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1) Total Fan Count (TFC) in number of user:

• The sum of all fans (the number of LIKES) in the certain time
• E.g. per January, 1, 2018

2) Total e-WOM Count (TEC) in number of user:

• The number of users talks about that FB fan page during certain period of
• E.g. during recent 6 months

3) Total Interaction (TI) in number of action:

• The number of any posted material (picture/video/comment/question)
from any users during certain period of time.

4) Response Rate (RR) in percentage unit:

• The number of any posted material (picture/video/comment/question)
from any users during 3 month period that is responded by the company
or any other user, DEVIDED by the sum of TOTAL INTERACTION from the
same period of time.

5) Response Time(RT) in time unit (minutes/hour/day/week):

• The average time it takes to respond to any user’s posted picture, video,
comment or question by the company or any other user during a period
of time.

6) Average Interaction (AI) in number of “like” and action:

• The average interaction happened for each INITIAL (FIRST) POSTED
picture, video, comment or question during a period of time.

7) Engagement Rate in percentage unit:

• Average Interaction (AI) DEVIDED by Total Fan Count (TFC) .

8) Meltcalfe’s Law: The possible number of unique connections among users

registered on certain FACEBOOK FAN PAGE

Meltcalfe’s Law Equation:

The number of unique connections = n (n-1) / 2

In which,
n = the number of TFC (Total Fan Count)

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