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Neuromuscular taping treatment of diabetic foot: a concept analysis 231

Review Clin Ter 2021; 172 (3):231-235 doi: 10.7417/CT.2021.2320

Neuromuscular taping treatment of diabetic foot: a concept

H. Kristianto1,2, A. Waluyo2, D. Gayatri2, E. Yunir3, D. Blow4
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia; 2Faculty of
Nursing, Universitas Indonesia; 3Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia; 4NeuroMuscular Taping Institute, Rome, Italy

Abstract Introduction

Objective. The definition of neuromuscular taping (NMT) has yet Diabetic foot complications require special treatment,
to be clearly analysed as a possible treatment for diabetic foot. Case starting from the onset of symptoms to the occurrence of
studies, theoretical analysis and results of existing research may lead diabetic foot ulcers as a result of changes in peripheral cir-
to varying perceptions on the definition of NMT and its possible effects culation. Care management for patients with diabetic foot
on diabetic foot. This article aims to analyse the definition of the NMT focuses on efforts to cure the condition through treatment of
concept and furthermore as a basis for future research development wounds and ulcers, management of infection and manage-
on diabetic foot. ment of PAD vascularity. Meanwhile, treatment efforts in the
Methods. The procedure for reference source search include the pre-injury phase are still focused on therapeutic approaches
principal data bases using “neuromuscular taping” and “diabetic foot” to reduce symptoms with a pharmacological approach (1, 2).
keywords for the period of 2010-2019. The concept analysis uses an Therefore, it is necessary to develop complementary nurs-
8-step approach with the Walker and Avant’s method. ing interventions that can help improve the quality of life
Results. Analysis of the NMT concept on diabetic foot obtained of patients with diabetic foot based on scientifically strong
attributes of elastic tape, skin, pain, edema, injury, sensorimotor, concepts giving clinical results. NeuroMuscular Taping
circulation, drainage, relaxation, local, proprioceptive, motion func- (NMT) is a non pharmacological intervention that can be
tion, strength, contraction, stabilisation, reflex, rehabilitation, care, used in the management of diabetic foot. NMT is thought
musculoskeletal, nerve, muscles, tendons, fascia, joints, lymphatic, to be able to improve peripheral circulation in diabetic
longitudinal, wrinkles. There were four groups of attributes, namely foot, creating an option in the development of alternative
inflammatory response, vascularity, neuromusculoskeletal function and modality therapy.
musculoskeletal system. NMT application benefits for diabetic foot can The NMT concept as a form of complementary inter-
be attributed to improving walking function, leg position, decreasing vention in patient care management has developed through
pain response, improving body function index, improving leg muscle various existing studies. Thus requiring a concept analysis
strength and motor function, increasing range of movement (ROM), study for NMT on diabetic foot in the efforts to provide a
maintaining stability of leg joint function, preventing injury, increas- scientific foundation in the development of these treatment
ing strength and improving position of ankle joints, reducing stiffness, interventions which distinguishes itself from other types of
reducing edema and helping wound healing processes. taping. NMT is defined as a specific technique of applying
Conclusions. NMT is a decompression application of an elastic elastic adhesive tape to the skin using a decompression
tape on the skin on the diabetic foot that has the effect of reducing the methodology providing a local therapeutic effect directly
inflammatory response, improving vascularity and neuromusculoskel- on the treatment site to reduce pain, facilitate lymphatic
etal function. It aims to improve neuromusculoskeletal and lymphatic drainage, and increase vascularity due to wrinkles created
system functioning due to the presence of wrinkles, indicating dila- on the skin (3). The NMT treatment hypothesis has been
tion, with local effects on the sensorimotor and proprioceptive senses defined as; applying an elastic tape without tension over
in conditions of care, rehabilitation and injury. Clin Ter 2021; 172 the skin stretched (over the target area) which will create
(3):231-235. doi: 10.7417/CT.2021.2320 skin wrinkling, which is further accentuated by movement,
resulting in a dilation effect on the underlying body tissue.
Key words: neuromuscular taping, diabetic foot, concept analysis, Furthermore it is stated that reduced pressure on vascular
operational definition and lymphatic capillaries will facilitate fluid exchange and
oxygenation as the treatment and prevention objective in

