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In the name Allah most gracious, most merciful.

The price be to Allah

SWT, the lord of the worlds, and the sequel is for those who keep their day unto him,
further, here will be no hosbility except agains wrongdoers.Blessing and solution be
upon the most honorable prophet and massager, His family all His disciples, amd those
who follow the in goodness till the day of judgement.

And my open experience of gratitude to Allah SWT, due to His

favor and Charity, so the writer has finished this book, entitled if you know more
respect more let‟s learn about English. This book is written in order to help the
process of Learning English at the level of Elementary School. By using this book
students are expected to beable to develop their ability in English through which they
are able to develop their life skills. Therefore, this book contains materials to develop
all components of communication competence, i.e reading, listening,speaking and writing
skills up to the per formative and functional levels of literacy. It also integrates many
good values for nation‟s character building into the material. So that, the teacher are
not only able to deliver new knowledge, but also to implant those into the students. To
complete this book at the end of this book, there are appendicates of syllabus, key
answer, and script for listening section.

However, the writer realice that there are many shortcomings in this
book. Therefore, the writer enthuastically welcomes the object critism and
constructive suggestion for the improvement of this book.

Finally, the writer hopes that this book will be useful not only for
students but also for teacher

Manado , 2021

Marianne Putri Talimbekas

Asking for Direction is an expression someone uses to
ask for directions and directions to go to a place . Than
Giving the Direction is an expression someone uses to
give directions from a place.

Asking for Direction Giving the Direction

Could you tell me how to get the nearest It‟s the way / It‟s that way.
bus station ?

Do you know where the post office is? Take the first on the left. / Take the
second on the right

Excuse me. Am I on the right road for You‟re going the wrong way / You‟re going
Pondok Indah? in the wrong direction.

Do you mind to show me where the Turn right at the crossroads

nearest food stall is around here?

* Use excuse me before asking for

more polite questions
 E = East = Timur
 SE = South East = Tenggara
 S = South = Selatan
 SW = South West = Barat Daya
 W = West = Barat
 NW = North West = Barat Laut
 N = North = Utara
 NE = North East = Timur Laut
The following phrases you could use to point your way !

 Near (Dekat)
 Behind (Di belakang)
 Beside (Di samping)
 Next to (Di samping)
 Turn Right (Belok ke kanan)
 Turn Left (Belok ke kiri)
 In front of (Di depan)
 Go straight (Jalan lurus)
 Between (Di antara 2 benda)
 Among (Di antara lebih dari 2 benda)
 Across (Di seberang)
 Go past (Melewati)
 Go down (turun)
 Opposite (Berlawanan)
 Intersection (Perempatan)
 T-Junction (Pertigaan)
 On the corner of (Di pojok)
 Avenue / street / road (jalan)

first block ( belokan pertama), second blocks (belokan kedua), etc

Here are some examples of oral expressions used to indicate direction in

English, described by sentence !

a. First, go down this street or go down for second blocks

b. Then, turn left at the traffic light
c. After that, go straight on Mawar Street until you get to the Melati street
d. When you get to the Melati street, turn left/right again.
e. Then stay on Melati Street for about 8 km
f. It is on your left. Next to the BRI bank.

When used as a paragraph will become like this and practice in oral form (read it
repeatedly and understand)

First, go down this street then go down for second blocks. Then, turn left at the
traffic light. After that, go straight on Mawar Street until you get to the Melati
street. When you get to the Melati street, turn left/right again. Then stay on Melati
Street for about 8 m. It is on your left. Next to the BRI
Listening task

I. Let‟s review words and the trying to pratice based on the picture !
II. Please watch it and listen carefully to this video and then describe the place the
family go outside !

a. H L
b. P Y
c. A M
d. P E
e. A K
f. S L
g. R M

III. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part II.

IV. Fill in the words below correctly.

continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second, straight on,
thank, turn, welcome
1. ……….. me, how do I ……… to the cinema?
2. Go……………….
3. Turn…………. at the corner.
4. Then take the ……….road on your ………….
5. ……….. to the ………………… of the road.
6. …………left there.
7. The cinema is on your ……………., ………………… the castle.
8. ……………… you very much.
9. You‟re…………………
Reading Task

I. Read the task carefully !

My name is Ani. I live on Jl.Dahlia. My house is near the post office. Today,
my mother asks me to accompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on
Jl.Anggrek. There are many public places along this street.The park is in the corner,
near the library.There is a bank across from the police station. There is also a cinema.
It is beside the bakery. At last the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore
and the bus station.

Answer the questions based on the text!

1. Where does Ani live?

2. Where does her mother want to go?

3. Where is the bank?

4. Where is the cinema?

5. Where is the supermarket?
II. True & False

1. The jewelery store is behind the Italian restaurant

2. The bar is on Second Avenue

3. The police station is on the left from Fire Department

4. The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant

5. The movie theater is opposite the Book store

6. The sporting goods store is behind the Furniture store

7. The bar is next to the Chinese restaurant

III. Look at the map. Choose the correct name of the building!

1. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on
and cross the road. It's on the left.

2. Take the first street on the left. Go down the street. Turn on the right. Take the
next street on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. Go straight on. It's in

front of you on the other side of the road.

3. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Take the next

street on the right. Pass the Fire Department. It's on your left.

IV. Fill in the missing preposition.

A. The Women's wear is the Jewelry Store.

B. The Movie Theater is the Book Store.

C. The Women's wear is the Jewelry Store and the Bar.

D. The Toy store is of Main Street and Forest Street.

E. The Jewelry Store is the Italian Restaurant.

Speaking Task

I. Look at the picture and then trying to continue to describe in your own words
individual , goodluck  !




II. Look at the pictures and then fill in the missing preposition.




Bank Bookstore
III. Look at the Picture and then trying to make a sentences !

the boy? The dinosaur? The boy? The woman?

__________________ ______________ _________________ __________________

IV. Pratice dialogue In Pairs (On the street corner)

Tourist: Excuse me, help me? I'm lost!

Person: Certainly, where would you like ?

Tourist: I'd like to go to the museum, but I can't find it. Is it ?

Person: No, . It's about a five-minute walk.

Tourist: Maybe I should call a taxi.

Person: No, It's very easy. Really. (pointing) I can give you .

Tourist: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

Person: Not at all. Now, go along this street to the traffic lights. Do you ?

Tourist: Yes, I can see them.

Person: Right, at the , turn left into Queen Mary Ave.

Tourist: Queen Mary Ave.

Person: Right. Go straight. Take the second left and enter Museum Drive.

Tourist: OK. Queen Mary Ave., straight on and then the third left, Museum Drive.
Person: No, it's the second left.

Tourist: Ah, right. The second street on my left.

Person: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road.

Tourist: Great. Thanks again for your help.

Person: Not at all.
Writing Task

I. Write the name of the building:

a. You buy food here.____________________
b. You Praying here.____________________
c. You take a picture animal here.___________________
d. You Playing with children here._____________________
e. You go to see a doctor here.________________

II. Write it down the missing words !

1) Can you tell me __ to your office?

2) How do I __ your house?
3) __ here by car or by train?
4) The journey __ about twenty minutes.
5) Follow the signs __ the town centre.
6) At the __ lights, turn right.
III. Look at the picture‟s . write, use the words next to,between,and on the corner.

a. Where is the hospital ?

b. Where is the toy store ?
c. Where is the bank ?

d. Where is the station fire ?

e. Where is the restaurant ?

IV. Write

a. Where can you get money? ……………………………………………………………………

b. Where can you buy a ticket? …………………………………………………………………
c. Where can you mail letters? ………………………………………………………………..
d. Where can you try out computers? ……………………………………………………
e. Where can you shop for food? …………………………………………………………..
f. Where can you find a doctor? ……………………………………………………………
Chapter 2
Are you okay ?
An adjective or conductive is one of the most widely used English words in a sentence.
The function of the conductive itself is to provide supplementary information either in
nouns (noun) or pronoun (pronoun), either in the subject's or object's position.

I + am + adjective (+ prepositions + object)


I’m feeling + adjective


 I‟m really proud of your achievement (Aku sangat bangga atas pencapaianmu)
 I‟m glad to see you (Aku senang bisa berjumpa denganmu)
 I‟m feeling better (Aku sudah merasa lebih baik)
 I‟m so full, that was a quite big portion of fries! (Aku kenyang sekali, tadi itu
kentang goreng yang besar sekali porsinya)
 I‟m confused about Mr. Darwin‟s explanation (Aku bingung soal penjelasan Mr.
 I‟m hungry, I need to eat something (Aku lapar, aku harus makan sesuatu)
 I‟m starving, I didn‟t have my breakfast (Aku kelaparan, aku tadi tidak sarapan)
 I‟m a bit sad today (Aku agak sedih hari ini)
 Would you like to walk me to my room? I‟m afraid of darkness (Maukah kamu
menemaniku berjalan sampai ke kamarku? Aku takut kegelapan)

1. Scared : takut
2. Amused : terhibur
3. Ashamed : malu
4. Delighted : senang
5. Stressed : tertekan, stres
6. Disappointed : kecewa
7. Embarrassed : malu
8. Fed up : muak
9. Guilty : bersalah
10. Homesick : rindu rumah, rindu kampung halaman
11. Irritated : sebal
12. Jealous : cemburu
13. Nervous : gugup
14. Pleased : senang
15. Relieved : tenang
16. Satisfied : puas
17. Shocked : terkejut
18. Upset : jengkel, atau kecewa
19. Angry : marah
20. Bored : bosan
21. Offended : tersinggung
22. Mad : marah, murka
23. Disgusted : jijik, muak, benci
24. Tired : lelah
25. Exhausted : amat lelah
26. Terrified : takut
27. Surprised : terkejut, kaget
28. Touched : tersentuh, terharu
29. Flattered : tersanjung

Well, it’s been a … day

Actually,… / The thing is… / That is …

To be honest… I have been in a … mood all day…

Amy : Hi, Sam. How‟s your day? (Hai, Sam. Apa kabar/bagaimana harimu?)

