Rizal 100 - Activity No. 1

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Name: ____________________ _______________________ _______________________

____________________ _______________________ _______________________

Course & Section : __________________

To what does each of the following brief descriptions refer?

Democracy *Optimism *Scientific Revolution

Nationalism *Pessimism *Liberalism
Socialists *Imperialism *Patriotism
Communists *Self - Determination
Laissez-Faire *Industrial Revolution

_____________________1. Government’s non-intervention in the conduct of trade and business.

______________________2. A system of government promoted by the ideology of liberalism.

_____________________3. An ideology founded on the ideas of liberty and equality.

______________________4. Conquest of territories for political, economic, or socio-cultural motives

______________________5. Transformation of manufacturing brought about by the invention of


_____________________6. Reformers who advocated the idea that government has to control basic
industries for the welfare of society.

______________________7. Reformers who believed that social equality can be achieved through the
abolition of social classes.

______________________8. Belief in the capacity of people and society to achieve progress and

______________________9. The right of a people to choose the kind of government under which
they would live.

.______________________10. A feeling that draws a people together as a nation.

11 – 15. Select the item which does not belong to the group. Highlight your answer with this color.

11. Ideology of French Revolution:

A. Liberty B. Fraternity C. Equality D. Self – Determination E. No error

12. Evils Associated with Industrialism

A. Widening gap between the rich and the poor D. Child and woman labor

B. Pollution and other environmental problems E. No error

C. Intensification of imperialistic rivalry

13. Notable Achievements of the 19th Century

A. Extension of human rights to many people D. Improvement in public health

B. Higher education for both men and women E. No error

C. Emergence of romantic literature

14. Significant Effects of the Triumph of Science

A. Importance of science on the mind of ordinary citizens

B. Development of optimistic faith in human progress

C. Prominence of science in popular thinking

D. Unrivalled prestige of the scientific method of inquiry

E. No error

15. Positive Effects of Nationalism

A. Racial superiority C. Progress E. Independence

B. National unity D. No error

16 – 20. How did the liberals, socialists, communists, and the Roman Catholic Church respond to the
evils brought about by the Industrial Revolution?

21 – 25: Prove or contradict in the given statement.

Nationalism was non-existent in the Philippines before the 19 th century.

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