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Duration: 90 minutes

Student ID: BTARIU18034 Name: Tran Thi Y Nhi


For Dean of School of Lecturer Proctor 1 Score
Biotechnology Signature:

Proctor 2

Full name: Full name:

Dr. Nguyen Minh Thanh (Sign and write
full name)

Instruction: The student must type answer right after a question

A. Multiple choice (30 points) (Please highlight your choice in yellow)

1. A gene locus is
a. A recessive gene
b. An unmatched allele
c. A sex chromosome
d. The location of an allele on a chromosome
e. A dominant gene

2. The first population for the breeding program that combines individuals from different
strains is called
a. Base population
b. Synthetic population
c. Foundation population
d. All of these
e. None of these

3. The difference between the mean of the selected parents and the mean of the population
from which they were selected is known as:
a. Selection intensity
b. Selection differential
c. Selection additive
d. Selection intensity and selection differential
e. All of these

4. Mass selection is based on
a. performance of the individuals
b. performance of families
c. the pedigree of animals
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

5. Inbreeding cannot be avoided completely in the breeding program, inbreeding rate (F)
needs to be sufficient low to maintain genetic variance for long-term selection. Inbreeding
rate must be
a. < 1%
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. > 10%
e. None of these

6. What would be the genetic gain (∆𝐺) if selection for body weight of Tilapia is applied to
the following characters: individuals being selected on the basis of their own phenotypic
merit; heritability = 0.37; phenotypic variance = 10.7; selection proportion = 75%
a. 0.84
b. 0.51
c. 2.76
d. 1.68
e. 2.97

7. Allele substitution effect α = 32 and breeding value of genotype BB: ABB = 38, then
breeding value of
a. genotype Bb: ABb = 6
b. genotype bb: Abb = -26
c. genotype Bb: ABb = 70
d. a&b
e. b&c

8. Correlation coefficient (r) between the size of female fish and the number of eggs that
they produce is 0.8. This correlation coefficient can be interpreted as
a. An inverse association between the size of female fish and the number of eggs.
b. A weak association between the size of female fish and the number of eggs.
c. A strong association between the size of female fish and the number of eggs.
d. No association between the size of female fish and the number of eggs.
e. none of the above.

9. One hatchery maintains a Tra catfish population of 15 males and 30 females as

broodstock. Then the effective population size (Ne) is
a. 15
b. 30

c. 40
d. 450
e. None of these

10. The diallele cross is applied to establish a base population before starting a breeding
program, the number of crosses between 4 strains is
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
d. 16
e. 20

B. True/False (30 points) (Please tick your choice by X)

Statement Tru False
11 Qualitative traits are influenced by many genes and environment.
12 Epistasis is the interaction between alleles on a single locus.
13 Animal breeding is not to genetically improve individual animals, but to
. improve future generations of animals.
14 Infinitesimal model assumes that quantitative traits are determined by
. alleles at a single locus with large effect.
15 Positive assortative mating is a mating of dissimilar individuals.
16 Crossbreeding which exploits heterosis and breed complementarity is used
. to produce production animals.
17 In general, selection intensities < 1 indicate weak selection, whereas
. selection intensities > 2 indicate strong selection.
18 Narrow heritability is defined as the ratio of additive genetic variance to
. phenotypic variance.
19 Genotype refers to an individual's observable traits.
20 The breeding value is that part of the genotypic value that is transmitted to
. the offspring. Offspring inherit a full of the breeding value of their parents.

C. (10 points)

Phenotypic variation is analyzed for growth rate in Tra catfish and the following variance
components are obtained:

Additive genetic variance (VA) = 0.3

Dominance genetic variance (VD) = 0.1

Epistatic genetic variance (VI) = 0.1
Environmental variance (VE) = 0.5

1. Calculate the narrow-sense heritability of growth rate.

2. Calculate the broad-sense heritability of growth rate.
3. If the dominance variance (VD) increases and all other variance components remain the
same, what will happen to the narrow-sense heritability? Will it increase, decrease, or
remain the same? Explain.
We have: VP = VA + VD + VE + VI = 0.3 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.5 = 1
VG = VA + VD + VI = 0.3 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 0.5
1. Narrow sense heritability of growth rate:

var ( A ) 0.3
h2 = = =0.3
Var ( P ) 1
2. Broad – sense heritability of growth rate:
var ( G ) 0.5
H 2= = =0.5
Var ( P ) 1
3. If the dominance variance (VD) increases and all other variance components remain the
same, the value of narrow – sense heritability will decrease. Because the narrow – sense
heritability depended on additive variance VA and if increase the dominance variance
(VD) the total phenotypic variance will increase and lead to narrow – sense heritability

D. (30 points)

Table 1 presents body weights (BW) and fillet proportions of Tra catfish that originated
from a full sib design when dams are nested within sires.

Table 1
Sire Dam Offspring
BW Fillet xi-x́ yi- ý (xi-x́ ¿ 2 (yi- ý)2 (xi-x́)*(yi- ý ¿
(kg) (%)
x y
1 1 1 1.50 34 0.0375
2 1.60 35 0.1375

2 1 1.70 34 0.2375
2 1.80 39 0.3375
2 1 1 1.40 36 -0.0625
2 1.50 37 0.0375
2 1 1.30 38 -0.1625
2 1.20 35 -0.2625
3 1 1 1.20 36 -0.2625
2 1.30 37 -0.1625
2 1 1.40 38 -0.0625
2 1.50 35 0.0375
4 1 1 1.60 36 0.1375
2 1.70 37 0.2375
2 1 1.30 38 -0.1625
2 1.40 47

1. Calculate mean and standard deviation (s) for each trait.

2. Calculate covariance and correlation coefficient (r) between two traits.
3. Estimate heritability (h2) for the body weight
Mean of the body weight:
Σx 1.5+1.6 +…+1.3+1.4
x́= = = 1.4625
n 16

Mean of the fillet proportion:

Σy 34+35+ …+47
ý= = =37
n 16
Standard deviation of body weight:
Σ x 2=1.5 2+1.6 2+ …+1.42 =¿
s= √ var ( x ) =Σ x 2−¿ ¿ ¿

Standard deviation of fillet proportion:

- Calculate each variance in order to calculate heritability: variance (e), variance (dam),
variance (sire), variance (phenotype);

- Variances must be presented in 4 decimal digits;
- A formula for heritability is based on sire only


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