + N ( u , v )

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Spatial Filtering: Mean Filters (1)

Let S xy represent the set of coordinates in a rectangle

subimage window of size m  n, centered at ( x, y ).

Arithmetic mean filter

f ( x, y ) = 
mn ( s ,t )S xy
g ( s, t )

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Spatial Filtering: Mean Filters (2)

Geometric mean filter

  mn
f ( x, y ) =   g ( s , t ) 
 ( s ,t )S xy 

Generally, a geometric mean filter achieves smoothing

comparable to the arithmetic mean filter, but it tends to
lose less image detail in the process

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Spatial Filtering: Mean Filters (3)
Harmonic mean filter
f ( x, y) =

( s ,t )S xy g ( s, t )

It works well for salt noise, but fails for pepper noise.
It does well also with other types of noise like Gaussian

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Spatial Filtering: Mean Filters (4)

Contraharmonic mean filter

( s ,t )S xy
g ( s, t )Q +1
f ( x, y ) =

( s ,t )S xy
g ( s, t )Q

Q is the order of the filter.

It is well suited for reducing the effects of salt-and-

pepper noise. Q>0 for pepper noise and Q<0 for salt
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Spatial Filtering: Example (1)

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Spatial Filtering: Example (2)

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Spatial Filtering: Example (3)

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Spatial Filtering: Order-Statistic Filters (1)

Median filter
f ( x, y ) = median  g ( s , t )
( s ,t )S xy

Max filter
f ( x, y ) = max  g (s , t )
( s ,t )S xy

Min filter
f ( x, y ) = min  g (s , t )
( s ,t )S xy

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Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency
Domain Filtering

The basic idea

Periodic noise appears as concentrated bursts of energy

in the Fourier transform, at locations corresponding to
the frequencies of the periodic interference


A selective filter is used to isolate the noise

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Perspective Plots of Bandreject Filters

• Circularly symmetric filters

• Remove (noise from) a given frequency range

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A Butterworth bandreject
filter of order 4, with the
appropriate radius and
width to enclose
completely the noise

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Bandpass Filters

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Perspective Plots of Notch Filters
• Reject or pass specific conjugate impulse pairs (around a center frequency)
• They appear in symmetric pairs about the origin

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Several interference components are present, the methods discussed
in the preceding sections are not always acceptable because they
remove much image information
The components tend to have broad skirts that carry information
about the interference pattern and the skirts are not always easily
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Optimum Notch Filtering

It minimizes local variances of the restored estimated

f ( x, y )

Procedure for restoration tasks in multiple periodic


Isolate the principal contributions of the interference


Subtract a variable, weighted portion of the pattern

from the corrupted image
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Optimum Notch Filtering: Step 1

Extract the principal frequency components of

the interference pattern

Place a notch pass filter at the location of each spike.

N (u, v) = H NP (u , v)G (u , v)
 ( x, y ) = −1 H NP (u, v)G (u, v)

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Optimum Notch Filtering: Step 2 (1)

Filtering procedure usually yields only an approximation of the

true pattern. The effect of components not present in the estimate
of  (x, y ) can be minimized instead by subtracting from g ( x, y )
a weighted portion of  (x, y ) to obtain an estimate of f ( x, y ):

f ( x, y ) = g ( x, y ) − w( x, y ) ( x, y )

One approach is to select w( x, y ) so that the variance of the estimate f ( x, y )

is minimized over a specified neighborhood of every point ( x, y).
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Optimum Notch Filtering: Step 2 (2)

The local variance of f ( x, y ):

a b 2
1  f ( x + s , y + t ) − f ( x, y ) 
 ( x, y ) =
 
(2a + 1)(2b + 1) s =− a t =− b  

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Assume that w(x,y) remains
essentially constant over the
neighborhood gives theNotch Filtering: Step (3)
The localy+t) = w(x,y)
variance of f ( x, y ):
a b 2
1  f ( x + s , y + t ) − f ( x, y ) 
 ( x, y ) =
(2a + 1)(2b + 1) s =− a t =− b  

b  g ( x + s , y + t ) − w( x + s , y + t ) ( x + s , y + s ) 
1 a
 
=   
(2a + 1)(2b + 1) s =− a t =− b −  g ( x, y ) − w( x, y ) ( x, y ) 

