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Hybrid backstepping control for rotorcraft guidance

Antoine Drouin, Jules Ghislain Slama, Felix Mora-Camino

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Antoine Drouin, Jules Ghislain Slama, Felix Mora-Camino. Hybrid backstepping control for rotorcraft
guidance. ICCA 2010, 8th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Jun 2010,
Xiamen, China. pp xxxx. �hal-00938741�

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Hybrid Backstepping Control for Rotorcraft
Antoine Drouin, Jules G. Slama and Félix A.C. Mora-Camino

Abstract— The purpose of this communication is to implementations appear of direct interest for the design of
display a non-linear control approach based on a new two-layer control structure based on backstepping
backstepping for the positioning and orientation for a control laws. The proposed control approach is compared
four-rotor aircraft. Realistic rotorcraft flight dynamics with a nonlinear inverse control approach introduced in
are introduced and the effectiveness of its control [10].
channels is analyzed. Then two complementary
implementations of the backstepping control approach II. ROTORCRAFT FLIGHT DYNAMICS
are considered. The compatibility of these control The considered system is shown in figure 1 where rotors
approaches with a two-layer control structure devoted one and three are clockwise while rotors two and four are
to the guidance of the rotorcraft is displayed. The counter clockwise. The main simplifying assumptions
resulting control laws are detailed and their expected adopted with respect to flight dynamics in this study are a
performances are discussed. A simulation study is rigid cross structure, constant wind, negligible aerodynamic
performed where the performances of the proposed contributions resulting from translational speed, no ground
control structure are compared with those of a classical effect as well as small air density effects and negligible
non linear inverse control solution. response times for the rotors. It is then possible to write the
rotorcraft flight equations as follows [7].


I N the last years a large interest has risen for the four-
rotor concept since it appears to present simultaneously
hovering, orientation and trajectory tracking capabilities
of interest for many practical applications [1]. The flight
mechanics of this rotorcraft are highly non-linear and
different control approaches [2], [3], have been considered
with little success to achieve either only autonomous
hovering and orientation or also trajectory tracking.
In this paper we consider the flight dynamics of a four- Fig. 1. Four rotor aircraft
rotor aircraft with fixed pitch blades. The control problem
of interest is the design of flight control laws enabling A. Rotorcraft Flight Equations
autonomous positioning and orientation for this class of

i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}
The rotor forces and moments are given by:

Fi = f ωi
rotorcraft. This study investigates the solution of this
problem using a backstepping control approach. Here it is (1-1)

i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} (1-2)
required that a single continuous control law performs the
whole maneuver while to achieve it by manual control it M i = k Fi = k f ωi 2

Where f and k are positive constants and ωi is the rotational

appears necessary to go through a succession of elementary
maneuvers since the system is underactuated.
The backstepping control approach, which has also been speed of rotor i. These speeds and forces satisfy the

i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}
applied to airships flight control law design [4], is constraints:
0 ≤ ωi i ≤ ωmax
introduced. Two different design techniques are developed

i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} (2-2)
0 ≤ Fi ≤ Fi max = f ωmax
following the main guidelines of this approach. These two
A. Drouin is with the Automation and Operations Research Laboratory-
LARA of ENAC, 7 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31055, Toulouse, France (e- Since the inertia matrix of the rotorcraft can be considered diagonal with Ixx = Iyy, the roll, pitch and yaw moment

p& = (l ( F4 − F2 ) + k2 q r ) / I xx
J. Slama is with LAVI-PEM/Programa de Engenharia Mecânica of equations may be written as:
COPPE/UFJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (
q& = (l ( F1 − F3 ) + k 4 p r ) / I yy
F. Mora-Camino is with the Automation and Operations Research
Laboratory-LARA of ENAC, 7 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31055, Toulouse, (3-2)
France (corresponding author, phone:0033562174358, fax:
r& = (k ( F2 − F1 + F4 − F3 )) / I zz (3-3) problem can be also considered as a first step towards the
design of more efficient trajectory tracking systems.
The manoeuvre under study is, when performed manually
rates. Here k2 = ( I zz − I yy ) and k 4 = ( I xx − I zz ) , where
Where p, q and r are the roll, pitch and yaw body angular through direct radio control of the four engine thrusts (see
picture 1), quite difficult to be achieved in one step.