Sam : Well, it‟s been a boring day. I‟ve been in a bad mood all the time. (Nah, hari ini
membosankan. Suasana hatiku buruk sepanjang waktu)

Amy : Want to tell something? (Apakah kamu mau menceritakan sesuatu?)

Sam : So today when I went for shopping, everyone there kept staring at me as if I
were a weird person. That‟s just irritating, I got so uncomfortable. (Jadi, ketika aku
pergi belanja hari ini, setiap orang yang ada di sana terus memandangiku seolah-olah aku
ini orang aneh. Itu menyebalkan, aku jadi sangat tidak nyaman)


I felt ecstatic when I won the match (Aku merasa benar-benar gembira ketika
memenangkan pertandingan tersebut)

I was overjoyed at the birth of my first child (Aku sangat gembira atas kelahiran anak

The book I‟m reading makes me weepy (Buku yang sedang aku baca membuatku

I‟m feeling down at the moment (Aku sedang merasa jatuh/tidak bersemangat saat ini)

Her words made me furious (Ucapannya membuatku sangat marah)

I really wished he didn‟t let me down (Tadinya aku amat berharap dia tidak akan

The fact really hurts me (Kenyataan itu menyakitiku)

My heart sank when I heard the news (Aku sedih ketika mendengar berita itu)

Expressing happiness (senang/bahagia)

I am…

On cloud nine
Flying high
Full of the joys of spring
Happy as Larry

Expressing sadness (sedih)

I am…

Down in the dumps

Down in the mouth
At the end of my tether
Feeling blue/in blue

Expressing anger or annoyance (marah atau kesal)

I am…

Pissed off
Fit to be tied
Hot under the collar
Steamed up
Expressing anxiety or nervousness (gelisah atau gugup)

I am ….

Holding my breath
Having my heart in my mouth
Having butterfly in my stomach
Breaking out in a cold sweat

Expressing embarrassment (malu)

I am …..

Wanted the earth to swallow me up

Could have sunk through the floor
Will be left with egg on my face

Expressing relief (lega)

Feels like a weight off my shoulder

I can finally breathe
I feel back to normal
I. Let‟s review words and the trying to fill in the blank based on the video!
1. The people are . They are on vacation.
2. They boy and the girl are in .
3. The little girl is because she can‟t play outside
4. The boy feels because he won competition
5. The girl is of the dog
6. The man feels while waiting for the bus
II. lease watch it and listen carefully to this video and then describe the
vocabulary meaning !

a. H y
b. A y
c. C d
d. B e
e. U t
f. H t
g. P d

III. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part
IV. Please listen carefully the new audio and then identify the words feeling !
1. Teresa is very at her new school.
2. Chris was when we moved to Texas.
3. I am always at night.
4. That dog looks .
5. Why is Robert so .
6. Lily is about her new bike.
7. She was very at her birthday.
8. He gets at night.
9. My nephew is really .
10. I was so yesterday

A. Read the dialogue carefully and answer some questions.

Cindy gets good news about her job application. She is very happy.

Cindy : Dad, where is mom?

Father : She is back there.

Cindy : Mommy, Mommy….

Mother : I'm right here. What's up?

Cindy : Mom, you know, I sent a job application to a big international

company near the downtown a couple of days ago and just now I got a phone
call from the company that I get accepted. I am going to work. It's lovely.

Mother : Yes, that's wonderful. Come on. Go tell your daddy.

Cindy : Yes, I will. I'm so happy right now.


1. Why does Cindy feel happy?

2. What is Cindy‟s mother response hearing that Cindy gets accepted in a big
international company?

3. When did Cindy send her job application?

4. What did Cindy send job application to a big international company?

5. Mention expression of feeling that you can find in the dialogue!

B. Learn and remember the adjectives to express the feelings {find the meanings
of the adjectives on your dictionary}

1. Bored:_____________________ 5. hopeless:________________________

2. sad:_______________________ 6. frustrated:________________________

3. happy:_____________________ 7. confused:_________________________

4. disappointed:________________ 8. worried:__________________________

C. Fill in the blank spaces with the suitable words.

1. He felt _____ because he has won the swimming competition.

a. worried b. anxious c. happy d. hopeless

2. Please don‟t be _____ even though you couldn‟t meet your favorite singer.

a. crazy b. disappointed c. worried d. nervous

3. Tya is _____. She will go to Singapore next month.

a. impressed b. excited c. glad d. terrific

4. I am _____ to know that you will help me doing my homework.

a. angry b. confused c. glad d. sad

5. We are truly _____ by your great performance on the stage.

a. happy b. excellent c. bored d. impressed

D. Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, D, and E

1. Sinta : Hello Dina! My father gave me this phone two days ago. I’m so happy
Dina : That‟s good !

The underlined sentence expresses ……

a. Happiness
b. Sadness
c. Congratulation
d. Boredom
e. Disappointment

2. 1) I think it was a fun holiday

2) Oh, I‟m so boring
3) I‟m so happy to know it.
Which includes a statement of happiness?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 1
e. 2

3. Hilal : I get the birthday present from my boyfriend, yesterday !

Mimi : _____________
a. I‟ll always remember that
b. Fantastic! That‟s great.
c. How boring.
d. Bad luck
e. I‟m sorry, I forget
4. Jaka : Mom ! I have a good news !
Mom : What is it dear ?
Jaka : My English teacher told me that I got excellent score in the last test !
Mom : Really? Oh, ………………. !
Jaka : Yeah mom, thanks
a. No, I‟m busy
b. Sure.
c. That‟s okay
d. Okay
e. I‟m proud of you dear

5. Aria : I am very happy because it got a good score.

Rika : Really?
Expression indicates that he is …
a. Expressing relief
b. Expressing pain
c. Expressing pleasure
d. Expressing sadness
e. Expressing happiness
I. Pair in work , please choose conversation A or B and trying to
practice with your partner in front class !
A. conversation 1

Adi: Hey, you looked great at the drama performance last night!

Ben: Thank you

Adi: How long did you prepare for it?

Ben: About 2 months

Adi: Who guided you?

Ben: Mrs. Rara. She trained us patiently and worked hard to make the
performance a success

Adi: You’re right! I could tell that all the characters played very well

Ben: Thank you

Intas : waw! you look so beautiful today Ritmi!

Ritmi : really? but iam not confident

Intas : why? it is so amazing

Ritmi : I dont like use make up like this

Intas : maybe you can wear soft lipstick next day

Ritmi : I think so, I dont like the red one, thanks for your suggestion

Intas : you are wellcome Ritmi

II. Fill in the blanks with the adjectives using expressing feeling

1. The children are …………………… see their father coming home.

2. The teacher is ………………..because the students are noisy.
3. I feel ………….. find my trousers being torn on the buttock.
4. The applicants are …………………. .to wait their turn for interview.
5. The audience was ……………………… because their favorite singer didn‟t
6. The refuges are feeling………………. after the long journey.
7. As religious people, we must not………. to face this problem. Just
believe, God always be with us.
8. I was very ………………..that I couldn‟t attend my daugther‟s graduation.

III. Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,d.

My sister………(1) to cook……….(2) always has brilliant ideas for my lunch everyday

………(3) cook oxtail soup for today.I invite my friends to ours house to taste this
soup …………..(4) love it so much and tell……(5) sister to open a restaurant because
they think many people will like this soup and she will make much money from

1) a. lovers
b. love
c. loving
d. loves

2) a. He

b. She

c. They

d. I

e. We
3) a. We

b. them

c. us

d. she

e. it

4) a. He

b. She

c. Them

d. They

e. It

5) a. His

b. Their

c. Hers

d. mine

e. my

6) a. it

b. its

c. them

d. it‟s

e. her
IV.complete the dialogue !

Amora : “hello, foh.Have you read the announcement ?”

Arofoh : “About what ?”

Amora : “I have just told by eric via SMS that you had passed the National

Arofoh : “Oh,really ?”

Amora: “Yes, you may read the SMS yourself, …………..(1).”

Arofoh : “Wow, thank you so much for ……….(2).”

Amora : “Don‟t mention it.I……(3)”

Arofoh : ………………………(4) for saying so.”

Amora: “………………(5) so where will you continue your study ?”

Arofoh : “I still have no idea yet.”

A. Fill in the blank spaces with the suitable words.

1. I used to be so ________, but now I worry about everything.


2. I am so ________ about starting university this year! I can't wait!


3. I've been pretty ________ with my job, so I'm looking for a new one.

4. I was ________ with the architecture in Tokyo. It was amazing.


5. Katie is very ________ for all the help you have given her.

6. After we saw that horror movie, I felt ________ all night.


7. Hey, stop yelling! Why are you so ________?


8. I was so ________ watching that movie that I fell asleep twice.


9. When John saw his ex-girlfriend talking to another boy, he became very ________.

10. I got drunk and made a fool of myself at the party. Now I feel ________.

B. Exercise: Answer the following questions!

Roby : My sister has been sick for three days. So I have to accompany her in the
Dicky : _________. I hope she will get better soon.
Roby : Thanks.

