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Command How to
1 Move to the previous / next sheet Ctrl + Page Up or Ctrl + Page Down
2 Auto Filter Ctrl + Shift + L (Excel Version 2007 and later version)
3 Move to the beginning of a worksheet Ctrl + Home
4 Move to the last used cell of a worksheet Ctrl + End
5 Move to the edge of the current data region Ctrl + Arrow Key
6 Select ranges Shift + Arrow Key
7 Select adjacent ranges Shift + Ctrl + Arrow Key
8 Select Row Shift + Spacebar
9 Select Column Ctrl + Spacebar
10 Switch workbook Ctrl + Tab
11 Undo Ctrl + Z
12 Reverse Undo Ctrl + Y
13 Cut / Move Ctrl + X
14 Copy Ctrl + C
15 Paste Ctrl + V
16 Copy the contents and format of the above cell Ctrl + D
17 Copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell Ctrl + R
18 Fill the current entry + not change the active cell Ctrl + Enter (when the cursor is in a cell)
19 Fill the selected cell range with the current entry Ctrl + Enter (when the cursor is in a cell)
20 Edit the active cell F2
21 Start a new line in the cell Alt + Enter
22 Display Data + Filter list Alt + Down Arrow (only when data in a column is Text.)
23 Zoom in/out screen-Keyboard Zoom in: Ctrl + Alt + = | Zoom out: Ctrl + Alt + -
24 Zoom in/out screen-Mouse Ctrl + Scroll up/down (using a scroll wheel on the mouse)
25 Display all worksheet names Right-hand Mouse Click on the Navigation Buttons bar
26 Copy sheet Drag the sheet tab and then hold Ctrl to the left or right of the
27 Format Cell/Chart/Shape/etc Ctrl + 1
28 Show / Hide Command Bar Ctrl + F1
29 Full Screen Ctrl + Shift + F1
30 Goto F5 or Ctrl + G
31 Find Ctrl + F
32 Replace Ctrl + H
Other Short-cut Key
No. Command How to
1 Close Workbook Ctrl + W
2 Select all Ctrl + A
3 Hide/Unhide Object Ctrl + 6
4 Bold Ctrl + B
5 Italic Ctrl + I
6 Underline Ctrl + U
7 Help F1
8 New Ctrl + N
9 Open file Ctrl + O
10 Save file Ctrl + S
11 Save as F12
12 Print Ctrl + P
13 Close program Alt + F4
14 Insert Chart F11
15 Select visible cell only Alt + ; (Mac: Cmd + Shift + Z)
16 Paste Special Ctrl + Alt + V (Excel Version 2007 and later version)
17 AutoSum Alt + =
18 Enter current date Ctrl + ;
19 Enter current time Ctrl + Shift + ;
20 Insert Cell Ctrl + Shift + +
21 Delete Cell Ctrl + -
22 Switch to Desktop Window + D
23 Maximize Window Window + (Up Arrow)
24 Restore Down / Minimize Window Window + (Down Arrow)
25 Launch Window Explorer Window + E
26 Dock Window to the Left / Right side Window + (Left Arrow) or Window +  (Right Arrow)
27 Run Window + R
28 Hide Row/Unhide Row Ctrl + 9 / Ctrl + Shift + 9 (Do not use 9 button in Numpad)
29 Hide Column/Unhide Column Ctrl + 0 (Zero) / Ctrl + Shift + 0 (Do not use 0 button in Numpad)
30 Hide / Expand Formula Bar Ctrl + Shift + U

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