and that much depends on the rotorcraft attitude angles φ

Ixx, Iyy and Izz are the inertia moments in body-axis, and l is Experimentally it appears that no direct approach is feasible

Let φ, θ and ψ be respectively the bank, pitch and heading and θ specially when considering the control of its
the length of the four arms of the rotorcraft.

angles, then the Euler equations relating the derivatives of horizontal position error (x-xc, y-yc).

φ& = p + tg (θ )(sin φ q + cos φ r )

the attitude angles to the body angular rates, are given by: Equations (5-1) and (5-2) show that to get any horizontal

( φ ≠ 0 or θ ≠ 0 ), they show also that the orientation of the

θ& = cos φ q − sin φ r
(4-1) acceleration, it is necessary to have a non zero attitude

acceleration is dependent of the heading angle ψ. Equations

ψ& = (sin φ q + cos φ r ) / cos θ

by w = (w x w y w z )' . The wind is supposed constant while the

angles φ and θ, it is easy to master the heading angle error
(3-3) with (4-3) and (5-3) show that given the attitude
In this study the wind is given in the local Earth reference frame
(ψ-ψc) and the vertical position error (z-zc). From equations
ground effect is neglected. The acceleration a = (a x a y a z )' of (3-1), (3-2) and (3-3), it appears that the effectiveness of the
the centre of gravity, taken directly in the local Earth reference rotor actuators is much larger with respect to the roll and
frame, is such as: pitch axis than with respect to the yaw axis. Then we
a x = (1 / m )((cos(ψ ) sin(θ ) cos(φ ) + sin(ψ ) sin(φ )) F − d x ) (5-1)
the angles θ and φ. In equations (3-1) and (3-2), the effect
consider that attitude piloting is involved with controlling

a y = (1 / m)((sin(ψ ) sin(θ ) cos(φ ) − cos(ψ ) sin(φ )) F − d y ) of the rotor forces appears as differences so, we define new

a z = g − (1 / m )(cos(θ ) cos(φ ) F + d z ) u p = F4 − F2
attitude inputs uq and up as:
uq = F1 − F3
(5-3) (10.1)
In the heading and position dynamics, the effects of rotor
where x, y and z are the centre of gravity coordinates, m is the forces and moments appear as sums, so we define new
guidance inputs uψ and uz as:
F = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4
total mass of the rotorcraft and:

( )
uψ = ( F2 + F4 ) − ( F1 + F3 ) uz = F = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4
Here the drag force d = d x
F = [ F1 F2 F3 F4 ] ' u = [u p u q uψ u z ] '
dy d z ' is given by:

d = c ( x& − wx ) 2 + ( y& − wy ) 2 + ( z& − wz ) 2 (x& − wx y& − wy z& − wz )'


with c = 1 / 2 ρ S C d where ρ is the volumetric mass of the Equations (3-1), (3-2) and (3-3) are rewritten:

p& = (l u p + k 2 q r ) / I xx
air, S is the reference surface for the aerodynamics of the
q& = (l uq + k4 p r ) / I yy
rotorcraft and Cd is its dimensionless drag factor. The

ua = x& − wx , va = y& − wy and w a = z& − w z (8)

components of the rotorcraft airspeed are: (12-2)
r& = k uψ / I zz (12-3)

(wz =0) with a given heading ψ are such that:

