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Abroad Career Astrology - In the above video astrologically explained

about male native’s abroad career growth . Before reading any birth chart
you need to understand purpose of the reading. Whether astrological
reading really required or not if required then only read it.

Coming to foreign settlement / career we can analyse through horoscope.

Most of the time planets Saturn & Rahu plays key role for foreign travel.
(Other planets also will give foreign travel and settlement).

In astrology 12th house considered as foreign from your mother land. 3rd
& 9th house also connected to short & long journeys. Whenever your time
period connects to karaka planets & karaka house then there is chance of
travel. If time period is positive you will enjoy it. If time period not good you
need to bare the difficulties.

If 12th lord connected to 2nd & 10th houses or lord's connection with
karaka planets & dasha then more chances for foreign job. (Foreign means
not only abroad countries it can be long distance locations too. Astrology is
not always not exact to the situation, it’s always nearest to the situation.)
Western Progressions will help you understand human mental stability &
performance. Vimshottari Dasha, if dasha is favorable it will form as a good
yoga, astrologically we also need to check about past karma is it good or
not. Note: Verification of past events & rectification of birth time are most
important when judging events it improves accuracy & confidence to the
astrologer. i will tell you a easy approach how to read the horoscope easily,
follow below steps 1 ) Planets Positions - How characteristics & nature 2 )
Past Time - As an astrologer we should be aware and need to check how
our interpretation/calculations is about the past events. 3) Current & Future
- based on our interpenetration about past considering its accuracy we can
estimate or understand current or future. In the above example considered
the original date of birth details and also explained how i read horoscope
step by step. Verified below points at Janma Jataka Chakram 1 )
Ascendant lord, 1-5-9 Lords 2 ) Ascendant lord, 2 & 10th Lords 3 )
Negative Combinations (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu) 4 ) Judging Dasha
Periods & Their star lords 5 ) Western Progressions & Transit Tip : after
following the approach before judging future events consider the past
events flow and its accuracy . this accuracy will give us confidence about
future predictions. if you are a learner i suggest you to do not scare people
with your future predictions. above mentioned approach is for astrologers

Before reading any birth chart you need to consider the purpose of the horoscope
reading. Whether astrological reading really required or not if required then only we
need to analyse. Coming to the point for abroad career or study we can analyse through
horoscope. Most of the times planets Saturn & Rahu plays key role for foreign
travel/settlements. (Other planets also will give foreign travel and settlement). In the
above video explained Jupiter placed at 6th house aspected by malefic. Lagna occupied
by malefic planets, How the person progressed successfully at his career & foreign
settlement life. In astrology 12th house considered for foreign land. 3rd & 9th house also
connected to short & long journeys. If your time period connect to karaka planets &
karaka house then there is chance of travel. If the time period is positive the native will
enjoy. If time period not good the native need to bear the difficulties. If 10th lord
connected 12th house then there is chance of foreign job/career. If 5th or 9th lord
connected to 12th house there is chance of foreign education/study. If 12th lord / house
connected 2nd & 10th lord / house connection D1 & D9 Will give strong conformation
about abroad career / long distance career from home town. (Foreign means not only
abroad countries it can be long distance locations from the mother land (home).
Astrology is always not exact to the situation. they say that దేశ కాల మాన పరిస్తితులు బట్టి
we need to interpret) Western Progressions will help you understand human mental
stability & performance. Vimshottari Dasha, if dasha working good act as yoga & past
karma based on it will results. Note: Verification of past events, rectified birth always
helpful to improves accuracy & confidence of an astrologer. But you need to understand
how to read the horoscope step by step. 1 ) Planets Positions - How characteristics &
nature 2 ) Past Time - As an astrologer you should be aware of past how our
calculations are working 3) Current & Future - based on past accuracy you can
estimate. In the above example considered the original date of birth details and also
explained how to read horoscope step by step. Verify below points at Janma Jataka
Chakram 1 ) Ascendant lord, 1-5-9 Lords 2 ) Ascendant lord, 2 & 10th Lords 3 )
Negative Combinations (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu) 4 ) Judging Dasha Periods &
Their star lords 5 ) Western Progressions & Transit The above mentioned approach is
for astrologer’s use only. Then judge the dasha if time is good everything will be fine.
You can cross check past events related to career and other. In same the way if you
need to practice on multiple horoscopes to get good grip. When you are in learning
stage only collect the data from the native never make them fear with your predictions
be careful before judging.

