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Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 22137–22142

The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering Technology

(3rd GCET_2017): Materials Science

Development of solar desalination system from seawater by using

basin solar energy
A.B.A Hakima*, M.E. Aznia , M. Mupita , N.A. Bakarb,
Section of Technical Foundation, Universiti Kuala Lumpur MICET, Alor Gajah 78000, Malaysia
Aerospace Manufacturing Research Centre, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia


Desalination process is a water distillation that purifies seawater in a system that is relatively cheap, potable, and dependable only
on renewable energy. Solar distillation is a process of producing desalinated water using cost free solar energy. This research for
a solar still construction was conducted to develop and improve the current single slope solar still, which is usually made of
waste material. The result showed that there was an increment in temperature, as the current solar still gained an extra 5oC after it
was improved; this affected the volume of desalinated production, which increased almost up to 150mL from the current solar
still. The pH reading of the desalinated water had been reduced to a neutral pH that ranges from 5 to 7, suggesting that it meets
the drinking water quality standard. Temperature also affected conductivity as it increased. The conductivity of seawater contains
ions in high value, but after the desalination process, this value was reduced and only retains pure water characteristics. Heavy
metal element concentration in the seawater was reduced after the desalination process before the water was purified to a safer
drinking-water standard for each of the element analysed in this research.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and/or Peer-review under responsibility of The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd
GCET): Materials Science, 07-08 November 2017.

Keywords: Desalination; Solar Still; Seawater; Temperature

© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and/or Peer-review under responsibility of The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd
GCET): Materials Science, 07-08 November 2017.

Keywords: Desalination; Solar Still; Seawater; Temperature; Conductivity; Seawater; Renewable Sources
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +60-6551-2140; fax: +60-6551-2001.
E-mail address:

2214-7853 © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and/or Peer-review under responsibility of The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd
GCET): Materials Science, 07-08 November 2017.
22138 Hakim et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 22137–22142

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +60-6551-2140; fax: +60-6551-2001.

Desalination is one of mankind's most primitive types of water treatment, and it is still a well-known treatment
throughout the world today. In nature, solar desalination produces rain when sunlight provides heat and radiation to
the ocean surface, causing water to evaporate. Nowadays, the development of various desalination process methods
have been widespread, such as Reverse Osmosis, Multi Stage Flash, Multi Effect Distillation, and Electro dialysis.
These methods, which require active energy such as the external energy of fossil fuel and electrical energy, had been
reviewed by Kalidasa et al. [1], stating that contamination has been done to the environment, and that the
accessibility of fossil fuel has become constrained.

2. Literature review

2.1. Seawater

The term “Seawater” refers to the saltwater of the seas and oceans, covering more than 70 percent of Earth's
surface. Seawater is a complex blend of 96.5 percent water, 2.5 percent salts, and lesser measures of different
substances, including dissolved inorganic and natural materials, particulates, and minute barometrical gasses.

2.2. Desalination

In 2007, the total installed desalination capacity around the world was 47.6 million m3 /d; in 2008, it was 58
million m3 /d; and in 2011, it reached to 65.2 million m3 /d, and then to 74.8 million m3 /d in 2012, which was
projected to increase to 97.5 million m3/d by the year 2015 [2]. The production of 1000 tons (m3) per day of
freshwater through desalination technologies requires 10,000 tons (toe) of oil per year and results in environmental
degradation through greenhouse gas emissions and brine discharges [3]. Warm procedures comprise of an
evaporator and condenser to vaporize freshwater from the nourished water (seawater or saltwater) under selected
temperatures and pressure condensation to create freshwater. Meanwhile, a physical obstruction is utilised in the
form of membrane or a layer, to isolate the broken up salts from the water by mechanical or synthetic/electrical
means using a membrane separator between the sustain (seawater or saltwater) and the item (potable water) [4]. The
structure that houses the process is known as a solar still and although the size, dimensions, materials, and
configurations are varied, all rely on the simple procedure wherein an influent solution enters the system and the
more volatile solvents leave in the effluent leaving a salty solute behind [5]. The pH of the desalinated water will be
different based on their pH value. In spots where desalinated water is desired to constitute real water hot spot for
delayed time frames, the nature of the influent to the waste water treatment plant will be straightforwardly
influenced by the nature of the desalinated water. The link between the consumption of water with a low mineral
content and human health has been investigated for at least half a century, as summarized in the World Health
Organization’s (WHO) guidelines for nutrients in drinking water (2005). Among the supplements, calcium and
magnesium have been concentrated more altogether because of the defensive parts they play in the human body.

