Logic Games

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1. A photographer is hanging six portraits on the wall in a straight line.

The portraits are of

six family members: Lily, Mildred, Nancy, Owen, Peter and Quentin. The order in which the
portraits are hung must conform to the following restrictions:

Mildred’s portrait must be either first or last

There must be exactly one portrait between Nancy and Quentin

Nancy’s portrait must come after Lily’s but before Quentin’s

Which of the following is an acceptable order in which the portraits could be hung?

a. Lily, Mildred, Nancy, Owen, Quentin, Peter

b. Lily, Nancy, Quentin, Peter, Owen, Mildred
c. Mildred, Lily, Owen, Nancy, Peter, Quentin
d. Lily, Quentin, Peter, Nancy, Owen, Mildred
e. Mildred, Nancy, Lily, Quentin, Owen, Peter

A photographer is hanging six portraits on the wall in a straight line. The portraits are of six
family members: Lily, Mildred, Nancy, Owen, Peter and Quentin. The order in which the
portraits are hung must conform to the following restrictions:

Mildred’s portrait must be either first or last

There must be exactly one portrait between Nancy and Quentin

Nancy’s portrait must come after Lily’s but before Quentin’s

If mildred’s portrait is first, which is a complete and accurate list of all the possible portraits
that could appear second?

a. Nancy, Owen, Peter

b. Owen, Lily, Peter
c. Nancy, Owen, Peter, Lily
d. Owen, Lily
e. Owen, Peter

A gym teacher wants his 6 students to line up in height order, from shortest to tallest, Corrin
and Theresa are girls. Ben, Jonathan, Will, and Dan are the boys.

- Will is neither the tallest nor the shortest

- No girl is taller than Jonathan
- Dan is shorter that Corrin, but taller than Theresa
- Ben is the tallest

If Jonathan is the 2nd tallest, what must be true?

a. Will is 2nd shortest.

b. Will is the 5th tallest.
c. Dan is the 2nd tallest.
d. Corrin is not the shortest or second shortest.
e. Will is 4th tallest.

A professor is selecting students to work in pairs on four separate parts of a final

presentation. There are eight students in the class. Lisa, Marc, Nina and Oliver are seniors;
William, Xavier, Yolanda and Zoe are juniors. The pairs will present their sections in a specific
order, first through fourth. The assignments of partners and sections must conform to the
following restrictions:

Each pair must consist of one senior and one junior

Lisa must be paired with William

Nina cannot be paired with Yolanda

William must present in an earlier group than Zoe

Marc can only present first if Oliver presents third

Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of how the final could be presented?

a. Marc and Xavier; Lisa and William; Oliver and Zoe; Nina and Yolanda
b. Marc and Yolanda; Lisa and William; Nina and Zoe; Oliver and Xavier
c. Lisa and Yolanda; Nina and William; Mar and Xavier; Oliver and Zoe
d. Nina and Xavier; Marc and Zoe; Lisa and William; Oliver and Yolanda
e. Oliver and Yolanda; Marc and Xavier; Lisa and William; Nina and Zoe

A professor is selecting students to work in pairs on four separate parts of a final

presentation. There are eight students in the class. Lisa, Marc, Nina and Oliver are seniors;
William, Xavier, Yolanda and Zoe are juniors. The pairs will present their sections in a specific
order, first through fourth. The assignments of partners and sections must conform to the
following restrictions:

Each pair must consist of one senior and one junior

Lisa must be paired with William

Nina cannot be paired with Yolanda

William must present in an earlier group than Zoe

Marc can only present first if Oliver presents third

If Marc presents in the first group, what is a complete and accurate list of whom his partners
could be?

a. William, Xavier, Yolanda, Zoe

b. Xavier, Zoe
c. Yolanda, Zoe
d. Xavier, Yolanda
e. Xavier, Yolanda, Zoe
A baker is making three pizzas, one at a time, each with two toppings. The baker has six
available toppings – anchovies, bacon, mushrooms, peppers, sausage, tomatoes. No topping
can be put on more than one pizza. The pairings of toppings must conform to the following

Anchovies cannot be paired with peppers

Mushrooms and tomatoes must be on the same pizza

Sausage must be on the second pizza if mushrooms are on the first

Peppers must be on a pizza made after the pizza with sausage

Which of the following is a possible ordering of the pizzas and toppings?