In the above video astrologically explained about a male native’s foreign education &
coming back to mother land. Before reading any birth chart you need to consider the
purpose of the horoscope reading. Whether astrological reading really required or not if
required then only we need to analyse. Coming to the point for abroad career or study
we can analyse through horoscope. Most of the times planet Saturn & Rahu plays key
role in foreign travel/settlements. (Other planets also will give foreign travel and
settlement). in this case though Saturn placed at 12th house (retro). Lagna occupied by
rahu in moon star, the native has completed his abroad education successfully! Based
on consultation time chart I've given stunning prediction as "you will comeback to
mother land". about the same explained in above video. In astrology 12th house
considered for foreign land. 3rd & 9th house also connected to short & long journeys. If
your time period connect to karaka planets & karaka house then there is chance of
travel. If the time period is positive the native will enjoy. If time period not good the
native need to bear the difficulties. If 10th lord connected 12th house then there is
chance of foreign job/career. If 5th or 9th lord connected to 12th house there is chance
of foreign education/study. (Foreign means not only abroad countries it can be long
distance locations from the mother land (home). Astrology is always not exact to the
situation. They say that దేశ కాల మాన పరిస్తితులు బట్టి we need to interpret) Western
Progressions will help you understand human mental stability & performance.
Vimshottari Dasha, if dasha working good act as yoga & past karma based on it will
results. Note: Verification of past events, rectified birth always helpful to improves
accuracy & confidence of an astrologer. But you need to understand how to read the
horoscope step by step. 1 ) Planets Positions - How characteristics & nature 2 ) Past
Time - As an astrologer you should be aware of past how our calculations are working
3) Current & Future - based on past accuracy you can estimate. In the above example
considered the original date of birth details and also explained how to read horoscope
step by step. Verify below points at Janma Jataka Chakram 1 ) Ascendant lord, 1-5-9
Lords 2 ) Ascendant lord, 2 & 10th Lords 3 ) Negative Combinations (Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn & Rahu) 4 ) Judging Dasha Periods & Their star lords 5 ) Western Progressions
& Transit The above mentioned approach is for astrologer’s use only. Then judge the
dasha if time is good everything will be fine. You can cross check past events related to
career and other. In same the way if you need to practice on multiple horoscopes to get
good grip. When you are in learning stage only collect the data from the native never
make them fear with your predictions be careful before judging.

In the above video astrologically explained about a male native’s foreign education &
coming back to mother land. Before reading any birth chart you need to consider the
purpose of the horoscope reading. Whether astrological reading really required or not if
required then only we need to analyse. Coming to the point for abroad career or study
we can analyse through horoscope. Most of the times planet Saturn & Rahu plays key
role in foreign travel/settlements. (Other planets also will give foreign travel and
settlement). in this case though Mercury placed at 12th house . 5th & 6th Lord Saturn
Retro, the native has completed his abroad education successfully & Awarded ! In
astrology 12th house considered for foreign land. 3rd & 9th house also connected to
short & long journeys. If your time period connect to karaka planets & karaka house
then there is chance of travel. If the time period is positive the native will enjoy. If time
period not good the native need to bear the difficulties. If 10th lord connected 12th
house then there is chance of foreign job/career. If 5th or 9th lord connected to 12th
house there is chance of foreign education/study. (Foreign means not only abroad
countries it can be long distance locations from the mother land (home). Astrology is
always not exact to the situation. They say that దేశ కాల మాన పరిస్తితులు బట్టి we need to
interpret) Western Progressions will help you understand human mental stability &
performance. Vimshottari Dasha, if dasha working good act as yoga & past karma
based on it will results. Note: Verification of past events, rectified birth always helpful to
improves accuracy & confidence of an astrologer. But you need to understand how to
read the horoscope step by step. 1 ) Planets Positions - How characteristics & nature
2 ) Past Time - As an astrologer you should be aware of past how our calculations are
working 3) Current & Future - based on past accuracy you can estimate. In the above
example considered the original date of birth details and also explained how to read
horoscope step by step. Verify below points at Janma Jataka Chakram 1 ) Ascendant
lord, 1-5-9 Lords 2 ) Ascendant lord, 2 & 10th Lords 3 ) Negative Combinations (Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu) 4 ) Judging Dasha Periods & Their star lords 5 ) Western
Progressions & Transit The above mentioned approach is for astrologer’s use only.
Then judge the dasha if time is good everything will be fine. You can cross check past
events related to career and other. In same the way if you need to practice on multiple
horoscopes to get good grip. When you are in learning stage only collect the data from
the native never make them fear with your predictions be careful before judging.

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