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Philippine Normal University 2GED-SS05: Contemporary World

The National Center for Teacher Education REFLECTION PAPER

KAWAY-ARALAN SA BAGONG KADAWYAN Prof. Arthur Serrano Abulencia
Term 1, AY 2020-2021 Course Professor




In the political world, development in general has always been tied with economic
growth, that development in a country only occurs if there is a significant change in the
economic status of a country. Similarly, our country's pursuit of 'economic prosperity'
historically has led to implementations of different political systems in hopes to make a 'system'
where the poor and marginalized were reached, where development can be achieved in the
different aspects of the state. But as a conservative society, we neglected development and
change. As a society, we resisted change to conserve the integrity of our culture. As we continue
to resist change and development, as a society we pay the price through the different stagnations
in the different sectors of the state and society we traded our 'past' culture in exchange for the
lives of the present. But as history moves forward implementations of different development
models emerge allowing a variety of diverse social movements, some had survived globalization
some had not.

Presently, the transfiguration of social movements and the government as the medium of
development has only complicated what we think development is, hence our perception of the
concept of what development is has been myopic. Re-imagining, there's a lot of development
plans that the government is flaunting. These are Philippines 2000, Angat Pinoy, Beat the Odds,
Inclusive Growth, and Ambition 2040. However, these plans have no blueprint for development,
only guideposts. Some plans have proven to be inadequate, plans that are beneficiary only to
socialists and capitalists. That's why a blueprint is important in development planning so it is
easy to see who will be the beneficiaries and how the development will flow.

Similarly, A Game of Power Development should be for everybody. However, not

everyone has equal priorities for development. Development is highly influenced by power. For
instance, the “marginalized sectors” should be privileged to be part of the development process.
It is since development programs are usually being conducted by people with power.
Developments made must be sustainable in which it can maintain and balance the personal and
national wealth of the country. We should prioritize creating and protecting the country's
economic wealth and national wealth for the present and future generations will benefit from it.
In pursuing the wealth of the country, we must value the three Ps which are people, planet,
profit/productivity. The 3 Ps are important in the environment, economics and businesses
because if we care for people's suggestions and needs, the resources on our planet, profit, and
efficiency of workers we can last longer and achieve the "sustainability" that will lead to
development. There are three sectors of wealth production which are business, state, and social
sectors. Balancing the three sectors is a very strenuous and challenging part but a strengthened
Philippine Normal University 2GED-SS05: Contemporary World
The National Center for Teacher Education REFLECTION PAPER
KAWAY-ARALAN SA BAGONG KADAWYAN Prof. Arthur Serrano Abulencia
Term 1, AY 2020-2021 Course Professor

business sector, effective governance, and securing the country's wealth, a vigorous social sector
is a better alternative to the onslaught of economistic and materialistic models of development.

In the present time, our country is still in the process of chasing sustainable
development, so the government and the people should be helping each other to make our
country a developing one. In addition to that, the development being made must be people-
centric or it revolves around the human whether the needs or desire of the human, it must be the
center of development. It says that it provides a more inert conceptualization of development,
which means that it is not improving, it just stays in what position that it has now, with no
progress involved. It emphasizes that human rights are important. Whether we use measures like
human development index, gender development index, and many more, all of these are informed
by human rights promotion, it's all evolving with the people's rights and it must be developed.

The development needs micro-macro link and agency-structure connection. The macro
layer is represented by the government, and it is governing a large group of people and has a lot
of constituents that must be able to articulate or speak to the people, in order for them to have a
good life. And with the people to have "sociological imagination" which means being able to
shift from one perspective to another. In developing, the interconnectedness of the government to
its constituents is needed for them to know what are the concerns of the people and society. A
negotiation is a constructive discussion that addresses a problem in a way that both parties deem
appropriate. In a negotiation, each party aims to convince the other to agree with his or her point
of view. Both parties concerned strive to avoid arguing but agree to find some kind of agreement
through negotiation. Every development has a process, a process that determines its content.
Each process requires consultation, participation, partnership, transparency, and synergy
(Baviera, that process will be the form of their negotiation and determine the content of the
development. Every development requires developmental worker's participation because they
create energies that encourage people to engage in creative activities that promote developmental
flow and momentum.

To conclude, moving forward is a big challenge not unless every individual is ready to
do so. That's why development is a mindset wherein people put their heart into the things they
truly want and work on them to achieve their ideals. In short, a development may only be formed
if a person has an initiative and is ready for commitment. To acquire this, an individual is
required to have the exact knowledge and skills that will lead to their self-development. In our
generation, we tend to focus on the things that involve the development of society. We broke free
from being simple-minded into a conscious one through self-examination. Our real-life
experiences and observations among the people around us and the place where we lived allowed
us to move and do something that will help us solve socio-economic, and environmental issues.

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