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Use of Adjectives

• We use adjectives to describe objects,

people, animals, situations, among others.

Ex. A beautiful girl

A hard homework.
• They describe nouns, their color, their
shape, size, nature, quality or condition.

A long braid

A small tree

A red rose
An evil villain
Kinds of Adjectives
• Appearence Adjectives: we use them to
describe the way someone or something
looks like.

Ex. She was very beautiful,

nice, elegant and
• Color Adjectives: Quite obvious, no?

Ex. That bouquet has

yellow, orange, pink
and red flowers.
• Condition Adjectives: we use them to
describe the state of something o

Ex. He is famous, powerful

rich and important in
• Feeling Adjectives: we use them to
describe an emotional state or reaction.

Ex. Robbie is always very

lazy, grumpy and angry.
Ex. Alberto Hurtado was a very
gentle, faithful, nice and
thankful man.

She is a sad, lonely and

melancholic character.
• Shape Adjectives: we use them to describe
the external form of something or someone.

Ex. Amazona River is

long, wide and deep.
• Size Adjectives: we use them to describe
the magnitude or dimensions of something
or someone.

Ex. Dinosaurs were

huge reptiles.
They ate small
leaves of trees.
• Adjectives of Sound: we use them to
describe sounds and music.

Ex. Metal music is

usually very loud.
Classical music
is very melodic.
• Taste Adjectives: we use them to describe

Ex. Lemon Pie is sweet

and delicious.

Pasta is salty, nutritious

and yummy
• Work in groups of 3-4 to describe the
following pictures.

Ex. Nicole Kidman is a

talented actress.
She is very beautiful
and thin.
Her hair is long
and her eyes are blue.
Angelina Jolie
Lady Gaga

Christopher Amy Winehouse

Michael Jackson
Lee Robert De Niro

Meryl Streep Brad Pitt

Pizza Cake

Chocolate Chinese Food

Water Crackers

Cazuela Red Wine

Activity 2
• Describe your classmates.
• Describe your family
• Describe your Co-workers.
• Describe your favorite Food, Music and

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