   

b  g ( x + s , y + t ) − w( x, y ) ( x + s , y + s ) 
1 a
 
=   

(2a + 1)(2b + 1) s =− a t =− b − g ( x, y ) − w( x, y ) ( x, y ) 

   
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Optimum Notch Filtering: Step (4)

The local variance of f ( x, y ):

 g ( x + s, y + t ) − w( x, y ) ( x + s, y + s ) 
a b
 ( x, y ) =
 
(2a + 1)(2b + 1) s =− a t =− b −  g ( x, y ) − w( x, y ) ( x, y ) 

   

 2
( x, y )
To minimize  ( x, y ) ,
w( x, y )
for w( x, y ), the result is
g ( x, y ) ( x, y ) − g ( x, y ) ( x, y )
w( x, y ) = 2
 ( x, y ) −  ( x, y )

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Optimum Notch Filtering: Example

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Optimum Notch Filtering: Example

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Optimum Notch Filtering: Example

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Optimum Notch Filtering: Example

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Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations

g ( x , y ) = H  f ( x , y )  +  ( x, y )

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Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations

H is linear
H  af1 ( x, y ) + bf 2 ( x, y )  = aH  f1 ( x, y )  + bH  f 2 ( x, y ) 
f1 and f 2 are any two input images.

An operator having the input-output relationship

g ( x, y ) = H  f ( x, y )  is said to be position invariant
H  f ( x −  , y −  ) = g ( x −  , y −  )
for any f ( x, y ) and any  and  .
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Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations
 
f ( x, y ) =   f ( ,  ) ( x −  , y −  )d d 
− −

Assume for a moment that  ( x, y ) = 0

if H is a linear operator,
g ( x, y ) = H  f ( x, y ) 

= H   f ( ,  ) ( x −  , y −  ) d d  
  
Superposition (or
 − −  Fredholm)
  integral of the
=  H  f ( ,  ) ( x −  , y −  )  d d  first kind
− −
 
=  f ( ,  ) H  ( x −  , y −  )  d d  Impulse
− −
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Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations

Assume for a moment that  ( x, y) = 0

if H is a linear operator and position invariant,
H  ( x −  , y −  )  = h( x −  , y −  )
g ( x, y ) = H  f ( x, y ) 
 
=  f ( ,  ) H  ( x −  , y −  )  d d 
− − Convolution
  integral in 2-D
=  f ( ,  ) h( x −  , y −  ) d d 
− −

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Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations

In the presence of additive noise,

if H is a linear operator and position invariant,

 
g ( x, y ) =   f ( ,  )h( x −  , y −  ) d d  +  ( x, y )
− −

= h ( x, y ) f ( x , y ) +  ( x, y )

G (u , v) = H (u, v) F (u, v) + N (u , v)

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Estimating the Degradation Function

► Three principal ways to estimate the degradation function

1. Observation

2. Experimentation

3. Mathematical Modeling

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Mathematical Modeling (1)

► Environmental conditions cause degradation

A model about atmospheric turbulence

− k ( u 2 + v 2 )5/6
H (u, v) = e
k : a constant that depends on
the nature of the turbulence

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Mathematical Modeling (2)

► Derive a mathematical model from basic principles

E.g., An image blurred by uniform linear motion between

the image and the sensor during image acquisition

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Mathematical Modeling (3)

Suppose that an image f ( x, y) undergoes planar motion,

x0 (t ) and y0 (t ) are the time-varying components of motion
in the x- and y -directions, respectively.
The optical imaging process is perfect. T is the duration
of the exposure. The blurred image g ( x, y)
g ( x, y ) =  f  x − x0 (t ), y − y0 (t ) dt

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Mathematical Modeling (4)

g ( x, y ) =  f  x − x0 (t ), y − y0 (t ) dt

 
G (u , v) =   g ( x, y ) e − j 2 ( ux + vy )
− −

=    f  x − x0 (t ), y − y0 (t ) dt  e − j 2 (ux + vy ) dxdy
 T 

− − 
 0 

   f  x − x (t ), y − y (t )  e − j 2 (ux + vy ) dxdy dt
0  − − 0 0 
T − j 2 ux0 ( t ) + vy0 ( t ) 
=  F (u , v)e dt
T − j 2 ux0 ( t ) + vy0 ( t ) 
= F (u, v)  e dt
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Mathematical Modeling (4)

