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Lesson 1

In the first lesson we remembered the uses of the present simple. And we also emphasized the three
possible pronunciation of the ending “-S”. Now, take a look at the exercises to practice what was
learnt. If you still have any doubts, go back to the video, okay?

Complete the text below with the verbs in the brackets.

This restaurant is called "Vienna". Ten people __________ (to work) here. Julia Thomas is
the owner. She __________ (to go) to the restaurant at four o'clock in the afternoon. The waiters
__________ (to arrive) at half past four. They __________ (to set) the tables and __________ (to
tidy) the kitchen. The chef, Pièrre Rousseau, __________ (to come) at five o'clock. He __________
(to prepare) the food for the evening. The restaurant __________ (to open) at six o'clock. Many
people __________ (to eat) here because the food is very good. The restaurant __________ (to
close) at one o'clock in the morning, and at half past one Julia, the chef and the waiters __________
(to go) home.

Complete the gaps with the verbs below. The may be used more than once.

smell - have - be - think - depend

1. I have two dogs but my best friend, Sandra, __________ five!

2. The dog __________ terrible. Let's give him a bath.
3. I __________ that racist people are very stupid.
4. We __________ of buying a new house next year.
5. John __________ a big party at his house this evening. Let's go there!
6. Kate is in the garden. She __________ your lovely roses.
7. I __________ on you to bring your CDs to the party this evening. Don't forget.
8. Your husband __________ very silly. Look! He is dancing on the table.
9. I want to play tennis tomorrow but it __________ on the weather.
10. Your boss __________ very generous. Why don't you ask him for a pay rise?
Now create an online dating profile and write a short text about this person.

Lesson 2

In our second class, we reviewed the Present Simple and, also the Present Continuous, while we
talked about annoying or bad habits. Now, to consolidate the content of the video, do the following
exercises. Remember that if you have any doubts go back to the video!

Complete the text with the appropriate form of the verb.

Harold Black's a famous pianist. He ________________ (give) two or three
concerts every week. He ________________ (travel) a lot and this week he's in New York. He
________________ (stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now. He ________________
(have) his breakfast in the dining−room. He ________________ (drink) a cup of coffee and
he________________ (read) a newspaper. Harold's always very busy. He ________________ (play)
the piano regularly. He ________________ (practise) for four hours every day. He
________________ (go) to bed late and he always ________________ (get up) early. But he
sometimes ________________ (get) dressed too quickly, and this morning he ________________
(wear) one blue sock and one red one!

Present simple or present continuous? Change the verb if it is wrong.

a) Are you having a motorbike?
b) I’m staying in a hotel near the sea.
c) I’d like to buy this coat. How much is it costing?
d) What you doing?
e) I’m usually getting up at 6.00.
f) This book is difficult. I’m not understanding it.
g) I watch a lot of TV every night.
h) Excuse me. Are you knowing the way to the museum?
Write a short text about you. Try to include all the information below.
- Where you live - Your bad/annoying habits - When you’re on holiday - Where you work
- When you usually start work and go home - Your weekly meeting - Something you’re
- Saying where you are on phone - What you do in your free time

Lesson 3

Hey there! Our third class was very productive! Beside reviewing some basic aspects of asking
questions in English, we also remembered the importance of intonation in a conversation. Do the
following exercises to consolidate what was said and remember: do you have any doubts? Go back
to the video!

Complete the dialogue with the appropriate question.

William: Hi, Kate. ________________________? (you / do / at the weekend?)
Kate: I go hiking in the mountains.
William: ________________________? (how / it / is)
Kate: It is great. I really enjoy the fresh air and amazing views.
William: ________________________? (how often / go hiking)
Kate: Every Sunday morning. ________________________? (what / you / do / next Saturday)
William: I don't know yet. Maybe we could go to the cinema. ________________________? (what /
you / think / about that)
Kate: Hmm… ________________________? (what film / you / want / see?)
William: The new James Bond film.
Kate: It sounds like a good idea. ________________________? (what time / you / want / to meet)
William: Well, they're showing the film at 8.30pm. So ____________? (you / can / meet me at 8
Kate: Sure, no problem.