a. Sausage and bacon; mushrooms and tomatoes; anchovies and peppers

b. Mushrooms and tomatoes; sausage and peppers; bacon and anchovies
c. Sausage and tomatoes; peppers and anchovies; mushrooms and bacon
d. Sausage and anchovies; mushrooms and tomatoes; peppers and bacon
e. Peppers and bacon; mushrooms and tomatoes; anchovies and sausage

A baker is making three pizzas, one at a time, each with two toppings. The baker has six
available toppings – anchovies, bacon, mushrooms, peppers, sausage, tomatoes. No topping
can be put on more than one pizza. The pairings of toppings must conform to the following

Anchovies cannot be paired with peppers

Mushrooms and tomatoes must be on the same pizza

Sausage must be on the second pizza if mushrooms are on the first

Peppers must be on a pizza made after the pizza with sausage

If mushrooms and tomatoes can be on different pizzas, but all other conditions remain the
same, which of the following could be true when peppers are on the second pizza?

a. Sausage and anchovies are on consecutive pizzas

b. Tomatoes are on the second pizza and bacon and anchovies are on the same pizza
c. Mushrooms are on the first pizza
d. Tomatoes are on the first pizza
e. Anchovies and sausage are on the third pizza

Amanda, Beatrice, Caleb, Dan, and Everett are five toddlers who go to Big Bean Playroom.
Five trains are lined up, each a different color. They are, from left to right: Blue, Green,
Orange, red, and Yellow. Each child plays with one train. Caleb doesn’t like orange or yello
colors. At most one train separates Everett from his older brother Dan. Amanda sits in
between two boys. Dan grabs the blue train right away and won’t share.
Which train is Caleb playing with?

a. The blue train.

b. The red train.
c. The yellow train.
d. The green train.
e. The orange train.

Which train could Amanda be playing with?

a. The orange train.

b. The blue train.
c. The red train.
d. The yellow train.
e. None of the above answers.

Who is playing with the yellow train?

a. Everette
b. Caleb
c. Dan
d. Amanda
e. Beatrice

Which is a possible arrangement of children playing with trains?

a. Dan with the blue train, Caleb with the green train, Everette with the orange train,
Amanda with the red train, and Beatrice with the yellow train.
b. Everett with the blue train, Beatrice with the green train, Amanda with the orange
train, Dan with the red train, and Everett with the yellow train.
c. Caleb with the blue train, Amanda with the green train, Everette with the orange
train, caleb with the red train, and Beatrice with the yellow train.
d. Dan with the blue train, Amanda with the green train, Everett with the orange train,
Beatrice with the red train, Caleb with the yellow train.
e. Dan with the blue train, Amanda with the green train, Everett with the orange train,
Caleb with the red train, and Beatrice with the yellow train.

A library is holding a special five-day event honouring successful local writers. One writer will
be invited to be a guest speaker for each night from Monday through Friday, and no writer
will be asked to participate twice. The writers have each written books in only one of four
different genres – science fiction, mystery, historical fiction, and non-fiction. A, J, and X are
all science fiction writers, B and Y are both mystery writers. C and Z are both historical
faction writers. L is a non-fiction writer. The following conditions apply without exception.

At least one writer from each genre will be invited to speak on at least one night.
No two authors from the same genre will be invited to speak on the following night.

If C is invited to speak, then X is invited to speak on the following night.

If Y is invited to speak, then X is invited to speak on the following night.

If Y is invited to speak, then neither C nor A are invited to speak.

If X and J are both invited to speak, then neither will speak on either the first or last night.

If L and B are both invited to speak, then neither will speak on either the first or last night.

Which of the following is an acceptable list of guest speakers for the library’s special event
from Monday to Friday?

a. A, X, Y, J, L
b. L, J, C, X, Y
c. L, J, Z, X, Y
d. A, C, B, J, Z
e. X, L, C, B, Z

Which two writers cannot BOTH be invited to speak?

a. C and B
b. C and J
c. B and C
d. A and X
e. J and Z

A gym teacher wants his 6 students to line up in height order, from shortest to tallest. Corrin
and Theresa are girls. Ben, Jonathan, Will, and Dan are the boys.