T − j 2 ux0 ( t ) + vy0 ( t )
H (u, v) =  e dt

Suppose that the image undergoes uniform linear motion

in the x-direction only, at a rate given by x0 (t ) = at / T .
H (u, v) =  e − j 2 ux0 (t ) dt
=  e − j 2 uat /T dt

= sin( ua)e − j ua
 ua
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Mathematical Modeling (5)

Suppose that the image undergoes uniform linear motion

in the x-direction and y -direction, at a rate given by
x0 (t ) = at / T and y0 (t ) = bt / T
T − j 2 ux0 ( t ) + vy0 ( t )
H (u, v) =  e dt
= e − j 2 [ ua + vb ]t / T

= sin  (ua + vb)  e − j (ua + vb )
 (ua + vb)
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Inverse Filtering

An estimate of the transform of the original image

G (u , v)
F (u, v) =
H (u , v)

F (u , v) H (u , v) + N (u , v)
F (u , v) =
H (u , v)
N (u , v)
= F (u , v ) +
H (u , v)
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Inverse Filtering

N (u, v)
F (u, v) = F (u, v) +
H (u, v)

1. We can't exactly recover the undegraded image

because N (u, v) is not known.
2. If the degradation function has zero or very
small values, then the ratio N (u, v) / H (u, v) could
easily dominate the estimate F (u, v).

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Inverse Filtering


The image in Fig. 5.25(b) was inverse filtered using the

exact inverse of the degradation function that generated
that image. That is, the degradation function is
− k ( u − M /2 ) + ( v − N /2) 2 

H (u, v) = e  
, k = 0.0025

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Inverse Filtering

One approach is to limit the filter frequencies to values near the origin.


The image in Fig. 5.25(b) was inverse filtered using the

exact inverse of the degradation function that generated
that image. That is, the degradation function is
− k ( u − M /2 ) + ( v − N /2) 2 

H (u, v) = e  

k = 0.0025, M = N = 480.
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The poor performance
of direct inverse
filtering in general

A Butterworth
function of
order 10

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Drawback of Inverse Filtering

► It is not always possible to obtain an


► It will not perform well in presence of noise.

If noise is present in the image, the inverse
filter will tend to amplify noise which is

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Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener)
➢ N. Wiener (1942)

➢ Objective
Find an estimate of the uncorrupted image such that the mean
square error between them is minimized

e2 = E ( f − f )2 

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Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener)

The minimum of the error function is given in the frequency domain

by the expression
 H *(u, v) S f (u, v) 
F (u , v ) =   G (u , v )
 S f (u , v) | H (u, v) | + S (u, v) 

 H *(u, v) 
=  G (u , v)
 | H (u, v) | + S (u, v ) / S f (u , v) 

 1 | H (u , v) |2 
=  G (u , v)
 H (u, v) | H (u, v) | + S (u, v) / S f (u, v) 

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Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener)

 1 | H (u , v) |2 
F (u , v) =   G (u , v)
 H (u , v) | H (u , v) | + S (u , v) / S f (u , v) 

H (u , v) : degradation function
H *(u , v): complex conjugate of H (u, v)
| H (u , v) |2 = H *(u , v) H (u , v)
S (u , v) =| N (u , v) |2 = power spectrum of the noise
S f (u , v) =| F (u , v) |2 = power spectrum of the undegraded image

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Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener)

 1 | H (u, v) |2 
F (u, v) =   G (u, v)
 H (u, v) | H (u, v) | + K 

K is a specified constant. Generally, the value of K

is chosen interactively to yield the best visual results.

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Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener)

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Some Measures (1)

Singal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

M −1 N −1

 | F (u , v ) |2

SNR = u =0 v =0
M −1 N −1

 | N (u
u =0 v =0
, v ) |2

This ratio gives a measure of the level of information

bearing singal power to the level of noise power.

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Some Measures (2)

Mean Square Error (MSE)

M −1 N −1 2
   f ( x, y) − f ( x, y) 
x =0 y =0

Root-Mean-Sqaure-Error (RMSE)
M −1 N −1

 f ( x, y ) 2
RMSE = M −1 N −1
u =0 v =0

 | f (
u =0 v =0
x , y ) − f ( x , y ) | 2

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