CAPE History 2015 U1 P1

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l Which of the following statements MOST Which of the following suggests the
accurately characterizes the religion ofthe
possible Presence of Africans in the
Tainos OR Kalinagos? Americas before 1492?

(A) They were NOT religious people (A) The saga of Erik the Red
(B) They worshiPPed in large stone (B) Mayan worshiP of a dark-skinned
(C) They had no clearly articulated (c) Mention of African PeoPle in
Balboa's records
concePt of God.
(D) Tobacco smoking formed Part of
(D) The use of shells as currencY in
Central America
their religious ritual.

6. Which of the follorving activ ities was NOT

2. FoTANY ONE of the following groups, the
a feature of indigenous mainland American
Kalinago OR Taino OR Tupi, which of the
statements below is true?

(A) TheY created large emPires'

(A) WorshiP of one god
(B) They constructed stone dwellings'
(B) Stratification of societY
(C) They practised a gender division of
(C) Practice of agriculture
(D) Conquest of other grouPs
(D) They established comPlex road
7. The MAIN factor that led to contact
beu'een Africa and Europe up to I 450 was
J. The archaeological excavation at L'Anse
aux Meadows provides evidence ofthe
(A) desire to build a Portuguese
colonial emPire
(A) existence of a Viking settlement in
(B) attemPt bY some EuroPeans to
comPete with SPain
(B) precise location of the Viking
sertlement in Vrnland
(C) search by some European countrles
for a caPtive labour force
(C) existence of a permanent Viking
sefilement in Vinland
(D) desire by some European countrles
to breach the monoPolY of the
(D) existence ofa Viking settlement ln
North Newfoundland
provides 8' ln which century did the Portuguese FIRST
+. Which of the follorving situations
trade with Africa?
evidence ofcontact benveen Europeans and
WestAfricans during the fifteenth century?
(A) Twelfth
(A) The sPread of Arabic literacY
(B) Thirteenth
(B) WestAfrican production of cotton'
(C) Fifteenth
silk and salt
(D) Seventeenth

(C) The anival ofJohn Hawkins on the

uPPer Guinea coast
(D) The arrival of the Portuguese at
Elmina on the West African


9. The transfer of food. plants and animals t{. One of the consequences of the Inca civ il
from one continent to another in the late war of I 530 was that
1400s was referred to as the
(A) Atahualpa won the throne
(A) Westem Design (B) the Sapa Inca was imprisoned
(B) Columbus Project (C) there was a dispute betrveen the
(C) Enterprise of the Indies Sapa lnca and his son
(D) Columbian Exchange (D) lnca military resisunce to Spanish
aggression was weakened

10. Which of the follo*'ing was NOT an effect

of Spanish settlement in the New World? 15. The MAIN strategy used by lVlontezuma
(A) The imponation of African labour
to prevent Cort6s' advancement to
(B) Tenochtitl6n was
Mechanization w ithin the tobacco
(C) The introduction of European (A) offering tribute to the Spaniards
(B) surrendering the city ofTlaxcala
(D) Miscegenation of the population
(C) casting spells over the Spaniards
(D) offering sacrifices to Hu itzilopochtli

ll. The MAIN purpose of the encomienda

system introduced by the Spaniards was to
16. The MAII- cause of death on the Middle
Passage during the trans-Atlantic trade in
(A) ensure fair treatment ofthe Indians enslaved A[ricans was
(B) prevent enslavement ofthe Indians
(C) provide labour for the Spaniards (A) suicide
(D) provide defence for the Spaniards (B) disease
(C) insurrection
(D) malnourishment
12. The events o f La Noche Triste suggest that
the success ofthe conquistadores in Mexico
was MAINLY due to the 17. Which of the following factors BEST
accounts for the European preference for
(A) military technology of the Spaniards Africans as chattel slaves in the seventeenth
(B) infectious diseases brought by the century?
(C) rigid political centralization ofthe (A) Africans were available in larse
Arecs l. . n umbers.
(D) conversion of the indigenous (B) Africans were ideally suited for
people to Christian iry labour in the tropics.
(C) Enslaved Africans could be
converted to Christianit-r.
13. Bartolomd de Las Casas is associated with (D) There were already established
tne forms of human bondage in
A frica.
(A) introduction ofthe tribute system
(B) enslavement of indigenous peoples
(C) campaign against the encomienda
sy srem
(D) encouragement of indigenous