The equilibrium conditions (hovering) in an horizontal wind
with uψ and uz remaining constant. Attitude angles φ and θ
It appears that uq and up can be made to vary significantly

p = 0, q = 0, r = 0, x& = 0, y& = 0, z& = 0 (9-1) can be seen as virtual controls for the horizontal position of
θ e = arctg ((c w / mg )(cosψ w x + sin ψ w y ))
the rotorcraft. Here the attitude dynamics are considered to
φe = arctg ((c w / mg )(sinψ wx − cosψ wy ) cosθ e ) (9-3)
be the fast dynamics , they are at the heart of the control
system. The heading and height dynamics are intermediate
while the dynamics of the horizontal position coordinates

F1 = F2 = F3 = F4 = mg /(4 cos θ e cos φ e )

with are the slower. This can lead to multilevel closed-loop
(9-4) control structures.


B. Analysis of Rotorcraft Flight Dynamics
A. The Backstepping Control Approach
Here we are interested in controlling the four-rotor aircraft
so that its centre of gravity reaches and stays hovering at a The backstepping technique is a rather recent non-linear
predefined position while its heading acquires and control technique, which applies to cascaded systems. The
maintains a given orientation. Many potential applications main idea is to use intermediate state variables as virtual
require this capability to be available in UAVs’ while this inputs to take advantage of the causality relations displayed
by the cascaded state representation. The convergence of
the output variables towards their target values is obtained w = g ( x 2 , u ) − (∂G / ∂ x 1 ) x 2 (17-3)
by the construction, step by step, of an auxiliary Lyapunov Then a candidate Lyapunov function of the full system is
function. This general idea can be developed in different given by:
ways, as it will be shown in the next sub-section.
The main interest of the backstepping approach is that the V ( x1 − x1c , z ) = V1 ( x1 − x1c ) + 1 / 2 z ' z (18)

The time derivative of V ( x 1 − x 1c , z ) is given by:

stability of the controlled system as well as the convergence
of the outputs towards their reference values can be

V& ( x1 − x1c , z ) = (∂V1 / ∂ x1 ) ' (G ( x1 , x1c ) + z ) + z ' w

guaranteed without inducing, like in the case of the non-
linear control approach, the decoupling of the outputs (19)
dynamics. Indeed, it can be considered that the decoupling
of the outputs dynamics demands an additional effort from then:
V& ( x1 − x1c , z ) ≤ − W ( x1 − x1c ) + (∂V1 / ∂ x1 )' z + z ' w
the control channels with then a higher possibility of (20)
saturation for the actuators, either in position or speed,
resulting in downgraded performances. Finally, another
w = −(∂V1 / ∂ x 1 ) − Ω z
and by an adequate choice of w , such as :
advantage of this approach is that several matrices of (21)
parameters are introduced while constructing the control
law, providing a large variety of possibilities to shape where Ω is a symmetric positive definite matrix, the full
conveniently the outputs dynamics as well as the control system is globally asymptotically stable since it satisfies
signals. the following condition:
B. Direct Implementation of the Backstepping V& ( x1 − x1c , z ) ≤ −W ( x1 − x1c ) − z ' Ω z (22)
Consider a cascaded system whose state representation is

U = − g−1(x2 ) ((∂V1 / ∂x1) + Ω (x2 − G(x1, x1c )) )

given by: Finally, the effective control input is given by:
x& 1 = x 2 and x& 2 = g ( x 2 , U ) (13) (23)

where x 1 ∈ R n , x 2 ∈ R are state variables and u ∈ R n is

C. Indirect Implementation of Backstepping
the control input and g is a smooth diffeomorphism with
Now we consider the case where the cascaded system

Y = h( X )
respect to u. The control objective here is to design a
cannot be written easily in the form (13), but it obeys to:

X& = g ( X , U ) with
control law such that the state x1 can be stabilized at x 1c .
Here also, x 2 can be regarded as a virtual control input for (24)
the dynamics of x1 while the dynamics of x 2 are where X∈Rn, U∈Rm, Y∈Rm, g is a smooth vector

there exists a control law x 2 = G ( x 1 , x 1c ) such that the

controlled by the real control input U . Now, suppose that field of X and U and h is a smooth vector field of
X. The system has, with respect to each