1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. I am sorry to hear that
B. Thank you
C. I don‟t care about it
D. I am happy to hear that
E. Don‟t mention it

Jane : Hi Tia ,I saw you with Mira yesterday at the police office. What happened ?
Tiara : Really? I accompanied Miranda to report the police. Miranda lost her purse when
I was in the market
Jane : What a terrible situation for you.

2. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Asking help
B. Asking opinion
C. Giving advice
D. Showing sympathy
E. Agreement

Vitane : Hi, Jessica, oh Gosh! What happens to your finger?

Jessica : Hi, Vitane, well I unintentionally hurt my finger.
Vitae : How did it happen?
Jessica : I peeled an apple and knife ,you know!
Vitane : I see. Jessica look! It keeps bleeding _________.

3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. I am happy to hear that
B. I know how you feel
C. I don‟t care about it
D. I am glad to hear that
E. Don‟t do that

Beny : Why was shifa absent yesterday

Decka : Her father passed away
Beny : I am deeply sorry to hear that .Why didn‟t you tell me before ?
Decka : I have just heard about it

4. From the dialogue, we may assume that ...

A. Decka happy to hear the news
B. Shifa absent because her father passed away
C. Decka tells the sad news to Beny
D. Shifa goes out of the school
E. Decka and Beny is not join the class today
Endy : “Ouch”
Father : What‟s wrong with you, son?
Endy : I fell from the motorcycle when going to grandma's house.
Father : ____________, put the medicine on it.
Endy : Yes, Dad.
5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. How happy you are
B. It doesn‟t hurt me
C. You are wrong
D. I don‟t know about it
E. Oh, dear

C. choose the correct adjective ED-ING !

1. I am so (relaxing / relaxed) I don‟t want to move.

2. I find horror films really (frightening / frightened) and not at all fun to watch.

3. Sometimes I get really (frustrating / frustrated) when I can‟t express myself

well in English.

4. We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was (terrifying /

5. The programme was really (interesting / interested).

6. She was (overwhelming / overwhelmed) when everyone cheered and we gave her

7. If I feel stressed, I find taking a bath is often (relaxing / relaxed).

8. I am really (tiring / tired); I think I‟ll go to bed.

9. He‟s very (interesting / interested) in history.

10. The trip was (overwhelming / overwhelmed), with so many things to do and it was all
so new.

11. She is never (satisfying / satisfied) with her work.

12. Cleaning is so (tiring / tired)! I think I‟ll have a rest!

13. She thought the ride on the rollercoaster was (thrilled / thrilling).

14. I was really (surprising / surprised) when I saw you. I had thought you were on

15. My grandmother was (shocking / shocked) by the man‟s bad language.

16. My niece is (terrifying / terrified) of dogs.

17. Thank you so much for the prize! I‟m (thrilled / thrilling)!

18. My job is very (satisfying / satisfied), I love helping people.

19. The news was so (shocking / shocked) that she burst into tears.

20. My exam results were great! It‟s really (surprising / surprised) but good, of course

D. Mention 5 words to describe your feelings based on your own words.

Describe people,objects,and


The point of describing people and objects here is to understand the characteristics of
people and other objects (objects). Of course it requires a vocabulary sufficient to
express sentences and especially having to master adjecte (ctive) than describe places
give information on the name and location of which we will tell. The introducton section
also has to cite a reason why the writer chose the site for the story, for example;
What makes it so famous, what makes it so special, etc.

Describing people

 fat: gemuk
 thin: kurus
 bald: botak
 beautiful : cantik
 handsome: tampan
 short: pendek
 tall: tinggi
 oval face: wajah lonjong
 long hair: rambut panjang
 curly hair: rambut keriting
 white skin: kulit putih
 brown skin: kulit cokelat
 kind: baik hati
 patient: sabar
 smart: pintar
 rich: kaya
 pointed nose: hidung mancung
 old: tua
 young: muda
 straight hair: rambut lurus
Describing objects

 big: besar
 small: kecil
 tall: tinggi
 short: pendek
 thick: tebal
 cheap: murah
 long: panjang
 expensive: mahal
1. The ball is big.
(Bola itu besar.)
2. The eraser is long.
(Penggaris itu panjang.)
3. The book is thick.
(Buku itu tebal.)
4. The bag is expensive.
(Tas itu mahal.)

Describing places

 Ancient = Kuno/langka
 Beautiful = Indah
 Boring = Membosankan
 Crowded = Penuh sesak
 Charming = Indah
 Exciting = Menyenangkan
 Expensive = Mahal
 Famous = Terkenal
 Fantastic = Fantastis
 Fascinating = Menarik
 Huge = Besar/luas
 Historic = Bersejarah
 Lively = Hidup
 Popular = Terkenal
 Polluted = Tercemar
 Touristic = Wisata
 Peaceful = Damai
 Stunning = Menakjubkan
 Noisy = Berisik
 Rural = Pedesaan
 Mountainous = Pegunungan
 Perfect = Sempurna
 Fertile = Subur
 Dry = Kering
 Alive = Hidup
 Amazing = Luar biasa
 Calm = Tenang
 Creepy = Menyeramkan
 Deserted = Area Gurun
 Different = Berbeda
 Fresh = Segar
 Hot = Panas
 Incredible = Luar biasa
 Interesting = Menarik
 Magnificent = Luar biasa
 Modern = Modern
 Mysterious = Misterius
 Natural = Alami
 Pleasant = Menyenangkan
 Unique = Unik
 Unusual = Tidak biasa
 Warm = Hangat
 Wild = Liar
 Traditional = Tradisional
 Tropical = Tropis
 Romantic = Romantis
Listening Task
I. Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to improve your listening
Check your understanding: multiple choice Do this exercise while you listen.
Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah‟s boyfriend / brother / friend .

2. Hannah‟s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin sister .
3. Hannah has one brother / two brothers / a brother and a sister .
4. Alex and Jem look different / look the same / have the same hair but
different eyes .
II. Check your understanding: gap fill Do this exercise while you listen. Complete
the gaps with the correct word.

1. That? Er, that‟s my ____________________________, Jem.

2. And that‟s his girlfriend, Lucy. The _______________ girl with the
___________________________________________________ hair.

3. Alex and Jem are __________________________. They‟re both


4. They‟re exactly the same! They‟re both _____________________ and


5. They‟ve both got _________________, _________________ hair,

_________________ eyes and _________________ ears!

6. They‟re not big. I think they‟re _________________________!

7. And, has Alex got a __________________________?

III. Now read through these questions and decide which objects are being

1. Whats a stamp?

a. the small piece of paper we put on letters before we send them.

b. the thing you wear around our waists to keep our trousers up.

c. The object you wear on your wrist that shows you the time.

2.The spicy, dark powder that made from crushed seeds we use to flavour food.

a. Whats pepper?

b. Whats sugar ?

c. Whats salt?

3. the school subject where you learn about the past.

a. What biology

b. What geography?

c. What history?

4. What a plate?

a. the coloured liquid we use to change the colour of walls.

b. the flat round object we put food on.

c.the flying vehicle that has an engine and wings.

5. Scissors are the things we use to ___.

a. glue paper

b. fold paper

c. cut paper

6. A ___ a small creature with a long , soft body and a round shell.

a. snail

b. spider

c. snake
7. A stethoscope is the thing a doctor uses to ____.

a. check your weight

b. listen to your heart

c. look inside your ears

IV. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part I
Reading Task
A. Read the following text and answer the question !

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in a valley between the Kelud and Willis mountains
and inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the centre of the town there is a large hill
which is called the Dathok Mountain. Because of the topography of the region, Kediri is
called a chilly town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the centre
of the town.Beside the temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a
special kind of tofu or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is delicacy of Kediri and has a
distinctive taste. The cigarettes factory dominates the town economy and employs the
majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarettes factory are inseparable and it
is considered the biggest cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in
this factory. Those who do not work here are farmers or traders.

1. What does the above text tell about?

A. The history of Kediri

B. The famous products of Kediri

C. The description of Kediri

D. The people

2. Which one has a distinctive taste?

A. The cigarette

B. The special food

C. The bean curd

D. The highly nutritious food

3.Those who do not work here ........ (last sentence). The underlined

word refers to ....

A. The local people

B. The factory workers

C. The farmers

D. The traders

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this

building is the oldest mosque in South Kalimantan. The mosque is located in

the North Kuin Village of Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan

Suriansyah known as Pangeran Samudera. He was the first Banjarnese King

who converted into Islam. This mosque was found on the bank of the Kuin

River, near KampungKraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch colonial.

The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique. The roof is layered.

It took the Banjar's past architecture before Islam came. Different from any

other old mosques in Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from the

main building.

4. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was constructed in the era of ....

A. Banjar people

B. Dutch colonial

C. Kalimantan King
D. Sultan Suriansyah

5. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. A king reign

B. A palace complex

C. An Islamic location

D. A historical mosque

6. From the text we know that ....

A. Some construction of the mosque takes the local style

B. Banjar people burned down the mosque

C. There is nothing special from this mosque

D. The Dutch colonial built the mosque

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 and 8.

