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1.Sales letter
2.Inquiry letter
3.Question latter
4.Complain latter

Akhmad Ashari
Politeknik Sawunggalih Aji Kutoarjo
1. Sales Latter
Only Cake
Rejowinangun Street 28

Juni 19, 2021

Profesor Andrianto
Kutoarjo Street 20
Purworejo, 22523

Dear Mr. Adrianto:

" So busy you Forget to eat, The DONAT NM solution". We provide enough
doughnuts to be brought in by a practical and friendly baggie to ensure a full stomach.
Donat NM haft a soft texture and have sweet chocolate and a combination of music. The
price is very reasonable 1 pcs Rp. 1000 and 6 pcs Rp. 5000. The more you order the more
discounts you get.

Contact us at 08687742474 or visit our account @ donatnm_22 free delivery and cost-

Yours sincerely

Akhmad Ashari
Marketing Manager
2. Inquiry Latter
Only cake
Rejowinangun street 28
Purworejo, 22523

Juni 19, 2021

Ankasa shop
Kutoarjo street 65
Purworejo, 22523

Dear sales marketing:

Please sand me:NoIngredien nameKg/ pcs1Tepung terigu10 kg2Telur1 kg3gula20 kg
We were hoping that what we wanted that we wanted might come to your attention, the order
should arrive at our place 1 week from this that date.

For your attention, we thank you.


3. Questation Letter
Only cake
Rejowinangun street 28
Purworejo, 22523

Juni 20,2021

Kemiri,Kutoarjo street 24

Dear Farhan
Thank you for your letter on June 15, we can send DONAT NM 50 pcs-, well sand this
product 1 day up to your house. Well, give you a 10 percent discount so you only pay Rp

we hope you are happy to accept our product. Thank you for your order.

Yours sincerely

Akhmad Ashari
4. Complain letter

Only cake
Rejowinangun street 28
Purworejo, 22523

Juni 20, 2021

Mega shop
Kutoarjo street 65
Purworejo, 22523

Dear sales marketing,

I'm writing to complain about the product received yesterday. I'm writing regarding
our June 3 latter where we asked for delivery.

The product you sent was broken when I opened it at my house, 2 kg of wheat flour being a
product I received was dirty.

I would like to thank you if you could replace the product broke and the and contents were
reduced. Well, wait for you to deliver a new order.

Yours sincerely

Akhmad Ashari
5. Memo


To : Sekretaris
From : Akhmad Ashari
Date : June 20, 2021

Please prepare for last month's financial report to be used as an evaluation item to be held on
June 20 at 08.00 hours in the conference room.
Please finish and put it on my desk by June 19 at 15,00 hours.
Four your attention thank you.

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