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Evaluation of Multi Jet Condensers Performance at Metahara Sugar Factory

Research work

Initiator: Endale Wondu

June 2017
1. Program: Productivity and Efficiency Improvement Program
2. Thematic Area: Sugar Processing and Sugar Quality Improvement
3. Project title: Machinery Efficiency Improvement
4. Title: Evaluation of Multi Jet Condensers performance
5. Project Code:
6. Introduction
The main goals of sugar factories are to produce sugar and co-products to meet their maximum
production capacity. This will realize when all unit operations run smoothly and perform with their
full potential. The availability of skilled man power, updated Automation systems and status of each
unit operations are the main key parameters to attain their highest target. Metahara Sugar Factory is
one of the oldest Sugar Factory among the seven Ethiopian Sugar factories including the four
recently launched.

Formerly, Metahara Sugar Factory was used counter current condensers to create vacuum for all last
effect evaporators and pans. Due to its high energy conception and lack of automation, it has been
replaced with Multi Jet condensers since 2008 G.C. The installed Multi Jet condensers are less
complicated, easy to use, consume less energy, partially automated and with up-to-date monitoring
system as shown on figure 1. The Multi Jet condensers are linked with injection system to supply
water for the last effect Evaporators and pans, and create vacuum for making syrup and cute
respectively as per designed parameters.

Figure 1. Components of multi jet condenser

On each last effect evaporators and pans there are three injection pipes and three self actuating
pneumatic control valves. These pneumatic actuator control valves are installed on each pipes
directed to spray nozzles and Jet nozzles. They are used to regulate the quantity of water through the
nozzles as per the amount of vapor and heavy NCGs/air pressure comes to the condensers.
Normally, the amount of vapor and NCGs comes to the condensers are fluctuated instantly. The light
NCGs from all vacuum systems collected are evacuated through ejector pipe.

Condensers and vacuum equipment are common to evaporators and vacuum pans. Nearly all these
vessels use direct contact condensers, where the cooling water comes into direct contact with the
vapor to be condensed. The main advantages of direct contact condensation are the cheap
construction of the condenser and the ability to achieve a close approach temperature; this is
particularly important because the saturation temperatures of the vapor are relatively low and the
cooling water temperature is relatively high in warm cane-growing regions. Both these factors
impact on the quantity cooling water used. The difference between the saturated vapor temperature
and water outlet (tvs- to) is referred to as the approach or approach temperature [1], [6], [7]. The outlet
water temperature can never be higher than the vapor temperature t vs but should approach it as
closely as possible.

The cooling water systems generally use spray ponds or cooling towers to effect the cooling required
and reject heat to the atmosphere. The temperature at which the water is returned to the condensers
affects the quantity of water to be pumped and affects the temperature of the gases going to the
vacuum equipment after the condensers.

Statement of the problem

In association to it`s old age, the Factory had many problems that are solved and ongoing to solve
with research and Factory people. Vacuum drop due to inefficiency of systems and equipments
linked with Multi Jet condensers is one of Metahara Sugar Factory trouble.

At the beginning of their installation, the Multi Jet Condenser were operating as desired with
optimum energy , i.e the water is injected to the last effect evaporators and all pans with maximum
of three injection pumps, and flow is controlled with self actuating pneumatic control valves. But
gradually, the number of injection pumps delivering the water to these units increased to minimum
of four pumps and some of pneumatic actuator control valves are stacked. Hence, the system is
compelled to close with mechanical valves and requires regularly urgent maintenance followed by

7. Objective

The main objective of this study is:

 To assess the problems on systems and equipments associated with Multi Jet condensers and
suggest the possible solution.

8. Materials and Methods

8.1 Description of the Study Area

The assessment is conducted at Metahara Sugar Factory

8.2 Methodology
To understand the problems of the systems; information were gathered from different sources such
as, interviewing operators, foramen and supervisors, and observation of the plant. Besides to this,
Multi jet condenser manual, websites and literatures written about condensers were used as an input.
Having this information on hands:
8.2.1 Assessment has been carried out on pan boiling working parameters such as Temperature,
Vacuum and boiling time from the SCADA, Mono meters and log books. Using the collected data
the influence of vacuum and temperature on Sugar inversion, boiling time and productivity has been
8.2.2 Assessment of systems and equipments linked with Multi Jet condenser such as, injection
pumps, air ejector system, control valves, strainers, spray and Jet nozzles were also carried out with
observation supported by pictures and narration to show the problems clearly.

