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I need faith, not the faith that God has dealt a measure to every man. I need a supercharged faith, one that can
literally move mountains. I need a faith that is not dependent upon my physical well being. I need a faith that is not
dependent upon those around me. I need a faith that is completely isolated from this world. I need a faith upon which
I can rely, and one that will be as dependable as God.
But, I am not the possessor of such faith. I will never be the custodian of this kind of faith, yet, I need it. God supplies
my needs, so it must come from Him. What provisions has He made? How does it come to me?
This faith is a reality. It comes from God, and He gives it only for His glory. It is a GIFT of the Spirit, and comes under
the same laws of dispersion as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and so forth.
Here are two faiths represented: The one that is the “gift” of God, and the “measure” of faith that is in man. Mountains
are moved when the one is placed in the other. Let me illustrate: Suppose you are in a place where you hear the
Word of God. You know this to be true, it’s the thing you need. There is no doubt in your mind but that these words
have the authority of the Spirit of God back of them. You see, that this is a true example of the faith of God offered.
You have a bit of faith--that which God has given to you. You have a need--you believe in the Supplier of this need.
To make the greater faith which is God’s operative, one needs to take the lesser faith, which is ours, and place it in
the greater. When these two meet, there is a witness of the Spirit. A conscious knowledge is born within the heart of
the believer, and we have the experience of “knowing” that God has heard our prayer and has done something about
This is true of anything we receive from God in direct answer to our prayer. It is not true of the air we breathe or the
rain that falls, or the sun that shines. These are the benefits that we receive freely from God. It is true of salvation. We
Live by the faith of the Son of God. As we Live in Him, His faithfulness is active in sustaining our Spiritual existence.
However, our faith must be active to bring us to Him.
Let’s look at another case, that of healing. Suppose I need help from God. I pray, and nothing happens. Is my faith
dead? Not so, rather, my faith is not meant to do this type of work. My faith is meant to rest solely in God. I cannot
rely on the faith that is measured to me for healing of the body, or for that matter salvation of the soul. The measure
of faith that God has given me is good for only one thing--to believe in God.
God can be working in a mighty way. I can know that God works and is working, but unless “my faith” is placed in
“God’s Faith¬fulness,” I am availed of nothing. Remember, it is God that works in me. It is faith that allows Him to
work. I cannot use my faith to do anything, but tie me to God. His is the miracle working faith--not mine.
Roy L. Stahl

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