Correspondence: Heri Kristianto, MN, Sp.MSN, RN, Lecturer at the Universitas Brawijaya; doctoral student at the Universitas, Indonesia; spe-
cialist of medical surgical nursing in wound, diabetic foot and diabetes educators, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing,
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. E-mail:

Copyright © Società Editrice Universo (SEU)

ISSN 1972-6007
232 H. Kristianto, et al.

diabetic foot. The definitions that have been formulated complain of chronic polyneuropathy pain which contributes
are still general in nature and require specific analysis on to disruption of comfort and affects activities daily living
diabetic foot cases from theoretical and research viewpoints. (ADL) (2, 11). Autonomic neuropathy occurs in 20% of
When referring to “taping”, even from a descriptive point cases, whereas the incidence of peripheral neuropathy as-
of view, the argument is penalised by substantial ambigu- sociated with autonomic neuropathy is found in 30%-50%
ity due to the terms mentioned, often used as synonyms, of cases (2). Autonomic neuropathy causes damage to the
actually refer to uses of taping that are completely different nociceptor C which can cause disruption in the vasomotor
both conceptually and on a practical and application level reflexes and decrease the vasodilator effect of capillaries to
through differing tension levels and so forth. Consequent provide blood circulation to the peripheral tissues so that
research methodology in many publications are penalised O2 supply decreases. Motor neuropathy can be found as a
due to inconsistent definitions. Taping can be similar to a condition of muscle atrophy due to changes in the shape of
compressive bandage/tape application or an opposing de- the toes, movement fatigue and decreased reflex function.
compressive taping application. One typical symptom is decreased Achilles tendon reflexes.
Research results on NMT include a variety of cases and Diabetic neuropathy can cause physical mobilisation and
pathologies such as multiple sclerosis (4, 5), hemiplegia (6), walking disturbances.
and musculoskeletal disorders (7); while specific studies on Taping is generally known as a physical rehabilitation
diabetic foot management have never been done. The results method used with the aim of reducing pain, increasing
of this concept analysis are expected to provide a basis joint stability, improving bodily functions in athletes, as
and opportunity for the development of NMT research on well reducing recurrent injury. One of the various forms of
diabetic foot. This article aims to specifically analyse and taping used is neuromuscular taping (NMT). The specific
minimise ambiguous understanding in the definition of the NMT method is a treatment intervention using tape that is
NMT treatment concept for diabetic foot. placed on the skin surface with the aim of providing a dila-
tion effect so that peripheral circulation may improve (12).
NMT is used as a supportive therapy in impaired physical
Materials and methods mobility, acute and chronic pain, impaired walking, fatigue
and unstable blood pressure (4, 13-20). NMT stimulatory
Reference source search was performed through Pubmed, effects include areas of skin anatomy, muscle and fascia
Clinical Key, EBSCO, Proquest, Sage Pub, Google Scholar tissue, tendons, nerve tissue, lymphatic, and blood vessels
and Willey Online with “neuromuscular taping” and “dia- creating wrinkles on the surface of the skin to help stretch
betic foot” keywords and documented with EndNote X8 (8). the skin passively. Tape applied without tension, creating
The language used was limited to English with a search time an elongation force, will assist in muscle contraction and
period from 2010-2019. The Walker and Avant’s method relaxation. To date no NMT research has been published on
approach was used for concept analysis, which consists diabetic foot so the authors deem it necessary to conduct a
of selecting concepts; determining the aims or purposes concept analysis as a first step in the research phase.
of analysis; identifying all uses of the concept that can be
discovered; determining the defining attributes; identify- Determining the aims or purposes of analysis
ing a model case; identifying borderline cases; identifying
contrary cases; identifying antecedents and consequences; The purpose of the concept analysis of NMT on diabetic
and defining empirical referents (9). foot is to determine the attributes in the concept, determine
operational definitions, and identify instruments related to
NMT applications on diabetic foot.
Results and discussion
Identifying all uses of the concept discovered
Concept Selection
The stage of defining attributes is the core of the concept
In the initial stages of concept selection, identification of analysis and determines which attributes are very closely
phenomena is used as a reference for the writer’s thinking in related to the concept analysed (9). This will help in deter-
describing the concept images that will be taken. Phenomena mining the characteristics of a concept that distinguishes
can be obtained from experience, observation and analysis it from other concepts. Table 1 explains the definition of
of the conditions that are around it so that it becomes the neuromuscular taping which consists of various attributes
focus of one’s attention and making it an issue that needs based on the definitions from the reference sources.
to be discussed. People with diabetes mellitus will experi-
ence foot problems that can affect quality of life. There is a Determining the defining attributes
significant relationship between the duration of diagnosis,
age and compliance in controlling diabetes mellitus with Several important attributes were found based on the
the occurrence of diabetic neuropathy which contributes to identification of concepts from several reference sources,
diabetic foot complications (2, 10). Complications of dia- namely elastic tape, skin, pain, edema, injury, sensorimo-
betic neuropathy are divided into sensory neuropathy, auto- tor, circulation, drainage, relaxation, local, proprioceptive,
nomic neuropathy and motor neuropathy. Distal symmetrical motion function, strength, contraction, stabilisation, reflex,
sensorimotor neuropathy occurs in 30% of hospitalised rehabilitation, care, musculoskeletal, nerve, muscle, tendon,
diabetes mellitus patients and it is reported that 13%-26% fascia, joint, lymphatic, longitudinal, and wrinkling. Some of
Neuromuscular taping treatment of diabetic foot: a concept analysis 233