3. Experimental

3.1. Introduction

For the desalination of seawater, this study had chosen Pantai Kuala Linggi as sample A, and Pantai Klebang as
sample B. These two samples of seawater from the two different locations had undergone the desalination process
and were analysed for water characteristics and content, for the purpose of human consumption. The solar still
construction was improved using pallets for its basic dimension, as well as using clear (transparent) glass.

3.2. Seawater sample collection

In this stage, seawater from the two different locations, labeled sample A and B, is shown in figure 3.2. The
samples collected were 60 litres from each locations. Both collected samples were stored into a container and placed
in an area unexposed to sunlight.
Hakim et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 22137–22142 22139

3.3. Construction and development of basin solar collector

The basin solar collector was made with several low cost materials. Firstly, pallets were collected from Gunung
Mas, Tampin. The pallets were taken from the wood industry’s disposed excess. The pallets were cut into the
dimension that has been measured i.e. 100cm x 50cm x 10cm. The collector box was to be sealed with wood sealer
and black silicone to ensure that there would be no leaking at the base and also as layer to cover the interior of the
basin. There was to be a hole for the PVC pipe inside the wood box. The pipe would act as the drain pipe to collect
the condensate and transfer it into the collector tank. The transparent glass would allow solar radiation to pass into
the basin collector that would have been mostly absorbed by the blackened base. Heated water vapour would
evaporate from the basin and would condense on the inside of the glass cover.

3.4. Desalination process using basin solar still collector

In this stage, 10 litres of seawater each from sample A and B were poured into the basin at different times. The
volume of each sample was to be maintained at 10 litres. For the first 3 consecutive days, sample A was tested in an
unmodified basin. Sample B was subjected to the same treatment for the next 3 days in the same unmodified basin
used by sample A. Next, the experiment continued for another three consecutive days for sample A in the modified
basin and another three days after that for sample B, using the same modified basin used by sample A. The
experiment was conducted at Taman Jati Indah, Melaka. The timer countdown started from 9am until 6pm each day,
for 3 consecutive days, starting from Monday until Wednesday until the experiment was done. The total duration for
the desalination process was 12 days.

3.5. Data collection

During the initial stage of sample collection, samples A and B were tested first on their pH levels. When both of
the samples were taken, their initial pH readings were measured and recorded before undergoing the desalination
process. The analysis for pH, the volume measurement of desalinated water, the conductivity test, and the Atomic
Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) for the concentration of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium, were
conducted at Laboratory 2B and Laboratory 7 in UniKL MICET.

3.6. Procedure of analyzing the water quality standard

The temperature that was measured is the temperature inside the basin collector. The objective of measuring the
temperature was to compare the samples with both types of basin throughout the 12 days of experiment. The volume
of the desalinated water was measured for both types of basin to see how much volume of desalinated water could
be produced in a day. Then the value was calculated as a summed up total of both sample A and sample B after the
desalination process, in order to determine any improvement based on the modification of the basin collector.
Conductivity testing was administered at Laboratory 7 to measure: both samples’ conductivity during the initial
stage; the conductivity of desalinated water before modification to the basin collector; and the conductivity of
desalinated water after the modification of the basin collector. Lastly, a comparison was done during initial data
collection on both samples A and B to measure and record the concentration of the heavy metal element. The same
comparison was done again to the desalinated water right after the desalination process to measure and record the
concentration of the heavy metal element.

4. Results and Discussions

4.1. Temperature

The sample would undergo the heating process inside the solar still where it utilizes sun-based energy to heat up
both samples A and B as shown in Table 1. According to the theory, as liquid is heated, its temperature increases as
its molecules gain energy. As molecular kinetic energy increases, molecular motion increases, and the liquid
molecules eventually overcome the force of attraction between them.
22140 Hakim et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 22137–22142

Table 1. Average temperature of the solar still between before and after modification.
Temperature ( )
Time Before Modification After Modification
12pm 43 47
3pm 45 49
6pm 42 48

4.2. Volume of desalinated water

Table 2. Total volume of desalinated water produced.

Total volume of desalinated water produced (mL)
Before Modification After Modification
A (Kuala Linggi) 1060 1245

B (Klebang) 1055 1305

Basically, the volume of the condensate collected was affected by temperature increase. The higher the
temperature of the water inside the solar still, the condensate it will produce (Table 2). The condensate (product)
was stored into a tank where the desalinated water was stored earlier prior to being tested on water quality.