Bale Kambang

Bale Kambang is a small village in the Southern coast of East Java, seventy

kilometers from Malang town and two hours drive from South. It is well known

for its long beautiful white sandy beach as well as the similarity of its temple to

the one of Tanah Lot in Bali.

In Bale Kambang, there are three small rocky islands namely Ismaya Island,

Wisanggeni Island, and Anoman Island, those names are taken from wayang & quot

figures (Java traditional puppets). These islands are surrounded by Indonesian

Ocean which huge waves frighten most overseas cruisers.

7. What makes Bale Kambang famous?

A. Small rocky islands

B. Long beautiful beach

C. Huge waves of ocean

D. Overseas cruisers

8. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. There are three rocky islands in Bale Kambang

B. Huge waves frighten many overseas cruisers

C. Names of rocky islands are taken from wayang & quot figures

D. The rocky islands are in the middle of the sea

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 10.

Barack Obama is the president of United States. He is an African-American. He

is tall and thin. He is bald. He has dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval

face.He is the first black man who becomes the president of United States. He is

known as a smart and wise man. He is a loving husband for his wife and a

good father for his two children. People from all over the world adore him

because of his spirit and action in creating peace in this world. He also looks

friendly because he always smiles a lot.

9. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To persuade the readers to choose him in the election

B. To entertain the readers about the story of Barack Obama

C. To report the life of the president of United States of America

D. To describe Barack Obama's physical appearance and


10. ………….. dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face." The antonym

of the underlined word is ....

A. Flat

B. Short

C. Straight

D. Handsome

B. Read the text about the describing people


If you are a sports fan, you are sure to know the name Michael
Jordan. He is probably the greatest basketball player the world has ever
seen. Although his career as a player is over, his fame will live on for many
years to come.Michael Jordan certainly looks like a star. He is tall, well-
built and handsome, with friendly brown eyes and a wide grin. He always
manages to look well-dressed, even in his casual clothes or smart suits.His
personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability. Michael is a very
determined person. This has made him a successful basketball star. He
has given lots of money and support to charities.All in all, Michael Jordan
is not only a great athlete, but also a warm, caring person. Is it no wonder
that so many boys have dreamed of growing up to be just like him?
1.The best title for the text is…
A.a warm, caring person.
B.Michael Jordan.
C. a sports fan.
D.a famous star.

2. Why is he famous?
A.He is handsome.
B. He gives charity.
C. Sports fans know him.
D.The author admires him.

3.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Michael Jordan is handsome.
B. Everyone dreams to be Michael Jordan.
C. His playing ability is great.
D.Michael Jordan has great personality.

4. The word outstanding in “His personality, too, is as outstanding as his

playing ability means…
A. great.
B. warm.
D. determined.

5. The text indicates that the writer is…

A. Michael Jordan‟s son.
B Michael Jordan‟s fan.
C.Michael Jordan‟s coach.
D.Michael Jordan himself.

C. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer !

1. The boy is almost 2 metres in height. He is very . . .

A. tall
B. short
C. fat
D. thin

2. The girl has………. Hair

A. straight
B. curly
C. wavy
D. bald
3. The man is . . . . He has no hair.
A. bald
B. curly
C. kinky
D. wavy

4. The man is . . . He is almost 80 now.

A. young
B. middle-aged
C. infant
D. old

5. The woman‟s eyes are . . .

A. slanted
B. fat
C. slender
D. chubby

D. Descriptive text , trying to answer, good luck 

Vocabularies: Young: muda, long: panjang, straight: lurus, hair: rambut, bright: cerah,
friendly: ramah, rather: agak, naughty: nakal, interested: tertarik, player: pemain.
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger
than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is
rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do. Peter is interested
in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is the best
badminton player in our family.

1. How old is Peter? He is … years old.

a. Four
b. Fourteen
c. Forty
d. Ten

2. The writer is … years old.

a. Fourteen
b. Sixteen
c. Eighteen
d. Nineteen

3. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?

a. He has long and straight hair.
b. He has bright eyes.
c. He is not interested in sports.
d. He plays football and tennis.

4. According to the passage, we know that Peter is ….

a. The writer‟s youngest brother
b. The writer‟s elder brother
c. A naughty boy
d. A friendly boy

5. It is implied in the passage that ….

a. Peter is naughty.
b. Peter is lazy.
c. Peter is unfriendly.
d. Peter is diligent.

6. From the text, we may conclude that….

a. Many people do not like Peter.
b. People is older that the writer.
c. Peter is a welcoming person.
d. Peter is not diligent at all.

7. What is the text mostly about?

a. Peter
b. Peter‟s hobby
c. Peter‟s family
d. D. peters‟ elder brother

8. ”He is fourteen years old . . . Than me.”

The underlined word refers to ….
a. Peter
b. The writer
c. The writer‟s brother
d. the writer‟s family

9. “Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis.”
The underlined phrase can be replaced by ….
a. Dislike sport
b. Really likes sport
c. Hates sport very much
d. Finds sport not really entertaining

10. “But he usually does what he is asked to do”

The underlined phrase means …
a. He does anything he wants.
b. He always asks.
c. He is lazy.
d. He is diligent.
I. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer !

1. Look at the picture below! Mr. Ali is old, but Adit is.... *
A. young
B. fast
C. fat
D. expensive

2. Look! The elephant is big, but the ant is....

a. slow
b. small
c. happy
d. cheap
3. Look at the picture below! The lion is..., but the pigeon is tame

A. wild
B. fast
C. beautiful
D. safe

4. Look at the picture below! Doni is..., but Tio is weak. *

A. long
B. soft
C. strong
D. weak

5. Look at the picture below! The pencil is..., but the ruler is long.

A. expensive
B. short
C. big
D. fast
II. try to matching picture with sentences !





1. ………………….is a fortune teller at a hospital. She´s young. She is tall and she is
slim. She has got long,curly brown hair and black eyes.
2. ………………….is a handsome boy. He is young. He is tall and he is medium weight. He
has got short, black hair and black eyes
3. ……………..has got straight hair and green eyes
4. ……………….is an old man
5. ……………… is a highschool student. She´s young. She´s short and slim. She has got
short, brown hair and brown eyes
III. tests some of the words in our Vocabulary section's list of positive personality
1. Which word is closest in meaning to "polite"?


2. Which word is closest in meaning to "hard-working"?


3. Which word is closest in meaning to "funny"?


4. Which word is closest in meaning to "sociable"?


5. If you consider the needs or feelings of others, you're a _______ person.


6. If you have a relaxed attitude and don't worry too much, you're _______ .


7. If you express strong feelings or beliefs about something, you're _______

about it.

8. If you often feel sympathy for people or animals that are suffering, you're a
_______ person.


9. Which word is closest in meaning to "sensible"?


10. If you don't depend on other people or need much support, you're an _______


IV. Now read through these questions and decide which objects are being
1. What's a stamp?
a. It's the small piece of paper we put on letters before we send them.
b. It's the thing you wear around our waists to keep our trousers up.
c. It's the object you wear on your wrist that shows you the time.
2. It's the spicy, dark powder that's made from crushed seeds we use to flavour
a. What's pepper?
b. What's sugar
c. What's salt?
3. It's the school subject where you learn about the past.
a. What's biology
b. What's geography?
c. What's history?

4. What's a plate?
a. It's the coloured liquid we use to change the colour of walls.
b. It's the flat round object we put food on.
c. It's the flying vehicle that has an engine and wings.
5. Scissors are the things we use to ___.
a. glue paper
b. fold paper
c. cut paper
6. A ___ a small creature with a long , soft body and a round shell.
a. snail
b. spider
c. snake
7. A stethoscope is the thing a doctor uses to ____.
a. check your weight
b. listen to your heart
c. look inside your ears
Writing Task
I. Now complete the sentences below using the correct adjective:
1. Dogs often feel ___ during fieworks.



2. The metro can be ___ the first time you use it.



3. Satoru was ___ to hear about the earthquake.




4. I think that rainy days in winter are ___.




5. She's ___ of doing the same thing every day.



6. It was the most ___ I have been watching a film.



7. The meals at Immigrant's Cafe are ___.



II. Complete the gaps (fill gaps with the correct word from the box)

Buildings , languages , cuisines , free , queen , capital, & artists.

London is the city of England situated on the bank of the River Thames. It
is an old and historic city with many famous parks and places of interest to
visit. Many tourists go to Buckingham Palace, where the lives, as it is one of
the most recognisable places in the city. There are also many museums and galleries and
many of them include entry. Some of the world's most famous exhibit
their artwork in London's galleries.London is also a multicultural city with people from
all over the world. Hundreds of different are spoken and you can find a wide
range of to eat and enjoy. Many international festivals are also celebrated
throughout the year in this truly global city.

III. Fill the gaps: describe films

Action , special effects , director, trailer, actor , and cast.

1. Thom hanks is my favorite ………………….in Hollywood
2. There is a new film opening tomorrow night. I saw the ………………… on internet
and it looks really scary.
3. I‟m not interested in the actors. I always choose a film for its………..
4. There are lots of crashes and explosions in the latest ………… film.
5. I love the ……… in sci-fi films , they looks so real
6. The ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is the group of actors that star in a film.

