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Annual Examination - 2020-2021

Name: __________________________ Date: 19.03.2021

Class: UKG Subject: G.A Written
Max.Marks: 30

1.Look at the pictures and fill in the blank. Take help from the help box:

a. I __________ with my ______________.

b. I_______________ with my________________.

c. I ______________ with my ________________.

d. I _______________ with my ________________.

e. I _______________ with my ____________________.

smell tongue feel ears

eyes nose taste see

Skin hear
2.Identify the pictures and write their names in the given space. Take help from
help box below: 3M

a. ___________________. b. __________________________.

c. _____________________. d. ___________________________.

e. ______________________. f. ___________________________.

Carpenter Milk man Farmer

Traffic police Teacher Newspaper Man.

3.Look at each picture and write the seasons in which the given things are used :

a. _______________ b. ______________________.

c. ______________ d. ___________________.
4.Look at the pictures and write any two things you see in the given rooms: 3M

a. 1._________________________ 2._______________.

b. 1.________________________ 2.________________.

c. 1.__________________________ 2.__________________

5.Look at the picture and write the name of the animal and its use in the given
space: 4M

a. _________________& _________________

b. __________________ & ________________

c._ __________________ & ________________

d. __________________& ___________________

bee- honey sheep- wool

cow- milk fish- meat

6. Write any four sources of water: 2M

a.________________ b. ___________________

c.________________ d. ___________________

7. Write your name in the given space: 1M


8.Look at the pictures and match the stages of growth: 3M






9.Match the seasons to its weather :. 4M


10. Write any two uses of Air: (Take help from the help box) 1M

a. ___________________________________

b. ___________________________________

Drinking Breathing

Filling Tyres Cooking

11.Draw the pictures of different phases of the moon and write the names. Take
help from the help box. 4M

Full Moon Half Moon

Gibbous Moon Crescent Moon

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