Models of Disability: "Special and Inclusive Education"

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College/Department: College of Teacher Education

Course Code: FTC 2

Course Title: Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education
Place of the Course in the Program: Professional Education
Semester & Academic Year: Second Semester, AY 2020 - 2021

Name : Coniendo Abegail Bantilan Course: BEED II

Learning Activity 2
“Special and Inclusive Education”

Models of Disability
To further know your understanding of the different models of disability, create a diagram
showing the specific characteristic of each models and give or cite specific examples.

Moral/Religious Model
Characteristic : refers to a model
of disability that a child of being
morally responsible for his/her
Example : if parents bare a child
with disabilities they would take as
bad luck, so it that child grows up
they felt they aren’t good enough
Right-Based Model and feel bad.
Characteristic : refers to a model
of disability of what is right, is
what should be given or shown.
Example : if a person with Biomedical/Individual Model
disability and they want to go to Characteristic : it refers of model of
school so bare with them they disability where’s need of treatment
have right to learn just like a of using drugs / normal needs.
normal person because Example : after the mother giving
education is welcome for birth a month ago they have to go
everyone. Models of to hospital to get to check or
screening the baby if it has
Disability abnormalities to taking up
medications to avoid such of

Social Model
Characteristic : refers to a model
of disability that people surrounds Functional/Rehabilitation Model
a person with disability helps them Characteristic : refers to model of
to build trust and self-esteem. disability that need to rehabilitate of
Example : if a person is disabled a person with special needs.
like of impairment, a people Example : Disease or disorder like
surrounds them help to eliminate injuries to someone, they would
negative approach such “ I can’t rake rehabilitation to get to back to
do it because I have disability “. normal life.

Through a slogan, create a statement that would address the pathology of difference.
(Ma’am, ako po nag edit neto, nag download lang po ako pictures naka white background po yan ma’am
then nang inedit kona po naging black siya, then nilagay po yang mga words. Thank you po ma’am )

Relevance to the theme 10
Originality 10
Aesthetic appeal 10

REFLECTION: Kindly answer the following in ABCD (Accurate, Brief, Correct and Direct to the
Point) format.

1. Why it is necessarily needed to know how Special Needs Education start in our country?

Answer : It is necessarily needed to know how Special Needs Education start in our country to
become aware of it because special needs education is an education for a person with
disabilities , with a special needs that we would know how would it be, how it goes or how did
they study, how they learned or maybe what program they can learn with. Also it is important to
know how it started because even if they have disabilities they have chance to go to schools, they
have chance to express themselves as a normal person. And also to be able them to know what
program is the best for them.

2. Pick 2 among the Inclusive Education Practices stated by Booth and Ainscow. Explain the two by
giving specific example.

Answer :
1. Valuing all students and staff equally
- Valuing of all students and staff equally is necessary. This would says it is
important to think students even staff equally because it is for their own sick of
having differences. To be able them not to think they have disabilities.
Example : a situation of a student are going to school and she even encounter of
one student that with disabilities, then maybe he/she have to respect what he/she
have seen that it could be appreciates what matter a student have because he/she
wants to learn so let it be, let them what they want. Just give value what they can
2. Fostering mutually sustaining relationships between schools and communities
- Fostering mutually sustaining relationships between schools and communities
always having of good attitudes each of one. Always getting interact with others
even in the school or in community because having of good relationship to other
is a must even with the differences.
Example : when you are in school you get along to everyone, you showed them
how good you are as a person with or without disability and then you have to
maintain what did in school. Wherever we were go, we have to be kind no matter

3. Interrelate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 and Special Education. How this agenda
strengthens the implementation of Special Education?

Answer : this agenda strengthens the implementation of Special Education through helping of all
young people with or without disability to go to school. To achieve the main goal for everyone of
being equally that they can’t even think against of their differences that no matter what they are,
they can be able to go to schools and learned as well. It is to ensure what boys and girls can do
and have because this agenda state to ensure the inclusive and equitable quality education and
promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

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