The assessment work was conducted during the first two weeks of 2008 EC overhaul maintenance
period. This time was selected to gather information as soon as all systems and equipments
dismantle and also to support the assessment with pictures and justification. It was also the time of
worst scenario of injection water problems recorded and the problems are still continued moderately.
9. Result and Discussion

9.1 Assessment of working parameters on pan boiling

For the pan boiling operation of Metehara sugar factory the Sop and working parameters are referred
from standard operational document, SCADA and manuals as shown on table 1.These parameters
are the optimum once that enables to achieve maximum productivity. Any deviation of parameters
from the set point / the standards leads to sugar loss or/ and productivity decline. According to,
Honig (1959) the loss due to inversion is higher (approximately doubled) in high concentration
streams (>75 Brix) compared to that experienced at lower concentration levels (< 65 Brix) [6].

To analyze the extent of sugar losses at Metehara sugar factory due to the fall of injection water; data
were taken from five pans by rectifying all of their metric gauges. Finally, 8 days data of massecuite
temperature, vacuum, PH, retention time of higher temperature and cuite boiling time were collected
from mono metric gauges, SCADA and log book twice per shift before and after cleaning of the
strainers as shown on Appendix 1A & 1B.

Table 1. Some of Standard operational parameters (SOP) and working parameters of Metehara
sugar factory pan boiling
R.No Parameters Units SOP Working Parameter
1 Cuite Boiling temperature c 53- 62
2 Vacuum Cm Hg 63-66
3 Abs. pressure Kg/cm2
4 Cuite temperature c 65-70
5 Brix 85-90
6 Purity % 85
7 Boiling time hour 4
8 Steam consumption % 60

As different Authors described on different literatures, it is possible to obtain industrially

very high vacua, exceeding 75 cm for a barometric pressure of 76 cm (30 in). However, in
the sugar factory, the vacuum sought or found in practice varies between 60 and 68 cm, and
generally between 63 and 66 cm [6], [7].
When the actual data collected from Metahara sugar factory compared with the standard:

1. The current cuite boiling temperature is ranged 51 0c – 85.50c as a whole. When

compared with the standard which is ranged 53 0c – 620c, it exceeded the standard.
Especially before cleaning of strainer the average temperature reached 74 0c as seen on
the graph below.

2. Vacuum is ranged 66cmHg – 32cmHg as a whole. When compared with the standard
which is ranged 66cmHg – 63cmHg, it is bellow the standard. Especially before cleaning
of strainer the average is reached 47cmHg as seen on the graph below.
3. Approach temperature is the difference of vapor temperature and water outlet temperature
(tvs- to). For counter-current and co-current barometric condensers the approach temperature is
recommended below 50C where as for Jet condensers it ranged 7 0C -150C and the average is
110C. As seen on the graph majority of the actual data showed above the average recommended
value. This indicates saturated vapor is remained in the condenser body as well as in the vapor
4. Boiling time is ranged 05:05 – 15:45; the maximum is almost four times the standard
boiling time of 4 hours.
For sec of reference, the relation between absolute pressure and temperature with the corresponding
vacuum values are given on appendix 2.
Vacuum is the factor which has the greatest influence on the massecuite temperature in the
pan. As a whole, with the actual condition of Metehara sugar factory, Pan boiling operation is
carried out averagely at 52.3 cmHg vacuum / at 0.326 absolute pressures and 70.20c.
On the other hand whatever the additional causes are; the boiling times obtained are too long. In
association to rise in temperature, prolonged boiling time aggravated the loss of sugar due to

According to E. Hugot, Inversion lose is mainly depend on the pH and the temperature of the
mother liquor. The recommended pH values of the massecuites are:
A massecuite: 5.8 – 6.8
B massecuite: 5.6 - 6.5
C massecuite: 5.5-6.4
As far as acidity is concerned, inversion increases mainly below pH = 6.5. In Table 2 the
quantities of sucrose inverted at common temperatures and pH values are given in
percentage of sucrose inverted per hour.

Table 2 percentage of sucrose inverted per hour.

At Metahara sugar factory condition:

 The acceptable (irrecoverable) lose with the normal working condition of maximum
620c and PH of A massecuite 6.4 is 0.0014% sucrose loss/ hour. Therefore, with the
production capacity of Metahara sugar factory sucrose loses due to inversion is
0.0014 x24x5000 = 168 quintals/day or 240x168= 40,320quintals/ annum.

At the abnormal condition of high temperature

 When injection water dropped, the temperature rises to 74 0c averagely for 2:50 hrs per
shift or 8:30 hrs per day with PH of A massecuite 6.4; the lose sucrose due to
inversion is 0.008%/hour. Therefore, with the production capacity of Metahara sugar
factory sucrose loses due to inversion is 0.008x8.5x5000 = 340 quintals/day or
240x340 = 81,600 quintals/ annum.

 The acceptable lose within 8.5 hrs raised temperature is 0.0014 x8.5x5000 = 59.5
quintals/day or 240x59.5= 14,280 quintals/ annum.
 The lose sugar by inversion due to fall in vacuum and rise in temperature is 81,600 –
14,280 = 67,320 quintals/ annum.