IV. Pair in work and mention 5 words based on your own and then practice
Daftar Kata Pekerjaan dari A-Z dalam
Job and vows or in English is work. In this life we must have a job, whether
it be teachers, doctors, writers, merchants, even you who are students is a
job. We can also make the jobs we want our aspirations for in the future

Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Accountant = akuntan

actor = aktor

actress = aktris

actuary = aktuaris

advisor = penasihat

aide = ajudan

air steward = pramugari

ambassador = duta besar

animator = animator

architect = arsitek

art director = penata artistik

artist = artis

assistant = asisten

astronaut = astronot
athlete = atlet

attorney = pengacara

auctioneer = pelelang

author = penulis

Babysitter = pengasuh bayi

Baker = tukang roti

Banker = bankir

Barber = tukang cukur

Beautician = ahli kecantikan

Bellhop = pelayan

blacksmith = tukang besi

bodyguard = pengawal

bricklayer = tukang batu

broker = makelar

builder = pembangun

burglar = pencuri

businessman = pengusaha

butcher = tukang daging

butler = kepala pelayan

Calligrapher = Penulis kaligrafi

Cameraman = juru kamera

Caretaker = pengurus
Carpenter = tukang kayu

Cashier = kasir

Chambermaids = pembantu

Chauffeur =sopir

Chef = koki

civil servant = PNS

clerk = pramuniaga

coach = pelatih

cobbler = tukang sepatu

college teacher = dosen

company director = direktur perusahaan

composer = komposer

computer operator = operator komputer

construction worker = pekerja konstruksi

correspondent = koresponden

craftsman = perajin

criminal = penjahat

crook = bajingan

Dancer = penari

Dean = dekan

Decorator = penghias

Dentist = dokter gigi

Designer = perancang
Detective = detektif

Director = direktur

Doctor = dokter

Dramatist = penulis sandiwara

dress designer = dress designer

driver bus = supir bus

Economist = ekonom

Editor = editor

Electrician = teknisi listrik

Engineer = insinyur

English teacher = guru bahasa Inggris

Farmer = petani

fashion designer = perancang busana

film director = sutradara

fire fighter = pemadam kebakaran

fisherman = nelayan

fishmonger = penjual ikan

flight attendant = pramugari

furniture designer = desainer furnitur

Garbageman = tukang sampah

graphic designer = desainer grafis


Hairdresser = penata rambut

head teacher = kepala sekolah

history teacher = guru sejarah

Illustrator = ilustrator

interior designer = interior designer

interpreter = penerjemah

investigator = penyelidik

Janitor = petugas kebersihan

Jeweler = ahli perhiasan

Journalist = wartawan

Judge = hakim

Landlord = pemilik penginapan

Lawyer = pengacara

Lecturer = penceramah

legal adviser = ahli hukum

librarian = petugas perpus

lifeguard = perenang penyelamat

Magician = tukang sulap

Maid = asisten rumah tangga

Manager = manajer

Marine = marinir

Mason = tukang batu

math teacher = guru matematika

mechanic = montir

miner = buruh tambang

monk = biarawan

music teacher = guru musik

musician = pemusik

news presenter = presenter berita

novelist = penulis novel

nurse = perawat

Optician = ahli kacamata

Oracle = peramal

Painter = pelukis

park ranger = penjaga taman

pastor = pendeta

peddler = pedagang keliling

personal assistant = asisten pribadi

pharmacist = apoteker

photographer = juru potret

pilot = pilot

playwright = dramawan

plumber = tukang ledeng

poet = penyair

policeman = polisi

politician = politikus

porter = porter

priest = imam

principal = kepala

printer = pencetak

prison officer = petugas lapas

producer = produsen

professor = profesor

pupil = murid

Quilter = perajut kain

Rabbi = pendeta Yahudi

Radiologist = radiolog

Receptionist = resepsionis

Referee = wasit

Repairer = tukang bengkel

Reporter = reporter

Sailor = pelaut
Sales Assistants = Asisten penjualan

Salesman = penjual

Scenarist = penulis skenario

Scholar = sarjana

Scientist = ilmuwan

Sculptor = pengukir

Secretary = sekretaris

Taxi/cab driver = Supir Taxi

Teacher = Guru

Tailor = Tukang Jahit

Vet = Dokter Hewan

Waiter/waitress = Pelayan
Listening task

Listen to five different people talking about their jobs and do the exercises to
practise and improve your listening skills.

I. Check your understanding: gap fill Do this exercise while you listen. Complete
the gaps with a word from the box.

Pilot, tour guide, dentist, shop assistant,nurse.

1. Speaker A works as a _______________.

2. Speaker B works as a _______________.

3. Speaker C works as a _______________.

4. Speaker D works as a _______________.

5. Speaker E works as a _______________.

II. Check your understanding: multiple choice Do this exercise while you listen.
Circle the best answer for these questions

1. Does speaker A enjoy his job? Yes. Sometimes. No.

2. When does speaker A work? When he is at university. Weekends. Summer holidays.

3. When does speaker B work? Weekdays. Weekends and holidays. Summer holidays.

4. What does speaker B say tourists love doing? Visiting universities. Taking a boat
trip. Swimming in the river.

5. Does speaker C like his job? Yes. Sometimes. No.

6. What does speaker D say is difficult about being a pilot? Travelling to many
countries. Learning many languages. Flying planes in bad weather.

7. What does speaker D say is the best thing about his job? Visiting different places.
Meeting different people. The different weather.

8. What does speaker E not like about her job? The doctors. The sick people. The

III. Please watch it and listen carefully to this video and then describe the job
and oocupation !

a. T R
b. D R
c. S R
d. B N
e. A T
f. L R
g. M C
h. A C

IV. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part
Reading Task

I. Answer a job that being describe in the question below

1. Who can repair your sink?
Answer : A __________________.
2. Who can work on ship?
Answer : A__________________.
3. Who can fix your car?
Answer : A__________________.
4. Who do you go to when you are sick?
Answer : I go to a____________.
5. Who can fly an airplane?
Answer : A_________________.
6. Who can teach you English?
Answer : A________________

II. Now explain your reason why you want that job
1. Why did you become an engineer?
Answer : I became an engineer
2. Why did you become a lawyer?
Answer : I became a lawyer
3. Why did you become a doctor?
Answer : I became a doctor
4. Why did you become an astronaut?
Answer : I became an astronnaut

III. Fill in the blank with the most suitable jobs in the choice given
1. My father is a . . . . . . . He teaches Bahasa Indonesia in senior high school.

2. Ella's mother is a . . . . . . . She helps the doctor and works at hospital.

3. As a . . . . . . . , uncle Jojo delivers mail everyday.

4. I like cooking so much. I want to be a . . . . . . . someday.

5. Henry works at a chocolate factory in Jakarta. He is a . . . . . . .

6. Miss Asti works at a senior high school library as a . . . . . . . She handle the books

7. I study very hard to be a . . . . . . . I want to cure sick people and work at a big

8. Mr. Arman sails on the sea for months every year. He is a . . . . . . .

9. Randi wants to fly a plane in the future. He wants to be a . . . . . . .

10. Grandpa works in the paddy field. He is a . . . . . . .

11. Miss Rita is a beautiful girl. She works as a . . . . . . . She serves passengers in the

12. I am a . . . . . . . of SMP Bakti Bangsa. I like to study here.

13. Reino can speak five language fluently. He is a professional . . . . . . . He often

translate text to Indonesian.

14. Mr. Suryadi is an . . . . . . . He designs houses and public buildings.

15. Agnez Mo is a famous Indonesian . . . . . . . She has a beautiful voice.

16. I live near sea. There are many . . . . . . . here. They catch fish every night.

17. I have a toothache. I need to go to a . . . . . . .

18. A . . . . . . . catches a criminal who stole a motorcycle in my neighborhood.

19. Her father manages some companies. He is a successful . . . . . . . That's why they
are so rich.

20. Mr. Yana is my school's . . . . . . . He leads the school for two years. He is a good

IV. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part
Speaking Task

I. Choose !
1. She‟s a …… (perawat) 4. She‟s a ……. (guru)
2. He‟s a ……. (polisi) 5. He‟s a …….. (tukang kayu)
3. She‟s a …… (pilot) 6. He‟s a …….. (petani)

II. Write ‘ what’s his job ‘ ( laki – laki ) or ‘ what’s her job ‘ ( perempuan )
+ : ………………. ?
- : He‟s a carpenter.
+ : ………………. ?
- : He‟s a farmer.
+ : ……………… ?
- : He‟s a policemen.
+ : ……………… ?
- : She‟s a nurse.
+ : ……………… ?
- : She‟s a teacher.
III. Arrange!
1. is-he-teacher-a
2. she-doctor-a-is
3. farmer-is-a-he
4. i-a-student-am
5. a-pilot-are-you-?

IV. Practice the dialogue below !

Ratna : Where does your father work ?
Sinta : He works at the hospital.
Ratna : Is he a nurse ?
Sinta : No, he is not.
He is a doctor.
What does your father do ?
Ratna : My father manages a company.
Sinta : Is he a manager ?
Ratna : Yes, he is.

Answer these question !

1. What‟s is Sinta‟s father ?
He is a ………
2. Where does Sinta‟s father work ?
He work at ……..
3. What‟s is Ratna‟s father ?
He is a ………
4. Where does Ratna‟s father work ?
He work at ………

Read the text carefully !