Table 1. Definition of Neuromuscular Taping from Reference Sources

Sources Definition
Aguilar et al. A tape application technique with longitudinal manipulation of human skin (13)
Conejo et al. A method to reduce pain, improve motion function and reduce swelling in cases of sports injury, muscle disorders,
disturbance of balance and activity functions so that sensorimotor synchronization occurs using coated tape (7)
Lima et al. Methods to help increase local circulation, reduce edema, help with muscle relaxation and improve joint position
and are proprioceptive due to sensory mechanisms with elastic tape (17)
Constantino et al. Methods for increasing muscle strength and movement function with tape (16)
Berlingeri et al. A method of applying plaster to create strength in the skin and underlying muscles that affect sensorimotor and
proprioceptive thereby reducing pain, increasing muscle strength (4)
Sinaj et al. Rehabilitation methods for musculoskeletal disorders and sports injuries using tape (15)
Russo et al. Rehabilitation therapy for joint stabilization, joint function, movement, neuromuscular reflexes and improved pro-
prioceptive control by using tape (14)
Camerota et al. The main treatment protocol in postoperative, oncological, neurological and sports medicine treatment with
eccentric stimulation of the skin, muscle tissue, tendons, nerves, lymphatic pathways and blood vessels with
passive stretching effects through the application of a tape that encourages flexibility and coordination thereby
increasing range of movement in patients experiencing impaired muscular coordination with sensorimotor modifi-
cation mechanisms and proprioceptive feedback (6, 21)
Shah et al. The method for muscle stimulation that causes an increase in local blood circulation by stimulating the structure
of the skin, muscles and fascia in the presence of wrinkles using tape (19, 22)
Blow The technique of applying elastic tape to the skin to provide a therapeutic effect locally and directly on the area
attached to reduce pain, facilitate lymphatic drainage, increase vascularity due to wrinkles on the skin (3, 12)