Besides to inversion lose productivity declines averagely by half due to prolonged retention
time of strike (5 to 15 hours) from the standard 4 hour.

9.2 Assessment of injection pumps

Table 3 design capacity of Metehara sugar factory Injection water pumps

Motor Pump design point
Kw RPM V(m3/h) H (m) RPM
No Descriptions
Injection water pump No 1 197 960 2160 20 960
Injection water pump No 2 197 960 2160 20 960
Injection water pump No 3 197 960 2160 20 960
Injection water pump No 4 197 960 2160 20 960
Injection water pump No 5 166 990 2160 20 990
Injection water pump No 6 160 980 2160 20 980

The number of centrifugal pumps ran at a time to inject water to the condensers in 2008 EC
production year were four/ five and the other two/one were standby, this is almost twice of the
designed capacity. During the assessment all the six pumps are dismantled and observed in detail. As
shown on figures 2 and 3, the impellers of pump 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are made of bronze material
whereas impeller of pump 5 is made of cast iron. The pumping capacity of each pumps are 2160
m3/h. In the former mood, when three pumps run at a time, totally 3x2160 = 6480 m 3/h water is
required for vacuum creation. In addition there are five (three on line and two standbys) river water
pumps, each sucks 300 m3/h of water from the same pit. Totally 7380 m3/h water is injected from the
pit to the factory.
Figure 2 Bronze impeller Figure 3 Cast iron impeller

Problems seen during the assessment of injection pumps

 Some previously reconditioned welds and pits were seen on both the impeller ends and
collars (failures on bronze impellers).
 High volume of mud is accumulated on the discharge valves as shown on figure 4.
*As per the feedback gained from the factory workers on the plant, there was no as such
exaggerated problem on injection pumps.

Figure 4 Injection water non return valve

9.3 Assessment of air ejector system

The Multijet Condensers are designed for high air evacuation capacity with optimized tail pipe sizes.
Single entry Condenser with Nozzle governing system ensures best condenser efficiency at
fluctuating vapor or NCG/Air load at constant vacuum. It consists of actuator fitted jet and spray
nozzles. Nozzles are arranged in circular pattern as shown on figure 5.
The non condensable light gasses remaining in all pans and evaporators drawn to the Ejector pipe by
negative pressure and evacuated by pressurized water passes through Jet nozzles. Here there is also
blockage of Jet nozzles with dirt, during this time the vacuum in the pans were reduced and the
temperature of the pan increase as a result Caramelization occurred. When such occasions happened,
the water line is closed with mechanical valve and the dirt is removed manually opening the upper

Problems seen during the assessment of Air ejector system

 Blockage of Jet nozzles with sand, gravel, wires and other dirt
 Lose of Jet nozzles as a result the water flows gently rather than with pressure

Figure 5 Air ejector jet nozzles arrangement

9.4 Assessment on control valves

The entire condenser system used mechanical and electro pneumatic control valves as desired. The
electro pneumatic self actuating valves are used after the water diverted to the three nozzles (spray,
Jet 1 and Jet 2 nozzles) where as the mechanical valves used on the common pipes. Lack of spare in
the store for electro pneumatic control valves when failures faced is their critical problem. Figure 6
bellow shows internal and external features of electro pneumatic self actuating valves.
Figure 6 electro pneumatic self actuating valves

Problems seen during the assessment of control valves

 Shear off sealing gasket

 Accumulation of mud on valves
 Lack of spares when failures occur

9.5 Source of Problems associated with frequent blockage of strainers

There are three strainers in parallel position that sieves independently the dirt and any foreign bodies
come to the system passing the screen. The original strainers were made of SS lined MS plate and
served until 3 months but as per the information gained from different workers on the site, currently
they have been sheared frequently and replaced every week producing from mild steel in the work
shop. In addition, formerly each strainer was cleaned weekly but now each strainer cleaned daily in
each shift. During the assessment the strainers were found that corroded and cut off as shown on the
figure 7 bellow. This indicates that much amount of foreign bodies was coming to the system along
with the water which cannot pass through the screen.
Figure 7 Strainers discarded or reconditioned every week

The main problems seen during the working season in association to strainers were:

 Lack of resistance of the strainer due to the pressure exerted by turbid water along with
coarse sand and gravel.
 Drain off some coarse sand and gravel through the strainers holes at the opened conic tips.
 Obstruction of strainers at each shift.
 Frequent shear of strainers body

9.6 Source of Problems associated with frequent blockage of spray and Jet nozzles

The water flow to the condenser is controlled by using separate electro pneumatic control valves for
jet & spray nozzles. The spray nozzles are fitted on the surface of the larger spray box to shower and
condense the vapor. The Jet 1 and Jet 2 nozzles are also separated by providing concentric cylinders
from half bottom length of the larger spray box. Both are directed down ward to push down the
condensed vapor and heavy NCGs with a high pressure to the tail pipe. The arrangement of boxes
and Nozzles are shown on figure 8.
Figure 8 condenser half section assembly and jet nozzles