- Will is not the tallest or the shortest

- No girl is taller than Jonathan
- Dan is shorter than Corrin, but taller than Theresa
- Ben is the tallest

Which of the following is an acceptable ranking?

a. Dan, Corrin, Theresa, Will, Jonathan, Ben

b. Theresa, Dan, Corrin, Jonathan, Will, Ben
c. Theresa, Jonathan, Corrin, Dan, Will, Ben
d. Will, Theresa, Corrin, dan, Jonathan, Ben
e. Corrin, Theresa, Ben, Dan, Will, Jonathan

Which of the following is a complete list of people who cannot be third in line?

a. Jonathan, Theresa, Dan

b. Ben, Theresa, Corrin
c. Ben, Theresa
d. Ben, Jonathan, Theresa
e. Jonathan, Theresa, Will

A consultant has agreed to see nine of his clients – L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T – once in the next
six days, from Monday through Saturday. He arranges his schedule so that he can see at
least one of his clients each day, while maintaining the following conditions:

O is always scheduled on a day before R and M.

P is not scheduled for Saturday.

If T is scheduled on a day after O, then S is scheduled on a day after N.

If T is scheduled on a day before O, then R is scheduled on a day before L.

The consultant always sees fewer clients on Friday and Saturday combined than he sees on
any other two days of the week combined.

Which of the following schedules is possible given the restrictions on the consultant’s

a. Mon: S Tues: L, O Wed: R, M Thur: Q, T Fri: P Sat: N

b. Mon: N, O Tues: R Wed: Q, M Thur: S, L Fri: T Sat: P
c. Mon: N, P Tues: R Wed: Q, O Thur: S, R Fri: M, Sat: L
d. Mon: T Tues: L, P Wed: O, N Thur: R, M Fri: Q Sat: S
e. Mon: O, Q, P Tues: N Wed: S, M Thur: L Fri: R Sat: T

An unavoidable emergency comes up and the consultant cannot visit any clients on
Saturday. If all the other conditions are still in effect, then on how many days must he
schedule two or more clients in a single day?

a. 1
b. 0
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4

A group of seven friends – F, G, H, I, J, K, L – are going skydiving. For safety reasons, only one
person can jump from the plane at a time, unless they are doing a tandem jump with an
instructor. In that case, exactly one friend and one instructor jumps from the plane together.
The friends jump in an order that conforms to the following conditions:

Exactly one friend jumps from the plane between the times when H and L and jump from the

F jumps from the plane at some point before K.

J jumps from the plane at some point before L.

G jumps from the plane either second or fifth.

If I jumps from the plane after G, then L jumps from the plane after F.

If a friend does a tandem jump with an instructor, that friend must jump from the plane
after any and all of the friends who are not jumping with an instructor.

Which of the following lists of three friends cannot be the complete list of friends that are
doing tandem jumps with instructors?

a. G, H, L
b. F, L, K
c. H, K, L
d. G, F, K

If G and I are the only friends NOT doing tandem jumps with instructors, then what is a
complete list of friends that could jump between the times when H and L jump?

a. F, I, J, K
b. F, I
c. F, J, K
d. F, G, I
e. J, K

A director at a playhouse is trying to select 7 shows for the upcoming season. The shows
consist of some arrangement of comedies, tragedies, one-acts, and musicals. Each season
features at least one performance from one of these genres. When selecting and arranging
shows, the director must adhere to the following conditions:

1. The first performance must be either a comedy or a musical

2. One-acts can neither be the sixth nor the seventh show of the season
3. There must be at least two comedies
4. There cannot be two of any genre back to back
5. If the third show is not one-acts, then it must be a musical

If the second show is a musical and the sixt show is a tragedy, which of the following is a
possible order for the season?

a. Comedy, musical, comedy, tragedy, one-acts, tragedy, musical

b. Comedy, musical, one-acts, tragedy, one-acts, tragedy, musical
c. Comedy, musical, one-acts, tragedy, one-acts, tragedy, comedy
d. Comedy, musical, one-acts, comedy, musical, tragedy, one-acts
e. Comedy, musical, comedy, tragedy, comedy, tragedy, musical

If the director decides every tragedy must be followed by a comedy, which of the following
is NOT a possible order for the season?

a. Musical, comedy, one-acts, comedy, one-acts, tragedy, comedy

b. Musical, one-acts, musical, comedy, tragedy, comedy, musical
c. Comedy, one-acts, musical, tragedy, comedy, tragedy, comedy
d. Comedy, musical, one-acts, tragedy, comedy, musical, comedy
e. Musical, tragedy, comedy, one-acts, musical, tragedy, comedy

What can we NOT say about the tragedies in this season?

a. The latest a tragedy may appear in the season is seventh.

b. The earliest a tragedy may appear in the season is second.
c. The maximum number of tragedies possible is 3.
d. The maximum number of tragedies possible is 2.
e. It is possible to have more tragedies than one-acts in a season.