Create the question according to the statement.

1. I'm reading a book about travel. What . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. I went to a party. Where . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .last
3. I'm meeting her at 5 o'clock. What time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .?
4. I arrived yesterday. When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..?

5. I was drinking orange juice. What . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this

morning? 6. I get to work by train. How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. every day? 7. I'm staying here for two weeks. How long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. I finished my homework an hour ago. When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark on each sentence where the intonation rises or falls.

What is your name? Where do you live? What are you reading?

When is your birthday? How much is it? How far is it?

How much is this bag, please? When is the next train, please? How old are you?

Where is the nearest bank? How far is it? What time is it?

How much do I owe you? How old is your brother? How often do you go there?
Lesson 4

Our fourth class was a bit different, right? We took the time to read some biographies, practising our
reading skill and reviewing some aspects of the Past simple. What about practising a bit more?

Read the information about the famous people in the table and answer the questions.
J.K. Rowling was born in 1965. She wrote many Robert Downey Jr. was born on April 4. He was a
books, included the “Harry Potter series. drug addict because of his father. He acted in
movies and TV series. He was Iron man in 4

Selena Gomez was born in 1992. She was a Frida Kahlo lived in Mexico. She painted self-
Disney actress. She released her first album when portraits. She married Diego Rivera.
she was 17.

a) What books did J.K. Rowling write? __________________________________________

b) When did J.K. Rowling born? _______________________________________________
c) How many times Robert was Iron Man? ______________________________________
d) Where did Robert act? _____________________________________________________
e) Why did Robert use drugs? ________________________________________________
f) When did Selena born? __________________________________________________
g) How old was Selena when her first album was released? _________________________
h) Who was Frida married to? _________________________________________________
i) What did Frida paint? ______________________________________________________
j) Where did Frida live? _____________________________________________________

Read the story below and answer the questions.

Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa, on July 18, 1918. He was the first member of his
family to attend school. He continued in school and later attended the University of South Africa in
Johannesburg. He became a lawyer representing those who would otherwise go without legal
assistance. Mandela was first involved in nonviolent protests but was eventually arrested for treason
and placed in prison. He was fighting against the apartheid and the treatment of his people. Nelson
Mandela spent 27 years in prison. Most of this time was spent in a tiny cell on Robben Island. He was
considered a terrorist when he was imprisoned, but as time wore on, it became apparent that he was
treated unjustly in his fight to end apartheid. Once released from prison, Nelson Mandela went on to
receive hundreds of awards. On April 27, 1994, Nelson Mandela was elected President of South
Africa. He served until 1999. He continued to work pushing for peace throughout the world. In South
Africa, he is known as Madiba, which is an honorary title. Nelson Mandela continues to inspire many.

1. What can you infer about why Nelson was so successful in life?
a. People felt sorry for him and took pity on him.
b. He eventually got the vision of his life.
c. He learned great lessons and was able to overcome obstacles and work hard.
d. He was able to become president.
2. What is the meaning of the word treason as used in the passage?
a. disloyalty
b. selfishness
c. violence
d. protest

3. Which of the following statements is true after reading the passage?

a. Nelson Mandela spent his life seeking restitution for his treatment.
b. Nelson Mandela was a perfect person.
c. Nelson Mandela went on to inspire millions because of his experiences.
d. Apartheid no longer exists on the African continent.

Now, read the information about Marilyn Monroe and write her a short biography.
Her real name: Norma Jean Baker First job: photographer’s model, 1945

Date of birth: June 1st , 1926 Second job: an actress

Marital life : married three times and divorced First film :1947
three times
Major films: Gentlemen prefer blondes (1953) è
Date of death: August 5th , 1962. 36 years old in famous/ Some like it hot (1959), The Misfits
Los Angeles (1961)


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