Problems seen during the assessment of condenser body

 Blockage of Jet nozzles with sand, gravel, wires and other dirt particles as shown on figure 9.
 Frequent lose of spray and Jet nozzles as a result the water flows gently rather than with

figure 9 Jet nozzles closed with dirt

10. Economic analysis
The economic analysis has been seen with respect to:
 Sugar lose due to inversion
 longer retention time to form sugar crystals
 power expense, due to extra pump use

1. Sugar loses due to inversion

 The unacceptable sugar loses by inversion due to fall in vacuum and rise in
temperature is 67,320 quintals/ annum. With the production cost of 10 birr/kg or
1000 birr per quintal, the lose in cash is 67,320 x 1000 = 67,320,000 birr/ annum.

 Besides to inversion lose productivity declines averagely by half due to prolonged

retention time of strike (6 to 15 hours) from the standard 4 hour.

2. power expense, due to extra pump use

 Let say one extra pump is used, so that 197 Kw/h power is used additionally and the power
used per day is 197 x 24 = 4728 Kw/day. Annually let's take 240 working days; therefore, the
power used per annum is 4728 x 240 = 1,134,720 Kw/annum. If the rate is 0.60 ETB/Kw, the
money expend per annum by using one additional Motor which consume 197Kw/h is
1,134,720 Kw/annum x 0.60 ETB/Kw = 680832 ETB/annum.

Generally, the factory loses minimum of 68,000,000 birr/ annum due to problems associated multi
jet condensers.

11. Conclusion and Recommendation

11.1 Conclusion

Based on the actually seen problems, data are collected from Pans and tried to correlate with
standards and literatures to quantify loses due to inversion, wastage of time and unnecessary costs.
After analyzing the collected data, result showed that the cuite pans are under mal-operations
averagely for 8:30 hours at high temperature, 740c and low vacuum, 47cmHg per day. Due to an
increased temperature and lowered vacuum the factory loses 67,320 quintals of sugar per annum.

As seen practically, all Jet nozzles, Spray nozzles and strainers were blocked with sand, light
gravels, wires, grasses, leaves and other dirt particles. Besides to this, the strainers are found that
corroded and cut off, so that the dirt and pieces of sharp edge metals came to the valves and damage
sealing gaskets. Nozzles are also removed due to the load created by the dirt particles, as a result the
water flows gently rather than with pressure, this brought decline of vacuum in the pans.

As observed from all systems, in one or in other ways, the root cause for all problems are grubbiness
of the injected water, so that the probable solution is suggested on the recommendation part.

11.2 Recommendations

 Considering the current excess water input, i.e 7380m 3/h plus some allowance for 7500m3/h
intake of water, a pond (reservoir pit) has to be designed and excavated for filtration and
Sedimentation along with a cleaning outlet systems and additional screens.
 Seal the canal after the pits/ ponds
 Produce strainers and screens from stainless steel sheets
 For better durability of impellers, replace bronze impellers with cast iron impellers
 Attention has to be given for maintenance and replacement of temperature, vacuum and
pressure gauges.


I would like to thank Metahara sugar factory management members and collaborative individual for
their kind support.
Especially, I would like to thank heartfully Mr, Mebit, Mr. Ynatan, Mr. Temesgen, Mr. Meseret, Mr.
Muluken, Mr. kasa Hundito and Mr. Ayele Alemufor their restless support in any aspects.
Finally, I would like to thanks Metehara research and development center staff members, Mr,Abera
Degefa, Mr Adane Mulugeta and Mr. Mohamed for their support in data collection and coordination.
[1]. Cane Sugar Engineering, Peter Rein, Bartens, 2007
[2]. Operation and Installation Manual Condenser
[3]. DESIGNING STEAM JET VACUUM SYSTEMS For cost-effective vacuum pumping, the
proper placement of condensers and pipe supports are critical DAVID B. BIRGENHEIER
AND THOMAS L. BUTZBACH, Graham Manufacturing Company, Inc. DONALD E. BOLT,
Foster Wheeler Energy Corp. RAJENDER K. BHATNAGAR, Nash-Kenema, Inc. RUSSELL
E. OJALA, Croll-Reynolds, Co. JOHN AGLITZ, Nitech, Inc.
[4]. Multi-stage steam jet vacuum systems Technical vacuum up to 10-1 mbar,
[5]. Steam Jet Vacuum Pumps Technology and Applications,
[6]. Handbook of Cane sugar engineering, E. hugot, third, completely revised, edition, 1986.
Appendix 1A collected data from MSF
Appendix 1B rearranged collected data from MSF
Appendix 2 relation between Temperature, vacuum and absolute pressure.

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