Mr. Gunawan is a bank manager. He works at Bank Guna Daya. He goes to the
bank by car every day. His wife is Mrs. Rianti. She is an English teacher. She work s
at Putra Bangsa Elementary school. She goes there by motorcycle.Mr. Gunawan and
Mrs. Rianti have 3 children. They are Eko, Ikha, and Arma. Eko is a junior high school
student. He wants to be a pilot someday. Ikha and Arma are Elementary students. They
want to be teachers like their mother.
Answer these question !
1. What is Mr. Gunawan ?
2. Where does Mrs.Rianti work ?
3. What does Eko want to be ?
4. What is Ikha ?
5. What do Ikha and Arma wants to be ?
Writing Task

I. I. Complete the blanks with

suitable expressions!

1 Slamet : What is your father, nem?

Painem : He is a............................

Slamet : What does he do?

Painem? : He plants rice

Slamet : Where does he work?

Painem : He works ....................

2 Gombol : What is your mother, Jo?

Bejo : She is a............................

Gombol : What does she do?

Bejo : She teaches students

Gombol : Where does she work?

Bejo : She works .....................

3 Daun : What is your brother, Pran?

Kamran : He is a Fisherman
Daun : What does he do?

Kamran : He ..................................

Daun : Where does he work?

Kamran : He works ......................

4 Tonah : What is your sister, Ti?

Siti : She is a nurse

Tonah : What does she do?

Siti : She ...............................

Tonah : Where does she work?

Siti : She works ......................

5 Doto : What is your uncle, To?

Roto : He is a ...........................

Doto : What does he do?

Roto : He ..................................

Doto : Where does he work?

Roto : He works in the post office

II. Complete the following passage using the option provided below!

Hello, My name (1)____ Fayyadh Shidqi. I (2)_______ a student. I (3)_________ at

MTs Walisongo Tulis. I go to (4)____________ on time. I never (5)_________ late.
One of my favourite subject is (6)_____________. I love it because the teacher
(7)____________ it very clear and interesting for me. I understand what he explains
to me. Someday, I want to be a guide in Bali So I must (8) _________ speaking English
hard. Everyday, my father (9)_________ me to study it. He never (10) ________
tired to accompany me.

a. feels e. Study i. am
b. is f. teaches j. school
c. helps g. come
d. practice h. English
III. Guess the jobs/occupation below!
1. I am responsible for delivering letters to the addressees. I am a
2. This man works in a garmet factory. He designs and makes clothes.
He is a ...
3. This woman works in a restaurant. She is responsible for serving the
customers who wants to order menu. She is a ...
4. They work in the rice field and plant rice They are ...
5. These people work to make tables, chairs, cupboards. They are ...
6. Rudi cures patients in the hospital. Hes is a ...
7. A person who is responsible to extinguish fire is a ....
8. He repairs motorcyle, car etc. He is a ...
9. She manages the traffic on the road. She is a ...
10. They represent Indonesia on Asian Games events. They are ……

IV. Complete these dialogues !

1. My mother is a______ she works at school.

2. The patience is examined by _______ at ________.
3. The thief was arrested by __________ at_________.
4. We usually meet ____________ in bus station.
5. Jane is a _______. I always watch her in TV show.
6. The farmer usually goes to ______ every morning.
7. The _______ is parking their plane in ___________.
8. She is a _________. Her voice is so good.
9. The ____________ tells the news every day to people.
10. My sister is a waitress. She is working in __________
School : MIN 1 BITUNG

Subject : English

Grade / C : VI / C2


Meeting Topic General Instructional Specific Instructional Competences

Objectives Objectives
1-4 Asking students are expected to be 1.1 Receptive Skills: 1.1 Receptive Skills:
and able to identify and 1.1.1 Listening 1.1.1 Listening
giving describe about asking Students are able to Students are able to
direction questions and giving identify the related identify the related
directions vocabulary of asking vocabulary of asking f
for and giving direction and giving direction
based on picture given Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of asking describe the difference
for and giving direction asking for and giving
. direction is a clue that
can guide us to a place
based on the picture
given and on audio Students are able to are able to

identify the related identify names and
vocabulary of asking explain to the meaning
for and giving direction of asking for and givin
direction based on
picture given Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe the meaning o
asking for and giving asking for and giving
direction directions contained in
simple short
conversations accurate
fluently, and interact
with their immediate
environment in
providing information
asking, giving, and
responding to
interrogative sentence
giving directions.

1.1.2.Reading Students are able to Students are able to ta
describe the related of notes Information from
asking for and giving text related of asking f
direction and giving direction Students are able to . Students are able to

identify the related of asking identify and take notes
for and giving direction Information from text related
of asking for and giving
direction Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of asking describe and find informatio
for and giving direction the related of asking for and
giving direction Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related of asking identify and find information
for and giving direction the related of asking for and
giving direction

1.2 Productive Skill 1.2 Productive Skill

1.2.1 Speaking 1.2.1 Speaking Students are able to Students are able to
identify the related identify the related
vocabulary of asking vocabulary of asking f
for and giving and giving direction
direction based on picture given Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of asking describe the difference in
for and giving direction asking for and giving directi Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related identify names and explain t
vocabulary of asking the meaning of asking for an
for and giving giving direction
direction Students are able to . Students are able to

identify the related describe the meaning of aski
vocabulary of asking for and giving directions
for and giving contained in dialog script
1.2.2. Writing 1.2.2. Writing Students are able to 1 Students are able
identify the related write related with vocabulary
vocabulary of asking for and difficult word
giving direction Students are able to 2 Students are able t

describe the related of asking write the sentences based on
for and giving direction picture Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related identify names and write to
vocabulary of asking notes of giving direction bas
for and giving direction on picture given Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of Write it the sentences have
asking for and giving given
School : MIN 1 BITUNG

Subject : English

Grade / C : VI / C2


Meeting Topic General Instructional Specific Instructional Competences

Objectives Objectives
Are you students are expected to be 1.2 Receptive Skills: 1.2 Receptive Skills: 1.1Recept
okay ? able to identify and 1.1.1 Listening 1.1.1 Listening 1.1.1 Liste
describe about expressing Students are able to Students are able to
feelings identify the related identify and review the
vocabulary expressing related vocabulary
feelings expressing feelings
based on video are given Students are able to Students are able to . P

describe the related of describe the meaning
expressing feelings vocabulary of expressing
feelings based on video
. are given Students are able to are able to P

identify the related identify names and
vocabulary of explain to the meaning
expressing feelings of expressing feelings Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of indentify words the Pr
expressing feelings meaning of expressing

1.1.2.Reading Students are able to take P Students are able to notes Information from
describe the related of text related and answer
expressing feelings the question based on the
dialogue script Students are able to . Students are able to Pr

identify the related of identify and find the meanings
expressing feelings of adjective in dictionary Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe and fill in the blank
expressing feelings spaces the suitable words. Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related of identify of expressing feelings Pr
expressing feelings choose correct answer dialog

1.2 Productive Skill 1.2 Productive Skill

1.2.1 Speaking 1.2.1 Speaking P Students are able to Students are able to
identify the related of identify the related
expressing feelings vocabulary of asking for
and giving direction
based on picture given Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe the difference
expressing feelings adjectives of expressing
feelings Students are able to Students are able to D
identify the related identify crossing and explain to
vocabulary of the meaning of asking for and
expressing feelings giving direction Students are able to . Students are able to P

identify the related describe the meaning of
vocabulary of expressing feelings in complete
expressing feelings the dialogue

1.2.2. Writing 1.2.2. Writing Students are able to 1 Students are able to
identify the related write related with vocabulary
vocabulary of difficult word
expressing feelings Students are able to 2 Students are able to P

describe the related of write the sentences based on
expressing feelings dialog and answer the
questions. Students are able to Students are able to
identify the related identify adjective ED-ING and
vocabulary of then choose correct answer
expressing feelings Students are able to Students are able to P

describe the related of Write it the sentences based on
expressing feelings own words
School : MIN 1 BITUNG

Subject : English

Grade / C : VI / C2


Meeting Topic General Instructional Specific Instructional Competences

Objectives Objectives
1-4 What are students are expected to be 1.3 Receptive Skills: 1.3 Receptive Skills:
you able to identify and 1.1.1 Listening 1.1.1 Listening
dream describe about job amd Students are able to Students are able to
occupation identify the related identify and review th
vocabulary of job amd related vocabulary job
occupation amd occupation Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe the meaning
job amd occupation vocabulary of job amd
occupation Students are able to are able to

describe the related describe names and explain
vocabulary of job amd the meaning of job amd
occupation occupation Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe words the
job amd occupation meaning of job amd

1.1.2.Reading Students are able to Students are able to ta
describe the related of notes Information from
job amd occupation text related job amd
occupation and answe
the question based on
dialogue script Students are able to . Students are able to

identify the related of job identify and find the meanin
amd occupation of job amd occupation based
recount text Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of job describe of job amd occupat
amd occupation and fill in the blank based on
picture Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related of job identify of job amd occupati
amd occupation

1.2 Productive Skill 1.2 Productive Skill

1.2.1 Speaking 1.2.1 Speaking Students are able to Students are able to
identify the related of identify the related
job amd occupation vocabulary of job amd
occupation based on
picture Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of job describe about job amd
amd occupation occupation Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related identify crossing and explain
vocabulary of job the meaning of job amd
amd occupation occupation Students are able to . Students are able to

identify the related describe the meaning of job
vocabulary of job amd occupation
amd occupation

