UNIT 2 MCQ ENtrepreneur

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1 – An opportunity assessment includes

 A description of the product or services

 All of the above
 An assessment of the entrepreneur and the team
 An assessment of the market opportunity

2 – Select the correct statement

 All of the above

 The Entrepreneurship Policy covers multiple stages in the emergence of an enterprise
 National Entrepreneurship Policy predominant aim is to enhance the supply of entrepreneurs
 The client the case of an MSME Policy is a firm a physical entity

3 - Select the wrong statement

 Feasibility study is a business plan

 Feasibility study is not a business plan
 The feasibility study provides an investigating function

4 – Which of the following is a internal source of idea generation?

 Distributors
 Employees
 Government Policies
 Consumers

5 – reinvestment of profit is a

 Expansion of plant
 Absence of raw materials
 Short term financing
 Long source of financing

6 – Responsibility for the project is assigned to a project team in

 Idea generation
 Feasibility analysis
 Project Planning
 Creativity

7 – In creativity an Insight is

 A flash of recognition of idea

 Idea is put in to execution
 Stage of begining
 Idea is transformed in to Value

8 – A window of opportunity is for

 A idden activity
 A long period
 A for a short period
 None of the above

9 – Product / service feasibility is

 An excellent tool for troubleshooting and long term planning

 All of the above
 Assessing the market size for a new business
 An assessment of the overall appeal of the product or service being proposed

10 – Which one is required for the recognising business opportunity

 All of the above

 Prior Experience of entrepreneur
 Social Network
 Creativity

11 – A good opportunity has these traits?

 Attractive , create big opportunity, implementable

 Creat Value, available all time, used by every one
 Creat value, Timely, Attractive and durable
 None of the given options is correct

12 – Angel Investors are typically

 All of the above

 Highnetworth individuals
 Provide long term loan
 Investor for short term

13 – A window of opportunity is controlled by two factors

 Innovation and Market demand

 Creativety & flexibility
 Market need and availability or affordability of solution
 Market completion and demand
14 – Which one is the part of observing trends to identify opportunity gap

 Business plan formation

 Selecting the type of legal structure
 All of the above
 Social forces i.e. ethnic belief, demographic alternation, taste and preferences

15 – Feasibility analysis is the process of determining

 If a business idea is viable before spending resources on it

 Practices & policies within an organization
 All of the above
 Innovation systems

16- Innovation can best be defined as

 The successful exploitation of new ideas

 The evolution of new ideas
 The opposite of creativity
 The generation of new ideas

17 – Which one is not an the external source of idea generation

 Distributors
 Customers
 Employees
 Suppliers

18 – To evaluate and adjust, as necessary, the general marketing strategy to be used is known as

 All of the above

 Test market
 Economical Analysis
 Technical knowhow

19 – opportunity recognition is a process that depends upon

 Percapita income of country

 All of the above
 Regulatory structure of country
 Environmental trends

20 – Which of the following is least likely to influence the timing of new business births?

 Government policies
 Consumer expenditure
 Wealth conditions
 Profitability

21 – The fundamental object of location analysis is to

 maximize the production process

 minimizing the cost
 maximize the profits by minimizing the total cost of production associated with the production
 None of the above

22 – Physical arrangement of equipment and facilities within a Plant is known as

 Plant Layout
 Plant location
 Organisation layout
 All of the above

23 – Which one is not a correct statement for a manager?

 Approach to decision making is calculative

 Approach to task is formal
 Reward is salary
 Risk is loss of ownership

24 – Conducting an economic feasibility analysis is an important step in assessing

 Risks and rewards

 Benefits
 The costs
 All of the above

25 – Product development refers to

 Planning of business
 Technical support to larg companies
 All of the above
 Creating new products to replace existing ones

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