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Strengths of Compromise As a Conflict Resolution

 Small Business

 Human Resources

 Conflict

ByLainie PetersenUpdated January 24, 2019






Many people are taught the value of compromise even when they are children.
The compromising conflict resolution technique is often a valuable skill in the
workplace, particularly for small business owners who might have to balance multiple
concerns and interests when making decisions or negotiating a deal. However, there
are times when compromise is not in a business's best interest. Knowing when to
compromise can be just as important as knowing how to compromise.

Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, and in many cases, it is also healthy. Business
owners, managers and rank-and-file employees often perceive issues differently or
discover that they have competing interests. When conflict becomes apparent, it is
then up to the parties involved to address the issue before taking action. In many
workplaces, it is expected that individuals will work to resolve conflict professionally.
In some cases, however, management or even company owners may have to intervene
in an attempt to either get the parties in conflict to listen to each other or come to a

Different Conflict Styles

One reason why conflict resolution can be difficult to achieve in the workplace is that
different people have different conflict styles. Conflict styles are often learned in
childhood or adolescence and may reflect the worker's family dynamics. This lack of
consistency and conflict style, as well as the conflict style itself, can create hostility
and bad feelings. It can also delay the resolution of important matters, and may even
derail important processes and projects.

Common conflict styles include:

Avoidance: Some people simply prefer to avoid conflict and will behave as if the
conflict does not exist. In some cases, conflict avoidance isn't a bad idea; in some
cases, disputes may dissipate or resolve themselves in time. People who avoid
conflict are usually not aggressive and are unlikely to exacerbate an already tense
situation at the office.

Avoidance also has its problems. Some conflicts don't go away or resolve themselves.
When somebody perpetually avoids conflict by delaying meetings, rearranging their
schedule or hiding in their office to avoid running into a coworker or doesn't respond
to emails, other employees become frustrated. In addition, opportunities may be lost
because work isn't getting done.

Competitive: Individuals with this conflict style may approach conflict as a game that
she wants and needs to win. People with this conflict style may even go out of their
way to exploit areas of disagreement, creating additional conflicts that must be
addressed. In some cases, a person with this conflict style may make a business
conflict personal, attempting to get under the skin of a coworker who holds a different
view on the issue.

Competitive people, even those with a competitive conflict style, can be assets to an
organization if they can learn to temper their aggression with a genuine concern for
the well-being of the company and its employees. Without this concern, however, a
competitive employee may be perceived as a bully and a troublemaker. Workers on the
losing side of a conflict may feel disheartened, which could compromise office

Accommodating: people with an accommodating style typically don't like conflict

anymore than conflict avoidant people. However, the accommodating person at least
acknowledges that the conflict exists and is willing to discuss the matter. However,
the accommodating person usually is someone who does not like to make waves and
will give in whatever it is practical to do so.

As is true for other conflict styles, accommodating can have its place in office conflict
resolution. However, when an employee consistently gives into what other people
want to do, others may regard that employee as a pushover, lazy or somebody without
real principles. In addition, the workplace does not fully benefit from this employees
knowledge and experience, as he consistently defers to others and is unwilling to
apply what he knows and believes in a conflict.

Compromise: A person who typically uses a compromising conflict style attempts to

balance the needs of both or all sides in a conflict by encouraging everyone to give in
on at least some points. This style of conflict can be more time-consuming and
require more "people skills" than other conflict resolution techniques. It is, however,
often regarded as less problematic within a business environment than avoidance,
accommodation or competitive combativeness.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Compromise

As a conflict resolution technique, compromise can be effective, although it also has

its disadvantages:


People feel listened to: Compromisers are often good listeners. They genuinely want
to hear other perspectives so that they can best negotiate a resolution that meets at
least some of everyone's needs. Parties to a conflict, even if they are not
compromises himself, often feel that they've at least been heard, and taken seriously,
when a reasonable compromise is on the table.

Parties walk away with some sense of victory: Nobody likes to walk away from a
conflict feeling as if they've gained nothing from the transaction. In a compromise,
everybody walks away with something to show for their efforts.

Compromise is regarded positively: Many people respect those who are willing to

compromise. In many cases, this willingness is seen as a sign of maturity and a
willingness to be a team player.


Compromise isn't always possible: Unfortunately, there are times in which

compromise isn't possible.In some cases, this may be due to issues of legal,
regulatory or industry compliance: Proposals that put a business in jeopardy cannot
and should not be implemented.

The same holds true for proposals that are not fiscally responsible. If the business
lacks the financial resources to take a course of action, and has no reasonable
expectation of recouping expenses within a reasonable amount of time, a compromise
may not be possible.

Finally, there are circumstances in which a compromise may be feasible financially

and legally, but could have negative long-term repercussions. If the proposed
compromise is between an internal team and outside business or individual, the
compromise may be perceived as weakness within the industry. Internal compromise
may, in some instances, result in upsetting, or severely disadvantaging an employee,
or team of employees: In these cases, the owner may decide that the compromise isn't
worth damaging morale.

Bad faith actors: Ideally, every party to a conflict is willing to act in good faith; they
wish to be transparent, accountable and have the best interests of the business at
heart. They also approach the conflict with a willingness to be open and accept better
approaches to the matters under discussion. When someone enters into a conflict
with a hidden agenda, and a determination to take advantage of other people's
willingness to compromise. Over time, a pattern can develop in organizations where
one individual, or a faction of individuals, always manages to get their way.
Resentment: Some people outwardly "compromise," when, in fact, they feel very
differently about the situation. These individuals may resent the resolution and this
resentment can fester, leading to negative interactions in the workplace.

Getting Help

Good, competent people can and do disagree. When compromise or other efforts to
find a resolution fail, it may be time to bring in a third party. Here are some options:

Mediators: A professional mediator is a trained, neutral third-party who facilitates

good-faith communication between parties who are at odds with each other. The
mediator works with both sides to identify areas of agreement, disagreement and
potential strategies for addressing concerns.

Industrial and organizational psychologists: These professionals typically have either

a Masters or PhD in industrial and organizational psychology and have a deep
understanding of business dynamics. Through talking with relevant parties, and
observing office culture, the psychologist may be able to identify aspects dynamics
that have a negative impact on relationships between workers, owners, and

Management consultants: Management consultants are experienced business people

who specialize in evaluating management processes and making recommendations
for improvement. A management consultant may be able to find ways in which
"business as usual" at your office is contributing to conflict.

When hiring a professional to intervene in office conflict, check references and find out
whether the person or consultancy that you plan to hire has experience dealing with
conflict in a small-business setting. It may be possible to schedule a free or low-cost
consultation with the professional before you sign a contract.



Risks of Not Confronting Conflict in the Workplace

Eight Stages of Conflict

Five Approaches to Conflict in the Workplace

Five Approaches in Organizational Conflict

The Disadvantages of Being Overconfident During Negotiation

How to Avoid Conflict With People

Positive & Negative Conflicts in the Workplace

What Is Environmental Conflict in the Work Place?

Leadership Vs. Conflict Resolution

Examples of 4 Types of Conflict



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