4.3. pH of the seawater and the desalinated water

Table 3. pH reading of the seawater and the desalinated water.

Before After
Trial Kuala Linggi Klebang Kuala Linggi Klebang
1st 7.09 6.86 5.07 5.09
2nd 7.19 6.90 5.08 5.01
3rd 7.21 6.99 5.07 5.06

Table 3 above show the pH reading of the seawater and the desalinated water. The value was decreased and
sample were collected triplicate.
4.4. Conductivity
Table 4. Conductivity of seawater and desalinated water.
Sample Before (uS/cm) After (uS/cm)

A 49500 593
B 49100 578

Initially, the conductivity for sample A was 49500 uS/cm, while for sample B showed 49100 uS/cm as shown in
Table 4. This shows that the conductivity of seawater is much higher compared to that of desalinated water which
reduced to 593 uS/cm and 578 uS/cm respectively after the desalination process. The concentration in desalinated
water can act as insulator due to low conductivity value [6].
Hakim et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 22137–22142 22141

4.5. Heavy metals analysis

Kuala Linggi Klebang Kuala Linggi Klebang
Before After
Concentration (mg/L)
Calcium 352 358 68 74
Fig.1. Concentration of calcium before and after desalination process

Figure 1 above shows one example of the metal elements (i.e. Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium and Potassium) that
had its concentration reduced to meet drinking water standards. Although Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) are
both essential elements for health [7], drinking water is not the major source for human intake. The health
significance of supplemental consumption of these elements (e.g. from drinking water) may outweigh its nutritional
contribution expressed in proportion to the total recommended daily intake. Similarly, Sodium (Na) is also an
essential element required for normal body functions like nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction,
relaxation, and fluid regulation [8]. Excess Sodium consumption results in a greater availability of Sodium ions in
the blood stream which leads to increased blood volume and constricted blood vessels. This condition results in the
thickening of the cardiac muscle and potential enlargement of the heart [9]. This can result in increased risk of
hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. Potassium (K) concentrations in seawater are in the range of 380 mg/L to
450 mg/L, but generally almost 98% of Potassium will be removed when seawater undergoes the desalination
process. Potassium is also an essential nutrient and recommended in the daily dietary requirement: approximately
3000 mg/day. Nonetheless, there is no specific WHO guideline because the concentration value of Potassium in pure
water is too small to be noticeable. According to drinking water standards, the content of potassium would usually
be less than 5 mg/L [10].

5. Conclusions
Thermal distillation of water using solar still basin is the most economical method to get potable drink water
because 10 litres of seawater can produced up to 300mL of pure water. Water produced in a solar still made out of
waste materials (i.e. pallets) displays a better quality than bottled water because it is purified using the distillation
process. To add to that, the cost for building the still is just around RM100. Contaminants, such as salt, and heavy
metals are removed using the desalination process. Generally, desalinated water is safe for consumption. In the
present study, desalinated water samples demonstrated the concentration of mineral content that meets drinking
water standards. The heavy metal analysis provided a convincing result, as all of the elements (i.e. Magnesium,
Calcium, Sodium, and Potassium) have had their concentration reduced up to 90%. This meets the drinking water
standards of the allowable concentration that can be safely consumed by humans. Based on the improvement
towards the solar still, the dimension (i.e. 100cm x 50cm x 10cm) and the material used were able to allow better
absorption of heat from sunlight compared to the previous solar still. Aluminium is the best conductor as it has
almost the same properties of generating and absorbing heat from sunlight. The parameters that were tested based on
22142 Hakim et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 22137–22142

the requirement of the drinking water standards include an increase in temperature of up to 5 from the previous
solar still after the modification. Besides, due to the temperature increase on the modified still, desalinated water
was produced in more volume. The average volume was estimated around 150mL, which was better from the
previous solar still’s result. The pH of the seawater before the desalination process was measured and provided a
range of 5 to 7, but still met requirements, as water pH does not determine permissibility of consumption since
passive solar exposure could still change the water pH by means of temperature fluctuation. The conductivity of
seawater changed its value when the temperature increased, and after the desalination process was conducted,
magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium ions were reduced in concentration to almost 90% from the initial
seawater conductivity value. Not only does desalinated water be considered an insulator due to its low conductivity,
but it is also safe to be consumed due its low concentration of ions.


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