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Emil Jamal Abdul Jaffar

Male Zamorian, Assassin 10th

Height: 5’8” ft (1,77m) Weight: 163 lbs. (74 kg)
Hair: Black (Dreadlocks) Eyes: Green-Gray.
Age: 30 Skin: Mid Brown
Handedness: Right-hand Code of Honor: Mercenary
Initiative: +13 Fate Points: 3
Sensory Traits: Listen +8, and Spot +7 (+1 in urban or underground)
Languages: Zamorian (r/w), Corinthian (r/w), Brythunian, Zingaran (r/w),
Stygian (r/w).
Dodge Def: 21 / 22* (+6 Dex, +5 class; +1 Light-Footed*)
Parry Def: 17 (+2 Str, +5 class)
DR: 4 (Superior Leather Jerkin; Max Dex +7; AC Pen: -1; Weight: 4.5lbs)
Hit Points: 91 hp.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +8 (+3 vs Corruption)
Speed: 30 ft.
Attack: Kukri +15 / +10 melee (1d6+8+1d6 / +5d8 sneak; AP 2; crit.x3)
with Finesse, Master Fencer, and Sneak Attack;
Attack: Arming Sword +13 / +8 melee (1d10+6+1d6 / +5d8 sneak; AP 2;
crit.x3) with Finesse, Master Fencer, and Sneak Attack;
Full Attack: Finesse; Sneak Attack; Combat Expertise;
Space/Reach: 5 ft. (1) / 5 ft. (1)
Base Attack: +7/+2; Grapple: +9
Other Racial Bonus: +2 to Dexterity, –2 to Strength: Zamorians are wiry
and lithe but lack the sheer muscle-power of some of the larger races; +2
racial bonus to all Open Lock, Disable Device and Sleight-of-Hand checks and
+1 racial bonus to all Craft checks; +2 circumstance bonus to all Gather
Information checks that relate to theft, assassination and the locations or
powers of legendary or magical objects; +1 circumstance bonus to Climb,
Hide, Listen, Move Silently and Spot checks in urban and underground
conditions (not add below); Background Skills: Knowledge (local),
Knowledge (rumors), Open Lock, Disable Device and Sleight of Hand.
Feats: All Simple and Martial Weapons; All light and one-handed
martial weapons; Armor Proficiency: Light; Eyes of the Cat; Light-
Footed; Poison Use; Blind-Fight; Combat Expertise; Improved Feint;
Fencer’s Finesse; Improved Blind Fight; Master Fencer;
Special Qualities: Sneak Attack Style (Kukri / Arming Sword / Bow-
Hunting); Sneak Attack: +5d6 / +5d8; Trap Disarming; Eyes of the Cat;
Trap Sense +3; Light-Footed; Special Ability: Fencer’s Finesse /
Master Fencer; Poison Use;
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14
Skills: Appraise +7, Balance +12, Bluff +13, Climb +7, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device
+12, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +16, Gather Information +11 (+13), Hide +17, Intimidate
+11, Jump +6, Knowledge (Shadizar) +6, Knowledge (Kordava) +4, Knowledge
(Nobility) +4, Knowledge (rumors) +7, Knowledge (Fencing: Zingaran School) +10,
Listen +8, Move Silently +17, Open Lock +12, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +12,
Spot +7, Tumble +11.
Reputation: 15 (+2 in bluff, gather information, and intimidate / -1 disguise checks). Corruption Score: 0

Fencer’s Finesse
You wield a finesse weapon like a scalpel.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (fencing Zingaran School 5+ ranks, Balance 2+ ranks)
Benefit: You use elegance and speed to make exacting, deadly, cuts on your opponents. Apply your dexterity
modifier to damage, rather than your Strength modifier.

You know how to fight when you are unable to see.
Benefit: In melee, if you miss because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance once to see if you actually
hit. An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you can still dodge or parry
your assailant and he does not get the usual +2 bonus to melee attack rolls for being invisible. The invisible
attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. You take only half the usual penalty to speed for
being unable to see. Darkness and poor visibility in general reduce your speed to three-quarters of normal, instead
of one-half.
Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible attackers trying to hit you apply and you cannot dodge or
parry your attacker. The speed reduction for darkness and poor visibility also applies.

