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”See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see.” Dr. Wayne Dyer.

This is the quote I live by, the quote I base every one of my choices and reactions around. This is
what I hope to bring with me and implement throughout my classroom. The light. I want to bring
out the light in each and everyone of my students. The light that individualizes them, that guides
their learning journey. I want to take my light, their lights and shine it on our learning journey
together. Open their eyes to the light they have inside of them and help it grow, through
education I will show them just how bright their light can be and help it shine brighter through
every lesson I give them. Each and everyone of my students shine differently and the journey
they invoke on in education will always take its own course. I want my classroom to be
somewhere they know the light is always on. To not be afraid to learn through their failure and
their successes. Their light in my classroom will never stop shining. Even if they can’t see it I
will help keep the light on for them. Education can be a light that lights up my students'
adventure and the more knowledge they gain, the more they can spread their light. They can
share what they have learned through each of their experiences on their journey.

I believe the best way to do this is to teach my lessons adaptive to my individual class
needs. By creating structured lesson plans that are hands on, individual, in groups, presentations,
class discussions. Through each of these I want to have classroom discussions where each
student presents their individual findings. This will help me better understand how they each
learn and pertain information differently. In doing so I find that the class may learn something
new, as will I. Using varied learning strategies, visual, auditory, group and individual projects,
presentations. Learning is best when we all learn together at the same stages. While doing this I
can support my students' needs at a higher rate, learning where they need more support and
where they thrive the most. Though I know I am the faucet in knowledge, I believe that they are
each the water streaming together by learning from each of their experiences. I believe quizzes
and assessments are useful for me to correlate what information my students are pertaining and
what information I need to adapt to help them understand them more. Visually, I hope to relate
each topic with a correlation of what we are learning. Verbally I will be concrete in my examples
in a simple manner they will remember and can apply in future subjects. My personal and
professional goal is to keep my students' lights bright on their individual educational goals. A
light they can take with them through life. A light they can share with others on their journey.

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