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A Simulink Model for an Aircraft Landing System

Using Energy Functions

Dr.V.I.George1 Mr.Joyson D’Souza2,
Professor, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
MIT, Manipal University, MIT, Manipal University,
Manipal, India. Manipal, India.
Dr.Ciji Pearl Kurian , Asst. Professor, Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MIT, Manipal University,
MIT, Manipal University, Manipal, India.
Manipal, India.

Abstract—A Simulink model for an aircraft landing system using

Lyapunov function is discussed. This paper also illustrates the
There have been several instances where misjudged
concepts of the Nonlinear Energy Based Control Method (NEM) calculation during landing of planes has led to disasters. While
and modifying the aircraft energy to automatically land an a plane moving in a steady state can be put on Autopilot mode,
aircraft. The aircraft dynamics are expressed in the form of the in the same manner while landing, the trajectory of safe
Euler- Lagrange (EL) equations of motion, which are derived landing can be predetermined, measured and automatic
from the energy functions. The structure of a controller consists landing can be done. The energy of the Aircraft is modified
of an inner loop, energy loop and a tracking loop which controls and used for automatic landing. NEM technique is based on
the aircraft model dynamics. Using Matlab, Simulink and S potential and kinetic energy of the aircraft. It is similar to the
functions, perform simulation for the control structure. The concept of Total Energy Control System (TECS) concept
system considered in this paper is a Research Civil Aircraft
Model (RCAM) developed by the Group for Aeronautical
which is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy. In
Research and Technology in Europe. (GARTEUR). general dynamics of an aircraft the kinetic energy and pitch
motion are regulated as desired. The controller regulate the
Keywords- Aircraft Landing, Non-Liner Energy Based Control, kinetic energy and potential energy and modifies the energy
S-Function, PID Control, Pitch, Velocity, Angle of attack. distribution via aircraft control surfaces and achieve the
desired objectives [1-5]. Flight path design, guidance and
I. INTRODUCTION control of aircraft are discussed in [7]. Total energy control
systems (TECS) are explained in [8],[ 11]. Energy controls in
Aeroplanes are the results of the dreams and desires of Men
complex non linear aircraft systems [9]. Singular perturbations
who wanted to fly in the air. Maneuvering and controlling
in control is demonstrated in [12] and design criteria’s are
these flying objects is a difficult and complex task which at
illustrated in [6], [10], [13] .
times has been made simpler. Landing an Aircraft in a safe
and comfortable manner is a very important task. The pilot has The paper is organized as follows. Section II, illustrates the
to be extremely careful and cautious while landing a plane. objectives of the work, while section III gives the tool for
The flight of an aircraft culminates in a landing at an airport. model based design, RCAM model is discussed in section IV,
While approaching the airport, the aircraft take a path in line and section V gives controller design. Result analysis is given
with the runway and from a certain distance begin to descent in section VI.
until it touches the ground at a point near the runway
threshold. That means landing is then performed under visual
flight rules condition. This condition is not satisfied, the
landing is under instrument flight rules (IFR) conditions. Both II. OBJECTIVES
commercial/military aircrafts should operate all weather This paper mainly presents the design and simulation of an
conditions. To achieve this goal, it must be possible to land the Aircraft Automatic Landing System using non linear energy
aircraft without visual reference of the runway. This can be based control method(NEM) in order to provide automatic
accomplished by the automatic landing system which would pitch (pitch rate) stabilization for the aircraft in landing mode
guide the aircraft down a predetermined glide slope and then and to achieve automatic tracking of the given flight trajectory
at a preselected altitude reduce the rate of descent and cause for landing phase. A closed loop system is modeled by using
the aircraft to flare out and touch down with an acceptably low SIMULINK and written Matlab programs for inner controller,
rate of descent. energy controller, PID controller, for RCAM longitudinal auto