( ∑ im=1 ( ri + 1) ≤ n , i = 1, … , m) around the state

dynamics of x1 can be stabilized at x 1c while we can find a independent output Yi , a relative degree ri
Lyapunov function V1 ( x 1 − x 1c ) , which satisfies the
condition: X0 if the output dynamics can be written as:
V&1 ( x1 − x1c ) = (∂V1 / ∂ x1 )' G( x1 , x1c ) ≤ − W ( x1 − x1c ) (14) ⎛ Y1( r1 +1) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ M ⎟ = A( X ) + B ( X , U )
where W ( x 1 − x1c ) is a positive definite function of x1. A ⎜ ( rm +1) ⎟
⎜ Ym ⎟
⎝ ⎠

r1 = r2 = L = rm = 1 , where the
possible choice is:
G ( x1 , x1c ) = − Λ ( x1 − x1c ) (15) Here we assume that
where Λ is a positive definite symmetric matrix. Then in jacobian of B with respect to the control inputs is invertible.

Z 2 = Y&
In that case, two auxiliary outputs can be defined:
Z 1 = L (Y − Y c ) + Y& and
this case:
V1 ( x1 − x1c ) = W ( x1 , x1c ) =
( x1 − x1c )' ( x1 − x1c ) (16)
1 (26)
2 where L is a positive definite symmetric matrix. A
The whole dynamics can be expressed as: candidate Lyapunov function is then given by:

x& 1 = G ( x 1 , x 1c ) + z z& = w V2 = (Z 1 Z 1 + Z 2 Z 2 )
1 ' '
and (17-1) (27)
z = x 2 − G ( x 1 , x 1c ) The time derivative of V2 is such as:
V&2 = Z 1 ' Z 1 + Z 2 ' Z 2
where (17-2)
V&2 = ( L (Y − Y c ) + 2 Y& ) ' ( L Y& + Y&&) − L Y& ' Y& ⎡ l l tgθ sinθ k tgθ cosφ ⎤
⎢ I ⎥
or (28-2)
⎢ ⎥
l cosφ − k sinφ
I xx I xx (33-2)
⎢ 0 ⎥
L Y& + Y&& = −Λ( L Y + 2 Y& )
Choosing a control such as : xx

⎢ ⎥
J (Y ) = ⎢ ⎥
where Λ is another symmetric positive definite matrix. We ⎢ l sinφ k cosφ
I yy I yy

⎢ cosθ I yy cosθ I zz ⎥
0 0
have: ⎢ − cosφ cosθ ⎥
V&2 = −( L (Y − Y c ) + 2 Y& ) ' Λ ( L (Y − Y c ) + Y& ) − Y& ' L Y& ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
(30) 0 0
and it is straightforward to show that the system is globally
cos 2 φ tgθ sin φ
and the above matrix is invertible if:
− (sin θ sin φ + cos2 φ ) ≠ 0
asymptotically stable. The corresponding control law is (34)
U = − B −1 ( X )(Λ L (Y − Y c ) + ( L + 2Λ) Y& + A( X )) (31)
given by :
which is the case when φ and θ remains small with respect
I zz I yy

to ±π/2. We introduce now the two R4x4 symmetric positive

IV. APPLICATION OF BACKSTEPPING TO definite matrices L and Λ and adopt the control law (31)
A( X ) = [ Pp Pq gψ ( g − d z / m)] ' (35)
Analyzing relations (3-i), (4-i) and (5-i), i =1 to 3, it
appears that their equations can be separated into two sets: to compute the current input vector u .
one relative to the slower dynamics, the horizontal
dynamics, and corresponding to the first case considered in B. Horizontal backstepping control layer
the previous section and one relative to other dynamics and The state representation of the horizontal dynamics is given

x& = v x
corresponding to the second case. The above approaches of by:

y& = v y
backstepping are now applied to each of the control layer (36-1)
necessary to perform attitude control and guidance of the
v& x = (1 / m)((cos(ψ ) sin(θ ) cos(φ ) +
A. Control of Rotorcraft Attitude and Level
sin(ψ ) sin(φ )) F − d x )
The attitude and altitude dynamics can be given by the state (36-3)

v& y = (1 / m)((sin(ψ ) sin(θ ) cos(φ )

