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Autumn Mid – Semester Examination 2018

M.Tech 1st Semester, Water Resources Engg..
Sub-Water Quality Modeling and Management, Course Code- CE 647
Answer ALL Questions. This Question Paper contains ONE page.
Full Marks-30 Time allotted -2 Hours
Appropriate values of constants may be assumed where necessary

Qn Questions Marks
No allotted

1. Rourkela city discharges 20,000 m3 day-1 of sewage into the river Brahmani 10
whose rate of flow is 0.7 m3 sec-1. Saturation value of D.O. at 23.74 0 C is 8.57
mg L-1 The value of reoxygenetion constant is 0.424 d-1 and BOD reaction rate
constant or deoxygenation constant is equal to 0.273 d-1 Determine Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) deficit profile for 100 km from the following data:

River Sewage
BOD 5 at 20o C= 3.4 mg L-1 BOD5 at 20o C = 45 mg L-1
Temperature = 23oC Temperature = 26oC
DO = 8.2 mg L -1 DO = 2.0 mg L-1

2.(a) Discuss on the procedure involved in environmental impact assessment

study of a developmental project. 5

(b) The BOD6 of a wastewater is determined to be 400 mg L-1 at 200 C. The k value
at 200C is known to be 0.23 per day. What would be BOD8 value if tests were 5
run at 15o C?

3. (a) Calculate the solubility of air in water at 0o C and 1 atm pressure. The value of
Henry’s coefficient for air at 0o C is 4.32x104 atm/mol fraction. 5

(b) Discuss on limitations of the Oxygen Sag Curve.


National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha
Autumn End-Semester Examination-November 2017, M. Tech 1st Semester
Sub: Water Quality Modeling & Management (CE-647)
Full Marks: 50 Time allotted: 3hours

Answer ALL questions

Q. No This question contains ONE page Marks
Questions Allotted

1.(a) With the help of a neat sketch explain oxygen sag curve. What its 5
significance in a stream?

(b) What is Eutrophication? What are the causes of Eutrophication? 5

2. Waste water with a BOD of 30mg/L is discharge through an outfall to a

freshwater stream of mean velocity 0.2m/s. The DO upstream of the 10
outfall is 9.5mg/L. Assuming the deoxygenation rate K1=0.28 day-1 and
the reaeration rate K2=0.45day-1.Determine (a) the time and distance
downstream where DO is a minimum and (b) the minimum DO.

3.(a) Determine the shear velocity, the transverse mixing coefficient and the
downstream length of complete mixing for a sidewall discharge of waste 5
water, of 0.75m3/s with an initial BOD concentration of 45 mg/L, if the
bed slope is 0.002 and the depth ≈ 6m. Also determine the maximum
concentration 2.5km downstream if the river is meandering and has a
width of 200m and mean velocity of 0.65m/s.
(b) A lake has a volume 1×106 m3 and a phytoplankton concentration of
10µgChl mgC-1.Determine the phytoplankton concentration as organic 5
carbon. If the phytoplankton is decomposing at the rate of 0.1d-1, what is
the resulting rate of oxygen demand in g m-3 d-1?

4. Determine the stratification category for a lake if its length by width by 10

depth is 15km×3km×35m. The summer discharge is 20m3/s. the surface
temperature in the summer at 250 C.

5. Answer any two 10

(a) Gas–liquid contact with gas transfer between the phases, explain with
the diagram.
Algal photosynthesis.
(c) Deoxygenation and reaeration constants.
Autumn Mid – Semester Examination 2018
M.Tech 1st Semester, Water Resources Engg..
Sub-Water Quality Modeling and Management, Course Code- CE 647
Answer ALL Questions. This Question Paper contains ONE page.
Full Marks-30 Time allotted -2 Hours
Appropriate values of constants may be assumed where necessary

Qn Questions Marks
No allotted

1. Rourkela city discharges 20,000 m3 day-1 of sewage into the river Brahmani 10
whose rate of flow is 0.7 m3 sec-1. Saturation value of D.O. at 23.74 0 C is 8.57
mg L-1 The value of reoxygenetion constant is 0.424 d-1 and BOD reaction rate
constant or deoxygenation constant is equal to 0.273 d-1 Determine Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) deficit profile for 100 km from the following data:

River Sewage
BOD 5 at 20o C= 3.4 mg L-1 BOD5 at 20o C = 45 mg L-1
Temperature = 23oC Temperature = 26oC
DO = 8.2 mg L -1 DO = 2.0 mg L-1

2.(a) Discuss on the procedure involved in environmental impact assessment

study of a developmental project. 5

(b) The BOD6 of a wastewater is determined to be 400 mg L-1 at 200 C. The k value
at 200C is known to be 0.23 per day. What would be BOD8 value if tests were 5
run at 15o C?

3. (a) Calculate the solubility of air in water at 0o C and 1 atm pressure. The value of
Henry’s coefficient for air at 0o C is 4.32x104 atm/mol fraction. 5

(b) Discuss on limitations of the Oxygen Sag Curve.



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