Improved Blind-Fight
Darkness does not faze you in a fight.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 15+, Blind-Fight.
Benefit: You essentially gain the blindsense ability. Using non-visual senses, such as acute smell or hearing, you
notice things you cannot see. You usually do not need to make Spot or Listen checks to pinpoint the location of
a creature within 15 feet, provided that you have line of effect to that creature. Any opponent you cannot see
still has total concealment against you but you still function as under the Blind-Fight feat, except you can still
Dodge ranged attacks if they originate within 15 feet of you. Visibility still affects your movement as per the
Blind Fight feat. You are still denied your Defence against ranged attacks from creatures beyond 15 feet.

Master Fencer
Your exacting precision, accuracy and control allow you to make deadly attacks against foes who are not ready
for you.
Prerequisites: Fencer’s Finesse, Knowledge (fencing: Zingaran school) or Knowledge (fencing: Aquilonian school) 8
Benefit: When making a finesse melee attack, you gain +1d6 points of sneak attack damage. If you already have
sneak attack damage, this damage stacks with it.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times; its effects stack.

Improved Feint
You make a tricky opponent for anyone.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise.
Benefit: You can feint in combat as a move action.
Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action (see page 207).

You dislike armor and are significantly more effective without it.
Prerequisites: Hide 1 rank, Move Silently 1 rank, sneak attack +1d6.
Benefit: Whenever you are unarmored and carrying at most 20 pounds of gear in total, you gain an extra +1
die to your Sneak Attack damage (either d6 or d8 as appropriate), a +1-dodge bonus to Dodge Defence and a +1-
circumstance bonus to all Hide and Move Silently checks.

Eyes of The Cat
You see more clearly in the dark than many men can in full daylight.
Prerequisites: Spot 1 rank, may only be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You gain low-light vision. That is, you can see twice as far as ordinary humans by starlight, moonlight,
torchlight or other conditions of poor illumination. You can even distinguish color and detail under these low-
light conditions.

Knowledge (Fencing: Zingaran School): Fencing is a combination of balance, training and intelligence,
a mark of prestige in Zingara. The Zingaran school of fencing teaches Dodge maneuvers, not Parry
maneuvers (the Aquilonian school teaches the opposite). The fine art of fencing is taught by masters
who begin training with education in geometry to improve the fencer’s thinking, training him to
think logically and provide an understanding of spatial relationships. Fencers are taught a coolness
and a detachment when sword fighting so their minds can function with logic and clarity. Students
are taught a frightening command of timing, distance, space and movement. This system of teaching
detachment and logical evaluation creates cold and calculating swordsmen, some of the deadliest
the world has ever seen.

This skill is not a class skill for most classes, so usually only the most intelligent ever become
masters of a fencing school, since they can spend their bonus skill points on this skill as though it
were a class skill. With the first rank, the fifth rank and every five total points thereafter (not
ranks, making more intelligent characters deadlier swordfighters) a character has in Knowledge
(fencing: Zingaran school), he may select one of the following bonuses which can be used when he
is fencing with an arming sword or broadsword.
Different schools and different masters teach these in varying orders. For example, the fencing
school of Master Valerio in Kordava teaches these bonuses in this order to his students: clarity (1st
rank), move away from the attack (5th rank), light on my feet (10 total skill points), improved feint
(15 total skill points), knock him off balance (20 total skill points), masterful point control (25 total
skill points) and impressive lunge (30 total skill points). Feats such as Knowledgeable and Skill Focus
Knowledge (fencing: Zingaran school) can make an intelligent fencer yet again deadlier – beware
Zingaran scholars who have devoted their study to fencing!

❖ Clarity: This student is taught logic and alertness to an amazing degree. The character
gains a +2 bonus to Listen and Spot checks while dueling – this stacks with the Alertness
and Skill Focus feats.

❖ Move Away from the Attack: Zingaran fencers know the best way to avoid an attack
is to not be there when the attack happens. Those who choose this technique can defend
against critical hits. By making a successful Knowledge (fencing: Zingaran school) check
against a DC set by the critical confirmation roll, the fencer only takes normal damage
from the attack instead of critical damage.


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