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Kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan posisi kata benda

E.g.: Ardy is playing a game with Susan

He is playing it with her

Personal Possessive
Subject Object Adjective Noun
I Me My + N Mine Myself
You You Your + N Yours Yourself / Yourselves
We Us Our + N Ours Ourselves
They Them Their + N Theirs Themselves
She Her Her + N Hers Herself
He Him His + N His Himself
It It Its + N Its Itself

I take my book for me myself because this book is mine

They take their book for them themselves because this book is theirs
She takes her book for her herself because this book is hers
You …………………..
He ……………………
We …………………...
It ……………………..

1. Rian and Ajun watch a movie in Andre’s house
2. I and Jhon feed the pat in the yard
3. Susi give money to Andre and you

“The fat cat sat on the

man’s black hat”
Parts of Body

The arm and hand

Finger, palm, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, thumb, and fingernail
The leg and foot
Knee, leg, shin, calf (muscle), ankle, heel, foot, toe
Ankle: the joint between leg and foot
The face
Eye, nose, mouth, ears, cheek, chin, nostril, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash, and lips

1. /flæt/ /nəʊz/ Flat–nose : Hidung pesek
2. /ˈpɔɪn.tɪd/ /nəʊz/ Pointed–nose : Hidung mancung
3. /ˈslɑːn.tɪŋ/ /aɪ/ Slanting–eyes : Mata sipit
4. /waɪd/ /aɪ/ Wide–eyes : Mata lebar
5. /ˈdɪ ̩/ /tʃek/ Dimple in check : Lesung di pipi
6. /θɪn/ /lɪp/ Thin–lips : Bibir tipis
7. /fʊl/ /lɪp/ Full lips : Bibir Tebal
8. /ˈpɪə.sɪŋ/ /aɪ/ Piercing–eyes : Mata tajam
9. /skaʊl/ Scowl : Cemberut
10. /sɒft/ /skɪn/ Soft skin : Kulit lembut
11. /ˈweɪ.vi/ Wavy : Bergelombang
12. /ˈkɜː.li/ Curly : Keriting
13. /ʃeɪv/ Shaved : Gundul
14. /breɪd/ Braids : Kepang
15. /bʌn/ Bun : Sanggul
16. /bɔːld/ Bald : Botak
17. /blɒnd/ Blond hair : Rambut pirang
18. /ˈtæl. ə n.tɪd/ Talented : Berbakat
19. /ʃruːd/ Shrewd : Licik
20. /ˈsɪ ̩/ Simple : Biasa

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