Passive Voice: Be + Past Participle (V3)

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Passive Voice

Kalimat yang subject dan object-nya saling beruah tempat

Be + past participle (V3)

Be: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, and been

You bring her pen

Her pen is brought by you

Be + V3

Tenses Form
Simple present S + to be (is, am, are) + V3 + by O
Present continuous S + to be (is, am, are) + being + V3 + by O
Present perfect S + have / has + been + V3 + by O
Simple past S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by O
Simple future S + will + be + V3 + by O

- Verbal sentence.
- By agent akan muncul pada object pronoun.
- By agent tidak muncul pada object yang tidak jelas seperti someone, somebody dan
- By agent bisa muncul atau tidak pada general subject

/əʊ/ “Rose knows Joe phone Sophie, but

Sophie and Joe don’t know Rose knows.”

Congratulations! Thanks
Congratulations, Cinta! Thank you
Congratulations for winning the bike race! Thank you
Congratulations Zahra to become the Thanks a lot
champion of the English speech contest
Congratulation on your graduation! Thanks for saying so
That’s great It’s very kind of you to say
Well done! So
Wow, you made such wonderful handicraft This is because you’re always with me


Ida : I heard you win the singing contest last night, Siti. Is that right?
Sigit : You’re right, Ida.
Ida : Congratulations, Sigit! I’m proud of you. I hope you’ll be winner again next time.
Sigit : Thanks, Ida. You are very kind to say so.
Ida : You’re welcome.

1. /ˈeə.rə.pleɪn/ Aeroplane : Pesawat
2. /bəʊt/ Boat : Perahu
3. /ˈbaɪ.sɪ.kl ̩/ /baɪk/ /ˈsaɪ.kl ̩/ Bicycle/ bike/ cycle : Sepeda
4. /ˈpɪk.ʌp/ /trʌk/ Pic-up truck : Mobil truk pick up
5. /bʌs/ Bus : Bis
6. /ˈviː.ɪ.kl ̩/ Vehicle : Kendaraan/ Angkutan
7. /kruːz/ /ʃɪp/ Cruise ship : Kapal layar
8. /væn/ Van : Mobil gerbong
9. /ˈæm.bjʊ.lən t  s/ Ambulance : Ambulan
10. /faɪə r / /ˈen.dʒɪn/ Fire engine : Mobil pemadam
11. /tæŋk/ /trʌk/ Tank truck : Truk tangki
12. /treɪn/ Train : Kereta
13. /ˈstrəʊ.lə r / Stroller : Kereta bayi
14. /hɒt/ /eə r / /bəˈluːn/ Hot air balloon : Balon udara
15. /blɪmp/ Blimp : Pesawat balon
16. /ˈmɒn.ə.reɪl/ Monorail : Monorail
17. /ˈpedɪkæb/ Pedicab : Becak
18. /ˈkær.ɪdʒ/ Carriage : Delman
19. /dʌmp/ /trʌk/ Dump truck : Truk sampah
20. /ˈbʊlˌdəʊ.zə r / Bulldozer : Buldoser

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