1.2.2. Writing 1.2.2. Writing Students are able to 1 Students are able
identify the related write related with vocabulary
vocabulary job amd difficult word
occupation Students are able to 2 Students are able t

describe the related of job write the sentences based on
amd occupation dialog and answer the
questions. Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related identify adjective ED-ING a
vocabulary of job amd then choose correct answer
occupation Students are able to

describe the related of Students are able to
job amd occupation Write it the sentences based
own words

School : MIN 1 BITUNG

Subject : English

Grade / C : VI / C2


Meeting Topic General Instructional Specific Instructional Competences

Objectives Objectives
1-4 Who students are expected to be 1.4 Receptive Skills: 1.4 Receptive Skills:
I’am able to identify and 1.1.1 Listening 1.1.1 Listening
describe about Students are able to Students are able to
people,objects and places identify the related identify and review th
vocabulary related vocabulary
people,objects and people,objects and
places places based audio has
given. Students are able to
describe the related of Students are able to
people,objects and describe the meaning
places. vocabulary of
people,objects and
places fill the blank
correct word Students are able to are able to

describe the related describe names and explain
vocabulary of the meaning of expressing
people,objects and feelings
places Students are able to Students are able to describe words the
describe the related of meaning of
people,objects and people,objects and pla

1.1.2.Reading Students are able to ta Students are able to notes Information from
describe the related of text related and answe
people,objects and the question based on
places dialogue script Students are able to

identify the related of . Students are able to
people,objects and places identify and find the meanin
of recount text Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe and fill in the blank
people,objects and places based on picture Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related of identify of people,objects an
people,objects and places places

1.2 Productive Skill 1.2 Productive Skill

1.2.1 Speaking 1.2.1 Speaking Students are able to Students are able to
identify the related of identify the related
people,objects and vocabulary of
places people,objects and
places based on pictur Students are able to Students are able to

describe the related of describe people,objects and
people,objects and places places based on picture Students are able to Students are able to

identify the related identify crossing and explain
vocabulary of the meaning of asking for an
people,objects and giving direction
places Students are able to . Students are able to

identify the related describe the meaning of
vocabulary of people,objects and places
people,objects and
1.2.2. Writing
1.2.2. Writing 1 Students are able Students are able to write related with vocabulary
identify the related difficult word
people,objects and
places Students are able to 2 Students are able t

describe the related of write the sentences based on
people,objects and places dialog and answer the
questions. Students are able to Students are able to
identify adjective ED-ING a
identify the related
then choose correct answer
vocabulary of
people,objects and
places Students are able to Students are able to
describe the related of
Write it the sentences based
people,objects and
own words
Key Answer Listening task

V. Let‟s review words and the trying to pratice based on the picture !
a. Turn left
b. Go straight
c. No turn left
d. A cat on the table
e. Turn right
VI. Please watch it and listen carefully to this video and then describe the place the
family go outside !
a. Hotel
b. Pharmacy
c. ATM
d. Post Office
e. Amusement Park
f. Shopping Mall
g. Restroom
VII. In pairs performance
VIII. Fill in the words below correctly.
continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second, straight on,
thank, turn, welcome.

a. Excuse me, how do I get to the cinema?

b. Go straight on.
c. Turn left at the corner.
d. Then take the second road on your right.
e. Continue to the end of the road.
f. Turn left there.
g. The cinema is on your left, opposite the castle.
h. Thank you very much.
i. You‟re welcome.
Key Answer Reading Task

V. Read the task carefully !

1. She lives on Jl.Dahlia.

2. She wants to go to the supermarket.

3. The bank is across from police station.

4. It is beside the bakery.

5. The supermarket is between the drugstore and the bus station.

VI. True & False

1. True 5. True
2. False 6. False
3. False 7. True
4. True

VII. Look at the map. Choose the correct name of the building!
1. Furniture
2. Italian restaurant
3. Police station

VIII. Fill in the missing preposition.

A. Next to
B. Opposite
C. Between
D. On the corner
E. Behind
Key Answer Speaking Task

I. Look at the picture and then trying to continue to describe in your own words
individual , goodluck  !

A. A Phamarcy
B. A Restaurant
C. A Clothing Store
D. A Bookstore
E. A Store

II. Look at the pictures and then fill in the missing preposition.

1. Across the street

2. Down the road
3. Around the corner
4. Next to the bank
5. Between the bank and the bookstore

III. Look at the Picture and then trying to make a sentences !

a. The boy in the between in two house

b. The dinosaur behind of tree
c. The boy next to ball
d. The woman in the opposite/across with the guy.

IV. Pratice dialogue In Pairs (On the street corner)

Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me? I'm lost!

Person: Certainly, where would you like to go?
Tourist: I'd like to go to the museum, but I can't find it. Is it far?
Person: No, not really. It's about a five-minute walk.

Tourist: Maybe I should call a taxi.

Person: No, It's very easy. Really. (pointing) I can give you directions.

Tourist: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

Person: Not at all. Now, go along this street to the traffic lights. Do you see them?

Tourist: Yes, I can see them.

Person: Right, at the traffic lights, turn left into Queen Mary Ave.

Tourist: Queen Mary Ave.

Person: Right. Go straight. Take the second left and enter Museum Drive.

Tourist: OK. Queen Mary Ave., straight on and then the third left, Museum Drive.
Person: No, it's the second left.

Tourist: Ah, right. The second street on my left.

Person: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road.

Tourist: Great. Thanks again for your help.

Person: Not at all.
Key Answer Writing Task

I. Write the name of the building:

a. You buy food here. Restaurants
b. You Praying here. Church
c. You take a picture animal here. Zoo
d. You Playing with children here. At park
e. You go to see a doctor here. Pharmacy
II. Write it down the missing words !
1) Can you tell me the way to your office?
2) How do I know the way your house?
3) Are you getting here by car or by train?
4) The journey Takes about twenty minutes.
5) Follow the signs at the town centre.
6.) At the traffic lights, turn right.
III. Look at the picture‟s . write, use the words next to,between,and on the corner.

a. The hospitan next to the bank

b. The bank on the corner of road
c. Bank between the hospital and the toy store
d. The station fire next to restaurant
e. The restaurant on the corner of the road
IV. Write
a. Bank
b. Station
c. Post office
d. Store computer
e. Stores
f. Hospital
IX. Let‟s review words and the trying to fill in the blank based on the video!

7. The people are relaxed. They are on vacation.

8. They boy and the girl are in love
9. The little girl is sad because she can‟t play outside
10. The boy feels excited because he won competition
11. The girl is afraid of the dog
12. The man feels bored while waiting for the bus

X. Please watch it and listen carefully to this video and then describe the
vocabulary meaning !

h. Happy
i. Angry
j. Confused
k. Brave
l. Upset
m. Hot
n. Proud

XI. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part II.

XII. Please listen carefully the audio and then identify the words feeling or emotion !
1. Teresa is very happy at her new school.
2. Chris was sad when we moved to Texas.
3. I am always tired at night.
4. That dog looks hungry.
5. Why is Robert so mad?
6. Lily is excited about her new bike.
7. She was very surprised at her birthday.
8. He gets scared at night.
9. My nephew is really silly.
10. I was so embarrassed yesterday
A. Read the dialogue carefully and answer some questions.

1. She get accepted a job application to a big international company

2. Grateful and happiness
3. a couple of days ago
4. application letter
5. verry happy, It's lovely, that's wonderful, Come on. Go tell.

B. Learn and remember the adjectives to express the feelings {find the
meanings of the adjectives on your dictionary}

1. tired of the world

2. experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness
3. feeling pleased and satisfied; satisfied that something is good or right.
4. upset because something you hoped for has not happened or been as good,
successful, etc. as you expected
5. if something is hopeless, there is no hope that it will get better or succeed
6. feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you
7. unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what somebody
is saying
8. thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen
and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid

C. Fill in the blank spaces with the suitable words.

1. He felt C because he has won the swimming competition.

a. worried b. anxious c. happy d. hopeless

2. Please don‟t be B even though you couldn‟t meet your favorite singer.

a. crazy b. disappointed c. worried d. nervous

3. Tya is B . She will go to Singapore next month.

a. impressed b. excited c. glad d. terrific

4. I am C to know that you will help me doing my homework.

a. angry b. confused c. glad d. sad

5. We are truly D by your great performance on the stage.

a. happy b. excellent c. bored d. impressed

D. Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, D, and E

1. Happiness

2. 1 and 3

3. Fantastic! That‟s great.

4. I‟m proud of you dear

5. Expressing happiness
I. Pair in work , please choose conversation A or B and trying to
practice with your partner in front class !
II. Fill in the blanks with the adjectives using expressing feeling

1. The children are excited to see their father coming home.

2. The teacher is mad because the students are noisy.
3. I feel shy to find my trousers being torn on the buttock.
4. The applicants are bored .to wait their turn for interview.
5. The audience was disappointed because their favorite singer didn‟t
6. The refuges are feeling tired after the long journey.
7. As religious people, we must not depressed to face this problem. Just
believe, God always be with us.
8. I was very guilty.that I couldn‟t attend my daugther‟s graduation.

III. Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,d.

1. D. loves
2. B. she
3. D. she
4. D. they
5. E. my
6. A. it

IV.complete the dialogue !