978-1-4577-2119-9/12/$26.00 2011
c IEEE 355

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III. TOOL FOR MODEL-BASED DESIGN the name of the S-function in the S-function name field of the
Simulation is carried out in Matlab / Simulink platform using S-Function block's Block Parameters dialog box.
S-functions for the NEM Control Structure shown in fig (3). The S-Function block's S-function parameters and Level-2 M-
M-file S-functions allow to create blocks with the features of file S-Function block's Parameters fields allow you to specify
multiple input and output ports, the ability to accept vector or parameter values to pass to the corresponding S-function. To
matrix signals, support for various signal attributes including use these fields, we must know the parameters of the S-
data type, complexity, and signal frames, and ability to operate function and the order in which the function requires them. (If
at multiple sample rates. do not know, consult the S-function's author, documentation,
Dynamic systems can be easily modeled either from scratch or or source code.) Enter the parameters, separated by a comma,
modify existing models to meet the requirements using in the order required by the S-function. The parameter values
Simulink. Simulink supports linear and nonlinear systems, can be constants, names of variables defined in the MATLAB
modeled in continuous time, sampled time, or a hybrid of the or model workspace, or MATLAB expressions.In this paper
two. Systems can also be multi-rate having different parts that the mathematical models are taken from [1] and closed loop
are sampled or updated at different rates. Simulink models are simulation is done using simulink.
widely used for Aerospace and Defense, Automotive,
Communications, Electronics and Signal Processing and IV. RCAM MODEL
Medical Instrumentation applications. It is possible to explore The aircraft model used is the Research Civil Aircraft Model
more realistic nonlinear models, factoring in friction, air (RCAM), the twin-engine civil aircraft model developed by
resistance, gear slippage, hard stops, and other things that GARTEUR[10] [13]. The Block diagram representation of
describe real-world phenomena. RCAM [1] is shown in figure (1). The angle of attack and
Real world problems like automotive clutch system, the flutter aircraft pitch motion are controlled by a surface called
of an airplane wing, the monetary supply on the economy can elevator. Hence angle of attack , pitch, pitch rate, changes in
be modeled and analyzed using Simulink platform.The speed as state variables and elevator deflection is taken as
interactive graphical environment simplifies the modelling input . Hence the eigen values of longitudinal dynamics
process, eliminating the need to formulate differential and consists of pair of complex poles and a pair of real poles. The
difference equations in a language or program. complex poles represent phugoid (slow dynamics) and real
poles represent short period mode (fast dynamics). The
Once the model is defined it can be simulated using a choice phugoid mode, the period of oscillation is large and relatively
of mathematical integration methods either using Simulink low damping. It depends on pitch and speed of the aircraft and
menus or MATLAB Command line. The menus are the angle of attack is constant. It can be thought of a potential
convenient for interactive work, while the command line is energy changes to kinetic energy. Damping of the phugoid
useful for running a batch of simulations. For example, in depends upon drag. The natural frequency of the phugoid is
Monte Carlo simulations or to apply a parameter across a inversely proportional to the forward speed and independent of
range of values command line is useful. The simulation results air density.
can be put in the MATLAB workspace for post processing and

Model analysis tools mainly include linearization and

trimming tools, which can be accessed from the MATLAB
command line. Because MATLAB and Simulink are
integrated, it is possible to simulate, analyze, and revise the
models in either environment at any point. Simulink use
MATLAB environment to define model inputs, store model
outputs for analysis and visualization, perform functions
within a model through integrated calls to MATLAB operators
and functions.
Use S-functions for a variety of applications such as creating
new general purpose blocks, adding blocks that represent
hardware device drivers, incorporating existing C code into a
simulation, describing a system as a set of mathematical
equations and using graphical animations.To incorporate a C
MEX S-function or legacy Level-1 M-file S-function into a
Simulink® model, drag an S-Function block from the User-
Defined Functions block library into the model. Then specify Fig 1: Block diagram of RCAM

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Table 1: Flight Trajectory Descriptions

Segment Time, Descriptions Gamma V

t (sec) (deg) (m/s)

I 0<t”110 Level Flight 0 80

II 110<t”150 Descending -5
III 150<t”190 Diving -5
IV 190<t”230 Ascending 5
V 230<t”260 Climbing 5
VI 260<t”300 Levelling 0
VII 300<t”340 Level Flight 0
VIII 340<t”380 Descending -6
IX 380<t”420 Diving -6
Fig 2: Flight Trajectory X 420<t”450 Decending -3
XI 450<t”500 Approaching -3
Table 1 provides the trim conditions defined by the flight-path
angle Ȗ and the airspeed V, that are shown by Fig. (2) which
displays the trajectory in x-z plane. Fig 3 shows the block The energy required by the aircraft in order to achieve the
diagram of NEM control structure for RCAM longitudinal desired trajectory consists of stored and dissipated energy. The
autopilot [1]. central idea is to modify the energy distribution via aircraft
control surfaces and thrust to achieve the desired objective.


