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Tes 4 PAPER 4 LISTENING (40 minutes approximately) Part1 ‘You will hear four itferent extracts. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fs best according to what you hear. There are two questions foreach extract Extract One ‘You hear part of a radio programme about fame. 1 Inthe speakers opinion, Hollywood stars ofthe past were ‘A. remote from the publ. famous fora variety of reasons, 1 protected from scandal 2 What does the speaker think celebrities nowadays should do? ‘A. accept the temporary nature of fame B_explotthe potential of ther situation {© avoid comparisons with younger rivals ExtractTwo You hear part of radio programme about develooments in instrumants used in dance orchestras, The fist speaker explains that improvements to crumbs in the early twentieth century ‘A. reflected the pace of musical change. were introduced by practising musicians 3 © came about quite by accidont. Pt 4 According to Ralph Burton, his brother Vie was the fst parson to ‘A. introduce a popular styl of dance music. B ivent anew form of drumming equipment. 4 © chango a particular instrument’ use. 102 Paper 4 ‘You hear part ofan interview withthe fm eric lan King, who is discussing a new fm. 5 lan thought that, in general, the special ffecs in the fim A wore aimed at a wide age range. BB helped to speed up the narrative. © were generally verycreative. {6 What did lan distke about the fm? {A tne dovolopment ofthe plot B the way it was shot © the qualty ofthe acting Extract Four Yeu hear part ofa football commentary on the radio 7. The speaker says that Wyndham United won the match ‘A. although they didnt deserve to. because of an early goal © because they were the fitter team, ‘8 What does the speaker say about the players behaviour during the match? A. He disapproves of the way twas handled. B He thinks it got out of hand fairly soon after half-time. {© He thinks the reforae intervened too hasty Listening 103 Test 4 Part 2 You will hear an interview with Poter Simon, a farmer trom Scotland who keeps Hamas, animals hich are native to South America, For questions 8-17, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Beiore they became farmers, Peter and Ann worked ina famiy-run 9 | fimin London, ‘Aan uses the llama wool for making things ike 10 The nature of ts coat ensures thatthe lama doesn lose u ‘The persistent ran in Scotland caused B] suodes mio tans Peter got round the problem caused by the rain by putting up Fi ornetams ‘An unexpected result of having the llamas is that 44 | is now repiacing other sors of vagotaton, To supplement their income, the Simons have renovated a farm building for use as a 8 For Pete, the most unexpected thing about the llamas is their 16 tor uses the word 17 | to describe the sound made by the lamas. 104 Paper 4 Listening Part 3 ‘You wil hear a radio interview with Maureen Kemp, a ballet dancer. For questions 18-22, choose tho answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best accoraing to what you heat, 48 Maureon got exper ballet training though ‘a special teacher at her normal school parttime classes at a famous school ‘going away toa special boarding school. extra classes at her first dancing school 78 coa> 19 Hor first experience of work with a choieographar A. was surprisingly unthreatening occurred betore she felt reac. © increased hor desire for success. D_ was dificult because ofthe personal relationship, 0 20 Maureen finds working on @ new piece physically demanding ‘emotionally exhausting anerve-racking experience, ‘an unrewarding task voor 21, Maureen does not want to create dances herself because > she is too proud to accept ertcism B she prefers other kinds of creative activity. © she cannot find appropriate inspiration. sho has difficulty developing her ideas fully. 22 Thinking about herself as a performer, Maureen loves the opportunity to show oft. values the importance of technique. ‘kes the chance to interact with the audlones. ‘dais inspiration from the roles she plays. voa> 105 Test 4 Part 4 ‘You will hear part ofa discussion in which two friends, Gordon and Martha, are discussing curcent issues in education. For questions 23-28, decide whether the opinions are expressed by only one ofthe speakers, or whether the speakers are, Write @ for Gordon, Mi forMarha, or B for Both, where they agree. 23. think educating children at home is a very positive move. B 24 Sccialising with other children is important 2 25. I belive that children have to lear to deal with ecules 26 Alonated teenagers can cause a lot of problems inthe community, 28 27 Itwould be much easier to organise diferent activities for ust a few children Ea 28 Most new theories in education just lead to an increased burden for teachers. 28 106

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