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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 11 July 2021.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


You are required to watch the video below, which shows a Malaysian lady talking about
a topic. She can arguably be said to speak in Malaysian English.

Video Link:

There are THREE (3) tasks for this assignment:

1. Identify TEN (10) unique characteristics of her pronunciation of specific

phonemes (consonants and vowels).
a. To answer this part, you need to find, indicate, transcribe words and
compare the phoneme sounds in which she pronounces differently from
the way it is supposed to be pronounced in BrE (Use the automatic
transcriber to find the BrE pronunciation).
b. Each phoneme that you refer to needs to be transcribed and described.
Example: The speaker pronounces /t/ and /tʃ/ in her use of the word
‘don’t’ at point 2.09 in the video.
c. The time / point at which each phoneme you refer to occur needs to be
indicated. You can do this by looking at the time indicator on the Youtube
video. Example, “Satisfaction” (2:23)
(10 x 2.5 = 25 marks)

2. Identify TEN (10) occurrences where the speaker puts phonemes together within
her words and between her words (segmental and suprasegmental). Explain
these occurrences through the speaker’s unique ways of using Intonation, Stress,
Tempo, Rhythm, Pause, Chunking, Grammar, and Focus.
(10 x 2.5 = 25 marks)

3. Support your findings for 2 and 3 using IPA transcriptions of the sounds you hear .
You are advised to use the online phonetic transcriber, the online IPA symbols
writer, and the IPA phonetic symbols reference site to make your work easier
and more accurate. This will be graded on the basis of the following:
a. Consistent use of the IPA alphabet.
b. Correct transcription of the words and phrases selected.
(10 marks)
1. Online IPA symbols writer
2. Online phonetic transcriber

[Total: 60 marks]

Assessment guide
Type of assessment Essay / Research Essay
Assessment guide  Online phonetic transcriber 1
 Online phonetic transcriber 2
 International Phonetic Alphabet
End product word length Not applicable
Recommended reading 1) Module.
2) See above for other phonetic tools.

Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
*QN CLO Criteria Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
Identification of Fully addresses all aspects Addresses the task with Adequately addresses Less than 10 examples Phonemes used are
realization of phonemes of the task with 10 good 10 examples. the task with 10 provided. NOT identified and
(consonants and vowels) examples. examples, with one or described.
Phonemes used are two mistakes in Phonemes used are
Phonemes used are identified and described phonemes. poorly identified and Comparison
identified and described appropriately although described. between BrE and
accurately. not very accurately. Phonemes used are actual phoneme
1 1 6.25 25
identified and described Comparison between used is not made.
Comparison between BrE Comparison between BrE with some inaccuracies. BrE and actual
and actual phoneme used and actual phoneme phoneme used made
made accurately. used made relatively Comparison between BrE with poor accuracy.
accurately. and actual phoneme
used made with some
Identification of Fully addresses all aspects Addresses the task with Adequately addresses Less than 10 Segmental and
segmental* and of the task with 10 10 explanations. the task with 10 occurrences provided. suprasegmental
suprasegmental elements thorough explanation occurrences, with one or elements NOT
(any matters that influence Segmental and two mistakes. Segmental and identified, or
Intonation, Stress, Tempo, Segmental and suprasegmental suprasegmental explained and
Rhythm, Pause, Chunking, suprasegmental elements elements appropriate Segmental and elements poorly presented
2 2 Grammar, Focus). 6.25 accurately identified, identified, explained and suprasegmental identified, or explained (transcription with 25
explained, and presented presented (transcription elements relatively and presented descriptive
(transcription with with descriptive diacritics poorly identified, (transcription with diacritics NOT
descriptive diacritics used used). Some inaccuracies explained and presented descriptive diacritics used)
properly) persist. (transcription with not used)
descriptive diacritics
used improperly)
Uses of technology in Appropriate and Appropriate use of Less than competent use Poor use of services No use of services
completing phonetics and competent use of services services mentioned in of services mentioned in mentioned in the guide mentioned in the
phonological tasks. Can be mentioned in the guide the guide can be seen the guide can be seen can be seen reflected guide can be seen
3 3 judged from the accuracy 2.5 can be seen reflected in reflected in the relative reflected in limited in the inaccuracy and reflected in the 10
of the transcriptions the accuracy and correctness of the accuracy and correctness incorrectness of the incorrectness of
provided. correctness of the transcriptions for 1 and of the transcriptions for 1 transcriptions for 1 and the transcriptions
transcriptions for 1 and 2. 2. and 2. 2. for 1 and 2.
Total 15 60
*Segmental - “any discrete unit that can be identified, either physically or auditorily, in the stream of speech” (Crystal, 2003, pp. 408–409)

Question / CLO CLO

Task number number Criteria
1 1 Identify the main organs of speech and the different places and manner of articulation for different English sounds.
2 2 Identify, describe and classify segmental and suprasegmental features of speech in English.
3 3 Analyze the patterns in speech using phonetic and phonological tools

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