Field Observation

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Running Header: Field Observation

Narrative Summary

Sonia Guevara

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 203: Special Education

Dr. Warby

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My field observation experience this semester is different from the last semester. In this

field observation, I would describe it as challenging because of COVID schools are taking a

different approach to schooling. School new approach to learning due to the circumstance is

distant learning, this is all done at home through the computer, joining live meetings, and

everything being remote web. I was a bit disappointment due to not being able to go in person to

see my cooperating teacher teach her lessons, seeing how her students present themselves, and

overall have that one on one experience. Although I was disappointed in the beginning as it came

to an end I would say this was a great experience because I was able to leave with a few tricks I

can use in my future classroom. For this narrative summary, I will be discussing my observation

of the classroom environment, observation of a student, observation of my cooperating teacher,

and a reflection on my field observation as a whole.

Beginning with my observation of the classroom environment, during the times I joined

in a virtual meeting I notice that my cooperating teacher kept the same background the same. My

cooperating teacher kept a white clean background, students and I were only able to see her, her

desk, and the shared screen. The classroom environment was clean and simple, when students

joined class they were required to be mute with either camera on or off, students would see the

shared screen that provided an agenda for the day. This agenda included lessons for the day,

where to find the lessons, and what website students should be on. My observation of the

classroom environment was very little due to not much being shown through my cooperating

teacher’s camera.

My observation of a student was quite interesting, it was a bit hard to observe a student

but I did my best to get as much information as I could. The student I decided to observe was

brought to my attention because this student would not only participate but this student would
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help other students find information. The reason I was driven to this student was that on my first

day of joining the virtual meeting, this student was one of the few that welcomed me in. During

my observation, I notice this student was always prepared to learn. This student did not only

participate but this student helped out other students when needing a website, help with a

problem, or when the teacher asked this student to help out.

My observation of my cooperating teacher was different from my observation of a

student. My cooperating teacher I would describe as caring, from watching my cooperating

teacher teach her lessons, her interaction with her students, and her interaction with myself.

During a teacher interview, I gave to my cooperating teacher I was able to not only learn more

about my cooperating teacher but as well as taking notes down. A few of the questions that I

asked my cooperating teacher I found very helpful. The first question is “What are the main

challenges you face as a teacher?”, she stated, “The greatest challenge is the frustration you feel

when you can help the students and you feel like you’ve done everything you can.”. When I

think about the challenges of a teacher never once did it come to mind how a teacher feels when

you feel like you can’t help a student out or there’s nothing else to do, this is something that I am

now thinking about.

Another question is, “What positive reinforcements have you used successfully?”, she

stated, “Positive reinforcements vary with the group of students. With some students, they enjoy

simple things like free time or lunch with the teacher. But there are some students who need

more tangible positive reinforcements like a treasure box.”. I find positive reinforcements to be

very successful, last semester during my field observation I was able to see how students react to

being able to win a prize from the treasure box, I believe this gives students that extra pat in the

back of them doing great and wanting to keep doing great. Another question is, “What
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behavioral consequences seem most effective with this age group?” she stated, “As for

consequences, I prefer the Love and Logic method. You can put the ball back in their court. If a

student makes a bad choice, you ask the students to acknowledge their mistake and ask what they

think should be a consequence.”. I believe this method is a great way for students to take

responsibility for their actions, as well as students being able to understand the consequences of

their actions.

The last question is regarding accommodation to ELL, GATE, General ED, and Special

Education students, my cooperating teacher broke this down into two parts. My cooperating

teacher stated “I try to use visuals and tangible material as possible.” for ELL/SPED. In the

second half of this question she states, “For math, I try to level questions by difficulties to give

students an opportunity to challenge themselves beyond what’s expected.”. For this last question,

I was able to take a look at a different perspective. My cooperating teacher’s answers will help

me out in the future when it is my time to make accommodation for ELL, GATE, General ED,

and special education students.

My reflection upon my 10 hours of field observation was very helpful because I was able

to learn new information, realize the struggle it can be, and get more knowledge from an

educator. When going into this semesters field observation I was sure if I would enjoy it due to it

being online, I am a visual learning and personally like having that one on one experience. To

my surprise, this field observation was different but great. I say it was different because of the

virtual learning but different because I was able to see how not only the educators are feeling but

as well as how students are feeling. For my reflection, I will explain what I learn and what I look

forward to.
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During my 10 hours of field observation, I was able to learn no matter the circumstance

educators put in their best effort in making sure students get their education. In my field

observation, I was able to see the passion and dedication my cooperating teacher had to make

sure her students were getting the best learning possible. During the virtual meeting, I attend I

was able to see the struggles of being an educator as well. The struggles I noticed with virtual

school is students having a hard time paying attention, getting students to focus, and giving

students the same energy as it would be in a classroom. During my observation, I noticed all

these things, but I can say that it is still early on in the school so perhaps this will change.

What I look forward to in the future is being able to take in what I have learned and put it

into my perspective. Something that has stuck with me throughout my years of college is

wanting to see students succeed in what they are best at, this years field observation has opened

my eyes to continue keeping it as a goal of mine. I am thrilled about what the future holds, not

only for myself but for my future students.

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