φ& = p + tg (θ )(sin φ q + cos φ r )
− cos(ψ ) sin(φ )) F − d y )
φ&& = (l u p + l tgθ sin θ u q + k tgθ cos φ uψ ) / I xx (32-2)

+ Pp ( p, q, r , φ ,θ ) where ψ and F are defined by the inner control loop.

θ& = cos φ q − sin φ r (32-3)
This state representation corresponds to the one studied in

θ&& = (l cos φ u q − k sin φ uψ ) / I yy

the case of (13-1) and (13-2). Then following the

+ Pq ( p , q , r , φ , θ )
(32-4) corresponding backstepping approach, we get with V1

ψ& = (sin φ q + cos φ r ) / cos θ values for φ and θ :

chosen according to relation (23) the following reference

φc = arcsin((sin ψ (m ε x + d x )
ψ&& = k cosφ uψ /(cosθ I zz ) + l sin φ u p /(cosθ I yy ) (32-6)
− cosψ (m ε y + d y ) / uz )
+ gψ ( p, q, r , φ , θ ,ψ )
θ c = arcsin((cosψ (mε x + d x ) / u z
z& = v z
+ sinψ (mε y + d y ) / u z / cos φc )
&z& = g − (1 / m)(cos(θ ) cos(φ ) u z + d z )

where εx and εy are given by:


⎡ε x ⎤ ⎡ x − xc ⎤ ⎡ x& ⎤
Pp ( p, q, r , φ , θ ) , ⎢ε ⎥ = −( I 2 + Ω Λ ) ⎢ ⎥ − Ω⎢ ⎥
⎣ y − yc ⎦ ⎣ y& ⎦
where the exact expressions of
⎣ y⎦
Pq ( p, q, r ,φ ,θ ) and g ψ ( p, q, r , φ , θ ,ψ ) can be derived from
where Λ and Ω are symmetric positive definite matrices.
relations (3-i) and (4-i) .
Then, the horizontal position of the rotorcraft follows the
the form (24) with Y=[φ θ ψ z]’, U = u with
The outputs dynamics (32-2), (32-4), (32-6) and (32-8) take
linear dynamics:
⎡ &x&⎤ ⎡ x& ⎤ ⎡ x − xc ⎤
u = (u p , u q , uψ , u z ) ' . Here X = ( p, q, r , φ , θ ,ψ , z&, z ) ' ⎢ &y&⎥ + Ω ⎢ y& ⎥ + ( I 2 + Ω Λ ) ⎢ y − y ⎥ = 0
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ c⎦

B( X , u ) = J (Y ) u
and B(X, u) is such as:
(33-1) Since the actuator settings are determined by the inner

dynamics. The outputs φ, θ, ψ and z of the inner closed

with control loop, let us have a look at the corresponding

loop follows the dynamics given by:

(Λ L) −1Y&& + (Λ L) −1 ( L + 2Λ) Y& + (Y − Y c ) = 0 (39) TABLE I

When matrices Λ and L are diagonal, these dynamics are

Kθ = -2 Kq =-0.23
decoupled and the poles of the decoupled dynamics are the
Kφ= - 2 Kp = -0.23
roots of the m different characteristic polynomials:
Kψ = -0.02 Kr = -0.025
s 2 + ( μ i + 2 λ i ) s + λ i μ i = 0 i =1 to m (40-1) Kz = 0.12 K z& =0.15
Kx = 0.137 K x& =0.183
Λ = diag (λ1 , λ2 , L , λm )
Ky = 0.137 K y& = 0.183

