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To determine the reactions of simply Supported Beams

subjected to two loads

Objective: -To calculate the two reaction forces that act on the beam when it is subjected to
two loads and then compare them with the theoretical reaction forces to find the mean
percentage error.

Apparatus: -
 Simply supported beam apparatus
 Meter rod
 Hangers
 Weights
 Spring Balance
 Spirit Level

Experimental Setup: -
1. Take the simply supported beam apparatus and clean it properly.
2. Take two spring balance and attach their one end to the beam while their other ends to
the beam support apparatus.
3. Measure the distance between the two supports as L.
4. Hang two hangers with the beam at some distance L1 and L2 respectively.
5. Add different weights to the hangers and in each case note the reactions from the two-
spring balance.
6. Also, measure the theoretical reactions according to the given weights in each case and
note down the mean percentage error.

Procedure: -
1. Take a simply supported beam apparatus and clean it properly.
2. Adjust the apparatus as shown in experimental setup.
3. Add different weights to hanger and note the readings of reaction forces Ra and Rb from
the spring balance respectively.
4. Note the distances of weights from support 1 and also between the supports as L.
5. Now calculate the theoretical support reaction through the given relation:
( l−l1 ) W 1+ ( l−l 2 ) W 2 and ( l 1 ) W 1+ ( l 2) W 2
RA= R B=
l l
6. Change the weighs on the hanger and repeat the above procedure to find the
experimental and theoretical reaction forces.
7. Repeat the above procedure to get 10 readings.
8. Calculate the %age error in each reading and find the %age error of the experiment.

Observations and Calculations:-

Sl Length W1 W2 L1 L2 RA RB RA Theoretical= RB Error Error
No. of in in in in observed observed ( l−l 1 ) W 1+ ( l−l 2 ) W Theoretical=
2 in Ra in Rb
beam(l) kN kN m m (kN) (kN) l ( l 1 ) W 1+ ( l2 ) W 2
in m l
1. 2 10 20 1 2 5 25 5 25 0 0
2. 4 20 40 2 3 20 40 20 40 0 0
3. 5 30 45 2 4 27 48 27 48 0 0
4. 6 15 30 4 6 5 40 5 40 0 0
5. 8 25 50 5 8 9.37 65.63 9.375 65.625 -0.005 0.005
6. 10 50 100 5 10 25 125 25 125 0 0
7. 15 100 150 10 14 43.33 206.67 43.33 206.67 0 0
8. 25 150 300 15 20 120 330 120 330 0 0
9. 35 200 350 20 30 135.71 414.29 135.714 414.29 -0.004 0
10. 50 400 500 40 50 80 820 80 820 0 0

Mean Error of Ra= -0.0009

Mean Error of Rb= 0.0005

Results: -The mean %age error in the reading of reaction Ra is and Rb is respectively.

Comments: -The error in the readings of both reaction forces is due faulty readings, faulty
apparatus and inexperience person. This error can be removed by taking values carefully and by
using accurate apparatus.

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