Exercise 24 N02m02a11

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Lesson 11

The lesson 11 was all about speculating about past events.

Known as the Bermuda Triangle, this legendary expanse of ocean can be

found between the points of Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Pilots often
tell of their instruments going haywire and numerous ships have been lost
at sea. With explanations ranging from gas bubbles to aliens, no one is sure
what is behind the strange phenomena.

The name Jack the Ripper has been heard in many shows and movies,
pertaining to the serial killer who murdered 11 women in London’s east
end in the late 1800′s but was never identified. Most of his victims were
prostitutes, whose bodies were mutilated beyond recognition and their
throats slashed.

When DB Cooper hijacked a Boeing 727 along with $200,000, he

proceeded to jump out of the plane with a parachute. He was never found,
however, and this remains the only unsolved case in US aviation history.
How to speculate about past events.

Can’t have Can’t have + Third Column Verb

Must Have Must have + Third Column Verb

May Have May have + Third Column Verb

Might Have Might have + Third Column Verb

The Zodiac Killer
During the 1960s and 1970s, there was a certain criminal in the San
Francisco Bay area that was identified as the Zodiac killer for the mind-
boggling letters he sent to the police and to the press. Although one of the
four letters were cracked, which contained a very disturbing message, the
other three have never been identified, even until now.

While Stonehenge is a very fascinating structure due to the big rocks that
stand atop one another, the biggest mystery isn’t how it was created but
Write your own hypothesis about The Zodiac Killer fate and the
Stonehenge origin.


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