What Is An Artists Name Who Uses Circles?: David Smith

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What is an artists name who uses circles?

In: Uncategorized [Edit categories]

David Smithwww.gagosian.com
Gagosian Gallery specializes in the works of David Smith
Andy Goldsworthy creates sculptures and takes photographs of natural objects the environment
gives. Most of his work is of circles, type his name in on google images and have look

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What is the name of an artist that uses

complimentary color?
In: Colors [Edit categories]
Find Any Painting's Valuewww.MutualArt.com/Painting
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Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

The complimentary color of red is green. Complimentary color ov blue is orange.

Complimentary color of yellow is violet.

All artists use primary and complimentary colors (except Mondrian).

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Name 3 artists that use perspective?

In: Artists and Painters [Edit categories]
David Smithwww.gagosian.com
Gagosian Gallery specializes in the works of David Smith
Rubens, Rembrandt, Velázquez and a few hundred thousand others.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Name_3_artists_that_use_perspective#ixzz1BDr6ZLg4

Why do artists use complementary colors?

In: Colors [Edit categories]
Download Google Chromewww.Google.com/Chrome
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pretty self explanatory, the colors complement each other( they look good together) which makes
the image or painting stand out

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Name 3 artists who did Cubism?

In: Fine Art, Art History [Edit categories]
David Smithwww.gagosian.com
Gagosian Gallery specializes in the works of David Smith
Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Fernand Léger.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Name_3_artists_who_did_Cubism#ixzz1BDrpwgcc

Why do artists use perspective in their work?

In: Fine Art [Edit categories]
David Smithwww.gagosian.com
Gagosian Gallery specializes in the works of David Smith

The revolution in painting that occurred during the Italian Renaissance was the realistic
representation of 3D objects on a 2D surface. Masaccio (early 15th century) was one of the first
painters to use perspective, known as linear or scientific perspective, for the space and proportion
for the human body. Later in the 15th century, Leon Battista Alberti, an architect and writer,
codified (formulated) the rules for linear or one-point perspective.

When using the techniques of linear perspective, an artist must imagine his canvas as a window
or glass pane. Then, the real world must be projected backward to the viewer's eye and sketched
or drawn on the canvas. Parallel lines, right angles, and equal lengths are drawn to look realistic,
although they are not actually accurate. In this Web Inquiry, you will be studying some of the
basic principles of this technique as you examine famous paintings that make use of these
methods. yeah

To make more realistic impression.

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Name 3 facts about cubism?

In: Fine Art, Art History [Edit categories]
Yayoi Kusamawww.gagosian.com
Yayoi Kusama is represented by Gagosian Gallery
Pablo Picasso and Gorges Braque founded it in 1907 :P x
three phases in the development of cubism:

 facet cubism
 analytic cubism
 synthetic cubism

"geometric schemas and cubes"

he also likes the colour yellow and blue!

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Name_3_facts_about_cubism#ixzz1BDsRYMcf

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