18. Which of the following statements BEST

1) West Indian planters gave provision
reflects current thinking on the debate grounds to the enslaved MAINLY to
regarding the family unit during slavery?
(A) keep the enslaved occuPied
(A) Nuclear families were common' (B) supPlY the intemal markets
(B) The family was highly matrifocal (C) decrease the planters'food expenses

(C) Families were nearlY alwaYs (D) ensure that all estate land rvas
separated. cultivated
(D) The familY unit did not survtve
23. Which of the following strategies of
economic survival was MATNLY used by
19. The gender-blind policies on the sugar enslaved Africans in the Caribbean?
plantations in the Caribbean were
implemented ONLY for rvork in (A) Rearing animals
(B) Bartering for allowances
(A) sugar factories (C) Cultivating provision grounds
(B) field-based tasks (D) Bargaining for more leisure rime
(C) the skilled trades
(D) the Great House
21. Which of the following actions were
used by enslaved women as methods of
20. Which of the follorving MOST likely resistance?
reflected the experiences of enslaved
females? L Eating African foods
ll. Practising binh control
(A) Women held skilled jobs in the III. Poisoning their masters
distillery. MarticiPating in armed revolts
(B) Women experienced high levels of
fertilitY (A) I and ll onlY
(C) Women ParticiPated in armed (B) lI and Il[ onlY
rebellion in search of freedom ' (C) I, II and lll onlY
(D) Women were usually the leaders in (D) Il, III and IV onlY
Maroon societies.
a! The Haitian Revolution rvas fought
21. Maroon societies posed a serigus threat to MAIN LY because
the plantocracy in the Caribbeaii MAINLY
because Maroons (A) the enslaved wanted their freedom
(B) rich whites wanted autonomy from
(A) stole supplies from the plantatrons
(B) were knoun for their expertise in (C) free coloureds wanted equality with
guerrilla warfare whites
(C) grew crops such as sugar cane and (D) poor whites wanted greater respect
coffee for trade
from rich rvhites
(D) seryed as encouragement for slaves
to resist slavery


26. Which of the fbllowing factors BEST 30. Which of the following events galvanized
accounts for the success of the Haitian support for the abolitionists' cause In
Revolution? England?

(A) The religious rituals performed by L The persecution of Sarah Ann Gill
the leaders in Barbados
(B) The assistance rendered by the It. The death ofReverend John Smith
blacks from Santo Domingo in Demerara
(C) The hilly terrain in the interior IIL The persecution of William Knibb
which facilitated guerrilla and Thomas Burchell in Jamaica
(D; The use ofsophisticated European
(A) I and Il only
rr eapons by the revolutionaries
(B) I and IIIonly
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
27. Which of the following statements
accurately reflects the Mansfield Judgement
of 1772? 3l' Which of the following factors was a
consequence of emancipation?
(A) It abolished trading in enslaved (A) There was an increase in expons
African s.
of sugar.
(B) It outlawed enslavement in the (B) Absentee planters retumed to the
(c) It abolished enslavement in the (c) The former enslaved became
British Empire. inr olved in inremal marketing.
(D) It recognized the freedom of (D) The labour of freed people was
enslaved persons on their arrival
shared between plantation and
in Britain. peasant activity.

