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kata yang digunakan untuk menamai benda

o Countable (bisa dihitung)

 Regular
-S -ES
e.g: book – books e.g: ch : watch – watches
door – doors sh : brush – brushes
x : box – boxes
o : tornado – tornadoes / tornados
ss : class – classes

 Irregular
e.g: child – children foot – feet
woman – women mouse – mise

o Uncountable (tidak bisa dihitung)

e.g: water, oil, sand, money

/e/ “It’s best to rest”, said the vet to the pat.

Quantity Statement

With countable singular nouns

 Each : each computer

 Every : very computer
 Another : another computer
With countable plural nouns

 a large/small number of : a large number of printers

 (not/too) many : not many printers
 a few* : a few printers
 (very) few* : few printers
 Fewer : fewer printers

With uncountable nouns

 a large/small amount of : a large amount of paper

 (not/too) much : too much paper
 a little* : a little paper
 (very) little* : little paper
 Less : less paper

With countable plural nouns and with uncountable nouns

 Some : some printers some ink

 a lot of : a lot of printers a lot of ink
 (almost) all : (almost) all printers (almost) all ink
 No : no printers no ink
 none of : none of the printers none of the ink
 other : other printers other ink

1. /skweə r / Square : Kotak
2. /raʊnd/ Round : Bundar
3. /bɪg/ Big : Besar
4. /waɪd/ Wide : Lebar
5. /njuː/ New : Baru
6. /ˌsek. ə ndˈhænd/ Second-hand : Bekas
7. /gʊd/ Good : Bagus
8. /ˈsɜː.t ə n/ /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.ti/ Have a certain quality : Berkualitas
9. /bæk/ /ˈnʌm.bə r / Back number : Kuno
10. /ɪkˈspen t  .sɪv/ Expensive : Mahal
11. /tʃiːp/ Cheap : Murah
12. /əˈrɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl/ Original : Asli
13. /fɒls/ False : Palsu
14. /ˈbrəʊ.k ə n/ Broken : Rusak
15. /ˈslaɪ /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/ Slightly damaged : Rusak ringan
16. /haɪ/ /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.ti/ High quality : Kualitas tinggi
17. /jʊˈniːk/ Unique : Unik
18. /ˈmɪs.tɪ.k ə l/ Mystical : Mistik
19. /ˈtreɪd.mɑːk/ Have a trademark : Bermerek
20. /ˈek.strə/ /strɒŋ/ Extra strong : Ekstra kuat

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