1. Here you are

2. For telling me
3. I am proud of you
4. Thank you very much
5. You‟re welcome
D. Fill in the blank spaces with the suitable words.
1. Carefree
2. Enthusiastic
3. Unhappy
4. Impressed
5. Grateful
6. Frightened
7. Upset
8. Bored
9. Jealous
10. Embarrassed

E. Exercise: Answer the following questions!

1. I am sorry to hear that.
2. Showing symphaty
3. I know how you feel
4. Shifa absent because her father passed away
5. Oh , dear.
F. choose the correct adjective ED-ING !

1. I am so relaxed I don‟t want to move.

2. I find horror films really frightening and not at all fun to watch.

3. Sometimes I get really frustrated when I can‟t express myself well in English.

4. We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was terrifying.

5. The programme was really interesting.

6. She was overwhelmed when everyone cheered and we gave her presents.

7. If I feel stressed, I find taking a bath is often relaxing.

8. I am really tired, I think I‟ll go to bed.

9. He‟s very interested in history.

10. The trip was overwhelming, with so many things to do and it was all so new.

11. She is never satisfied with her work.

12. Cleaning is so tiring! I think I‟ll have a rest!

13. She thought the ride on the rollercoaster was thrilling.

14. I was really surprised when I saw you. I had thought you were on holiday.

15. My grandmother was shocked by the man‟s bad language.

16. My niece is terrified of dogs.

17. Thank you so much for the prize! I‟m thrilled!

18. My job is very satisfying, I love helping people.

19. The news was so shocking that she burst into tears.

20. My exam results were great! It‟s really surprising but good, of course!

D. Mention 5 words to describe your feelings based on your own words.

Key answer
Listening Task

I. Check your understanding: multiple choice

1. brother

2. a girlfriend

3. two brothers

4. look the same

II. Check your understanding: gap fill

1. brother

2. pretty, long, brown

3. twins, 15 / fifteen

4. tall, thin

5. short, brown, green, big

6. cute

7. girlfriend

III. Now read through these questions and decide which objects are being

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
IV. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part I

Key Answer Reading


E. Read the following text and answer the question !

1. C

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. D

10. A

B. Read the text about the describing people!

1. B. Michael Jordan.

2. B, He is handsome
3. D. Michael Jordan has great personality

4. C. famous

5. B. Michael Jordan fan

C, Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer !

1. A. Tall
2. B. curly
3. A. Bald
4. D. Old

I. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer !

1. A. young
2. B. small
3. A. wild
4. C. strong
5. B. short
II. try to matching picture with sentences !
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. B
III. tests some of the words in our Vocabulary section's list of positive
personality adjectives.

1. courteous

2. diligent

3. humorous

4. gregarious

5. considerate

6. easygoing

7. passionate

8. compassionate

9. rational

10. independent

IV. Now read through these questions and decide which objects are being
1. a 5. c
2. a 6. a
3. c 7. c
4. b
Key answer
Writing Task

V. Now complete the sentences below using the correct adjective:

1. Frightened
2. Confusing
3. Shocked
4. Depressing
5. Bored
6. Excited
7. Satisfying

VI. Complete the gaps (fill gaps with the correct word from the box)
1. Capital
2. Buildings
3. Queens
4. Free
5. Artists
6. Language
7. Cuisines
VII. Fill the gaps: describe films
1. Actor
2. Trailer
3. Director
4. Action
5. Special effects
6. Cast

VIII. Pair in work and mention 5 words based on your own and then practice
Key Answer Listening task

I. Check your understanding: gap fill Do this exercise while you listen.
Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

1. shop assistant

2. tour guide

3. dentist

4. pilot

5. nurse

II. Check your understanding: multiple choice Do this exercise while you listen.
Circle the best answer for these questions

1. Yes.

2. Weekends and holidays.

3. Summer holidays.

4. Taking a boat trip.

5. Yes.

6. Flying planes in bad weather.

7. Visiting different places.

8. The uniform

V. Please watch it and listen carefully to this video and then describe the job
and occupation !
a. Teacher
b. Doctor
c. Soccer player
d. Businessman
e. Austrounot
f. Labaror
g. Mechanic
h. Architect

IV. Pair work and then practice in front class after you‟re already answer part
Key Answer Reading Task

I. Answer a job that being describe in the question below

1) a plumber (tukang pipa)

2) a boatman / a captain

3) a mechanic

4) i go to a doctor

5) a pilot

6) an English teacher

II. Now explain your reason why you want that job
1. i became a engineer because i'd like to help people build or create their
dream house or buildings
2. i became a lawyer because i would like promote a knowledge of being able
to communicate and negotiate, and i want justice to be stronger.
3. i became a doctor because i would love to help and cure people who
doesn't have enough money.
4. i became an astronaut because i'd like to explore the outer space.

III. Fill in the blank with the most suitable jobs in the choice given
1. Teacher

2. Nurse

3. Postman

4. Chef

5. Factory worker
6. Librarian

7. Doctor

8. Sailor

9. Pilot

10. Farmer

11. Stewardess

12. Student

13. Translator

14. Architect

15. Singer

16. Fisherman

17. Dentist

18. Policeman

19. Businessman

20. Headmaster
Key Answer Speaking Task

I. Choose !
1. Nurse
2. Police
3. Pilot
4. Teacher
5. Carpenter
II. Write „ what‟s his job „ ( laki – laki ) or „ what‟s her job „ ( perempuan)
+ :Are you a carpenter ?
- : He‟s a carpenter.
+ : Are you a farmer ?
- : He‟s a farmer.
+ : are you a policemen ?
- : He‟s a policemen.
+ : are you a nurse ?
- : She‟s a nurse.
+ : ……………… ?
- : She‟s a teacher.
III. Arrange!
1. He is a teacher
2. She is a doctor
3. He is a farmer
4. I am a student
5. Are you a pilot ?

III. Practice the dialogue below !

1. He‟s a doctor
2. At hospital
3. Manages a company
4. A company
IV. 1. A bank manager.
2. A school
3. A pilot
4. A teacher
5. A teacher like their mother.

Key Answer Writing Task

II. III. Complete the blanks with suitable expressions!

1. Paimem : He is a father
Painem : He works rice flieds
2. Bejo : she is a students
Bejo : she works
3. Kamran : he working
Kamran : at sea
4. Siti : she helping people
Siti : she works at hospital
5. Roto : postman
Roto : deliver mail
IV. Complete the following passage using the option provided below!
1. Is
2. I am
3. Study
4. School
5. Come
6. English
7. Teaches
8. Practice
9. Helps
10. Feels
V. Guess the jobs/occupation below!
1. Postman
2. Designer
3. Clerk
4. Farmer
5. Carpenter
6. Doctor
7. Firefighters
8. Mechanic
9. Policeman
10. Presenter

VI. Complete these dialogues !

1. My mother is a teacher she works at the school.
2. Patience is checked with the patient in the hospital.
3. The thief was caught by the police in prison.
4. We usually meet the station at the bus terminal.
5. Jane is an artist. I always watch her on TV shows.
6. Farmers usually go to the fields every morning.
7. The car is parked in the parking lot.
8. He's a singer. The sound is very good.
9. The presenter delivers the news every day to people.
10. My brother is a maid. She works at the employer's house.
IV. Please listen carefully the audio and then identify the words feeling or emotion !

1. Teresa is very happy at her new school.

2. Chris was sad when we moved to Texas.

3. I am always tired at night.

4. That dog looks hungry.

5. Why is Robert so mad?

6. Lily is excited about her new bike.

7. She was very surprised at her birthday.

8. He gets scared at night.

9. My nephew is really silly.

10. I was so embarrassed yesterday

Aurelia: Who‟s that boy over there, Hannah?
Hannah: That? Er, that‟s my brother, Jem.
Aurelia: Your brother?
Hannah: Yes, and that‟s his girlfriend Lucy. The pretty girl with the long, brown hair.
Aurelia: Oh right. So, you‟ve got a brother?
Hannah: No, I‟ve got two brothers. Jem and Alex.
Aurelia: Really? ... and ... how old is Alex?
Hannah: Alex and Jem are twins, they‟re both 15.
Aurelia: 15, mmm ... and does Alex look like Jem?
Hannah: They‟re exactly the same! They‟re both tall and thin. They‟ve both got short brown
hair, green eyes and big ears!
Aurelia: They‟re not big, I think they‟re cute. And ... has Alex got a girlfriend?
I work on Saturdays and in the school holidays. Saturdays are busy because that‟s when
everyone goes shopping. Our shop sells clothes and accessories for men, women and
children. I work in the children‟s department. It can be crazy sometimes, but it‟s fun.
I work during my summer holidays when I‟m not at university. Oxford has thousands of
tourists in the summer, so it‟s easy to find a job as a tour guide. I take tourists to visit
the university colleges and then we go down to the river. We go along the river on a
boat. The tourists love the boat trip, but last summer one tourist fell in the river! I
love meeting people from all over the world.
I like my job, but lots of people don‟t like coming to see me because they hate dentists.
Sometimes it‟s very hard work, but it‟s great to help people when they have a problem.
It‟s so important to look after your teeth.
My job is very difficult, but I like it because I love flying. I fly planes that take people
to different places on holiday. Most of the time I fly in Europe to places like Spain,
Greece and Italy. The most difficult thing about my job is when the weather is bad.
Snow and thunderstorms are the worst. The best thing is visiting different places.
I work in a hospital in the city centre. It‟s a very big hospital. I help the doctors with
the patients. I give them their medicine and look after them when they feel ill. I love
my job but I don‟t like the uniform and sometimes I have to work at night.

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