28. The claim that the reduction of profits a) The MOST popular occupation ofa former
from the sugar industry led to the ending enslaved woman in the British Caribbean
ofslavery is referred to as the after 1838 was that of

(A) dec line thesis (A) huckster

(B) econoc ide thesis
(B) seamstress
(C) convergence theory (C) innkeeper
(D) theory of supply and dem'gn9 (D) fish vendor

29. One of the provisions of the Amelioration 33. The MAIN factor that attracted peasants to
Proposals of 1823 was the the free villages was the

(A) restriction of Sunday Iabour (A) access to markets lor their crops
(B) restriction of slave marriages (B) variety of crops that could be
(c) granting of freedom to children cultivated
under six years of age (C) independence and sense of self
(D) requirement that the ens lav ed afforded them
attend Sunday church services (D) activity of missionaries in spreading


MAIN contribution of the peasantry to Item 38 refers to the follolving e\tract
3!t. The
the Caribbean between 1838 and 1900 rvas
"The social situation in the British
Caribbean in the 1930s likened to a pot
(A) exPansion of senlements left on the stove simmering. At times the
(B) diversification of the economY heat was raised, at times, even lowered, but
(C) inc rea se in intra-Caribbean the pot was never removed from the stove'
migration It was bound to boil over'"
(D) groMh in the number of landowners
J. Campbell & H. Cateau, Histor!.lor
the Caribbean in the Atlantic lVorld
C aribbean Exam inations Cotmcil
35. Why did planters in British Guiana import
more indentured labourers than their 2005, p. 126.

Jamaican counterparts?
38. Which of the following was NOT an

(A) The enslaved population was much ingredient in the ''simmering" pot?
smaller than in Jamaica.
(B) Planters were more innovatiYe than (A) The rvorldrlide economic
those in Jamaica. depression ofthe 1930s

(C) The cost of production was higher (B) The policy of the United States in
than in Jamaica. the Caribbean in the 1930s
(D) More labourers left the plantations (C) The state ofhealth among the poor
than in Jamaica. in the Caribbean
(D) The absence of the right to vote
among the lower classes in the
36. The creation of a free society in Haiti
between 1804 and 1825 was hindered by
39. Which ofthe following statements describes
(A) use offorced Iabour on plantations associated statehood in the British colonies
(B) domination of the towns bY in the twentieth century?
(C) division ofplantations into peasant (A) Colonies r,l'ere in charge of both
their internal and foreign
(D) establishment of a constitution in Po

the territorY (B) Britain controlled both the intemal

and foreign Policies of the
t:. co lon ies.

Jl. The MAIN factor which accounted for the

(C) Colonies were in charge of their
West Indian planters'decision to use lndian
foreign Po lic ie s but Britain
controlled their intemal policies'
indentured labour was thatthe Indians \vere
(D) Colonies controlled their internal
policies but Britain was in charge
(A) more industrious
(B) more available
of their foreign Polic ies'
(C) easier to control
(D) Iess likelY to complain


-7 -

40. During the first two years of the Cuban Item 43 refers to the follo\aing extract.
Revolution, the strategies or ideologies
practised by Fidel Castro rvere ''The picture then, is of two islands in the
Caribbean almost totally oriented to France
(A) socialism and fascism and content to be in that position."
(B) narionalization and collectivism
(C) communism and popularism S. C. Gordon, Caribbeon Generalions.
(D) commercializationandprivatization 1983. p. 299.
43. In the context ofthe French Departments.
41. By the 1970s, rhe MAJOR advances rn the two islands referred to were
Cuba were in the areas of
(A) Aruba and Cuadeloupe
(A) sports and cullure (B) Haiti and Dominica
(B) education and politics (c) Saint Luc ia and Martinique
(c) health and education (D) Martinique and Guadeloupe
(D) science and technology

44. In a French Overseas Department, the

42. One of the policies ofthe Cuban govemment prefect's responsibilities did NOT include
towards the Caribbean and Latin America
during the | 960s and 1970s was ro (A) controlling internal securit;
(B) fu nctioning independently
(A) isolate itself from the resr ol. the (C) regu laringoflcial documents
regton (D) representing the state of France
(B) treat rhe needs of the region with
(C) help other'Third World'nations to 45. Which of the following terrirories was NOT
become 'liberated' an overseas department of France?
(D) replace the United States as the
principal porver in the region (A) Haiti
(B) Maninique
(C) Guadeloupe
(D) French Guiana





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