A 100-meter dash is held among 7 sprinters, each from a different country – Australia (A);
Belgium (B); Canada (C); Denmark (D); Estonia €; France (F); and Germany (G). before the
race each sprinter is assigned to 1 of 7 lanes at the track’s starting line, sequentially
numbered from the innermost lane (lane 1) to the outermost lane (lane 7), according to the
following conditions:

- E must be assigned to lane 3.

- A cannot be assigned to lane 7.
- B and C must be assigned to sequentially numbered lanes.
- C must be assigned to a lane that is closer to the inside of the track than the lane
assigned to D.
- A must be assigned to a lane that is closer to the outside of the track than the lane
assigned to D.

Which one of the following could be an assignment of sprinter to the track lanes, from the
innermost to the outermost lanes?

a. C,B,G,E,D,A,F
b. B,C,E,F,D,A,G
c. G,B,E,C,D,A,F
d. G,F,E,B,C,A,D
e. B,C,E,F,D,G,A

The lowest numbered lane to which A can be assigned is:

a. Lane 4
b. Lane 5
c. Lane 3
d. Lane 6
e. Lane 2

Seven runners, Allen, Beth, Calli, Drew, Erin, Fred, and Gary, are being timed running a mile.
Only one runner can run at a time. The following conditions apply:

Calli cannot run first or last

At least one person must run between Fred and Gary

Erin can only run directly before or after Drew if Allen runs first

Beth must run before Gary

If Allen runs first, Fred fifth, and Erin seventh, which of the following must be true?

a. Beth runs second

b. Gary runs second
c. Drew runs fourth
d. Drew runs third
e. Calli runs third

During a period of six consecutive days (day 1 – day 6) each of exactly six restaurants will be
inspected by the department of health. During this period, each of the restaurants will be
inspected exactly once, one restaurant per day. The schedule for the inspections must follow
these conditions:

A is inspected on either day 1 or day 6.

D is inspected on an earlier day than E is inspected.

E is inspected on the day immediately before F is inspected.

If B is inspected on day 3, then E is inspected on day 5.

The inspection of which one of the following CANNOT be scheduled for day 5?

a. F
b. C
c. E
d. B
e. D

Which one of the following could be a list of the rextaurants in order of their scheduled
inspections, from day 1 though day 6?

a. B,D,E,F,A,C
b. B,C,D,E,F,A
c. B,D,E,C,F,A
d. A,E,F,C,D,B
e. D,C,B,E,F,A

The university philosophy department is holding a dinner for a select group of professors
and students, each of whom has exactly one seat at exactly one of the three available tables
– 1, 2 and 3. There are four professors – W,X,Y and Z – and five students – B,C,D,E, and F. the
seating arrangements must adhere to the following conditions without exception:

There is at least one professor and one student at each of the three tables.

Two of the tables seat two individuals, and one of the tables seats five individuals.

If W is at a table with B, then X is not sitting with E.

F is never sitting at a table with more than one professor.

W always sits at the table with the most seated individuals.

Y is always sitting at a higher-numbered table than Z.

Which of the following is an acceptable seating arrangement?

a. Table 1:Z, F Table 2:W,Y,D,B,E Table 3: X, C

b. Table 1: W, Z, C, D, F Table 2: Y, E Table 3: X, B
c. Table 1: Y, W, C, E, B Table 2: X,D Table 3: Z, F
d. Table 1: X,W,C,D Table 2: Z, E, B table 3: Y, F
e. Table 1: W,X,C,B,D Table 2: Z, E Table 3: Y, F

There is at least one professor and one student at each of the three tables.

Two of the tables seat two individuals, and one of the table seats five individuals.

If W is at a table with C, them E is at a table with B.

If D is at a table with B, then X is not sitting with E

F is never sitting at a table with more than one professor.

W always sits at the table with the most seated individuals.

Y is always sitting at a higher-numbered table than Z.

If W is seated at Table 3, then which two individuals MUST be seated at the same table?

a. C and B
b. E and B
c. Z and F
d. W and X
e. X and C

If W and X are sitting together, then how many possible valid seating arrangements are

a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1
e. 5

Which of the following two individuals can never sit at the same table together?

a. F and Z
b. X and E
c. W and Y
d. C and D
e. E and B

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