L = diag ( μ1 , μ 2 , L , μ m )
and (40-2)

λi and the μi are positive real, we get always real negative ζθ = 0.8 ωθ = 10 rad/s
and where s is the Laplace variable. In this case, since the SELECTED DYNAMIC PARAMETERS

roots. In the general case, the dynamics modes of the ζφ = 0.8 ωφ = 10 rad/s
outputs will be characterized by the solutions of the global ζψ = 0.8 ωψ = 2 rad/s
− Im
ζz = 0.8 ωz = 1.5 rad/s
characteristic polynomial:
⎡ sI ⎤
det( ⎢ m ⎥) = 0 ζx = 0.8 ωx = 1.5 rad/s
⎣Λ L sI m + ( L + 2Λ )⎦
ζy = 0.8 ωy = 1.5 rad/s
Since this last relation is independent of the application it is
possible to study once for all the reachable pole sets within
the left half complex plane. The results (see figures 2 to 5) show that the two control
Remark: In the case of an horizontal wind, a necessary laws, in both levels, present equivalent performances.

independent of the choice of matrices Λ and L or even of

condition for final convergence and equilibrium, However, while the non linear inverse control law produces
second order linear dynamics for the attitude angles and the

m g /(4 cos θ e cos φ e ) ≤ Fi max

the control approach is given by: position and heading outputs, the backstepping control law
(42-1) produces clearly a non linear behaviour for these variables.
In particular (figure 4) , since the final convergences of the
θ e = arctg ((c w / mg )(cosψ c wx + sinψ c wy )) (42-2)
backstepping control law is rather slow, the non linear

φe = arctg ((c w / mg )(sinψ c wx

inverse solution can produce, for a same response time, a
less input demanding solution. However, as shown in the
− cosψ c wy ) cosθ e )
following figures, other parameters settings may lead to

where ψc is the heading reference value.

responses where the backstepping approach is slightly
superior. Other simulation studies should be performed in
particular to show clearly the advantage of using advanced
V. SIMULATION RESULTS non-linear control law instead of empirical-intuitive ones.
Also, the realisation of simulation studies should be of
The selected gains for the backstepping control law are interest to explore the impact of actuator saturations on the
displayed on Table 1 while the selected dynamics for the flight domain and feasible manoeuvres of the rotorcraft.
attitude, the altitude, the heading and the horizontal position
are second order linear dynamics characterized by their VI. CONCLUSION
respective damping coefficients and natural frequencies. In this communication the applicability of a non-linear
These values are reported on Table 2. control approach to the positioning and orientation of a
The produced figures display different time responses of rotorcraft has been treated. Since this system is highly
the rotorcraft under either the backstepping control law or a nonlinear, naturally unstable and rather under-actuated, the
reference non-linear inverse control law. The comparison is design of a unique control law to perform safely the whole

rotorcraft to a step in attitude (either φ or θ) for each

performed in two stages: first, the responses of the manoeuvre is not straightforward and a multilevel control
approach must be considered. So a multilevel control
control law, are evaluated. Then, for each control law , the structure has been introduced. It appeared that the direct
responses of the rotorcraft to a step in position (x, y or z) are application of the backstepping control approaches was not
evaluated and compared. The evaluation of the inner desirable and that it was more judicious to realize two
attitude control loop is important since the guidance different implementations of the backstepping guidelines to
capability of the rotorcraft, an under actuated device, is insure first the internal stability and then guidance of the
directly dependent of the controllability of its attitude controlled system.
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Fi Fi


t mg/4
( NLI : non linear inverse, BS : backstepping )
Fig.2 Step response of φ ( ωφ=10 rad/s) Fig. 5. Step response of z ( ω z = 1.5 rad / s )





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