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Technology Consulting

Delivering IT’s full potential

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IT has far more calling for stringent cost controls,

favoring self-funded projects
The senior IT managers who are
mastering this juggling act take
potential to deliver whenever possible. a “business first” approach. They
value than many senior The upshot: IT must deliver its services
root their activities in an integrated
IT strategy that meshes with the
managers realize. more cost-effectively, not just in organization’s objectives. They work
terms of the activities under its hard to provide IT solutions that
This fact is clear from Accenture’s
control but in terms of all the ways energize product development and
work with hundreds of clients
that IT can touch operational costs enrich customer relationships, applying
around the world. We see the
across the organization. the same discipline and verve that
pattern in example after example
and industry after industry: High- It’s an incredibly tall order—for a host they bring to tackling today’s “keep-
performing organizations—the of reasons. IT environments are getting the-lights-on” priorities.
businesses, government agencies and more complex by the day. Legacy To support the change agendas of
other organizations that regularly applications and infrastructures, those IT leaders, Accenture has
perform better than their peers—use not to mention organizational and combined all the essential business
information technology (IT) as a talent issues, demand non-stop and technology capabilities into one
strategic asset and treat their IT attention. Cloud computing and other integrated organization: Accenture
teams as partners. new sourcing models compel IT to Technology Consulting.
come up with new ways of working.
It has never been more necessary
Regulatory and compliance pressures
to do so. Customers are voting with
sway investment agendas and push
their wallets, deferring purchases,
standards for IT services even higher.
negotiating harder and using the
Internet to become much more And the call for the CIO to create
informed. Everywhere, boards of strategic business value grows louder
directors and executive teams are every week.
What Accenture Technology Consulting does
Accenture Technology Consulting’s professionals Figure 1. If CIOs are to establish IT
as a strategic asset and enabler of
consistently deliver what our clients have a high performance, they must launch
and run initiatives that make the most
right to expect: powerful IT solutions that of people, processes, application and
enable IT leaders to ease today’s concerns IT infrastructures—all in the context
of an IT strategy that supports the
and address tomorrow’s strategic imperatives. business agenda.

We offer these sets of solutions:

IT Transformation

IT People +


the Application

Application Modernization A large European health insurance Boosting performance of

company asked Accenture to help Highmark’s applications
and Optimization it replace its aging mainframe
• Our Application Modernization and with newer, more cost-efficient US health insurer Highmark
Optimization specialists help clients technologies. Our Application was eager to overhaul its
strip out significant cost while Modernization and Optimization administrative systems to improve
reducing capital spend and freeing IT specialists oversaw the migration of delivery of information-driven
staff to create value for the business. all core applications and data to a services for consumers. Teaming
new UNIX system—10,000 programs,
• We make sense of the big questions up with Accenture, the insurer
2,000 batch jobs and 1,300 tables. The
about whether to renew, replace, mapped out a manageable three-
insurer can now cut IT spend by up
consolidate, retire, enhance – or to 30 percent, and its IT organization
phase, five-year application
build new. can help drive business innovation renewal plan. And it is not just a
• We bring informed perspectives instead of worrying about system technology project. Highmark is
and experience to bear to breakdowns and maintenance. delivering value-added business
utilize cost-efficient new ways services through the program.
to host applications—such For instance, Highmark has been
as cloud computing. able to boost the speed and
• We help IT leaders get much more
accuracy of claims processing
out of their existing systems over the and has implemented real-time
long term while helping to reduce claims processing in provider
costs and business disruptions. offices through the program.
• These approaches make it easier Securing an Asia Pacific
Security & Enterprise Risk for organizations to add new distributor’s SAP systems
• Now that the management of capabilities or products, increase
information is considered crucial business awareness and access One of the Asia Pacific region’s
to business success, Accenture timely, accurate information their largest consumer-goods
is helping to implement robust leaders need to make informed distributors was implementing
IT security programs that decisions. The better an organization SAP as part of its strategy to
help organizations to protect can service internal and external achieve high performance.
identities, safeguard data and security policies and procedures,
A key concern: to make the
address stringent compliance the more confident it becomes.
SAP environment fully secure.
requirements—without compromising
Working closely with Accenture Working closely with the
business agility or performance.
and a technology partner, a global distributor’s executive team,
• We help organizations get the most chemicals company recently rolled Accenture security professionals
out of their security investments, out one of the world’s largest and helped the company develop
integrating IT security within and most complex identity management
and execute a comprehensive
across their core business processes solutions, on time and to budget. Now
the chemicals leader has increased its
strategy to secure both its IT
and applications so they have environment and the business
confidence that its critical information
a better understanding of their
assets are safer. Employees can access processes it enables. The
risk profiles enterprise-wide.
data resources quickly and easily. And company now has complete
because new hires can find information confidence that its SAP systems
assets in hours instead of days, they are as secure as they can be.
become productive very rapidly.