The rotational dynamics due to pitching motion is controlled

by inner loop and inner controller where by achieving the
pitch stabilization and perform the stabilization of the fast
dynamics. The fast controller u f = [δ e δ th ]T is designed to
ensure the pitch and the pitch rate reach the desired values,
θ → θd , θ → θd . The translational dynamics are
considered as slow dynamics. The energy controller performs
the stabilization of the slow dynamics via energy loop. The
resulting controller is denoted as us . The third stage, a simple
outer controller for position tracking is proposed. This is the
tracking loop. Finally, we have to consider the overall
controlled dynamics to validate the design. The composite
controller is uc = us + u f . The total energy-based controller
to achieve trajectory tracking, energy regulation and pitch
stabilization is, given by [1]

Fig 3: Block diagram of NEM control structure for RCAM

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1 ª  δ F
Iyθd + −( Iyζ + Kd )θ − Kdζθ −Mθ,δth » +
δe = « 
Mθ,δe ¬ δθ ¼

( )
K1z + K2 tanh 0.1³ z + K3z −−−−−−−(1)
1 ª Dr º
δ th = « + g sin(γ ) + Vd − K dsV » −
19.62 cos(α ) ¬ m ¼
K θ − K θ + K z − − − − − − − (2)
5 6 4

Where K1 , K 2 , K 3 , K 4 , K 5 , K 6 ,∈ ℜ, ζ , K d , K ds ∈ ℜ +
Control laws (1) and (2) are constructed as follows, [1] the
controller gains computed based on the RCAM nominal
operating point. (Aircraft mass = 120000 kg, airspeed = 80 m/s,
gamma = 0) are: I yζ + K d = 3.8 * 107 kgm2/s, K d ς = 2.156
Fig 5: Simulink output of Pitch angle (theta)
* 107 kgm2/s, Kds = 4 s/m, K1 = 0.005/m, K2 = 0.0003/m, K3 =
0.004 s/m, K4 = -0.005/m, K5 = -0.452, and K6 = -0.583s. The
initial condition: ª¬ș 0 θ 0 x 0 z 0 x 0 z 0 º¼ = [ 0 0.0284 80
0 1000 1000]T. The units are rad/s, rad, m/s, m/s, m and m,
respectively. The COG position is fixed at xcog = 0.23c , ycog
= 0; zcog = 0. No Wind Disturbances are present. The aircraft
inertia matrix is constant. The energy equation [1] is given by
W 2
E = Wh + V . Where W = mg = weight of the aircraft,
g = acceleration due to gravity , h =altitude, and V= velocity.


Matlab programs for inner controller, energy controller, PID

controller and aircraft model [1] are developed. The simulink
model for the NEM structure of RCAM is shown in figure (4).

Simulation results of Pitch angle ( θ ), Pitch rate ( θ ), Velocity Fig 6: Simulink output of Pitch rate (theta_dot)
(V), Flight path angle( γ ), Z position of the aircraft , upward
speed z and angle of attack ( α ) are shown in the figure (5) to
figure (11). A nonlinear energy based control method is
designed for an aircraft longitudinal autopilot (on a twin-engine
civil aircraft developed by GARTEUR in landing phase). The
aircraft model used here is RCAM (Research Civil Aircraft
Model). The energy required by the aircraft in order to achieve
the desired trajectory consists of stored and dissipated energy.
The desired objectives are achieved by modifying the energy
distribution via aircraft control surfaces and thrust. Three
controllers which are used to control the automatic landing of
the aircraft are designed by modifying aircraft energy. The
entire system is designed for a certain flight trajectory. The
closed loop time responses shown in figures 5 to 11 and its
time domain specifications such as rise time, settling time, root
mean square error etc. are minimum. Therefore simulation
results are satisfactory for the landing of an aircraft.

Fig 7: Simulink output of Velocity(V)

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Fig 8: Simulink output of Flight Path Angle(gamma)
Fig 11: Simulink output of Angle of attack(alpha)
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Fig 4: Simulink diagram of NEM control structure for RCAM longitudinal autopilot

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