the attributes that are found to have similarities in accordance examination results obtained a right leg muscle strength
with existing concepts such as pain and edema attributes are score of 3, decreased muscle contraction, and the leg ap-
classified as inflammatory response attributes; circulation, pears swollen. The patient routinely visits the doctor but
drainage and relaxation attributes are grouped as vascular- there has been no improvement in the function of motion in
ity attributes; attributes of motion, strength, contraction, his right leg joint. Then the nurses at the hospital polyclinic
stabilisation and reflexes are grouped as neuromusculosk- provided education by administering modality therapy by
eletal function attributes; musculoskeletal, nerve, muscle, applying elastic tape on the skin of the right foot. The goal
tendon, fascia, joint attributes are classified as attributes of of this therapy is to provide a local effect through the cre-
the musculoskeletal system. The purpose of this grouping ation of wrinkles on the skin by improving vascularity and
is to simplify quite complex attributes found from several lymphatic drainage due to impaired lower limb function.
references. Operational definitions obtained based on the Nurses conducted an evaluation 3 days after application
characteristic attributes conclude that neuromuscular taping and were informed that complaints of pain began to de-
is an application of elastic tape on the skin which has the crease, the feet felt lighter than before taping, and edema
effect of decreasing the inflammatory response, improving began to decrease.
vascularity and neuromusculoskeletal function targeting the Based on the development of the case, it appears that all
neuromusculoskeletal and lymphatic systems through the component attributes can be developed in a type 2 diabetes
formation of wrinkles with local effects on sensorimotor mellitus case model with complaints on the feet that are
and proprioceptive senses in conditions of care, rehabilita- indicated by the relationship between other body parts.
tion or injury.
Identifying borderline and contrary cases
Identifying a model case
Borderline cases are additional development cases that
In making the case model, what needs to be considered contain some of the attributes that have been determined (9).
is that all the selected attributes in the operational definition The following is the development of borderline cases in type
must be listed in the case made. Attributes come from real 2 diabetes mellitus with stroke complications.
cases, literature studies and analysis results from the authors Male, 60 years old with a medical diagnosis of type 2
(9). The case model reflects the author’s consistency in diabetes mellitus with a history of stroke 3 years ago and
conducting concept analysis to help overcome the internal experiencing movement disorders in the right limb joint.
structure of the concept and clarify its meaning and context. Currently being treated in a nursing ward with complaints
The following is a case model created according to existing of swelling, tingling and weakness of the muscles in the
attributes. right hand. The nurse is conducting a mobilisation exercise
Male, aged 56 years with a history of type 2 diabetes intervention.
mellitus since 10 years ago complaining of tingling and pain The case above illustrates that some of the attributes
in the right leg and came to the internal medicine clinic to found can be developed in the case of type 2 diabetes mel-
receive rehabilitation treatment. The patient complains of litus which is more complex in the case of stroke that shows
pain and tingling in the right leg due to injury. Physical the relationship with different complications.
234 H. Kristianto, et al.

Contrary cases are examples of case models that do not ment assesses basic functional activities, while the sports as-
contain the attributes contained in the concept (9). Here fol- sessment evaluates the more challenging activities that occur
lows the development of contrary cases in type 2 diabetes during exercise. The LANSS score is a suitable instrument
mellitus. for assessing neuropathic pain in DM patients associated
Male, 60 years old with type 2 diabetes and a history with changes in ADL and changes in quality of life.
of stroke 3 years ago. Patient has routinely undergone a
post-stroke rehabilitation program for 2 months with the
application of elastic tape on the surface of the skin on the Conclusions
limbs with reduced function. Now the patient is able to fulfil
their ADL needs independently. The patients are able to pick The results of the analysis concept are operational defi-
up things, sit and stand independently. nitions of NMT on diabetic foot, which is an application
The above case can help the writer to understand dif- of elastic tape on the skin of diabetic foot that provides an
ferent contexts where existing attributes are not needed in effect of reducing the inflammatory response, improving vas-
this case. This will increase understanding of the concepts cularity and neuromusculoskeletal function with the aim of
to be formed. targeting the neuromusculoskeletal and lymphatic systems.
The presence of wrinkles, created by the tape application,
Identifying antecedents and consequences effects sensorimotor and proprioceptive functions deemed
effective in conditions of care, rehabilitation or injury. NMT
An antecedent is an entire incident or event that occurred application on diabetic foot can provide benefits to improve
before the concept exists, while the consequence is the walking function, leg position, decrease pain response,
entire event that occurs due to the concept (9). Antecedent improve body function index, improve leg muscle strength
and consequence identification can be obtained from the and motor function, increase ROM, maintain stability of leg
results of research, literature studies and clinical evidence- joint function, prevent injury, increase strength and improve
based experience that support the development of existing position ankle joints, reduce stiffness, reduce edema and
concepts. accelerate the wound healing process.

Definition of empirical referents Acknowledgments

Empirical referents are the categorisation of real phe- We would also like to acknowledge Professor Yeni Rus-
nomena that show their existence towards the concept (9). tina and Professor Junaiti Sahar (Senior Lecturer in Faculty
By categorising the phenomena in Figure 1, an instrument of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia) in the learning process
was obtained to measure the effects of NMT on diabetic of developing nursing theory.
foot: namely the Foot And Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM)
instrument (26) and the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Declaration of interest statement
Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) (27). FAAM consists of 21 There is no conflict of interest.
ADL items and 8 sport assessment items. The ADL assess-

Fig. 1 Identification
Scheme of Ante-
cedents, Concepts
and Consequences
of NMT on Diabetic
Neuromuscular taping treatment of diabetic foot: a concept analysis 235

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