Infrastructure Consulting • We bring fresh insights and Improving cost efficiency
experience in cloud computing—the of a pharma leader’s
• We help organizations quickly locate sourcing of hardware, software or
IT infrastructure
the IT infrastructure “pain points” execution of a business process
that hurt productivity or obscure from Internet-based sources—to A global pharmaceutical leader
vital business insights or otherwise help IT leaders move from fixed to chose to cut US$100 million
impair organizational performance. variable-cost operating models. from its IT budget so it could
• Our teams then work closely • Throughout, we help IT boost revenues while investing
with clients’ IT professionals to leaders pursue a cost- more in R&D. The company asked
help improve performance and neutral green IT agenda. Accenture to help it see how
lower the costs of data centers, to consolidate IT infrastructure
A leading French bank improved
IT networks, office IT systems, support with the outsourcing
and IT operations frameworks. the performance of its customer
provider it had selected. Our
contact centers by working with
• We help IT leaders meet their yearly our infrastructure specialists. The
infrastructure professionals
IT efficiency metrics, give them centers’ sagging productivity and collaborated with the pharma’s
tools to prove the value of their capacity constraints had been making IT leaders to craft a strategic
IT infrastructure and help them it hard to service customers and was vision for infrastructure support
convert IT architecture into an threatening long-term relations with within an outsourced model. We
agile capability that can scale up them. We designed and built a new call also managed the transition of
or down to meet business needs. center system, rolling out a scalable all infrastructure support services
network solution that not only boosts to the outsourcing provider at
productivity and cuts network costs 200-plus sites. The pharma is
but allows the bank to use its contact on track to cut IT costs—and it
centers as new sales channels. can manage its IT environment
consistently worldwide.
IT Strategy & A large Brazilian bank knew it had Transforming Finanz IT’s
to modernize its IT organization own IT capabilities
Transformation if it was to deliver the profitable
• Our IT Strategy and Transformation growth its shareholders expected. Many of Europe’s top financial-
professionals quickly identify Working closely with the bank’s IT services firms outsource IT
how your IT organization teams, Accenture mapped out a services to Finanz IT. But the
can deliver more and better strategic transformation plan; the company was under pressure to
value to the business. subsequent implementation work provide its fiercely competitive
included a new IT organizational
• Our teams collaborate closely with customers with higher levels
design and governance model. Now
your senior IT professionals to of services. Accenture’s ITST
the bank can expand and diversify
address immediate IT requirements, experts advised a restructuring
its product portfolio with no new IT
help improve the business value of of the firm’s IT operations.
spending. Accenture has also helped
your existing IT investments—and Working hand-in-glove with
identify the causes of once-frequent
to help confirm that your IT the firm’s IT staff, Accenture
interruptions in the bank’s operations.
organization can deliver more
made sure the transformation
business benefits in future.
project aligned constantly
• We build disciplined, effective plans
with Finanz IT’s strategy. The
that help IT leaders transform the
firm now has a very efficient
IT function to deliver operational
operational infrastructure, with
excellence and stay tightly aligned
with the business strategy. costs 20 percent lower than
before. And its business processes
• Our tightly integrated IT Strategy
are now ITIL-compliant.
and Transformation teams include IT
strategists, architects, technologists
and implementation specialists.

How Accenture Technology Consulting helps you

Accenture Technology Consulting • We help IT achieve the deep, The first move is yours: Give us
helps you translate your organization’s sustainable cost reductions that are a call to find out more about
strategic agenda into IT initiatives that essential in tough economic times. what it takes to become a high-
measurably improve performance. To performance business. Together,
us, IT strategy is never separate from • We provide dependable outcomes we’ll help you take it from there.
business strategy. Here’s what our by listening well, working closely
contributions look like in practice: with client teams so we generate
a steady stream of results using
• We help resolve the operational thoughtful plans and tight
challenges that IT leaders face program-management disciplines.
every day by combining a firm
grasp of business process with • We quickly mobilize teams
decades of IT expertise drawn from anywhere in the world, blending
almost every industry sector. our specialists with the clients’
staff. With offices in 52 countries,
• We deliver measurable, long-term we can assemble global resources
business results by enabling you any time and anywhere.
to translate your organization’s
strategic objectives into cost- • We set up IT teams for enduring
effective IT initiatives. success by embedding the
governance structures and
cultural shifts they need to
be dynamic partners for the
rest of the organization.
About Accenture
Accenture is a global management
consulting, technology services and
outsourcing company, with more than
176,000 people serving clients in
more than 120 countries. Combining
unparalleled experience, comprehensive
capabilities across all industries and
business functions, and extensive
research on the world’s most successful
companies, Accenture collaborates
with clients to help them become
high-performance businesses and
governments. The company generated
net revenues of US$21.58 billion for
the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2009. Its
home page is

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All rights reserved. turn IT into a strategic asset and
enable high performance in your
Accenture, its logo, and organization, contact:
High Performance Delivered
are trademarks of Accenture. John Kaltenmark
Accenture Technology Consulting
+1 312 693 0141

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